Lid or bowl (?)

Editors: Salomé Pichon, Arlo Griffiths.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSCIC00118.

Hand description:

Language: Old Cham.

Repository: Campa (tfc-campa-epigraphy).

Version: (0d8960e), last modified (f8ebd96).


⟨1⟩ <symbol> pom̃ yām̃ pu rājabhagavanta aum̃ sakrānta urām̃ mandā vijaya vuḥ pak yām̃ pu nagara śakarāja 1179


⟨1⟩ <symbol> • The form of the opening sign, ignored in previous publications, is uncommon, but it is found also in the nearly contemporary inscription C. 58. — ⟨1⟩ aum̃ • All previous publications give oṅ. — ⟨1⟩ sakrānta • All previous publications give śakrānta. — ⟨1⟩ 1179 LF21171 LF1; 1187 EMD; 1119 AVS.

Translation by Arlo Griffiths

His majesty the royal venerable, Sir Sakrānta, man of Mandā Vijaya, has gifted [this] to the Lady of the Land. [Era of the] Śaka king 1178 (= 1257/8 C.E.).

Translation into French by Arlo Griffiths

Sa majesté le vénérable royal, sieur Sakrānta, homme de Mandā Vijaya, a offert [ceci] à la Dame du Pays. [Ère du] roi des Śaka 1178 (= 1257/8 de n.è.).


The idea forwarded by Schweyer in Baptiste and Zéphir 2005, p. 297 that the text was not meant to be read by humans but only by the goddess who was recipient of the donation, and that this would explain why the text was engraved upside-down on the object which is interpreted as a bowl, seems entirely ad hoc.

For the opening phraseology, cf. C. 5, ll. 17-18. Might the unique expression rājabhagavanta be equivalent to yuvarāja? It seems more likely that this expression is intended as a compound, than as two separate words, as previous editions have assumed. The name Sakrānta is possibly attested again, although with orthographic variants, as sakram̃ttha in C. 1 and as sakram̃tthi in C. 43.


An initial reading having been presented during a lecture at Paris (Finot 1906), the text was read directly from the original by father Eugène-Marie Durand, whose amended was published in Parmentier 1906, p. 291, n. 2, whence Golzio 2004, p. 188; the reading of the date was again amended in Finot 1915, p. 192; reading with new error for the date in Schweyer 2005, p. 107 (see also the entry by the same author in Baptiste and Zéphir 2005); an emendation proposed in Griffiths et al. 2008–2009, p. 476


[LF1] Finot, Louis. 1906. “Une trouvaille archéologique au temple de Pô Nagar à Nhatrang (Annam).” JA 10, pp. 517–519. [URL].

[EMD] Parmentier, M.H. 1906. “Nouvelles notes sur le sanctuaire de Pô-Nagar à Nhatrang.” BEFEO 6, pp. 291–300. DOI: 10.3406/befeo.1906.4260. [URL]. Page 291, note 2.

[LF2] Finot, Louis. 1915. “Errata et addenda.” Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient 15 (2), pp. 185–192. [URL]. Page 192.

[AVS] Schweyer, Anne-Valérie. 2005. “Po Nagar de Nha Trang, seconde partie : Le dossier épigraphique.” Aséanie, Sciences humaines en Asie du Sud-Est 15, pp. 87–119. DOI: 10.3406/asean.2005.1847. [URL]. Page 107.


Parmentier, Henri. 1909. Inventaire descriptif des monuments čams de l’Annam. Tome premier: Description des monuments. Paris: Imprimerie nationale. [URL]. Page 132.

Majumdar, Ramesh Chandra. 1927. Ancient Indian colonies in the Far East, Vol. I: Champa. Punjab Oriental (Sanskrit) Series 16. Lahore: The Punjab Sanskrit Book Depot. [URL]. Page 214, item 99.

Griffiths, Arlo, Amandine Lepoutre, William Aelred Southworth and Thành Phần. 2008–2009. “Études du corpus des inscriptions du Campā, III: Épigraphie du Campa 2009-2010: prospection sur le terrain, production d'estampages, supplément à l'inventaire.” BEFEO 95, pp. 435–497. DOI: 10.3406/befeo.2008.6118. [URL]. Page 476.