Āyaka pillar from site 1 at Nagarjunakonda — reign of Siri-Vīrapurisadatta

Editors: Anonymous editor.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSEIAD00058.

Hand description:

Language: Prakrit.

Repository: Early Andhra (tfb-eiad-epigraphy).

Version: (505faae), last modified (35386f0).


⟨1⟩ sidhaṁ <symbol>mahārajasa [virūpakhapatimahā]senaparigahitasa °agiho⟨2⟩t(a)githomavāja[peyāsamedhayājisa] hiranakoḍigosata⟨3⟩sahasahala[satasahasapadāyisa] savathesu °apati⟨4⟩hatasa(ṁ)kapasa v(ā)se[ṭhīputasa] [°ikhākusa] [siri]catamūlasa bhagini⟨5⟩ya mahātalava[rasa] [vāsiṭhīputasa] [kaṁda](si)risa bha(riyā)ya ma⟨6⟩hatalavariya [9×]maharajasa


⟨1⟩ mahārajasa ⬦ mahārājasa Vogeld. — ⟨1⟩ [virūpakhapatimahā]sena- ⬦ … sena- Vogeld • Here, and in the following lines, the text is restored on the basis of EIAD 13, which opens in a similar way.

⟨1–2⟩ °agihot(a)githoma- ⬦ °agihotāgiṭhoma- Vogeld.

⟨2⟩ -vāja[peyāsamedhayājisa]-vāja … Vogeld. — ⟨2⟩ hiranakoṭigosata ⬦ hiranakoḍigosata Vogeld.

⟨3⟩ hala[satasahasapadāyisa]hala … Vogeld.

⟨4⟩ hatasakapasa ⬦ hatasa(ṁ)kapasa Vogeld. — ⟨4⟩ v(ā)se[ṭhīputasa °ikhākusa siri]catamūlasa ⬦ v(ā)se … cātamūlasa Vogeld.

⟨5⟩ mahātalava[rasa vāsiṭhīputasa kaṁda](si)risa ⬦ mahātalava[rasa](si)risa Vogeld • Our restoration assumes that the epithet pūkīyānaṁ, frequently occurring after vāsiṭhīputasa, was here omitted, as it is in EIAD 18, l. 6.

⟨6⟩ hatalavariya ⬦ hātalavariya Vogeld • The occurrence of maharajasa at the end of the line diverges from the usual formula, and as a result we cannot propose a secure reconstruction. — ⟨6⟩ maharajasa ⬦ mah⟨ā⟩r⟨ā⟩jasa Vogeld.


Success! (...), sister of Great King Vāsi(ṭhīputa) (Siri-)Cāntamūla the Ikṣvāku, favored by favored by (Mahā)sena (who has Virūpākṣa as his lord, sacrificer) of the Agnihotra, the Agniṣṭoma, the Vāja(peya and the Aśvamedha, giver of) tens of millions of (pieces of) gold, (hundreds of) thousands of cows and hundreds of thousands of plows (of land), whose will is unimpeded in all matters, wife of Great Talavara (Vāsiṭṭhīputta Kanda)siri, Great-Talavara-wife ... of Great King.


First described and edited by Vogeld. Re-edited here from published documentation and after autopsy of the stone.



