Dhārikāṭūra Grant ― reign of Nandivarman I (?), year 35

Editors: Anonymous editor.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSEIAD00162.

Hand description:

Language: Prakrit.

Repository: Early Andhra (tfb-eiad-epigraphy).

Version: (505faae), last modified (35386f0).


⟨Page 1b⟩ ⟨1⟩ vijayaveṁgīpurā bhagavato cittaratha⟨2⟩ssāmipā(d)āṇ(u)j(jh)āto pa(ra)madevata⟨3⟩bappabhaṭṭāraka(p)ādabha(t)to (sā)laṅkāyanasa⟨Page 2a⟩⟨marginleft: 2⟨4⟩gotto yuvama(h)ārā(ja)śri°acaṇḍavarmmā (dh)āri(k)ā⟨5⟩ṭūre gāmeyakā savvasama(ggā) samāṇa⟨6⟩peti °atthiḍāṇi °amhadhammāyubalavā⟨Page 2b⟩⟨marginleft: 3⟨7⟩hanavibhavissariyappavaddhanatthaṁ kulagottassa ya ⟨8⟩ satthi(sa)t(th)iyaṇappāyaṇattham· (ve)māṇa⟨9⟩kassapasagottāṇa doṇṇampibhatukāṇam· ⟨Page 3a⟩⟨marginleft: 4 ⟨10⟩ bhavaskandasammajjabhaṭṭisammajjānaṁ bamhaṇaṇaṁ ⟨11⟩ °ag(g)ahāram· °ācanda(s)ūratāraka(t)thāyī⟨12⟩kātūṇa °am(he)hi saṁpadattam· tam evaṁ ⟨Page 3b⟩⟨marginleft: 5 ⟨13⟩ nātūṇa tāṇaṁ puttānupputtakāṇaṁ suṅgu(v)āṇa⟨14⟩vātacayaṇa sadiseta saṁ(bheṭṭa) (ho)nti ⟨15⟩ ve ca bādhapī(ḍ)ā karaṁti sav(v)apa(r)i(hā)rehi ⟨Page 4a⟩⟨marginleft: 6 ⟨16⟩ (°enaṁ) ca parihara(ṁ)ti te °amhehi ya naṁdaṁ deta(v)vā tti ⟨17⟩ saṁvaccharāṇi pacatīsa 305vāsa⟨18⟩pakkhaṁ cha(ṭha)6divasa tetiyāyaṁ ti 3

I. Anuṣṭubh

⟨Page 4b⟩⟨marginleft: (7) ⟨19⟩ bahu[bhir] [vasudhā] [dattā]


[bahubhiś] [cā] (nupāli)


⟨20⟩ yasya yasya yadā (bhūmi)


tasya [tadā] [phalam]



⟨1⟩ vijaya ⬦ vijasa Sircari • The akṣaraya sometimes has a peculiar form in this charter, resembling sa, but not identical to it.

⟨2⟩ -pā(d)āṇ(u)j(jh)āto ⬦ -pā(d)āṇu(j)jhāto Sircari. — ⟨2⟩ pa(ra)madevata- Sircari • We prefer to emend pa(ra)madevato, as this compound more probably directly qualifies °acaṇḍavarmmā. Admittedly, the attribute with parama- in the Śālaṅkāyana corpus normally follows after bappabhaṭṭārakapādabhatta or its Sanskrit equivalent. See e.g. EIAD 159, ll. 3-4.

⟨3⟩ -(p)āda- ⬦ -vāda- Sircari • We consider that the was carelessly engraved. — ⟨3⟩ -bha(t)to • The conjunct tt is very peculiar.

⟨4⟩ -śri- • Emend -śrī-.

⟨4-5⟩ (dh)āri(k)āṭūre Sircari • The name of this village was originally read (Ga)rikā(ṭuka) in No name 1887–, pp. 1954–55.

⟨5⟩ savvasama(ggā)savvasama(ggrā) Sircari • The akṣaraggā is very hard to recognize, but the reading seems to be the most likely one, in the light of EIAD 161, l. 5.

⟨5-6⟩ samāṇapeti ⬦ savā (°āna)peti Sircari.

⟨6⟩ -dhammāyu- ⬦ -dhammoyu Sircari • With correction to -dha[mm-ā]yu-. — ⟨6⟩ -vāhana- ⬦ -vāhane- Sircari • With correction to -vāhana-.

⟨8⟩ satthi(sa)t(th)iyaṇappāyaṇattham· • Emend santisatthiyanappāyaṇattham·. Cf. EIAD 161, l. 9. — ⟨8⟩ (ve)māṇa- ⬦ bh(e)māṇa- Sircari • Sircar notes “The expression Bhemāṇa-Kāśyapa-sagotra probably suggests that the family in question belonged to the Kāśyapa gotra and had a person called Bhemāṇa as its progenitor.” (Sircari) We tentatively read veṃāṇa-, as the initial akṣara is unlike the one in saṁbheṭṭa (line 14).

⟨11⟩ °ag(g)ahāram· ⬦ °ag(g)ahāra Sircari.

⟨14⟩ sadiseta Sircari

⟨16⟩ (°enaṁ)°e ta Sircari • He notes: “A letter like ch was originally engraved for e” (Sircari).

⟨20⟩ (bhūmi)(bhūmī) Sircari.


(1–6) From the victorious city of Veṅgī, the illustrious crown prince Acaṇḍavarman, who is favored by the feet of the Lord Citraratha, supreme devotee of the Lord (paramadevato), and belong to the gotra of the Śālaṅkāyanas, orders in (Dh)āri(k)āṭūra all the villagers, all complete:

(6–12) ‘There is now, in order to increase our merit (dharma), longevity, strength, vehicles, wealth and sovereignty and in order to increase the peace and prosperity of (our) lineage and gotra, to the Brahmins Bhavaskandaśarmārya and Bhaṭṭiṣarmārya, who belong to the gotra of Bhemāṇa-Kāśyapas and are brothers (residing in) Doṇṇampi, an agrahāra, given by us, after having made it remaining as long as moon, sun and stars.

(12–16) Knowing this so, let one order the collection of the multitude of taxes and presents in favour of their sons and descendants. Those who do annoyance or harm (to this donation) are to be roasted. Those who exempt this (village) with all exemptions will be given joy by us.’

(17–18) Thirty-five 35 years, sixth 6 fortnight of the rainy season, third 3 day.

By many land has been given; and by many it has been protected. Whoever holds land at a given moment, to him does the fruit then belong.


First edited by Sircari. Re-edited here from Sircar’s facsimiles and our photos.


No name. 1887–. Annual report on Indian epigraphy. Madras; Calcutta; New Delhi: Government of Madras; Archaeological Survey of India. Pages 1954–55: 11 (no. A.11).

No name. N.d. Indian Archaeology: a review. New Delhi: Archaeological Survey of India. Pages 1954–55: 26.
