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· <title>Doorjamb at Prasat Ta Keo (K. 278), 10th century Śaka</title>
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15 <forename>Kunthea</forename>
· <surname>Chhom</surname>
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20 <resp>intellectual authorship of edition</resp>
· <persName ref="http://viaf.org/viaf/22181866">
· <forename>Auguste</forename>
· <surname>Barth</surname>
· </persName>
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· <authority>DHARMA</authority>
30 <pubPlace>Siem Reap</pubPlace>
· <idno type="filename">DHARMA_INSCIK00278</idno>
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· <licence target="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/">
· <p>This work is licenced under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported Licence. To view a copy of the licence, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.</p>
35 <p>Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Kunthea Chhom.</p>
· </licence>
· </availability>
· <date from="2019" to="2025">2019-2025</date>
· </publicationStmt>
40 <sourceDesc>
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· <repository>DHARMAbase</repository>
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· <summary></summary>
50 </msContents>
· <physDesc>
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· <p>The lettering is characteristic of the eleventh century CE.
· </p>
60 </handDesc>
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65 <encodingDesc>
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· <p>The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC)
· under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant
· agreement no 809994).</p>
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75 ERC-DHARMA whose data are open to the public.</p>
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· <div type="edition" xml:lang="san-Latn" rendition="class:83231 maturity:83213">
90 <lg n="1" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="1"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>namaś śavdātmane tasmai</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>śivāyādyeva dehinām·</l>
·<l n="c"><milestone unit="column" n="c"/>Artha-gatyaiva san-dr̥ṣṭo</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="d"/>yo sannārtheṣu satyataḥ<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· <lg n="2" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="2"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>Āsī<choice><orig>d</orig><reg>t</reg></choice> kamvuja-rājendro</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>veda-dvi-naga-rājya-bhāk·</l>
·<l n="c"><milestone unit="column" n="c"/>yasmin rāja-bhujīrābhā</l>
100<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="d"/>ramyā pūrvveva saṁpadā<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· <lg n="3" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="3"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>hyaṅ-pavitrāhvayā devī</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>tasyāgramahiṣī satī</l>
105<l n="c"><milestone unit="column" n="c"/>deśo hāripurā-vikhyo</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="d"/>yasyās santāna-santataḥ<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· <lg n="4" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="4"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>hyaṅ-karpūrāhvayāṁ tasyāḥ</l>
110<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>dauhitrīṁ kīrtti-viśrutāṁ</l>
·<l n="c"><milestone unit="column" n="c"/>rudra-loka-nr̥po dadyā<milestone unit="column" n="d" break="no"/>d</l>
·<l n="d">divyantara-tapasvine<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· <lg n="5" met="anuṣṭubh">
115<l n="a"><lb n="5"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>Abhūt putra-varas tasyāṁ</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>paramācāryya-nāmadhr̥t·</l>
·<l n="c" enjamb="yes"><milestone unit="column" n="c"/>jalāṅgeśa-kapāleśa</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="d"/>-hotā yo muni-puṅgavaḥ<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
120 <lg n="6" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="6"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>n<choice><orig>ā</orig><reg>a</reg></choice>ptāpi ca tayor ddhīmān·</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>devayor yājñiko muniḥ</l>
·<l n="c"><milestone unit="column" n="c"/>śivācāryyāhvayo vāgmī</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="d"/>tapasvī vrata-śīlavān·<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· <lg n="7" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a" enjamb="yes"><lb n="7"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>hema-śr̥ṅga-girau deva</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>-pūjā-vr̥ddhyāy a<choice><orig>dh</orig><reg>t</reg></choice>iṣṭhipat·</l>
·<l n="c"><milestone unit="column" n="c"/>rāja-śrījayavarmmā yaṁ</l>
130<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="d"/>darśane guṇa-doṣayoḥ<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· <lg n="8" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="8"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>śrīsūryyavarmmaṇo rājye</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>varṇṇabhāge kr̥te 'pi yaḥ</l>
135<l n="c"><milestone unit="column" n="c"/>saṁpadaṁ prāpya sad-bhaktyā</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="d"/>varṇṇa-śreṣ<choice><orig>th</orig><reg>ṭh</reg></choice>a-tva-saṁsthitaḥ<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· <lg n="9" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="9"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>śrīkapāleśa-hotr̥tve</l>
140<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>sva-kulaṁ rāja-śāsanāt·</l>
·<l n="c"><milestone unit="column" n="c"/>sthāpayām āsa yaḥ kr̥tvā</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="d"/>nityaṁ viṣaya-varjitam·<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· <lg n="10" met="anuṣṭubh">
145<l n="a"><lb n="10"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>yācitā yaḥ punaḥ kṣatraṁ</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>deśaṁ hāripurāhvayam·</l>
·<l n="c"><milestone unit="column" n="c"/>karoti sāvadhiṁ randhrā<milestone unit="column" n="d" break="no"/>d</l>
·<l n="d">dvi-vilena samantataḥ<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
150 <lg n="11" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="11"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>prācyām īśvara-bhedāntā</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>yāmyām ā lejjalālayāt·</l>
·<l n="c"><milestone unit="column" n="c"/>pratīcyām ādrim ā bhūmi<milestone unit="column" n="d" break="no"/>r</l>
·<l n="d">ā candrāya<unclear>ṁ</unclear> tathottare<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· <lg n="12" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="12"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>mratāñ· khloñ· śrīnarendrādi</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>vallabhāntaṁ nr̥pājñayā</l>
·<l n="c"><milestone unit="column" n="c"/>viśrutan nāma yasyāsti</l>
160<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="d"/>so 'vadhiṁ samadhiṣthipat·<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· <lg n="13" met="upajāti">
·<l n="a"><lb n="13"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>cirāya rājādhiparāja kurvva<milestone unit="column" n="b" break="no"/>n</l>
·<l n="b">tapāṅsa śīla-vrata-dhāraṇoham·</l>
165<l n="c"><milestone unit="column" n="c"/>vidyāsamāvarttanakr̥t savidya</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="d"/>yadhiṣtharaṁ śūladharasya liṅgam·<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· <lg n="14" met="upajāti">
·<l n="a"><lb n="14"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>śrīsūryyavarmmeśvarapādapadmaṁ</l>
170<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>dhātrisubhaktiś śirasā samūrttiḥ</l>
·<l n="c"><milestone unit="column" n="c"/><seg met="="><gap reason="lost" quantity="1" unit="character"/></seg>turṇṇimā<unclear>ṁ</unclear> saṁsthitabhis sahaiva</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="d"/>devībhir ity ābhir atiṣthipan tām·<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· <lg n="15" met="mālinī">
175<l n="a"><lb n="15"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>śiva-guṇa-ma<choice><orig>n</orig><reg>ṇ</reg></choice>i-m<choice><orig>ā</orig><reg>a</reg></choice>nyaṁ prāptakāmo vanīndra<milestone unit="column" n="b" break="no"/>s</l>
·<l n="b">sura-pati-mahimānaṁ vāpi bhūmīśvara-tvam·</l>
·<l n="c"><lb n="16"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>ciram avatu sa dharmmaṁ vrahmac<choice><orig>ā</orig><reg>a</reg></choice>ryādhikāraṁ</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>sakala-kula-sahitaṁ me śrīkapāleśvarāṅghrau<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
180 <lg n="16" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a" enjamb="yes"><lb n="17"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>tannaptāpi ca satsūri</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>-bhāgya-bhāg bhāratīrataḥ</l>
·<l n="c"><milestone unit="column" n="c"/>dhīro dhāmavatā mānya<milestone unit="column" n="d" break="no"/>ś</l>
·<l n="d">śiva-vindur itīritaḥ<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· <lg n="17" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="18"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>śrīkapāleśvare hotā</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>śastā yaś śaṅsitavratān·</l>
·<l n="c" enjamb="yes"><milestone unit="column" n="c"/>sannyāyānala-santāptā</l>
190<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="d"/>-nyāyendhanagaṇo dhiyā<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· <lg n="18" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="19"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>śrīkṣitīndropakalpākhye</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>mātrāmātula-mātule</l>
195<l n="c"><milestone unit="column" n="c"/>mr̥te tannāma tad yasyai</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="d"/>dattaṁ śrīsūryyavarmmaṇā<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· <lg n="19" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="20"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>Ahipatrāṅkitāṁ dolāṁ</l>
200<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>lavdhvā yas tad-anugrahāt·</l>
·<l n="c"><milestone unit="column" n="c"/>hemaśr̥ṅgagirāv āpa</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="d"/>darśśanaṁ guṇa-doṣayoḥ<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· <lg n="20" met="anuṣṭubh">
205<l n="a"><lb n="21"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>tato rāja-mahāmātyo</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>yas santāna-kula-prabhuḥ</l>
·<l n="c"><milestone unit="column" n="c"/>Īśvarārccām umārccāñ ca</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="d"/>mat-prig-grāme pratiṣthipat·<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
210 <lg n="21" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="22"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>bhadreśvarāśramaṁ kr̥tvā</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>gaurīśāśramam apy alam·</l>
·<l n="c"><milestone unit="column" n="c"/>bhadreśvara-ta<choice><orig>t</orig><reg>ṭ</reg></choice>ākākhyaṁ</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="d"/>śrīta<choice><orig>t</orig><reg>ṭ</reg></choice>ākañ cakhāna yaḥ<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· <lg n="22" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="23"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>sarid-bhaṅgaṁ mahāgāḍha<milestone unit="column" n="b" break="no"/>m</l>
·<l n="b">āyatan nirbhayaṁ bhayāt·</l>
·<l n="c"><milestone unit="column" n="c"/><choice><orig>Ā</orig><reg>A</reg></choice>dhvagānāṁ sukhāyaiva</l>
220<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="d"/>yaś cakārāmvudhes samam·<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· <lg n="23" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="24"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>śāstra-sandarśśanābhyāsā<milestone unit="column" n="b" break="no"/>d</l>
·<l n="b">vyatār<choice><orig>i</orig><reg>ī</reg></choice>d rāmaṇīyakam·</l>
225<l n="c"><milestone unit="column" n="c"/>pustakaṁ yo vimānārthaṁ</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="d"/>śrībhadreśālayeśvare<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· <lg n="24" met="mālinī">
·<l n="a"><lb n="25"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>yamaniyamayatātmā samyagārādhitāgni<milestone unit="column" n="b" break="no"/>r</l>
230<l n="b">nihata-durita-vr̥<choice><orig>ṇḍ</orig><reg>nd</reg></choice>o harniśaṁ śambhu-bhaktiḥ</l>
·<l n="c"><lb n="26"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>muni-vara-samavr̥ttir yyo<unclear>ga</unclear>yogopayogā<milestone unit="column" n="b" break="no"/>t</l>
·<l n="d">sakala-kula-hitārthaṁ sa vyadhād rāja-sevām·<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· <lg n="25" met="mālinī">
235<l n="a"><lb n="27"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>muni-guṇa-gaṇa-vandyo yo <seg met="-"><gap reason="lost" quantity="1" unit="character"/></seg> yogyas sayatnai<milestone unit="column" n="b" break="no"/>s</l>
·<l n="b">sati bhavati vidhātrā nirmmite nāma yasmin·</l>
·<l n="c"><lb n="28"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>kr̥ta-sakala-kalāyas saṁhatir lola-lakshmī<milestone unit="column" n="b" break="no"/>r</l>
·<l n="d">vvasati yadacalāśaṁ śambhu-bhaktis suśubhrā<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
240 <lg n="26" met="upajāti">
·<l n="a"><lb n="29"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>padmāsane sphāṭikam īśa-liṅgaṁ</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>yas sthāpayām āsa yathāvidhānam·</l>
·<l n="c"><lb n="30"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>vighneśa-candīśvara-nandi-kālā<milestone unit="column" n="b" break="no"/>n</l>
·<l n="d">punar yathāsthānam adhiṣthipac ca<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· <lg n="27" met="vasantatilakā">
·<l n="a" enjamb="yes"><lb n="31"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>sad-ratna-hema-navapatram anekaratna</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>rājaddhiraṇya-raṇa-marddana-kaṇthike ca</l>
·<l n="c"><lb n="32"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>yaś śrīkapāla-kaṭakasthaśive snavānā<milestone unit="column" n="b" break="no"/>m</l>
250<l n="d">ādhāraṇan dr̥ḍhatamañ ca mudā vyatārit·<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· <lg n="28" met="mālinī">
·<l n="a"><lb n="33"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>vidhivad adhikakānte dhiṣthipat padmapīthe</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>śiva-śubha-mani-liṅgañ candivighneśvarau ca</l>
255<l n="c"><lb n="34"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>ya Upacaraṇa-pātraṁ yad dhalānady umendre</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>punar adita sa Eṣa śrīkṣitīndropakalpaḥ<g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
· </div>
·<div type="apparatus">
260 <listApp>
·<app loc="1">
· <lem>śrīnarendrādi</lem>
· <rdg source="bib:Barth1885_01">śrīnarendrānī</rdg>
· </app>
265 <app loc="21">
· <lem>umārccāñ ca</lem>
· <rdg source="bib:Barth1885_01">umārccāṅ ca</rdg>
· </app>
· </listApp>
270 </div>
· <div type="translation" resp="part:argr">
· <p rend="stanza" n="1">Homage to that Śiva whose nature is that of Speech, who is perceived today as it were by living beings only because they understand the sense in <supplied reason="subaudible">sentences</supplied> with deep (?) meanings, because he is true.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="2">There was a King of kings of Kambuja <supplied reason="subaudible">land</supplied>, who acceded to power in <supplied reason="subaudible">the <foreign>śaka</foreign> year reckoned by 7</supplied> mountains, 2, <supplied reason="subaudible">4</supplied> Vedas <supplied reason="subaudible">724</supplied>, during whose enjoyment of the <supplied reason="subaudible">other kings</supplied> the earth's light was delightful as of old, due to <supplied reason="subaudible">his</supplied> perfection.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="3">He had an excellent chief queen, with the name Hyaṅ Pavitrā, whose land, held over a long stretch of time by her lineage, was known as Hāripurā.</p>
275 <p rend="stanza" n="4">The king Rudraloka gave her grand-daughter, called Hyaṅ Karpūra, of famous renown, to the ascetic Divyantara.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="5">She has an excellent son, bearing the name Paramācārya, a chief of sages who was the Hotr̥ of Jalāṅgeśa and Kapāleśa.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="6">And also <supplied reason="subaudible">his</supplied> wise grand-son, called Śivācārya, was the ritual savant for those two gods <gap reason="lost"/> eloquent, ascetic, attached to his vows and good conduct.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="7">He, whom the king Śrī Jayavarman installed in the inspection of qualities and errors, for the sake of furthering the worship of the God(s) on the Hemaśr̥ṅga Mountain.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="8">Who obtained prosperity even (?) when, during the reign of Sūryavarman, a division of varṇas established, and he was established in the position of varṇa-leader, on account of his pure devotion.</p>
280 <p rend="stanza" n="9">Who, at the king's order, established his own lineage in the position of Hotr̥ for Śrī Kapāleśa, having deprived it <supplied reason="explanation" cert="low">the family</supplied> permanently of <gap reason="lost"/>.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="10">Again, petioning the royal power, he provides the land called Hāripurā with a border on all sides, <supplied reason="subaudible">in the śaka year reckoned by 9</supplied> orifices, 2 after <supplied reason="subaudible">9</supplied> cavities <supplied reason="subaudible">929</supplied>.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="11">In the east, it the domain <supplied reason="explanation">Hāripurā</supplied> ended at its separation from Īśvara; in the south, up to the pond of Lej <supplied reason="explanation">Alej, Leñ, Aleñ</supplied>; in the west, up to the mountain; and in the north, up to Candrāya.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="12">Mratāñ Khloñ, whose famous name, by command of the king, begins with Śrī Narendra and ends with Vallabha, has established the boundary.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="13">O king, king of kings, performing austerities for a long time, I, maintaining good conduct and vows, having accomplished the completion of Vedic studies, possessed of science, have established a Liṅga of Śūladhara.</p>
285 <p rend="stanza" n="14">I have established the foot-lotus of Śrī Sūryavarmeśvara that quadruple image devoted to the earth.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="15">The Earth-Lord, desiring to obtain <gap reason="lost"/>, the greatness of the Lord of Gods, the sovereignty over the world: let him for long give aid to my pious work, prerogative of the Vedic student (?), together with <supplied reason="subaudible">my</supplied> entire family, at the feet of Śrī Kapāleśvara.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="16">And his grand son too, <supplied reason="subaudible">was</supplied> sharing the fortune of excellent wise men, being despatched <supplied reason="explanation" cert="low">inspired</supplied> by Bhāratī, wise, to be venerated by the strong <supplied reason="subaudible">king</supplied>, called Śivabindu.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="17">Hotr̥ for Śrī Kapāleśvara, who will (?) instruct those of well-honed vows, he for whom a mass of fuel of malpractice is burnt by the fire of good practise, due to his wisdom.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="18">To whom Śrī Sūryavarman, when the mother's brother of his mother's mother's brother, called Śrī Kṣitīndropakalpa, had died, gave that name of him <supplied reason="explanation">i.e. Śrī Kṣitīndropakalpa</supplied>.</p>
290 <p rend="stanza" n="19">Having obtained by his <supplied reason="explanation">the king's</supplied> grace a palanquin decorated with dragon, he obtained the <supplied reason="subaudible">responsibility for</supplied> inspection of qualities and faults on the Hemaśr̥ṅga mountain.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="20">Then, the great minister of the king, lord of his extended (?) lineage, erected an image of Īśvara and an image of Umā in the village Mat Prik.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="21">Having established the Bhadreśvarāśrama, as also the Gaurīśāśrama, he dug the wonderful pond called Bhadreśvara pond.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="22">For the comfort of travelers, he made a channel in the river, of great depth, long, without any risks due to the fear <supplied reason="subaudible">he himself instilled in rogues</supplied>, equal to the ocean.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="23">Being accustomed to the exhibition of sacred texts, he gave away a splendid book, of impeccable contents, to the Īśvara of Śrī Bhadreśālaya.</p>
295 <p rend="stanza" n="24">With a soul restrained by restraints and restrictions, his fire(s) thoroughly maintained, with a multitude of sins slain down, devoted to Śambhu day and night, with comportment equal to that of the best of sages, he performed the service of the king, for the benefit of his entire family, through the application of techniques for Yoga.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="25">Deserving of praise because of his mass of sage-like qualities, fit for being joined by the zealous, in whom, as soon has he had been created by Vidhātr̥, resides the lustful Lakṣmī, very beautiful devotion to Śambhu.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="26">Who erected, in accordance with the prescriptions, a Śivaliṅga made of crystal on a lotus <supplied reason="subaudible">shaped</supplied> base, and later erected Vighneśa, Caṇḍīśvara, Nandin and Kāla, each in his own place.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="27">Who joyously gave a Navapatra <supplied reason="subaudible">decked</supplied> with beautiful jewels and gold; a Raṇamardana and a necklace with numerous jewels, with silver, and with gold, as well as a very firm support for the ointment to the Śiva residing at Kapālakaṭaka.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="28">On a supremely adorable lotus base, he erected a Liṅga with asuspircious jewels for Śiva, and <supplied reason="subaudible">he also erected statues</supplied> of Caṇḍī and Vighneśvara, and then he gave a cult-vessel, a river a dhalā/halā to Umā's Lord, this Śrī Kṣitīndropakalpa.</p>
300 </div>
· <div type="translation" xml:lang="fra" source="bib:Barth1885_01">
· <p rend="stanza" n="1">Adoration à Śiva qui est la parole <supplied reason="explanation">sainte</supplied>, qui se manifeste su-le-champ et d'une façon non trompeuse en procurant aux mortels leurs besoins, au moment où leurs affaires sont au plus bas.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="2">Il y eut un roi suprême des Kambujas qui obtint la royauté <supplied reason="subaudible">en l'an marqué</supplied> par les védas, deux et les montagnes, sous le règne duquel la terre, comblée de prospérité, brilla d'un éclat aussi aimable qu'aux premiers jours.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="3">Il eut pour reine principale la vertueuse devī Hyaṅ Pavitrā, dont la descendance posséda sans interruption la contrée appelée Haripurā.</p>
305 <p rend="stanza" n="4">La fille de la fille de celle-ci, la glorieuse Hyaṅ Karpūrā fut donnée en mariage par le roi Rudraloka au pénitent Divyantara.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="5">De celle-ci naquit un fils excellent, du nom de Paramācārya, le meilleur des munis, <supplied reason="subaudible">lequel fut</supplied> prêtre de Jalāṅgeśa et de Kapāleśa.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="6">Et <supplied reason="subaudible">son</supplied> petit-fils, lui aussi prêtre de ces deux dieux, fut le sage muni Śivācārya, éloquent, adonné à la pénitence, fidèle à ses voeux et à la vertu.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="7">Sur le <supplied reason="subaudible">mont</supplied> Hemaśr̥ṅgagiri, pour le développe,ent du culte des dieux; le roi Śrī-Jayavarman le préposa à l'inspection des qualités et des défauts.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="8">Quand, sous le règne de Śrī-Sūryavarman, fut établie la division des castes, il obtint, par son dévouement parfat, le grand honneur d'être placé à la tête de sa caste.</p>
310 <p rend="stanza" n="9">Par l'ordre du roi, il établit sa famille dans la charge <supplied reason="subaudible">héréditaire</supplied> de prêtre de Śrī-Kapāleśa, l'avant fait renoncer pour toujours aux objets périssables.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="10">Faisant appel ensuite à l'autorité royale, il donna de toute part ses <supplied reason="subaudible">vraies</supplied> limites à la contrée appelée Hāripurā <supplied reason="subaudible">en l'an marqué</supplied>, après crevasses, par deux et par cavernes.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="11">A l'orient, le domaine finit à la limite qui le sépare d'Īśvara ; au sud, <supplied reason="subaudible">il va</supplied> jusqu'à l'étang de Leṅ ; à l'ouest, jusqu'à la montagne et, de même, au nord, jusqu'au Candrāya.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="12">Le Mratāñ Khloñ, dont le nom illustre se termine, selon l'ordre exprès du roi, par <supplied reason="subaudible">le titre de</supplied> Śrī-Narendrāṇīvallabha, a lui-même établi la limite.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="13">Voici lontemps, ô roi, maître suprême des rois, que je pratique la pénitence, observant les voeux d'une vie austère, m'élevant au faite de la science, un <supplied reason="subaudible">vrai</supplied> <foreign>liṅga</foreign> de Śūladhara, inébranlable dans les lutttes entre savants.</p>
315 <p rend="stanza" n="14">La fidélité <supplied reason="subaudible">en quelque sorte</supplied> incarnée, plaçant sur ma tête le lotus des pieds de <supplied reason="subaudible">cet</supplied> Īśvara <supplied reason="subaudible">qui est</supplied> Śrī Sūryavarman, j'ai érigé cette quadruple image avec les déesse qui l'entourent.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="15">Au comble de ses désirs, puisse ce roi de la terre faire prospérer longtemps encore ce qu'il faut estimer la première des choses précieuses, <supplied reason="subaudible">à l'égal de</supplied> la majesté même du souverain des dieux, l'empire du monde ! Puisse-t-il, pour moi, protéger la religion et ce qui est le bien de toute ma race, notre privilège de nous consacrer à une vie sainte aux pieds de Śrī Kapāleśvara !</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="16">Ensuite le petit-fils de celui-ci obtint la gloire d'un maître illustre ; trouvant son plaisir en Bhāratī, sage, digne du respect des puissants, il s'appelait Śivavindu.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="17">Prêtre de Śrī-Kapāleśvara, directeur <supplied reason="subaudible">d'hommes pieux</supplied> aux vouex austères, l'erreur n'est pour lui, grâce à sa sagesse, qu'un amas de combustible qu'il consume au feu de la vraie doctrine.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="18">L'oncle maternel de l'oncle maternel de sa mère, qui portait le titre de Śrī Kṣitīndropakalpa, étant mort, il obtint lui-même ce titre de Śrī-Sūryavarman.</p>
320 <p rend="stanza" n="19">Ayant reçu de la faveur de ce <supplied reason="subaudible">prince</supplied> un palaquin orné d'ailes de dragon, il obtint sur le <supplied reason="subaudible">mont</supplied> Hemaśr̥ṅgagiri <supplied reason="subaudible">la charge de</supplied> l'inscription des qualités et des défauts.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="20">Ensuite, <supplied reason="subaudible">devenu</supplied> grand ministre du roi, ce chef d'une antique race érigea une image d'Īśvara et une image d'Umā dans le <supplied reason="subaudible">village de</supplied> Matpriggrāma.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="21">Ayant installé un <foreign>āśrama</foreign> <supplied reason="subaudible">consacré à</supplied> Bhadreśvara et un <foreign>āśrama</foreign> <supplied reason="subaudible">consacré à</supplied> Gaurīśa, il creusa un étang magnifique appelé l'étang de Bhadreśvara.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="22"><supplied reason="subaudible">Au moyen d'</supplied>un barrage de la rivière, il <supplied reason="subaudible">en</supplied> fil <supplied reason="subaudible">une pièce d'eau</supplied> vaste, très profonde; d'où sa crainte même avait écarté tout sujet de crainte, et qui, pour le bien- être des voyageurs, était semblable à la mer.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="23">Appliqué à faire connaître les saints livres, il fit hommage à l'Īśvara du sanctuaire de Bhadreśa d'un splendide volume au contenu vénéré.</p>
325 <p rend="stanza" n="24">L'âme refrénée par les freins et par les freins complémentaires, ponctuel à honorer le feu, ayant abattu l'épais taillis du mal, nuit et jour plein de foi en Śambhu, menant une vie semblable à celle des plus excellents munis, par l'<supplied reason="subaudible">unique</supplied> emploi des moyens qui conduisent au <foreign>yoga</foreign>, il s'est appliqué, pour le bien de toute sa race, au service du roi.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="25"><supplied reason="subaudible">Homme</supplied> excellent, formé par le Créateur lui-même, en qui tous les talents dignes d'être célébrés par les troupes des glorieux munis et auxquels les <supplied reason="subaudible">plus</supplied> zélés peuvent <supplied reason="subaudible">seuls</supplied> atteindre, viennent affluer <supplied reason="subaudible">comme en</supplied> une seule masse ; en qui la frivole Lakṣmī, devenue constante, réside <supplied reason="subaudible">sous la form de</supplied> la sainte et pure dévotion à Śambhu.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="26">Sur une base <supplied reason="subaudible">en forme</supplied> de lotus, il a érigé, selon les préceptes, un liṅga d'Īśa en cristal, et, de plus, il a dressé, chacune en sa place, <supplied reason="subaudible">des images de</supplied> Vighneśa, de Caṇḍī, d'Īśvara, de Nandi et de Kāla.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="27">Une coupe neuve ornée d'or et d'excellents joyaux, une massue et un collier d'or brillants de nombreux joyaux, et un très solide réservoir <supplied reason="subaudible">pour l'eau</supplied> des ablutions, ont été donnés par lui avec joie au Śiva qui réside à Śrī-Kapālakaṭaka.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="28">Conformément aux préceptes, il a érigé sur un socle splendide <supplied reason="subaudible">en forme</supplied> de lotus un liṅga de Śiva brillant de joyaux <supplied reason="subaudible">et deux images de</supplied> Caṇṇdi et de Vighneśvara, et il a donné au seigneur d'Umā une coupe de service qui <supplied reason="subaudible">contient un vrai</supplied> fleuve de <foreign>halā</foreign>, lui Śrī-Kṣitīndropakalpa.</p>
330 </div>
· <div type="commentary">
· <p n="12">The new reading <foreign>śrīnarendrādi vallabhāntaṁ</foreign> conforms to the very common usage in other <supplied reason="explanation">contemporary</supplied> inscriptions from the corpus, e.g.: <foreign>ratnādibhānusiṅhāntaṁ vibhaktan nāma vi[bhratau]</foreign> in <ref target="DHARMA_INSCIK00049.xml">K. 49</ref>; <foreign>devādivāgīśvarapanditāntaṁ</foreign> in <ref target="DHARMA_INSCIK00218.xml">K. 218</ref>; <foreign>tatsaccaraś śrīsamarādināma savīravarmmāntam uvāha vīraḥ</foreign> in <ref target="DHARMA_INSCIK00232.xml">K. 232</ref>.</p>
335 <p n="16">The compound <foreign>kulasahitaṁ</foreign> has an extra syllable; it should be corrected to <foreign>kulahitaṁ</foreign>.</p>
· </div>
· <div type="bibliography">
· <p>Edited by Auguste Barth (<bibl rend="omitname"><ptr target="bib:Barth1885_01"/><citedRange unit="page">106-108, 112-117</citedRange></bibl>) with a French translation; re-edited here by Arlo Griffiths with an English translation.</p>
340 <listBibl type="primary">
· <bibl n="GC">
· <ptr target="bib:Barth1885_01"/><citedRange unit="page">106-108, 112-117</citedRange>
· </bibl>
· </listBibl>
345 </div>
· </body>
· </text>
(12) The new reading śrīnarendrādi vallabhāntaṁ conforms to the very common usage in other (contemporary) inscriptions from the corpus, e.g.: ratnādibhānusiṅhāntaṁ vibhaktan nāma vi[bhratau] in K. 49; devādivāgīśvarapanditāntaṁ in K. 218; tatsaccaraś śrīsamarādināma savīravarmmāntam uvāha vīraḥ in K. 232.
(16) The compound kulasahitaṁ has an extra syllable; it should be corrected to kulahitaṁ.