Doorjamb from Phan Rang

Editors: Salomé Pichon, Arlo Griffiths.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSCIC00005.

Hand description:

Language: Old Cham.

Repository: Campa (tfc-campa-epigraphy).

Version: (a18300e), last modified (e95c833).


⟨1⟩ [introductory elements] n(ī) mūla (h)u(l)u(n·)(m̃) [pom̃ ku śrī] ⟨2⟩ [jaya](pa)rameśvaravarmmadeva vuḥ pak· y[ām̃ pom̃] ⟨3⟩ [ku sva]yamutpanna ṅan· yām̃ pom̃ ku śrī[patī]⟨4⟩(śva)ra vraḥ rūpa śvam̃l· mauk· ajīp· mauk· lau [hu]⟨5⟩[lu]n· śiliḥ ri viñaiḥ 8 drim̃ śvam̃l· mauk· āk· ⟨6⟩ nai 4 drim̃ śvam̃l· mauk· ayam̃p· 3 drim̃ śvam̃l· ⟨7⟩ mauk· rarauṅ· 7 drim̃ śvam̃l· mauk· re 7 drim̃ ja patiḥ ⟨8⟩ hulun· śiliḥ ri mauk· nik· mauk· svar· ja śi⟨9⟩rā nan· humā sā sthāna di kumvyam̃l· anan· samr̥ddhija⟨10⟩ya ranok· 400 jāk· ṅan· tandom̃ laṅguv· kvi⟨11⟩r· campa si vuḥ di hajai nan· 30 drim̃ tralāy· ⟨12⟩ pirak· sā vana ’nāk· 50 thil· sanrauṅ· pira⟨13⟩k· sā vana ’nāk· 36 thil· <symbol> si vuḥ di y⟨14⟩ām̃ pom̃ ku śrī jaya buddheśvara humā ra⟨15⟩nok· di samr̥ddhijaya kumvyam̃l· 500 jāk· ṅa⟨16⟩n· tandom̃ laṅguv· kvir· campa si vuḥ di hajai nan· 3⟨17⟩0 drim̃ <symbol> pom̃ yām̃ pu yuvarāja am̃ nandabha⟨18⟩[d](ra) urām̃ turaiy· vijaya vuḥ tralām̃ pirak· ⟨19⟩ sā vana ’nāk· 50 thil· sanraum̃ pirak· sā va⟨20⟩na ’nāk· 30 thil·


⟨1⟩ n(ī) mūla (h)u(l)u (n·)...n mūla... LF • The author adds a footnote indicating that “il y avait deux u dans le mot qui suivait mūla : pb. hulun

⟨1-2⟩ yām̃ [pom̃ ku śrī jaya](pa)rameśvaravarmmadeva ⬦ (yāṅ po ku)[śrī] parameśvaravarmmadeva LF.

⟨3-4⟩ śrī[patī](śva)ra ⬦ śrī...ra LFJacques 1977–1978, pp. 1077, note 7 suggested that the name of the latter god, which only the final part (°śvara) is readable, could be Saratīśvara. This hypothesis was based on the reading of the inscription C. 3 by Jacques 1976–1977, p. 989 where the same name is associated whith that of Svayamutpanna. But according to the rereading of the inscription C. 3. 2, Śrīpatīśvara seems to be a better reading than Saratīśvara.This is the name we reuse in this inscription.

⟨4-5⟩ [hulu]n· śiliḥ • the restitution, already proposed by Finot, is based on l. 8. At the end of the l. 4, the reading of a part of a subscript sign, which is most likely a u, shows there is no akṣara between lau and hulun.

⟨5⟩ viñaiḥ ⬦ ci ñaiḥ LF. — ⟨5⟩ 8 ⬦ 9 LF. — ⟨5⟩ āk ⬦ ak LF.

⟨7⟩ 7 ⬦ 8 LF. — ⟨7⟩ 7 ⬦ 8 LF.

⟨9⟩ sā • the shape of this ā is rare: instead of the usual vertical line attached to consonant, here it is engraved above the consonant and has a curving shape. It seems to have been added after the text was initially engraved.

⟨13-14⟩ yām̃ • the disconnection between the two elements of the basic sign is rare: the first element is at the end of the l. 13 and the second one, composed of a vertical line, an anusvāra-candra and the vocalization, is at the beginning of the l. 14.

⟨14⟩ jaya buddheśvara ⬦ jaya . ārtheśvara LF; jaya – ddheśvara Jacques 1977–1978.

⟨15⟩ kvir· ⬦ kvīr LF.

⟨17-18⟩ nandabha[d](ra) • this restitution was already proposed by Finot.

⟨18⟩ tralām̃ ⬦ kalāṅ LF.

Translation by Arlo Griffiths

This is the capital of servants [that] Y.P.K. Śrī Jayaparameśvaravarman gives to Y.P.K. Svayamutpanna and Y.K.P. Śrīpatīśvara [under their] holy appearances.

Family of mauk Ajīp [and] of mauk Lau: servants are exchanged for [those of] Viñaiḩ: 8 persons; family of mauk Āk: 4 persons; family of mauk Ayam̃p: 3 persons; family of mauk Rarauṅ: 7 persons; family of mauk Re: 7 persons; ja Patiḥ the servant is exchanged for these [persons]: mauk Nik, mauk Svar, ja Śirā;

rice-field: one unit at Kumvyam̃l. In this place of great abundance (called) Ranok: 400 jāk with tandom̃ laṅguv. Khmer [and] Cam [people] who are given to this domain: 30 persons;

a silver tralāy weighing 50 thil; a silver sanrauṅ weighing 36 thil.

What is given to Y.P.K. Śrī Jaya Buddheśvara: the Ranok ricefield, of great abundance, at Kumvyam̃l: 500 jāk with tandom̃ laṅguv. Khmer [and] Cam [people] who are given to this domain: 30 persons.

The P.Y.P. heir Aṅ Nandabhadra, person of Turaiy Vijaya, gives: a silver tralām̃ weighing 50 thil; a silver sanrauṅ weighing 30 thil.

Translation into French by Lepoutre 2013

Ceci est le capital des serviteurs [que] Y.P.K. Śrī Jayaparameśvaravarman donne à Y.P.K. Svayamutpanna et à Y.K.P. Śrīpatīśvara [sous leur] sainte apparence.

Famille de mauk Ajīp [et] de mauk Lau : les serviteurs sont échangés contre [ceux de] Viñaiḩ : 8 personnes ; famille de mauk Āk : 4 personnes ; famille de mauk Ayam̃p : 3 personnes ; famille de mauk Rarauṅ : 7 personnes : famille de mauk Re : 7 personnes ; ja Patiḥ le serviteur est échangé contre ces [personnes-ci] : mauk Nik, mauk Svar, ja Śirā ;

rizière : un emplacement à Kumvyam̃l. En ce lieu de grande abondance (nommé) Ranok : 400 jāk avec tandom̃ laṅguv. Des Khmers [et] des Cams qui sont donnés à ce domaine : 30 personnes ;

Un tralāy d’argent pesant 50 thil ; un sanrauṅ d’argent pesant 36 thil.

Ce qui est donné au Y.P.K. Śrī Jaya Buddheśvara : la rizière Ranok, de grande abondance, à Kumvyam̃l : 500 jāk avec tandom̃ laṅguv. Des Khmers [et] des Cams qui sont donnés à ce domaine : 30 personnes.

Le P.Y.P. héritier Aṅ Nandabhadra, personne de Turaiy Viajaya, donne : un tralām̃ d’argent pesant 50 thil ; un sanrauṅ d’argent pesant 30 thil.


This inscription was edited and translated into French in Finot 1903, pp. 646–647; summarised in English in Majumdar 1985, p. 209, whence Golzio 2004, p. 182. It was also studied in Jacques 1977–1978, pp. 1077–1078. The present edition and translation after Lepoutre 2013, pp. 223–225.


[LF] Finot, Louis. 1903. “Notes d’épigraphie, V : Pāṇḍuraṅga.” BEFEO 3, pp. 630–648. DOI: 10.3406/befeo.1903.1260. [URL]. Pages 646–647.

[AL] Lepoutre, Amandine. 2013. “Études du corpus des inscriptions du Campā, IV: Les inscriptions du temple de Svayamutpanna. Contribution à l'histoire des relations entre les pouvoirs cam et khmer (de la fin du XIIe siècle au début du XIIIe siècle).” JA 301 (1), pp. 205–278. DOI: 10.2143/JA.301.1.2994464. Pages 223–225.


Parmentier, Henri. 1909. Inventaire descriptif des monuments čams de l’Annam. Tome premier: Description des monuments. Paris: Imprimerie nationale. [URL]. Pages 79–81.

Finot, Louis. 1915. “Notes d’épigraphie, XIV : Les inscriptions du musée de Hanoi.” BEFEO 15 (2), pp. 1–38. DOI: 10.3406/befeo.1915.5229. [URL]. Pages 2 and 9–10.

Parmentier, Henri. 1918. Inventaire descriptif des monuments čams de l’Annam. Tome II: Étude de l’art čam. Paris: Ernest Leroux. Page 77.