Fragment from Phanigiri

Editors: Anonymous editor.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSEIAD00106.

Language: Prakrit.

Repository: Early Andhra (tfb-eiad-epigraphy).

Version: (9fa90aa), last modified (5c8ec9e).


⟨1⟩ [1+](ma)titatho bhikhu(sa)[ṁ]⟨Fragment right⟩[ghena] ⟨2⟩ [°a]nuvasikaṁ dātavaṁ pavāraṇām(a)⟨3⟩he puphamolaṁ kāhāpaṇa cha 6 ⟨4⟩ gaṁthanasutasa palāni paṁca ⟨5⟩ (5)divatelasa (ca) kuḍo °e(ko) ⟨Fragment right⟩[1] ⟨6⟩ [4+](dh)[.] [2×][3+]


⟨1⟩ bhikhu(sa)[ṁ]⟨Fragment right⟩[ghena]bhikhu(saṁ)[ghena] Hinüber2013b • Compare the phrase bhikhusaṁghena dātavā in EIAD 105.

⟨2-3⟩ pavāraṇāmahe • The right arm of the ma is a bit long, and could be read as marking a ā. We however expect ma.

⟨3⟩ puphamolaṁ ⬦ puphamaulaṁ Hinüber2013b • The akṣara mo is however identical to that of EIAD 105, l. 14.

⟨5⟩ ca • If a ca is indeed intended, the akṣara is poorly realized and might be read va. — ⟨5⟩ °e(ko)⟨Fragment right⟩[1]°e(ko) Hinüber2013bHinüber2013b reconstructs the expected number 1 in the beginning of l. 6. There is, however, enough space for the number to have been included at the end of l. 5.

⟨6⟩ (dh)[.][2×](dh.rā/e) Hinüber2013b.


(...) the monks’ order must give at the (occasion of the) Pavāraṇā festival, as price for flowers six — 6 — kāhāpaṇas, for the string for tying (flowers) 5 — five — palas, one — (1) — kūḍa of lamp oil (...)


First described and edited by Chenna_Reddy2008 followed by Hinüber2013b. Re-edited here from published documentation.