Buddha image

Editors: Anonymous editor.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSEIAD00043.

Hand description:

Language: Prakrit.

Repository: Early Andhra (tfb-eiad-epigraphy).

Version: (505faae), last modified (35386f0).


Column A

⟨1⟩ mahase⟨2⟩napati ⟨3⟩ sūkacata ⟨4⟩ sa(cabh)ai⟨5⟩ya °eli⟨6⟩[1×](r)[.]ya

Column B

⟨1⟩ baṁdhuvagaṁ ⟨2⟩ kaṁṇasir(i)⟨3⟩puto °e⟨4⟩(l)[i] [2+]

Column C

⟨1⟩ °elicato ⟨2⟩ vairamaḍu⟨3⟩vai budha⟨4⟩[pa](ṭ)[i](ma) ⟨5⟩ thāvitaṁ


⟨4–5⟩ sa(cabh)aiya • The reading ca (which we initially read va) is quite curious, and might need to be revised. Likewise, the akṣara we read as bhai does not have a regular shape, and the serif seems very faint. It could also be read as gai.

⟨5–6⟩ °eli[1×](r)[.]ya • Our first reading of the vocalic marker attached to the ra was -e. However, if we take into consideration the fact that the visible element might not be the upper part of the ra, it is also possible to interpret it as a ri. There is also what remains of a vocalic mark on the preceding akṣara, which could as well be interpreted as an -i. Therefore, in light of the parallel with EIAD 51, l. 11, reading mahādeviya koda°elisiriya, it is possible to suggest a reconstruction °eli[s](ir)[i]ya.


The Great General Sūkacata sacabhaiya Eli…

The group of relatives, Eli…, son of Kaṇṇasirī...

Elicata established (this) Buddha image at Vairamaḍuva.


(2–3) 1


Previously unpublished; edited here from our photographs and after autopsy of the stone.


  1. 1. In EIAD 29 we have interpreted vaira as vajira; maḍuva could here stand for maṇḍapa.