Pillar from Ghantasala

Editors: Anonymous editor.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSEIAD00097.

Hand description:

Language: Prakrit.

Repository: Early Andhra (tfb-eiad-epigraphy).

Version: (cdf33df), last modified (35386f0).


⟨1⟩ (s)[i]dhaṁ <symbol>°ukhasirivadha[mane] kaṁṭakasalavathavеna ⟨2⟩ dhaṁmav(ā)niyaputena budhisirigahapatinā °imaṁ ⟨3⟩ selamaṁḍapo sagaṁdhakuḍiv(e)tikat(o)raṇo kārito ti


⟨1⟩ -vadha[manе]-vadham(ā)ne Vogelc • No trace of ā is detectable on the stone in the corresponding part of EIAD 98.

⟨2⟩ -kasala- ⬦ -kasola- Vogelc • But see Vogelc. — ⟨2⟩ °imaṁ • Except for a small part of °i, the entire word °imaṁ still visible on the EI estampage is now broken off.


Success! In the estate of Ukhasiri, the notable (gahapati) Budhisiri, son of Dhaṁmavāniya, resident of Kaṁṭakasala, caused to be made this stone maṇḍapa, together with a gandhakuṭī, a railing (vedikā), and a portal (toraṇa).


First edited and described by Vogelc and then by Venkataramanayya1974b. His publication, which does not mention Vogel’s, seems nevertheless to be directly based on it for readings and perhaps also for the estampages. Re-edited here from published documentation and after autopsy of the stone.


No name. 1887–. Annual report on Indian epigraphy. Madras; Calcutta; New Delhi: Government of Madras; Archaeological Survey of India. Pages 1944–45: B.90.


