Editorial Conventions
1. Semantic
and metrical structure (intrinsic structure)
Stanza in named metre
Stanza in metre without a
known name
1<lg n="2" met="+++++-++-+="/>
Verse line
1<l n="a">kāritam idan nr̥patinā</l>
Word divided across
verse lines (enjambement)
1<l n="a" enjamb="yes">tat-sūnus sakalārāti</l><l n="b">-mada-ccheda-karāyudhaḥ</l>
The hyphen at the beginning of the second line is editorial compound
segmentation; that at the end of the first line is the display for
2. Layout (extrinsic structure)
Beginning of inscribed zone
1<milestone type="pagelike" unit="zone" n="A"/>svasti śrī
The auto-generated label is based on the @unit
of the <milestone>
Beginning of
surface or zone, with editorial label
1<milestone type="pagelike" unit="item" n="N"/><label xml:lang="eng">Northern Doorjamb</label>svasti śrī
⟨Item N: Northern Doorjamb⟩svasti śrī
Editorial labels may be added when the auto-generated label is
Beginning of page
in copperplate inscription
Page numbers always consist of an Arabic number for the plate and
r(ecto) and v(erso) for its two faces.
Beginning of line
1<lb n="1"/>svasti śrī <lb n="2"/>kōpparakēcari
⟨1⟩ svasti śrī ⟨2⟩ kōpparakēcari
In physical view, line beginnings are shown in new lines.
of non-hierarchical division (fragment, masonry block, etc.)
1<lb n="1"/><milestone unit="block" n="a"/>svasti śrī <milestone unit="block" n="b"/>kōpparakēcari
⟨1⟩ ⟨Block a⟩svasti śrī ⟨Block b⟩kōpparakēcari
Word divided across break
1<lb n="1"/>…dhar<lb n="2" break="no"/>ma…
Breaks other than line beginnings take the same attribute when they
fall inside a word. In physical view, with line beginnings shown in new
lines, a hyphen is added at the end of the former line. If the break is
between elements of a compound word, the editorial hyphen for compound
analysis is at the beginning of the latter line.
3. Palaeographic features
Single symbol
representing a number above 9
1<g type="numeral">200</g>
Symbol interpreted as
1<g type="danda">.</g> ... <g type="dash">.</g>
Display depends on @type
Symbol interpreted as space
1<g type="squiggleVertical">§</g>
Display depends on @type
Uninterpreted symbol
1<g type="floretComplex"/> ... <g type="spiralR"/>
Display depends on @type
Small space between words
1viditam astu vo <space/> yathā
“Small” is defined as less than two typical character widths.
Large space between
words or semantic units
1viditam astu vo <space quantity="3" unit="character"/> yathā
viditam astu vo ___ yathā
The approximate size of the space is recorded in typical character
left blank because it was not possible to write in a given spot
1mahā<space type="binding-hole"/>rājaḥ
Other values of @type
for other reasons of inability to
write. The size of these spaces is never encoded.
left blank presumably with the intent to fill later
1tasmai <space type="vacat" quantity="5" unit="character"/> nāma grāmo dattaḥ
tasmai _____ nāma grāmo dattaḥ
The approximate size of the space is recorded in typical character
widths. The size of such spaces must always be encoded.
Space of uninterpreted
1parama-brahmaṇyaḥ <space type="unclassified" quantity="6" unit="character"/> mātā-pitr̥-pādānudhyātaḥ
parama-brahmaṇyaḥ ______ mātā-pitr̥-pādānudhyātaḥ
Size is to be encoded with @quantity
if the space is larger than two typical character
4. Scribal alterations in text
Characters added by
premodern scribe
1dha<add place="below" rend="mark">rma</add>
Attributes specify the locus of insertion and the presence of a
scribal mark.
deleted by premodern scribe but still legible
1dharma<del rend="strikeout">ma</del>
The manner of deletion is assumed to be erasure; other indications of
deletion are encoded in the attribute. If the deleted text is unclear or
only tentatively legible, this is encoded and displayed normally
(section 5).
deleted by premodern scribe and no longer legible
1<del><gap reason="illegible" quantity="1" unit="character"/></del>
The manner of deletion may be encoded as above. The number of
illegible deleted characters is encoded as in other lacunae (section
Scribal correction
1bottun<subst><del rend="corrected">u</del><add place="overstrike">a</add></subst>
The manner of deletion and the locus of addition may be encoded with
different attributes.
5. Imperfectly legible text
reading (characters would be ambiguous outside of their context)
This is without regard to the degree of damage and used in all cases
where a character or vestige that would be ambiguous or illegible
without its context is confidently read in context.
Tentative reading
1dha<unclear cert="low">rma</unclear>
This indicates reduced confidence in the reading, not reduced
legibility of the original.
reading with two or more possible alternatives
unknown number of characters irretrievably lost
1<gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/>
confidently estimated number of characters irretrievably lost
1<gap reason="lost" quantity="3" unit="character"/>
tentatively estimated number of characters irretrievably lost
1<gap reason="lost" quantity="3" unit="character" precision="low"/>
unknown number of characters illegible, but vestiges are present
1<gap reason="illegible" extent="unknown" unit="character"/>
confidently estimated number of characters illegible, but vestiges are
1<gap reason="illegible" quantity="3" unit="character"/>
tentatively estimated number of characters illegible, but vestiges are
1<gap reason="illegible" quantity="3" unit="character" precision="low"/>
unknown number of characters (encoded from previous edition that makes
no distinction between loss and illegibility)
1<gap reason="undefined" extent="unknown" unit="character"/>
confidently estimated number of characters (encoded from previous
edition that makes no distinction between loss and illegibility)
1<gap reason="undefined" quantity="3" unit="character"/>
tentatively estimated number of characters (encoded from previous
edition that makes no distinction between loss and illegibility)
1<gap reason="undefined" quantity="3" unit="character" precision="low"/>
confidently estimated number of lines
1<gap reason="lost" quantity="3" unit="line"/>
Similarly with reason “illegible” and “undefined”
tentatively estimated number of lines
1<gap reason="lost" quantity="3" unit="line" precision="low"/>
Similarly with reason “illegible” and “undefined”
Lacuna: unknown number of
1<gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="line"/>
[unknown number of lost lines]
Similarly with reason “illegible” and “undefined”
Lacuna affecting only
part of an akṣara
1<seg type="component" subtype="body"><gap reason="lost" quantity="1" unit="component"/></seg>ā
·t<seg type="component" subtype="vowel"><gap reason="lost" quantity="1" unit="component"/></seg>
Similarly with reason “illegible” and “undefined”
Lacuna in verse with known
1<seg met="+++-++"><gap reason="lost" quantity="6" unit="character"/></seg>
Similarly with reason “illegible” and “undefined”
Lacuna confidently
restored by editor
1dha<supplied reason="lost">r</supplied>ma
Similarly with reason “undefined”, but NOT with reason “illegible”.
If vestiges are present, a restoration is to be shown as an unclear
reading. The basis of restoration may be encoded with
Lacuna tentatively
restored by editor
1dha<supplied reason="lost" cert="low">r</supplied>ma
Similarly with reason “undefined”, but NOT with reason “illegible”.
If vestiges are present, a tentative restoration is to be shown as a
tentative reading. The basis of restoration may be encoded with
Lacuna with differently
treated parts
1<gap reason="illegible" quantity="10" unit="character" precision="low"/><seg met="+++-++"><gap reason="illegible" quantity="6" unit="character"/></seg><supplied reason="lost">abc</supplied>
6. Editorial intervention
Non-standard lexicon or
lexicon or spelling normalised by the editor
Erroneous or
unintelligible original
or unintelligible original corrected by the editor
omitted by scribe and restored by the editor (editorial addition)
1dha<supplied reason="omitted">rma</supplied>
omitted by the scribe and not restored by the editor
1catvāriṁśat samā<seg met="-="><gap reason="omitted" quantity="2" unit="character"/></seg>
Unrestored omissions tend to occur in metrical text, since without a
known prosodic pattern it is hard to be certain that something was
omitted unless the editor also knows what it was. But the same encoding
may also be used without <seg>
and @met
and also with @extent="unknown"
instead of
text engraved by scribe (e.g. dittography) and suppressed by the
or avagraha supplied to clarify editorial interpretation
1so <supplied reason="subaudible">’</supplied>dharmaḥ<supplied reason="subaudible">.</supplied>
in language other than the surrounding text, modern language written in
Latin script
1<foreign xml:lang="fra">vis-à-vis</foreign>
in language other than the surrounding text and the primary language of
the edition, modern or premodern language transliterated from non-Latin
1<foreign xml:lang="tel-Latn">cuvikaṇṭhi-</foreign>
Explanatory insertion in
1Kantacēṉaṉ <supplied reason="explanation">Skt. Skandasena</supplied>
Kantacēṉaṉ (Skt. Skandasena)
Tentative explanatory
1the Raṭṭa lord <supplied reason="explanation" cert="low">Amoghavarṣa I</supplied>
the Raṭṭa lord (Amoghavarṣa I?)
original word inserted in translation
1Temple <supplied reason="explanation"><foreign>tēvakulam</foreign></supplied>
inserted into translation for clarity or syntactical correctness
1Fiftieth <supplied reason="subaudible">year</supplied> of Nantippōttaracar
Fiftieth [year] of Nantippōttaracar
tentatively inserted for clarity or syntactical correctness
1<supplied reason="subaudible" cert="low">The donee</supplied> has been allocated a residence
[The donee?] has been allocated a residence
Unintelligible segment
in the original
1<gap reason="ellipsis"/>
Usually followed by the original segment in
<supplied reason="explanation"><foreign></foreign></supplied>
and optionally also by an explanatory note.
Untranslated segment
1<gap reason="ellipsis"/>
Followed by a note explaining why this text has not been
translation of bitextual phrase (śleṣa)
1who is attended by mercy as Droṇa <seg rend="pun">is followed by Kr̥pā</seg>
who is attended by mercy as Droṇa {is followed by Kr̥pā}