Āyaka pillar from site 1 at Nagarjunakonda — reign of Siri-Vīrapurisadatta, year 6

Editors: Anonymous editor.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSEIAD00006.

Hand description:

Language: Prakrit.

Repository: Early Andhra (tfb-eiad-epigraphy).

Version: (505faae), last modified (35386f0).


⟨1⟩ sidhaṁ namo bhagavato devarājasakatasa saṁmasa(ṁ)budhasa dhātuvaraparigahitasa ⟨2⟩ [ma](hā)cetiye mahārājasa virūpakhapatimahās⟨e⟩naparigahitasa °agiho⟨3⟩tāgiṭhomavājapeyāsamedhayājisa hiraṇakoṭigosatasahasahalasa⟨4⟩tasahasapadāyisa savaṭh⟨e⟩su °apatihatasaṁkapasa vāseṭhīputasa °ikhākusa ⟨5⟩ siricāṁtamūlasa sodarā bhagini raṁño sirivirapurisadatasa pituchā mahāsenapatisa ⟨6⟩ mahātalavarasa vāsiṭhīputasa pūkīyānaṁ kaṁdasirisa bhayā samaṇabamhaṇakavaṇa⟨7⟩vaṇijakadinānugahavelamikadānapaṭibhāgavochinadhārapadāyini savasadhuvāchalā ⟨8⟩ mahātalavari khaṁdasāgaraṁṇakamātā cāṁtisiri °apano °ubhayakula⟨sa⟩ parināmetunaṁ °atano ca ⟨9⟩ nivāṇasaṁpatisaṁpādake °imaṁ khaṁbhaṁ savalokahitasukhāvahathanāya ca patiṭhapitā ti ⟨10⟩ °ācariyānaṁ °aparamahāvinas(e)liyānaṁ suparigahitaṁ °imaṁ mahācetiyanavakaṁmaṁ ⟨11⟩ paṁṇagāmavathavānaṁ dīghamajhimapaṁcamātukadesakavācakānaṁ °ācariyānaṁ °ayirahaṁghāna ⟨12⟩ °aṁtevāsikena dīghamajhimanikāyadharena bhajaṁtānaṁdena nithapitaṁ °imaṁ navakamaṁ mahācetiyaṁ ⟨13⟩ khaṁbhā ca ṭhāpitā ti raṁño sirivarapurisadatasa sava 6 vāpa 6 diva 10


⟨11⟩ -desaka- ⬦ -osaka- Vogeld • A note in Vogeld corrects -osaka- to -desaka-, referring to C 2, l. 9. — ⟨11⟩ °ayirahaṁghāna ⬦ °ayirahaṁghānaṁ Vogeld.

⟨12⟩ bhajaṁtānaṁdena • Emend bhadaṁtānaṁdena.

⟨13⟩ siriv⟨i⟩rapurisadatasa ⬦ sirivirapurisadatasa Vogeld.


(1) Success! Homage to the Bhagavant, worshipped by the king(s) of the gods, the Perfect Buddha who is ensconced in the excellent relic [or: element (i.e., nirvāṇadhātu)]!

(2–13) At the Great Shrine, Cāntisirī — uterine sister of Great King Vāsiṭṭhīputta Siri-Cāntamūla the Ikṣvāku, favored by Mahāsena who has Virūpākṣa as his lord, sacrificer of the Agnihotra, the Agniṣṭoma, the Vājapeya and the Aśvamedha, giver of tens of millions of (pieces of) gold, hundreds of thousands of cows and hundreds of thousands of plows (of land), whose will is unimpeded in all matters; paternal aunt of King Siri-Vīrapurisadatta; wife of Great General, Great Talavara Vāsiṭṭhīputta Kandasiri of the Pūkīyas; giver of an unequalled and uninterrupted stream of velāmika gifts as a favor to ascetics, brahmans, beggars, mendicants and the wretched; affectionate to all good people; Great-Talavara-wife, mother of Khandasāgaraṇṇaka — having dedicated (the merit) to her own family on both sides, established this pillar, for achieving the fortune of nirvāṇa for herself and for the sake of bringing about well‐being and happiness of all people. This construction of the Great Shrine has been received well by the Aparamahāvinaseliya teachers. This construction[, namely this] Great Shrine has been completed and the pillars established by the venerable Ānanda, preserver of the Long and Middle Divisions, pupil of the master, the noble Haṅgha, resident of the village Paṇṇa, the instructor and transmitter of the Long and Middle (Divisions) and the Five Matrices.

(13) In the 6th year of King Siri-Vīrapurisadatta, in the 6th fortnight of the rainy season, on the 10th day.


Only the last four lines of this inscription were edited by Vogeld, readings of the preceding lines being incorporated in the critical apparatus of his edition of EIAD 5. We record only variant readings by Vogel for the last four lines, as the first integral edition of this inscription, by Raghunath2001, is too full of involuntary errors. Our re-edition is based on the Leiden estampage sheets and autopsy of the fragments of the stone.



