Dhanaidaha Plate, Year 113 GE

Editors: Dániel Balogh, Amandine Wattelier-Bricout.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSBengalCharters00031.

Hand description:

Language: Sanskrit.

Repository: Bengal Copper Plates (tfb-bengalcharters-epigraphy).

Version: (3fe4f5f), last modified (2e18c42).


⟨1⟩ […] [sa]mvatsara-(śa)t[e] trayodaśotta⟨2⟩[re][ca. 23+]

[asyā]¿n? d(i)vasa-pūrvvāyāṁ parama-daivata-para⟨3⟩[ma-bhaṭṭāraka-][ca. 16+] kuṭu(mbi) [ca. 3+] brāhmaṇa-śivaśarmma-nāgaśarmma-maha⟨4⟩[ca. 19+]vakīrtti-kṣemadatta-goṣṭhaka-varggapāla-piṅgala-śuṅkuka-kāla- ⟨5⟩ [ca. 21+]viṣṇu-(deva)śarmma-viṣṇubhadra-khāsaka-Umaka-gopāla- ⟨6⟩ [ca. 18+](sa?)su śrībhadra-somapāla-rāmā(dyāḥ) grāmāṣṭa-kulādhikaraṇañ ca ⟨7⟩ [ca. 15+]viṣṇu(ṇā) vijñāpitā⟨.⟩

Iha khādā(ṭa?)pāra-viṣaye ’nuvr̥tta-maryyādā-sthi(ti)- ⟨8⟩ [ca. 15+]nīvī-dharmma-kṣayeṇa labhya(te)

(ta)d arhatha mamādyānenaiva kkrame¿n?⟨ṇ⟩a dā(tuṁ) ⟨9⟩ [ca. 14+]samety(ā?)bhihitai(ḥ?) sarvvam eva (jñā?)kara-prative(śi?)-kuṭumbibhir avasthāpya ka⟨10⟩[ca. 14+]ri [ca. 1×] kana [ca. 1×] yad ito [ca. 2×] (ta)d avadhr̥tam iti⟨.⟩

yatas tatheti pratipādya ⟨11⟩ [ca. 11+] [aṣṭaka-na]vaka-nalā(bhyā)m apaviñchya kṣetra-kulya-vāpam ekaṁ datta[ṁ]⟨.⟩ tataḥ Āyuktaka- ⟨12⟩ [ca. 14+](bhrā?)tr̥-kaṭaka-vāstavya-chandoga-brāhmaṇa-varāhasvāmino dattaṁ ta(dbhava)⟨13⟩[ca. 16+]bhūmyā dā(nākṣe)pe ca guṇāguṇam anucintya śarīra-k(ā)ñcanakasya ci⟨14⟩[ra-cañcalatvaṁ] [ca. 10+] [.]ā

(u)ktañ ca bhagavatā dvaipāyanena

I. Anuṣṭubh

svadattām para-dattām vā


⟨15⟩ [yo hareta vasundharām]


[sa viṣṭhāyāṁ kr̥mir bhūtvā]


[pitr̥](bhiḥ) saha pacyat¿i?⟨e⟩

II. Anuṣṭubh

ṣaṣṭiṁ varṣa-sahasrā¿n?⟨ṇ⟩i


svargge modati (bhū)midaḥ


⟨16⟩ [Ākṣeptā cānumantā ca]


[tāny eva narake vaset]

III. Anuṣṭubh

(pū)rvva-dattāṁ dvijātibhyo


yatnād rakṣa yudhiṣṭhira


mahīṁ (mahī)[matāñ cchreṣṭha]


⟨17⟩ [dānāc chreyo ’nupālanam]


[ca. 10+]ya(ṁ) (su?)śrībhadrena Utkīrṇṇaṁ sth(ā)¿ṇna?⟨ṇe⟩śvaradāse(na) [ca. 5+]


⟨1⟩ […][sa][…][śrī-kumāragupta-rāja-sa] RDB; […] RB; [oṁ| catur-udadhi-salilāsvāditayaśaso mahārājādhirāja-śrī-kumāraguptasya] DSC1 DSC2; [ca. 20+][sa] PKA; [siddhaM| catur-udadhi-salilāsvāditayaśaso mahārājādhirāja-śrī-kumāraguptasya] [sa] DBAgrawala 1983, p. 36, note 2: “Most probably here preceded the date in numerals saṁ 100 10 3”. Sircar 1965 Balogh et al. 2019 suggest the following reconstruction: [siddhaM | catur-udadhi-salilāsvādita-yaśaso mahārājādhirāja-śrī-kumāraguptasya]⟨1⟩ -(śa)t[e]-śa(te) DSC1 DSC2 PKA DB; śata- RDB; śat[e] RB. — ⟨1⟩ °daśotta⟨2⟩[re] DB°daśutta[ra] ⟨2⟩ RDB; °daśotta ⟨2⟩ ⟨2⟩ RB; daśotta[re] ⟨2⟩ DSC1 DSC2 PKABandyopādhyāya 1909 suggests reading °daśottare in note 4. Basak 1923–1924 suggests reading °daśottare in note.

⟨2⟩ [ca. 23+] DB[…] RDB RB; [saṁ 100 20 3][…] DSC1 DSC2; [ca. 20+] PKA • I suggest assuming an ordinal number of the day and the name of the month or a place name here, see my note in the translation. — ⟨2⟩ [asyā]¿n? d(i)vasa- DB[…]nd(i)vasa- RB; [asyā](ndi)vasa- RDB DSC1 DSC2 PKA • The word asyāṁ is an emendation based on the occurrence of the expression asyāṁ divasa-pūrvāyāṁ in others plates: see the Govindnagar Buddha Image Inscription of the Time of Kumāragupta I (see Balogh et al. 2019, № IN00027), the Karamdāṁdā Stone Liṅga Inscription of Kumāragupta I (see Balogh et al. 2019, № IN00025) and the Mathura Jaina Image Inscription of the time of Kumāragupta I (see Balogh et al. 2019, № IN00022). — ⟨2⟩ -pūrvvāyāṁ RB DSC1 DSC2 PKA DB-purvvāyāṁ RDB. — ⟨2⟩ parama-daivata-para° RB DSC1 DSC2 PKAparama-daivata-para[ma] RDBBasak 1923–1924 suggests reading parama-daivata-parabhaṭṭāraka. As the akṣara °ra° is on the border of the plate, the final one ma supplied by Bandyopādhyāya 1909 can be assumed but not at the end of this line. — ⟨2⟩ -para⟨3⟩[ma-bhaṭṭāraka-][ca. 16+]kuṭu(mbi) [ca. 3+] brāhmaṇa- ⬦ -para⟨3⟩[ma-bhaṭṭāraka-][mahārājādhirāja-śrī-kumāragupte pr̥thivīpatau] kuṭu(mbi) [ca. 3+] brāhmaṇa- DSC2 DB; -parama ⟨3⟩ […] kṣudra[ka nivāsinaḥ] brāhmaṇa RDB; -para⟨3⟩ […] [ā] kuṭu(mbi) […] brāhmaṇa- RB; [ma-bhaṭṭāraka-mahārājādhirāja-śrī-kumāraguptaḥ] […] kuṭu(mbi) DSC1; -para⟨3⟩[ma-bhaṭṭāraka-mahārājādhirāja-śrī-kumāragupte pr̥thivīpatau] […] kuṭu(mbi) […] brāhmaṇa- PKASircar 1942 first suggests reading samavetānkuṭumbinaḥ grāmika-brāhmaṇa°. In my translation, I suggest another conjecture for the gap.

⟨3⟩ -maha RDB RB DSC1 DSC2 PKA DBBasak 1923–1924 suggests : “Read, perhaps, mahattara-.”

⟨4⟩ [ca. 19+]vakīrtti- DB[…]de[]vakīrtti- RDB; […]vakīrtti- RB DSC1 DSC2; [ca. 20+]vakīrtti- PKA. — ⟨4⟩ -kṣemadatta- RB DSC1 DSC2 PKA DB-kṣamavanta- RDB. — ⟨4⟩ -śuṅkuka-kāla- RB DSC1 DSC2 DB-[śu]ṅkuka-kāla- RDB; -śaṅkuka-kāla- PKABandyopādhyāya 1909, p. 461 adds in note 2 : “The word may also be read (bru?) ṅkuka”.

⟨5⟩ [ca. 21+]viṣṇu- ⬦ [ca. 20+](pa?)viṣṇu- DB; […] vīṣya- RDB; […] [pa]viṣṇu- RB; […] paviṣṇu- DSC1; […] viṣṇu- DSC2; [ca. 20+] viṣṇu- PKABandyopādhyāya 1909, p. 460 suggests understanding the name Viśvadevaśarman. — ⟨5⟩ -viṣṇubhadra- RB DSC1 DSC2 PKA DB-viṣyabhadra- RDBBandyopādhyāya 1909, p. 460 suggests understanding the name Viśvabhadra. — ⟨5⟩ -khāsaka- RB DSC1 DSC2 PKA DB-khuṣaka- RDB. — ⟨5⟩ Umaka ⬦ -rāmaka- RB DSC1 DSC2 PKA DB; Upaka- RDB.

⟨6⟩ (sa?)su ⬦ [ca. 18+](sasu?) DB; […] [sasu] RB; […] RDB DSC1 DSC2; [ca. 20+] PKA. — ⟨6⟩ śrībhadra- RB DSC1 DSC2 PKA DBśībhadra° RDB. — ⟨6⟩ -somapāla- RB DSC1 DSC2 PKA DB°stham-apaha° RDB. — ⟨6⟩ -rāmā(dyāḥ)-rāmā(dyāḥ?) PKA DB; -rām[ādyāḥ] RB; -(rāmādyāka?) DSC1 DSC2; °ra[ṇa]bhyā- RDB. — ⟨6⟩ °dhikaraṇañ ca _°dhikaraṇañ ca RB DSC1 DSC2 PKA DB; °dhikaraṇ[…] RDB.

⟨7⟩ [ca. 15+] • I suggest emending the expression kuśalam anuvarṇya bodhayanti. In support of this suggestion, one can compare it with these seven following examples, which are all contemporary with the present inscription : Kalaikuri-Sultanpur Plate, line 2 : (k)uśalam anuvarṇya bodhayanti, Jagadispur Charter, lines 2-3 : kuśalam āśāsya bodhayanti, Raktamālā #1, line 2 : bodhayanti, Baigram Charter, lines 2-3 : kuśalam anuvarṇya bodhayanti, Nandapur Plate, line 2 : kuśalam anuvarṇṇya bodhayanti, grant of land to monasteries at Śiṣīpuñja, Madhyamasṛgālikā and Grāmakūṭagohālī, line 3 : kuśalam uk[tvānu](bo)dhayanti , Raktamālā #2, line 2 : k(u)[śa](la)m uktvā bodhayanti. — ⟨7⟩ viṣṇu(ṇā)[ca. 15+]viṣṇu(nā?) DB; […] caraṇa- RDB; […] (viṣṇunā?) RB; […] viṣṇu(nā?) DSC1; […] viṣṇu¿nā?⟨ṇā⟩ DSC2; [ca. 20+]viṣṇu(nā?) PKA. — ⟨7⟩ vijñāpitā ⟨.⟩ _ Iha khādā(ṭa?)- ⬦ vijñāpitā Iha khādā(ṭa?)- DB; vijñāpita[…]mahā khuṣā° RDB; vijñāpitā Iha khādā(ṭā?)- RB DSC1 DSC2; vijñāpitā Iha khā(dyāṭa?)- PKA. — ⟨7⟩ °pāra- RDB RB DSC1 DSC2 DB°pāka- PKA. — ⟨7⟩ ’nuvr̥tta- RB DSC1 DSC2 PKA DBnivatta RDBBandyopādhyāya 1909, p. 461 suggests reading nibaddha in note 4. — ⟨7⟩ -sthi(ti)- RB DSC1 DSC2 PKA DB-sthiti- RDB.

⟨8⟩ [ca. 15+]nīvī- DB[…] nīvī- RDB RB DSC1 DSC2; [ca. 20+]nīvī- PKA. — ⟨8⟩ dharmma-kṣayeṇa RB DSC1 DBdharmma-kṣayam ā° RDB; dharmm(ā)-kṣayeṇa DSC2 PKASircar 1942 suggests for kṣa an alternative reading in brackets followed by a question mark : kkra. In note 3 p.281, he adds this suggestion : “Or dharmātkrayeṇa ?” — ⟨8⟩ labhya(te)(ta)d arha° RB DSC1 DSC2 PKA DB°labhya[…]darha° RDB. — ⟨8⟩ mamādyānenaiva RB DSC1 DSC2 PKA DB°m-āśādya nanu va° RDBSircar 1942, p. 281 suggests understanding mahyaṁ for mama in note 4. — ⟨8⟩ kkrame¿n?⟨ṇ⟩a dā(tuṁ) RB DSC1 DSC2 PKA DB°kkra le[na][…] RDB.

⟨9⟩ [ca. 14+]same° DB[…]pa[le] RDB; […] same° RB DSC1 DSC2; [ca. 20+]same° PKA. — ⟨9⟩ °ty(ā?)bhihitai(ḥ?) RB DSC1 DSC2 PKA DB°ty-abhihita RDB. — ⟨9⟩ sarvvam eva RB DSC1 DSC2 PKA DBsarvva laṁva RDB. — ⟨9⟩ (jñā?)kara- RB DB[…]kara RDB; [2+] kara- DSC1 DSC2 PKASircar 1942, p. 281 first suggested reading kāra or ājñākara in note 5. Then he suggested : “Probably kṣetrakara” in Sircar 1965, p. 288, note 8. — ⟨9⟩ -prative(śi?)-ku° RB DSC1 DSC2 PKA DB°prati prati ku° RDB.

⟨10⟩ [ca. 14+]ri [ca. 1×] kana DB[…]parityaktena RDB; […] ri […] kana RB DSC1 DSC2 PKA. — ⟨10⟩ [ca. 1×] yad ito [ca. 2×] (ta)d avadhr̥tam RB DSC1 DSC2 PKA DBya vi[ca. 1×]ca[ca. 1×]dahyakam RDB. — ⟨10⟩ avadhr̥tam iti⟨.⟩ _ yatas ⬦ avadhr̥tam iti yatas RDB RB DSC1 DSC2 PKA DB. — ⟨10⟩ °tas tatheti RB DSC1 DSC2 PKA DB°tas t(y)ajati RDB.

⟨11⟩ [ca. 11+] [aṣṭaka-na]vaka-nalā(bhyā)m apa° DB[…]vara nalāka sa[da] RDB; […] vaka-nalā(bhyā)m apa° RB; […] [aṣṭaka-na]vaka-nalā(bhyā)m apa° DSC1 DSC2 PKABasak 1923–1924, p. 347 already suggests reading aṣṭaka navaka-nalābhyām in note 12. I follow his suggestion by comparing the different occurrences of this expression in several plates coming from the same period : see Raktamālā #1 line 21, Baigram Plate lines 18-19, Tāvīra Grant lines 16-17, Paharpur Plate lines 19-20, Nandapur Plate line 14, A grant of land to monasteries at Śiṣīpuñja, Madhyamasṛgālikā and Grāmakūṭagohālī lines 23-24 and Raktamālā #2 lines 20-21. — ⟨11⟩ °viñchya kṣetra- RB DSC1 DSC2 PKA DBvi[1+]chya[…] RDB. — ⟨11⟩ -kulya-vāpam ekaṁ RB DSC1 DBkṛtya vasa-la[ka] RDB; -kulya-vāp¿am ekaṁ?⟨aḥ ekaḥ⟩ DSC2. — ⟨11⟩ datta[ṁ]⟨.⟩ tataḥ ⬦ dattaṁ tataḥ RB DB; datta tataḥ RDB; dattaṁ⟨.⟩ tataḥ DSC1 PKA; datta¿ṁ?⟨ḥ⟩⟨.⟩ tataḥ DSC2. — ⟨11⟩ Āyuktaka- RB DSC1 DSC2 PKA DBsuyuktaka- RDB.

⟨12⟩ [ca. 14+](bhrā?)tr̥-kaṭa° DB[…][bhū] kaṭa° RDB; […][1+](bhrā?)tr̥-kaṭa° RB DSC1 DSC2; [ca. 20+][bhrā]tr̥-kaṭa° PKA. — ⟨12⟩ -vāstavya- RB DSC1 DSC2 PKA DB°vante[bhya] RDB. — ⟨12⟩ -chandoga- RB DSC1 DSC2 PKA DBchānda[śa] RDB. — ⟨12⟩ °svāmino RB DSC1 DSC2 PKA DB°svāmine RDBSircar 1942, p. 281 suggests correcting svāmino by svāmine in note 7 (repeated in note 1 Sircar 1965, p. 289). — ⟨12⟩ dattaṁ ta(dbhava)dattaṁ taddha(va?) RB DB; dattaṁ tadva[…] RDB; dattaṁ⟨.⟩ ta(dbhava) DSC1; datta¿ṁ?⟨m⟩⟨.⟩ ta(dbhava) DSC2 PKA.

⟨13⟩ [ca. 16+]bhūmyā DB[…]bhūmyā RDB RB DSC1 DSC2; [ca. 20+]bhūmyā PKASircar 1965, n. 1, p. 289 suggests restoring for the end of the line 12 and the beginning of the following by bhavadbhiḥ sarvair evānumodyānupālanīyaṃ. — ⟨13⟩(nākṣe)pe RB DSC1 DSC2 PKA DB°dānkṣe[pa] RDB. — ⟨13⟩ guṇāguṇam RB DSC1 DSC2 PKA DBśu[nu] guṇam RDB. — ⟨13⟩ k(ā)ñcanakasya DBka[lyā]nakasya RDB; k¿a?⟨ā⟩ñcanakasya RB DSC1 DSC2 PKA. — ⟨13⟩ ci⟨14⟩[ra-cañcalatvaṁ] [ca. 10+] [.]ā DBco[…]⟨14⟩śa RDB; ci⟨14⟩[…]ā RB; ci⟨14⟩[ra-cañcalatvaṁ] […] [.] DSC1 DSC2 PKA.

⟨14⟩ para-dattām vā RB DSC1 DSC2 PKA DBpara-dattām bā RDBSircar 1942, p. 281 suggests para-dattā¿m?⟨ṁ⟩ (repeated in note 2 Sircar 1965, p. 289).

⟨15⟩ [yo hareta vasundharām sa viṣṭhāyāṁ kr̥mir bhūtvā pitr̥](bhiḥ) DSC1 DSC2 DB[…]tr̥bhiḥ RDB; […](bhiḥ) RB; [yo hareta vasundharām sa viṣṭhāyāṁ kr̥mir bhūtvā pitr̥]bhiḥ PKA. — ⟨15⟩ pacyat¿i?⟨e⟩pacyate RB DSC1 DSC2 PKA DB; pacyati RDB. — ⟨15⟩ ṣaṣṭiṁ RB DSC1 DSC2 PKA DBṣaṣṭi(ṁ) RDB. — ⟨15⟩ -sahasrā¿n?⟨ṇ⟩i RB DSC1 DSC2 PKA DB-sahasrāṇi RDB. — ⟨15⟩ (bhū)midaḥ RB DSC1 DSC2 PKA DBbhūmida(ḥ) RDB.

⟨16⟩ [Ākṣeptā cānumantā ca tāny eva narake vaset](pū)rvva-dattāṁ DSC1 DSC2 DB[…]pūrvva-dattāṁ RDB; […](pū)rvva-dattāṁ RB; [Ākṣeptā cānumantā ca tāny eva narake vaset pū]rvva-dattāṁ PKA. — ⟨16⟩ dvijātibhyo RB DSC1 DSC2 PKA DBdvijātibhya⟨ḥ⟩ RDB. — ⟨16⟩ mahīṁ (mahī)[matāñ cchreṣṭha] RB DSC1 DSC2 PKA DBmahī[…] RDB.

⟨17⟩ [dānāc chreyo ’nupālanam][ca. 10+]ya(ṁ) (su?)śrībhadrena DB[…][o]yam śrī bhadrena RDB; […]ya(ṁ) (su?)śrībhadre¿n?⟨ṇ⟩a RB; [dānāc chreyo ’nupālanam][…]ya(ṁ)[…]śrībhadrena DSC1 DSC2; [dānāc chreyo ’nupālanam][…]yaṁ […]bhadre¿n?⟨ṇ⟩a PKASircar 1942, p. 282 also suggests supplying likhitā paṭṭikeyaṁ amātyabhadreṇa in note 1 (repeated in note 3 Sircar 1965, p. 289. — ⟨17⟩ Utkīrṇṇaṁ RDB RB DSC1 DSC2 DBUtkīrṇṇā PKA. — ⟨17⟩ sth(ā)¿ṇna?⟨ṇe⟩śvara° ⬦ sthambheśvara° DSC1 DSC2 DB; sthahneśvara° RDB; ¿stha?⟨sta⟩mbheśvara° RB; sth(ā)ṇveśvara° PKA. — ⟨17⟩ °dāse(na) RB DSC1 DSC2 PKA DB°dāse[na] RDB. — ⟨17⟩ [ca. 5+] DBBasak 1923–1924, Sircar 1942 and Sircar 1965 end the inscription without mention lost characters. Bandyopādhyāya 1909 and Agrawala 1983 both note a possible lost of characters without defining its extent. In my opinion, one could emend the word tāpitam or likhitam, as in the end of the Jagadishpur Plate, the Raktamālā #1, the Tāvīra Plate or the Raktamālā #2.

Draft of translation

(1–7) 1 in the year one hundred exceeded by thirteen 2 from the […][ Xth] day [of the month X](loss of about 23 akṣaras at the beginning of the line 2), 3 [ the officer](āyukta) [3+](probably : named XXX), [graced by the feet of] [pādānuddhyāta] the Supreme Majesty and Supreme (parama-daivata-para)[ma-bhaṭṭāraka-] Lord4 and the council composed of the nobles of the eight villages (grāmāṣṭakulādhiraṇañ ca) Śrībhadra, Somapāla, Rāma and others (śrībhadra-somapāla-rāmā(dyāḥ?)) […][greet and inform] (kuśalam anuvarṇya bodhayanti)5 the householder [3+](line 3) (named X)6 and the brahmins Śivaśarman, Nāgaśarman, Maha[18+]( beginning of the line 4), [1+]vakīrtti, Kṣemadatta,7 Goṣṭhaka, Vargapāla, Piṅgala, Śuṅkuka, Kāla[…], [21+]( beginning of the line 5)[…]viṣṇu,8 Devaśarman, Viṣṇubhadra, Khāsaka, Umaka,9 Gopāla, [18+](line 6) [residing in](sasu)10

(7) [15+](line 7)viṣṇu (4 last missing akṣaras at the beginning of the line 7) petition as follows :

(7–10) Here, in the district of Khāḍāṭapāra, the established custom is [15+](line 8) there is destruction of the law of [permanent] endowment11 Thus (tad), be so kind as to give me today acccording to this procedure [14+](line 9) once [the money] is collected, when the neighbouring householders executing the orders ( ājñakara) who are addressed have precisely established all of this, [14+](line 10) (ri) [1+](line 10) (kana) thus (yad), from now on, it has been ascertained what it follows :

(10–11) After (this request) has been accepted by the words “be it so” (tatheti), after separating (the land) by two reeds (measuring) [eight by] ninefold [11+] (line 11)12 one kulya-vāpa of land is given.

(11–12) Then, [by ?] the officer (āyuktaka) [14+](line 12) the acquiring of this land (tadbhava-)13 is given to the brahmin Varāhasvāmin (belonging to the) Chandoga (tradition)14 residing in (Bhā)tṛkaṭaka [14+](line 12).

(13–14) [16+] and after considering the merit and the demerit in the case of confiscation (akṣepa) of a gift of a land (and) [the unconstancy during the time] (cira-cañcalatva) of body and gold (śārira-kāñcanakasya)15 [10+](line 14)(ā).

(14) It has been said by the lord Dvaipāyana:

[The one who would steal land] given by himself or another [becomes a worm in excrement and] is cooked with his ancestors.16
The giver of land resides sixty thousand years in heaven; [the one who challenges (a donation) as well as the one who approves (of the challenge) will reside as many (years) in hell].17
You, Yudhiṣṭhira, most excellent of kings, must strenuously protect land previously given to brahmins. [Safeguarding is even better than giving].18

(17) [10+](line 17) (yaṁ) engraved by the excellent Śrībhadra (suśrībhadrena) [written by or heated by]19 Sthāṇeśvaradāsa.



First noticed and edited in Bandyopādhyāya 1909. Re-edited in Basak 1923–1924, Sircar 1942 (revised in Sircar 1965), Agrawala 1983 and in Balogh et al. 2019. Discussed in Basak 1925, pp. 475–496. The text is reedited here by Amandine Wattelier-Bricout based on the photos of the plate and RTI furnished by Arlo Griffiths and using a digital edition created by Dániel Balogh for the Siddham project as starting point. Since some readings differ from the previous editions, they are reported in the apparatus.


[RDB] Bandyopādhyāya, Rākhāla Dāsa. 1909. “Two Inscriptions of Kumāra Gupta I.” JASB NS 5, pp. 457–461.

[RB] Basak, Radhagovinda. 1923–1924. “Dhanaidaha copper-plate inscription of the time of Kumaragupta I: The year 113.” EI 17, pp. 345–348. Pages 345–8.

[DSC1] Sircar, Dines Chandra. 1942. Select inscriptions bearing on Indian history and civilization. Volume I: from the sixth century B.C. to the sixth century A.D. 1st edition. Calcutta: University of Calcutta. Pages 280–2.

[DSC2] Sircar, Dines Chandra. 1965. Select inscriptions bearing on Indian history and civilization. Volume I: from the sixth century B.C. to the sixth century A.D. 2nd edition revised and enlarged. Calcutta: University of Calcutta. Pages 287–9.

[PKA] Agrawala, Prithvi Kumar. 1983. Imperial Gupta Epigraphs (गुप्ताधिराजलेखमण्डल). Ancient Indian Epigraphical Sources (प्रत्नाभिलेखसंहिता) X.1. Varanasi: Books Asia. Pages 36–8.

[DB] Balogh, Dániel, Csaba Kiss and Eszter Somogyi. 2019. “Siddham Epigraphic Archive - Texts in EpiDoc [Data set].” Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2574901. [URL]. Item IN00023.


Bhandarkar, Devadatta Ramakrishna. 1927–1936. A list of the inscriptions of northern India in Brahmi and its derivative scripts, from about 200 A. C.: Appendix to Epigraphia Indica and record of the Archaeological Survey of India, volumes XIX to XXIII. Calcutta: Archaeological Survey of India. [URL]. Page 172, entry 1267.

Goyal, Śrīrām. 1993. गुप्तकालीन अभिलेख/Guptakālīna Abhilekha (Inscriptions of the Gupta Age). Jodhpur: Kusumanjali Prakashan. Pages 151–2.


  1. 1. For the incipit of the plate, several emendations are possible : Sircar 1965 suggests oṁ, while Balogh et al. 2019 prefers siddham like in the incipit of the Mathura Jaina Image Inscription of the time of Kumāragupta I (see Balogh et al. 2019, № IN00022). If we consider the incipit of the plates produced under the authority of Kumāragupta I, we can also suggest svasti as in the Kalaikuri-Sultanpur Plate, the Jagadispur Charter and the Baigram Charter.
  2. 2. Sircar 1965, followed by Balogh et al. 2019, suggests emending catur-udadhi-salilāsvādita-yaśaso mahārājādhirāja-śrī-kumāraguptasya. Whereas neither of them gives an explanation, one can assume they borrow this expression from its occurences in the Karamdāṁdā Stone Liṅga Inscription of Kumāragupta I (line 2, see Konow 1909–1910 and Balogh et al. 2019, № IN00025) and in the Gaya Grant of Samudragupta (line 2, see Fleet 1888, № 60, pp. 254–257 and Balogh et al. 2019, № IN00004). The same expression is supplied in Bihar Sharif Pillar Inscription 2 (see line 1, Balogh et al. 2019, № IN00048) and can be translated by “of the great king and emperor Śrī Kumāragupta whose splendour is enjoyed flowing beyond the four oceans”.
  3. 3. Sircar 1942Sircar 1965 suspects the numeral numbers of the year for the missing akṣaras at the beginning of the line 2. Several inscriptions written during the reign of Kumārugupta I contain the expression asyāṁ divasa-pūrvāyāṁ:

    • the incipit of the Govindnagar Buddha Image Inscription of the Time of Kumāragupta I: saṁ 100 10 5 śrāvaṇa di 10 3⟨.⟩ Asyāṁ divasa-pūrvvāyāM line 1 (see Balogh et al. 2019, № IN00073)
    • the one of Mathura Buddha Image Inscription of the Time of Kumāragupta I: śr(ī)-kumāraguptasya v(i)ja(ya)r(ā)jyasa(ṁ)vva(t) 100 20 (5) (ā)śvayuja-māse di 9| Asy(āṁ) divasa-pū(rv)v(ā)y(āṁ) (see Balogh et al. 2019, № IN00027)
    • the one of the Karamdāṁdā Stone Liṅga Inscription of Kumāragupta I: vijaya-rājya-saṁvatsara-(śa)(te) saptadaśo(ttare) ⟨4⟩ kārttika-māsa-daśama-divase syā¿n? divasa-pūrvvāyāṁ (see Balogh et al. 2019, № IN00025)
    • the one of the Mathura Jaina Image Inscription of the time of Kumāragupta I: 100 7 (adhi)ka-(śrāva?)ṇa-māsa-(di)(va)(sa) 20 asyā(ṁ pū)(r)(vv)(ā)y(ā)(ṁ) (see Balogh et al. 2019, № IN00022)

    From these testimonies, it is possible to assume the gap contains an ordinal number of the day and the name of the month (see also the line 1 of Mastakaśvabhra Grant: svasti ma(hā)rājādhirāja-śrī-pradyumnavandhor vvijayādhirājya-samvatsar(e) pañcama Āśvayuja-māsasya dvāviṁśatime divase; the line 1 of the Damodarpur Charter 2 (GE 128) of Kumāragupta I shows also the numeral numbers followed by the name of the month and the number of the day : sa⟨ṃ⟩ 100 20 8 vaiśākha di 10 3, see Balogh et al. 2019, № IN00028; the line 1 of Damodarpur Charter 1 (GE 124) of Kumāragupta I: ¿samva? 100 20 4 phālgu¿ṇ?a di 7, see Balogh et al. 2019, № IN00026).
  4. 4. In the line 3, Balogh et al. 2019 suggests filling in the gap by mahārājādhirāja-śrī-kumāragupte pr̥thivīpatau. This expression can be found in the Damodarpur Charter 2 (GE 128) of Kumaragupta I (see Balogh et al. 2019, № IN00028, lines 1-2) and in the Damodarpur Charter 1 (GE 124) of Kumaragupta I (see Balogh et al. 2019, № IN00026, line 1). In my opinion the two hypothetical reconstructions in line 1 and line 3 suggested by Balogh et al. 2019 following in part Sircar 1965 are too redundant to be acceptable simultaneously. The second in line 3 could be translated by : [while] the Supreme Majesty and Supreme [ Lord, the great king and emperor Kumāragupta was the Lord of the earth] (ma-bhaṭṭāraka-mahārājādhirāja-śrī-kumāragupte pr̥thivīpatau). But with this assumption,we have a problem to construct the sentence. We need a subject coordinated with grāmāṣṭakulādhiraṇañ ca in line 6. Following the four examples of Raktamālā #1 line 1 (paramabhaṭṭāraka-pādānuddhyātaḥ kumārāmātya-yūthapatir), Jagadishpur Charter line 1 (bhaṭṭāraka-pādānuddhyātaḥ Āyuktakācyuto), Baigram Charter line 1 (bhaṭṭāraka-pādānuddhyātaḥ kumārāmātya-kulavr̥ddhir) and Raktamālā #2 line 1 (bhaṭṭāraka[-pā]dānuddhyātaḥ kumāram(ā)[tya-g](o)pāl[o]), I suggest that paramadaivatapara- could be the beginning of a compound designated an officer appointed by the king and that the gap could be filled in by something like ma-bhaṭṭāraka-pādānuddhyātaḥ kumārāmātya- or ma-bhaṭṭāraka-pādānuddhyāta āyukta followed by the name of the officer. Given the word āyukta appears in line 11, I choose this word in my proposition of translation.
  5. 5. For the 15 missing akṣaras at the beginning of the line 7, I suggest assuming the expression kuśalam anuvarṇya bodhayanti. In support of this assumption, one can compare it with these seven following examples, which are all contemporary with the present inscription :

  6. 6. One may suppose that the 3 missing akṣaras in line 3 following kuṭumbi contain the name of the househoulder. The reading found in the editio princeps (Bandyopādhyāya 1909) is quite difficult to interpret. Indeed, according to his introduction, Bandyopādhyāya 1909 had taken photos of plate before it lost some of its fragments, which occurred during its display at the Calcutta Industrial Exhibition in 1906-7. From his reading kṣudra [ka nivāsinaḥ] brāhmaṇa, it is not clear if kṣudra corresponds to what others read as kuṭu. From the photo I have at my disposal, I read (dra)kaṭu(mb?)[3+]brāhmaṇa. Therefore we have to be cautious because a compound having both kṣudra and kuṭumbi inside is very likely when comparing the present line with lines 2 of Raktamālā #1, 6 of Tāvīra and 2 of Raktamālā #2.
  7. 7. Bandyopādhyāya 1909 reads Kṣamavanta.
  8. 8. The Bandyopādhyāya 1909, the first editor of the plate, reads viṣya at the beginning of the line 5 and he is not able to see an akṣara before this word. Basak 1923–1924 suggests reading [pa]viṣṇu-, but for me the akṣara pa is totally illegible and I follow the opinion of the editio princeps.
  9. 9. My reading of the plate differs from those of Bandyopādhyāya 1909, Basak 1923–1924, Sircar 1942, Sircar 1965, Agrawala 1983 and Balogh et al. 2019 who respectively read Upaka and Rāmaka.
  10. 10. Maybe we have to emend sāsu for a feminine plural locative ? It would be logical to have the names of the eight villages mentionned by the expression grāmāṣṭakulādhiraṇañ ca at the beginning of the line 6.
  11. 11. The word nīvī is almost always associated with the word akṣaya and both, they constitue the compound akṣayanīvī; which seems to be a epigraphical term in Gupta inscriptions. On this compound, see Kane 1941, p. 860, note 2023. However it would be necessary to make more research on the possibility of the destruction of a permanent endowment.
  12. 12. The expression -nalābhyām apaviñchya is found in several inscriptions belonging to the Gupta age :

    Given the conventional feature of this kind of inscriptions, one could suggest that the expressions sva-karṣaṇāvirodhisthāne (in a place that does not conflict with your own cultivation) or viṣaya-maryyādayā (according to the rule of this district) began the line 11.
  13. 13. Here I have choosen the reading of Sircar 1942, Sircar 1965 and Agrawala 1983 and emend tadbhavaṁ.
  14. 14. According to the note 7 of Basak 1923–1924, p. 348, chandoga means one studying the Sāmaveda.
  15. 15. The reading of Bandyopādhyāya 1909 śārira-kalyānakasya could be emended by śārira-kalyāṇakasya and translated by “body and auspiciousness” or “the beauty of the body”.
  16. 16. This verse is emended on the base of its obvious link with the verse numbered 132 among the Stanzas on Bhūmidāna listed by Sircar (see Sircar 1965, appendix II, pp. 170–200).
  17. 17. The pāda cd are emended on the base of the obvious link of this verse with the one numbered 123 among the Stanzas on Bhūmidāna listed by Sircar (see Sircar 1965, appendix II, pp. 170–200).
  18. 18. Here I reproduced the translation of the same three verses from Raktamālā #1 made by Arlo Griffiths (see also Griffiths 2015). This verse is emended on the base of its obvious link with the one numbered 131 among the Stanzas on Bhūmidāna listed by Sircar (see Sircar 1965, appendix II, pp. 170–200).
  19. 19. Following the final formulation of Jagadishpur Plate, Raktamālā #1, Tāvīra Plate and Raktamālā #2, it is possible to assume tāpitam or likhitam.