Siwani Charter of Pravarasena II

Editor: Dániel Balogh.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSSiddham00163.

Language: Sanskrit.

Repository: Siddham (siddham).

Version: (88b44a4), last modified (f841691).



I. Anuṣṭubh

⟨1⟩ vākāṭaka-lalāmasya


⟨2⟩ krama-prāpta-nr̥pa-śriyaḥ


⟨3⟩ rājñaḫ pravarasenasya


⟨4⟩ śāsana⟨ṁ⟩ ripu-śāsana(M)



⟨Page 1v⟩ ⟨01⟩ dr̥ṣṭaM|| ⟨02⟩ siddhaM

⟨1⟩ Agniṣṭomāptoryyāmokthya-ṣoḍaśy-atirātra-vāja¿y?⟨p⟩eya-br̥haspati-sava⟨2⟩-sādyaskra-¿v?⟨c⟩atur-aśvamedha-yājinaḥ viṣṇuvr̥ddha-sagotrasya sa¿ṣ?⟨m⟩r¿a?⟨ā⟩¡Ṭ! vākāṭakānā⟨3⟩m mahārāja-śrī-pravarasenasya sūnoḥ sūnoḥ Atyanta-svāmi-mahā- ⟨4⟩ bhairava-bhaktasya A¡n!sa-bhāra-sanniv¿a?⟨e⟩śita-śiva-liṅgodvahana-śiva-suparituṣṭa⟨5⟩-samutpādita-rāja-va¡n!śānāM parākramādhigata-bhāgīratthy-¿ā?⟨a⟩mala-jala-mūrddhābhi⟨Page 2r⟩⟨6⟩ṣiktānāM daśāśvamedhāvabhr̥tha-snātānām bhāraśivānā(m) mahārāja-śrī-bhavanā⟨7⟩ga-dauhitrasya(~?) gautam¿i?⟨ī⟩putrasya putrasya~ vākāṭakānām mahārāja-śrī⟨8⟩-rudrasenasya sūnoḥ Atyanta-māheśvarasya~ satyārjjava-kāruṇya-śau⟨9⟩ryya-vikrama-naya-vinaya-māhātmya-dh¿i?⟨ī⟩ma¡tv!⟨ttv⟩a-pātra-gata-bhaktitva-dharmma-vijayi⟨10⟩tva-mano-nairmmalyādi-guṇa-samuditasya~ varṣa-śatam abhivarddhamāna-kośa⟨11⟩-daṇḍa-sādhana-santāna-putra-pautriṇaḥ yudhiṣṭhira-vr̥tter vvākāṭakānām mahārāja⟨Page 2v⟩⟨12⟩-śrī-pr̥thiv¿i?⟨ī⟩ṣeṇasya sūno⟨ḥ⟩ bhagavataś cakrapāṇeḥ prasādopārjjita⟨13⟩-śrī-samudayasya~ vākāṭakānām mahārāja-śr¿i?⟨ī⟩-rudrasenasya sūnoḥ ⟨14⟩ pūrvvarājānuvr̥tta-mārggānusāriṇaḥ sunaya-bala-parākkramo⟨15⟩cchinna-sarvva-dviṣaḥ mahārājādhirāja-śrī-devagupta-sutāyām prabhāvat¡i!⟨16⟩guptāyām utpannasya śambho⟨ḥ⟩ prasāda-dhr̥t¿i?⟨a⟩-kārtta-yugasya{ḥ} vākāṭaka⟨Page 3r⟩⟨17⟩va¡n!śālaṅkāra-(bh)ūtasya~ mahārāja-śrī-pravarasenasya vacanāT

beṇṇā- ⟨18⟩ kārppara-bhāge pravarddhamāna-rājya-sa⟨ṁ⟩¡vv!vatsare~ ¡Aṣṭādaśame!⟨aṣṭādaśe⟩~ phālgu⟨19⟩¿ṇ?⟨n⟩a-śukla-dvādaśyāM maudgalya-sagotrāya~ taittir¿i?⟨ī⟩yāyāddhvaryya⟨20⟩ve devaśarmmācāryyāyodakapūrvvaM sakoraṭaḥ sapañcāśatkaḥ ⟨21⟩ brahmapūrakan nāma grāmo ⟨’⟩tisr̥ṣṭaḥ⟨.⟩ vaṭapūrakasyottareṇa~ kiṇihikhe⟨22⟩ṭakasyāpareṇa, pavarajjavāṭakasya dakṣiṇena~ kollapūrakasya ⟨Page 3v⟩ ⟨23⟩ pūrvveṇa, sva-sīmā-par¿a?⟨i⟩cch¿a?⟨e⟩dena karañjaviraka-taṭe,

Atrāsmat-santakā(ḥ) ⟨24⟩ sarvvāddhyakṣa-n¿a?⟨i⟩yoga-n¿a?⟨i⟩yuktāḥ Ājñā-sañcāri-kulaputrādhikr̥tāḥ bhaṭāḥ ⟨25⟩ {ś}chāttrāś ca viśruta-pūrvvayā Ājñayā Ājñāpayitavyāḥ⟨.⟩ vidita⟨26⟩m astu ¿t?⟨v⟩aḥ yathaiṣo ⟨’⟩smābhiḥ Ātmano dharmmāyur-bbala-vijayaiśvaryya-v⟦r⟧ivr̥⟨d⟩dhaye ⟨27⟩ Ih¿a?⟨ā⟩mutra-hitārttham āt¿v?⟨m⟩ānugrahāya~ vaijayike dharmma-sthāne~ A-bhaṭa⟨Page 4r⟩⟨28⟩-cch¿a?⟨hā⟩tra-prāveśyaḥ A-pārampara-go-balivarddaḥ A-puṣpa-kṣīra-sandoha⟨ḥ⟩ A-cā⟨29⟩rāsana-carmmāṅgāraḥ A-l⟦i⟧⟨⟨a⟩⟩vaṇa-¡klinva!-kreṇi-khanakaḥ(~) sarvva-viṣṭi-parihāra⟨30⟩-parihr̥taḥ sanidhiḥ sopanidhiḥ sak¡li!⟨l̥⟩pt-opak¡li!⟨l̥⟩ptaḥ Ācandrāditya⟨31⟩-kāl¿i?⟨ī⟩yaḥ putra-pautr-ānugāmī~ bhujyamāno na kenacid vyāghātayi⟨32⟩tavyaḥ sarvva-kriyābhiḥ saṁrakṣitavyaḥ parivarddhayitavy¿ā?⟨a⟩ś ca⟨.⟩ yaś cāsma⟨33⟩c-chāsanam agaṇayamānaḥ svalpām api paribādhā¡n!⟨ṅ⟩ k¿a?⟨u⟩ryyāt ¡kārayīta!⟨kārayeta⟩⟨Page 4v⟩ ⟨34⟩ tasya brāhmaṇair āveditasya~ sa-daṇḍa-nigrahaṁ kuryyāma kārayema veti

⟨35⟩ senāpatau bāppadeve likhitaṁ Ācāryyeṇa|| Asmi⟨ṁ⟩ś ca dharm(m)ādhikara⟨36⟩ṇe At¿i?⟨ī⟩neka-rāja-datt¿ās ?⟨a-⟩saṁcintana-paripālana⟨ṁ⟩ kr̥ta-pu⟨37⟩ṇyānukīrtta⟨na-parihārārtthaṁ na kīrtta⟩yāmaḥ⟨.⟩ ¡Eṣyantat!-kāla-prabhaviṣṇūnaṁ gauravād bhaviṣyān vi⟨38⟩jñāpayāmaḥ|| vyāsa-gītau cātra ślokau pramāṇ¿i?⟨ī⟩-karttavyau||

I. Anuṣṭubh

⟨Page 5r⟩ ⟨39⟩ ṣaṣṭi-varṣa-sahasrāṇi


svargge modati bhūmi-daḥ


Ācchettā cānuma¿t?⟨n⟩⟨40⟩ ca


tāny eva narake vase¿ta?⟨T⟩

II. Anuṣṭubh

sva-dattām para-dattā⟨ṁ⟩ ¡vv!ā


yo hare⟨41⟩ta vasundharā¿ma?⟨M⟩


gavāṁ śata-sahasrasya


hantur harati duṣkr̥tam






⟨2⟩ -¿v?⟨c⟩atur- F-(ca)tur- M. — ⟨2⟩ sa¿ṣ?⟨m⟩r¿a?⟨ā⟩¡Ṭ! FsamrāṬ M • F emends in a footnote to samrāḍ-, and M likewise to samrājo. I find the latter preferable for standard grammar but prefer not to emend, since I believe that what the composer had in mind here was not a proper compound in the standard sense, but a string of adjectives qualifying Pravarasena, without declensional endings, but including the in-itself complete phrase phrase vākāṭakānām mahārāja. Thus, in standard grammar, his intent would be expressed by samrājo vākāṭakānāṁ mahārājasya or samrāḍ-vākāṭaka-mahārāja-.

⟨4⟩ -suparituṣṭa • Here, su may be a correction, possibly from pa.

⟨7⟩ -dauhitrasya(~?) F-dauhitrasya M • F shows the punctuation mark as clear and remarks that it is unnecessary. It is not visible at all in the estampages and not read by M, whereas subsequent punctuation marks (likewise dismissed as unnecessary by both Fleet and M) are clearly discernible. Since F alone had access to the originals, I accept his testimony that this punctuation mark is present.

⟨15⟩ -sarvva- F-sarva- M.

⟨18⟩ -bhāge F-bh¿ā?⟨o⟩ge M • The word bhāga as a territorial division is used in the Pattan Charter of Pravarasena II, while bhoga appears in the Dudia Charter of Pravarasena II. — ⟨18⟩ phālgu⟨19⟩¿ṇ?⟨n⟩a- Fphālgu⟨19⟩na- M.

⟨22⟩ pavarajjavāṭakasya Fpravarajjavāṭakasya M.

⟨23⟩ pūrvveṇa Mpurvveṇa F • Fleet does not emend, so this is probably a typo in his edition. — ⟨23⟩ -sīmā- M-simā- F • Fleet does not emend, so this is probably a typo in his edition. — ⟨23⟩ karañjaviraka- • Fleet tentatively offers the alternative reading karañjaciraka-. This cannot be excluded altogether, but does not seem likely. — ⟨23⟩ -santakā(ḥ) • The visarga is not visible in the estampage, but both previous editors show it.

⟨24⟩ sarvvāddhyakṣa Fsarvvādhyakṣa M. — ⟨24⟩ -n¿a?⟨i⟩yuktāḥ F-niyuktāḥ M. — ⟨24⟩ -kulaputrādhikr̥tāḥ F-kulaputrādhikr̥tā M.

⟨26⟩ -v⟦r⟧ivr̥⟨d⟩dhaye M-v⟦r̥⟧⟨⟨ri⟩⟩vr̥⟨d⟩dhaye F.

⟨27⟩ -sthāne~ F-sthāne M • As both F and M note, atisr̥ṣṭaḥ or an equivalent is missing after this word. In fact, related grants typically have apūrvva-datyā udaka-pūrvvam atisr̥ṣṭaḥ. This might be a case of eyeskip omission where instead of continuing with apūrvva, the scribe jumped to abhaṭa-. Compare the omission in line 37.

⟨29⟩ -¡klinva!- ⬦ -¿tlinva?⟨klinna⟩- F; -kli¿v?⟨nn⟩a- M • M’s reading is probably a typo and he did, in fact, read klinva. — ⟨29⟩ -khanakaḥ(~) F-khanakaḥ M • F prints the punctuation mark as clear (and dismissing it as superfluous). In the estampage, there seem to be four dots here, of which the leftmost two must be a visarga, although the upper one of the two is not straight above, but to the right of the lower. The fourth dot is probably a random surface defect, while the third may be a very short punctuation dash.

⟨33⟩ k¿a?⟨u⟩ryyāt Fkuryyāt M.

⟨35⟩ dharm(m)ādhikara⟨36⟩ṇe • According to Mirashi’s note, other cognates plates generally have dharmmādara-karaṇe here. In fact it seems that the two alternatives are attested in roughly equal numbers.

⟨37⟩ ¡Eṣyantat!- ⬦ Eṣya{nta}t- F M • In this formula, the spelling of the non-standard word is generally Eṣyatat- in related grants. It may be a local non-standard future participle or a persistent spelling mistake that had crept into the chancellery’s template. I wonder if the original composer’s intent may have been Eṣyat-tat- rather than Eṣyat-. In the Dudia Charter of Pravarasena II, the ta of Eṣyatat- is a subsequent scribal insertion, which clearly shows that it was considered essential by a contemporary editor. — ⟨37⟩ pramāṇ¿i?⟨ī⟩- Fpramāṇī- M.

Translation by Doe and Devadatta N.d.




The incipit comprises a block at the top left coner: dr̥ṣṭam is roughly in line with (very slightly above) l1 of the body text, while siddham is in line with the space between l1 and l2. The daṇḍas are at the same level as dr̥ṣṭam, but were probably meant to end and delimit this block as a whole. The first line of the text proper thus begins with an indent of about 3 character widths.


First published (with an eye copy, a partially accurate Devanagari transcript based on an eye copy, and an English translation) by James Prinsep (1836, pp. 726–731). Edited from the original plates by John Faithfull Fleet (1888, pp. 243–249, № 56), with inked estampages and translation. Re-edited by Vasudev Vishnu Mirashi (1963, pp. 28–32, № 7) from Fleet’s estampages, with a new translation. The present edition is based on a collation of Fleet’s and Mirashi’s editions with Fleet’s estampages.1


[P] Prinsep, James. 1836. “Facsimiles of various ancient inscriptions, lithographed by James Prinsep, Secretary As. Soc. &c.” JASB 5, pp. 340–349, 482–486, 554–561, 657–661, 724–731, 795. Pages 726–731.

[F] Fleet, John Faithfull. 1888. Inscriptions of the early Gupta kings and their successors. First edition. Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum 3. Calcutta: Superintendent of Government Printing. Pages 243–249, item 56.

[M] Mirashi, Vasudev Vishnu. 1963. Inscriptions of the Vākāṭakas. Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum 5. Ootacamund: Archaeological Survey of India. Pages 28–32, item 7.


  1. 1. Prinsep’s transcript, now of interest only for the history of scholarship, has not been collated.