Pu Bahut (828 Śaka)

Editor: Arlo Griffiths.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSIDENKSindoro-PuBahut.

Hand description:

The basic punctuation sign takes the shape of a small circle at median height.

Language: Old Javanese.

Repository: Nusantara Epigraphy (tfc-nusantara-epigraphy).

Version: (97a2442), last modified (f510d28).


⟨Page 1r⟩ ⟨1r1⟩ || svasti śaka-varṣātīta 828 Āṣāḍa-māsa tithi Ekādaśĭ kr̥ṣṇa-pakṣa mavulu Umanis· śu⟨1r2⟩kra-vāra tatkāla samgat· lodvāṁ pu bahut· manahur hutaṁ I dyaḥ maṇḍusun· I dyaḥ yoga I ⟨1r3⟩ dyaḥ balitār· mas· panahu⟨r⟩nira mas· su 3 8 kālanira makuvu Iṁ tlu juru

Anuṁ tumaṅgap ikanaṁ mas· ⟨1r4⟩ rovaṁ rakryān· vuru tali pu visat· vanuA I ḍanu vuAḥ vatək· ḍanu vuAḥ muAṁ Inaṁ dyaḥ sabhā pu ⟨1r5⟩ satya vanuA I vayur· vatək· halu muAṁ rovaṁ rakryān· riṅga pu vagaṁ vanuA I kamalagyan· ⟨1r6⟩ vatək· Uṅga⟨ḥ⟩ karas· muAṁ pu katimahā vanuA I vuṅkal· hujuṁ vinavaniṁ patiḥ vuṅkal· li⟨1r7⟩man· muAṁ Inaṁ rakyrān· riṅga pu satā vanuA I hujuṁ vatək· pikatan·

tatra sākṣī sa⟨1r8⟩mgat· maṅguluṅi pu baisava vanuA I pucaṅ anak· vatək· pulu vatu juru I maṅguluṅi ⟨1r9⟩ juru vadvā rarai saṁ tumapəl· vanuA I lalar· vatək· tilimpik· muAṁ Amaṁ dyaḥ bay· ⟨1r10⟩ pu manvurā vanuA I karumvyan· vatək· halu muAṁ pu vulyan· vanuA I galagākan· vatək· ⟨1r11⟩ vuṅkal· humalaṁ muAṁ pu padma vanuA I tamyaṁ kapatihan· muAṁ rāmanta I maṅhuḍipi maka⟨1r12⟩baihan· kalaṁ kidul· pu hurip· ramani subhadrā kalaṁ lor· pu taḍaḥ ramani Asiḥ gusti ⟨Page 1v1⟩ ⟨1v1⟩ kidul· pu bhiṭa ramani mañā gusti lor· pu garuguḥ ramani sukī parujar· kidul· pu Artha ⟨1v2⟩ ramani Ayū parujar· lor· pu ma(ṅ)āb· ramani buddhī kalima kidul· pu talaga ra⟨1v3⟩mani kpu kalima lor· pu mesya ramani paṅantyan· vinkas· pu jampəl· ramani sa⟨1v4⟩ntā matahun· pu mañju ramani dharmmī rāma maratā pu ganal· pu bhajñāna pu gutu⟨1v5⟩l· pu prya vanuA I hulu vanuA vatək· pagar vsi

likhita juruniṁ maṁrakat· I ma⟨1v5⟩ṅguluṅi pu tatva vanuA I sirikan· vatək· sirikan·||


Translation by Arlo Griffiths

(1r1–1r3) Hail! Elapsed Śaka year 828, month of Āṣāḍha, eleventh tithi of the waxing fortnight, Mavulu, Umanis, Friday. That was the time that the officiant of Lo Dvāṅ [called] pu Bahut repaid a debt to dyah Maṇḍusun, dyah Yoga [and] dyah Balitār. The gold for his repayment was 3 suvarṇas and 8 māṣas of gold. (It happened) when he dwelled at Tlu Juru.

(1r3–1r7) The ones who received the gold were the companion of rakryān Vuru Tali [called] pu Visat of the village of Ḍanu Vuah, district of Ḍanu Vuah; with the mother of dyah Sabhā (called) pu Satya of the village of Vayur, district of Halu; with the companion of rakryān Riṅga [called] pu Vagaṅ of the village of Kamalagyan, district of Uṅgah Karas; with pu Katimahā of the village of Vuṅkal Hujuṅ, dependent/wife (vinava) of the patih of Vuṅkal Liman; with the mother of rakryān Riṅga [called] pu Satā of the village of Hujuṅ, district of Pikatan.

(1r8–1v7) The witnesses to it were:

  • the officiant of Maṅguluṅi (called) pu Baisava of the village of Pucaṅ Anak, district of Pulu Vatu;
  • the overseers at Maṅguluṅi, (namely) the overseer of junior troops (called) saṅ Tumapəl of the village of Lalar, district of Tilimpik;
  • with the nurses of dyah Bay (called) pu Manvurā of the village of Karumbyan, district of Halu, and pu Vulyan of the village of Galagākan, district of Vuṅkal Humalaṅ, and pu Padma of the village of Tamyaṅ the patih’s residence
  • with all the elders of Maṅhuḍipi, (namely) the kalaṅ South (called) pu Hurip, father of Subhadrā; the kalaṅ North (called) pu Taḍah, father of Asih; the gusti South (called) pu Bhiṭa, father of Mañā; the gusti North (called) pu Garuguh, father of Sukī; the herald South (called) pu Artha, father of Ayū; the herald North (called) pu Maṅāb, father of Buddhī; the kalima South (called) pu Talaga, father of Kpu; the kalima North (called) pu Mesya, father of Paṅantyan; the vinkas (called) pu Jampəl, father of Santā; the matahun (called) pu Mañju, father of Dharmī; the regular (maratā) elders (called) pu Ganal, pu Bhajñāna, pu Gutul, pu Prya of the village of Hulu Vanua, district of Pagar Vsi.

(1v7–1v8) Written by the overseer of Maṅrakat (called) pu Tatva of the village of Sirikan, district of Sirikan.


(1r2) The toponym Lo Dvāṅ occurs also in the Wukiran inscription, and the present second attestation of this name requires rethinking of the argument I made in Griffiths 2011, p. 145, n. 37 in favor of interpreting the as definite article which would allow understanding the toponym as meaning “Two Banyans”.

(1v4–1v5) Instead of pu Ganal and pu Prya, we see pu Sādhu and pu Radin in the corresponding passage of the Pu Mamruk inscription.


Previously unpublished. Edited here by Arlo Griffiths on the basis of photos shared by Zakariya Pamuji Aminullah in 2015.