Piḍiha grant (Kānukollu plates, set I) — reign of Nandivarman I, year 14

Editors: Anonymous editor.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSEIAD00161.

Hand description:

Language: Prakrit.

Repository: Early Andhra (tfb-eiad-epigraphy).

Version: (505faae), last modified (35386f0).


⟨Page 1b⟩⟨marginleft: 1 ⟨1⟩ vijayaveṁgīpurā bappabhaṭṭāraka⟨2⟩pādapariggahitassa mahārāja⟨3⟩sirīnaṁdivaṁmassa vacaṇena pi⟨Page 2a⟩⟨marginleft: (2)⟨4⟩ḍihaggāme mutuḍappamuho gāmo ⟨5⟩ savvasamaggo savvāyogapesana⟨6⟩kulaputtabhaḍamanussā bhāṇitavvā ⟨Page 2b⟩ ⟨7⟩ °iha hi °amhadhammāyubalavaddha⟨8⟩ṇattha(ṁ) bālakamahārājakumāra⟨9⟩kha(ṁ)dapottassa ya santisatthiyanaṁ ⟨Page 3a⟩⟨marginleft: 3 ⟨10⟩ °icchanteṇa mayā °etassa sāpānu⟨11⟩ggahasamatthassa nānāgottaca⟨12⟩raṇatapassa(jjhā)yaniratassa ⟨Page 3b⟩ ⟨13⟩ °aggahārarathākāracātuvejjassa ⟨14⟩ °esa piḍihaggāmo °aggahārara⟨15⟩thak(ā)ravidhānena saṁpadatto tassa ya ⟨Page 4a⟩⟨marginleft: 4 ⟨16⟩ °aggahārassa °ime parihāre ⟨17⟩ vitarāmi °appavesaṁ °a(no)⟨18⟩māsaṁ °alonakkhātakaṁ °araṭṭha⟨Page 4b⟩⟨19⟩saṁvina°ikaṁ °acollakakurakhaṭṭa⟨20⟩ggahaṇaṁ °aharitapaṁṇasāka⟨21⟩puppaphaladuddhadadhighata⟨Page 5a⟩⟨marginleft: 5⟨22⟩takkaggahaṇa m ādikaṁ °etehi ⟨23⟩ parihārehi sesehi pi °a⟨24⟩lihitacukkakhalitehi savva⟨Page 5b⟩⟨marginleft:[1×]⟨25⟩jātaparihārehi parihara⟨26⟩dha pariharāpedha ca yo ca ⟨27⟩ khu °etaṁ sāsanaṁ °appamānaṁ ⟨Page 6a⟩⟨marginleft: 6 ⟨28⟩ kātūṇa bādhapīlaṁ janejjo ⟨29⟩ tassa khu na paritussajjamha ⟨30⟩ tti bhavati cātra

I. Anuṣṭubh

⟨Page 6b⟩⟨marginleft: [1×] ⟨31⟩ svadattam paradattaṁ vā


yo nr̥po ⟨32⟩ noddhared dharet·


jātau jātau ⟨Page 7a⟩⟨marginleft: 7 ⟨33⟩ sa pibati


viṣaṅ hālahalam· ⟨34⟩ halam·

II. Anuṣṭubh

bahubhir vusudhā dattā


bahu⟨Page 7b⟩⟨marginleft:[1×]⟨35⟩bhiś cānupālitaṁ


yasya ⟨36⟩ yasya yadā bhūmis


tasya tasya ⟨37⟩ tadā phalam· <symbol>


⟨Page 8a⟩⟨marginleft: 8 ⟨38⟩ sava 104vāsa 2diva 1hatthis(ā)m(i) ⟨39⟩ °āṇattī mahārājaputo koṁgala⟨40⟩putto hadappag(g)āhamatyavaro ya ti <symbol>


⟨1⟩ -bhaṭṭāraka- • The reading prima facie would seem to be -bhajṭaraka-. But -bhaṭṭāraka- is expected, and what appears to be the middle horizontal of a j must thus be attached in an unusual position.

⟨2a, LM⟩ (2) • The sign visible on the facsimile looks more like a 1, but a 2 is expected and there is perhaps the trace of a second stroke visible that would make this 2.

⟨4⟩ mutuḍa- Krishna_Raomutyada- Krishna_Rao • According to the reading of D.C. Sircar provided in editorial notes to Krishna Rao’s article.

⟨9⟩ ya santisatthiyanaṁ Krishna_Raoyasattisatthiyanaṁ Krishna_Rao • According to the reading of D.C. Sircar provided in editorial notes to Krishna Rao’s article.

⟨13⟩ -rathākāra- • Krishna_Rao proposes to emend -rathakāra-.

⟨17–18⟩ °a(no)māsaṁ • Or has the scribe written °aṇamāsaṁ?

⟨29⟩ paritussajjamha • Emend paritussejjamha. We take this as 1st pl. opt. form with imp. ending.

⟨34⟩ halam· • D.C. Sircar proposes to emend dhruvam. — ⟨34⟩ vusudhā • Krishna_Rao proposes to emend vasudhā/vvasudhā.

⟨35⟩ cānupālita ⬦ cānupālitaṁ Krishna_Rao • Emending to cānupālitā. Or is what seems to be an anusvāra actually the trace of the expected ?

⟨38⟩ hatthis(ā)m(i) • Or read hatthisama = hatthasama? Or hatthisam[uha]? Cf. EIAD 160, l. 14 samuhāṇattī.

⟨39⟩ -puto koṁgala- Krishna_Rao-puṇakoṁgala- Krishna_Rao • According to the reading of D.C. Sircar provided in editorial notes to Krishna Rao’s article.

⟨40⟩ hadappag(g)āhamatyavaro ya ti Krishna_Raoadappaggāha chetya varohati Krishna_Rao • According to the reading of D.C. Sircar provided in editorial notes to Krishna Rao’s article.


(1–6) From the victorious city of Veṅgī, by the command of the glorious great king Nandivarman, who is favored by (or: who has embraced) the feet of his lord father, in the village of Piḍiha, the village headed by the mutuḍa, all complete—the men of good family (kulaputta) and constables (bhaḍamanussā) [appointed to] all duties and services—are to be addressed (thus):

(7–15) ‘For here by me, in order to increase our merit (dharma), longevity and strength, and desiring the peace and prosperity of the infant crown-prince Khandapotta, has been given this village of Piḍiha, in accordance with the rules of the Rathakāra settlement, to the community of Caturvedins of the Rathakāra settlement, which is capable of both of cursing and of showing kindness, which belongs to various lineages and schools and is steeped in austerities as well the study of the Vedas.

(16–30) And I confer to this settlement these immunities: it is not to be entered (by royal officers without permission); not to be interfered with; not to be dug for salt; not to be controlled by the (superordinate) territory; not to supply water-pots, boiled rice and cots; not to supply grass, betel leaves, vegetables, flowers, fruit, curd, milk, ghee and butter-milk; etc. With these exemptions and all other types of exemptions that have not been written due to erroneous omission, you shall exempt (this village) and (also) cause (it) to be exempted. Whosoever, failing to respect this edict, would cause trouble or harassment, of him we would not approve.’

The king who does not rescue or sustain what is given by himself or given by another, surely (dhruvam) drinks the poison (named) hālahala from birth to birth.
By many land has been given and by many protected. Whoever holds land at a given moment, to him does the fruit then belong.

(38–40) Year 14, (fortnight of the) rainy season 2, day 1. The executor is Hatthisāmi, (who is) the son of mahārāja, son of Koṁgala (mahārājaputo koṁgalaputto), and the best among ministers (in charge of) the seizure of (i.e. recovering, reclaiming) stolen goods (?).


(18–19) °araṭṭhasaṁvina°ikaṁ1

(38–40) 2

(40) hadappag(g)āhamatya-3


First edited by Krishna_Rao. Re-edited here from Krishna Rao’s facsimiles. Readings of D.C. Sircar provided in editorial notes to Krishna Rao’s article are cited . As often, d, and even are not clearly distinguished. We have opted for the expected spellings.


No name. 1887–. Annual report on Indian epigraphy. Madras; Calcutta; New Delhi: Government of Madras; Archaeological Survey of India. Pages 1946–47: 1, no. A.1.






  1. 1. According to Sircar1966, this MIA form corresponds to Sanskrit arāṣṭrasāṃvinayika and “refers to the freedom of the gift land from the administrative control to which the district in which it was situated was subject” (Sircar1966). Even though it may seem counter-intuitive because of the double negation (a- and vi-), meanings of vinī such as “to instruct, to direct, to punish” allow this interpretation. See also Senart 1902-03: 67-6; Mirashi and Mahajan 1921-22: 149; Sircar1965. For Pallava attestations, see Francis 2017: 461.
  2. 2. This passage is very obscure. Sircar believed that two executors (Hatthisāmi and Vara) are mentioned, but we tentatively propose that the second description applies to the same Hatthisāmi.
  3. 3. We follow Sircar’s suggestion that this word stands for Sanskrit hr̥tapragrāhāmātya, “i.e. an amātya or officer in charge of the seizure of stolen goods” (Krishna_Rao).