Pillar from site 7-8 at Nagarjunakonda — reign of Siri-Ehavalacāntamūla, year 11

Editors: Anonymous editor.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSEIAD00051.

Hand description:

Language: Prakrit.

Repository: Early Andhra (tfb-eiad-epigraphy).

Version: (505faae), last modified (35386f0).


⟨1⟩ sidhaṁ <symbol>namo bhagavato samāsaṁ⟨2⟩budhasa mahārājasa vāseṭhiputasa ⟨3⟩ °ikhākunaṁ siri°ehuvala(cāta)mulasa sava (10)1 ⟨4⟩ [1×](pa) 1diva 7mahārājasa °agihotagidhomavājaveja⟨5⟩°asamadhayāyisa °ana(ka)hiraṇakoṭigosatasahasa⟨6⟩halasatasahasapadāyasa savathesu °apatihata⟨7⟩saṁkapasa vāseṭhiputasa °ikhākuna siricatam(ū)la(sa) ⟨8⟩ nattiya mahārājasa māṭhariputasa sirivirapurisa⟨9⟩datasa dhūtuya mahārājasa vāseṭhiputasa °ikhākunaṁ ⟨10⟩ siri°ehuvalacatamulasa bhaginiya vanavāsakamahārāja⟨11⟩mahādeviya koda°elisiriya °imaṁ cetiyaṁ vihār(o) ca ⟨12⟩ °acariyānaṁ mahisāsakānaṁ suparigahe cātudisaṁ ⟨13⟩ saghaṁ °udisāya savasatānaṁ hitasukhathaṁ ṭhāpitaṁ °acariye⟨14⟩na mahādhaṁmakāthik(e)na dhaṁma(gho)satherena °anuthitaṁ ti <symbol>


⟨2⟩ mahārājasa ⬦ mahārajasa Vogeld.

⟨3⟩ -mulasa ⬦ -mūlasa Vogeld.

⟨4⟩ °agihotagidhomavājaveja- ⬦ °agihotāgidhemavājaveja- Vogeld • Vogel notes: ““Read Agihot-Āgiṭhoma-Vājapeya.””

⟨5⟩ -madha- ⬦ -medha- Vogeld • Correct -medha-. — ⟨5⟩ °ana(ka)- ⬦ (aneka)- Vogeld • Correct °aneka-.

⟨6⟩ -padāyasa ⬦ -padāy(i)sa Vogeld • No trace of i is visible.

⟨7⟩ -catamula(sa)-c(ā)tamūla(sa) Vogeld • No trace of ā is visible. — ⟨7⟩ °ikhākuna ⬦ °ikhākuna(ṁ) Vogeld.

⟨10⟩ -catamulasa ⬦ -c(ā)tamūla(sa) Vogeld • No traces are visible of ā or of ū; sa is certain enough. — ⟨10⟩ bhaginiya vanavāsaka- ⬦ bhaginiyā vānavāsaka- Vogeld.

⟨11⟩ koda°elisiriya- ⬦ koda(ba)lisiriya Vogeld. — ⟨11⟩ cetiyaṁ Nilakantha_Sastrikhaniyaṁ Vogeld.

⟨12⟩ mahisāsakānaṁ ⬦ mahi(sā)sakānaṁ Vogeld • Vogel notes “The third syllable sa is still traceable,” probably meaning .

⟨13⟩ saghaṁ ⬦ sa(ṁ)ghaṁ Vogeld. — ⟨13⟩ hitasukhathaṁ ⬦ hitasukhāthaṁ Vogeld.

⟨14⟩ dhaṁma(gho)satherena Vogeld • Vogel notes: “The third akshara [in Dhaṁma(gho)sa-] has become very faint. At first I felt inclined to read Dhaṁmayasa, but the long horizontal base-stroke which is still clear rather suggests the letter gha.” On the stone and in RTI images, we also recognise the traces of the o vocalization, so the reading is secure.


(1–4) Success! Homage to the Bhagavant, the Perfect Buddha. In the 11th year of Great King Vāsiṭṭhīputta Siri-Ehuvalacāntamūla of the Ikṣvākus, in the 1st fortnight of (?), on the 7th day.

(4–14) Koda-elisirī — grand-daughter of Great King Vāsiṭṭhīputta Siri-Cāntamūla of the Ikṣvākus, sacrificer of the Agnihotra, the Agniṣṭoma, the Vājapeya and the Aśvamedha, giver of tens of million of (pieces of) gold, hundreds of thousands of cows, hundreds of thousands of plows (of land), whose will is unimpeded in all matters, daughter of Great King Māṭharīputta Siri-Vīrapurisadatta; sister of Great King Vāsiṭṭhīputta Siri-Ehuvalacāntamūla of the Ikṣvākus; chief wife of Great King of the Vanavāsakas — established this shrine and a monastery in the firm possession (suparigaha) of the Mahīśāsaka teachers, having assigned (them) to the universal saṁgha, for the sake of the well-being and happiness of all beings. (The construction) was carried out by (i.e., under the supervision of) the master, the great Dharma-preacher, the Elder Dhammaghosa.


First described and edited by Vogeld. Edited again, from the EI estampage, by Sircar1942 and Sircar1965. Re-edited here from the Leiden estampage and after autopsy of the stone.





