
Entries 8701–8800 of 19483.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1886. “Berichtigungen und Nachträge zu den Amarâvatî-Inschriften.” ZDMG 40, pp. 343–6. [URL].

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1887. G.O. No. 1462, 24th October 1887. Archaeology. Noting with satisfaction the work performed by Dr. Hultzsch, Epigraphist, from 21st November 1886 to 20th September 1887. Madras: Government of Madras, Public Department.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1888. G.O. No. 424, 20th April 1888. Archaeology. Recording letter from the Director-General forwarding Dr. Hultzsch's progress report from 21st September 1887 to 31st January 1888. Madras: Government of Madras, Public Department.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1888. G.O. No. 745, 27th July 1888. Archaeology. Recording letter from the Director-General, Archaeological Survey, forwarding Dr. Hultzsch's progress report for February, March and April 1888. Madras: Government of Madras, Public Department.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1888. G.O. No. 1050, 7th November 1888. Archaeology. Recording Dr. Hultzsch's progress report for the months of July, August and September 1888. Madras: Government of Madras, Public Department.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1888. G.O. No. 877, 6th September 1888. Archaeology. Recording letter from the Director-General, Archaeological Survey, forwarding Dr. Hultzsch's progress report for May and June 1888. Madras: Government of Madras, Public Department.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1889. G.O. No. 186, 26th February 1889. Epigraphy. Recording the progress report of Dr. E. Hultzsch, the Government Epigraphist, for December 18-8 and January 1889. Madras: Government of Madras, Public Department.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1889. G.O. No. 365, 25th April 1889. Epigraphy. Recording, with remarks, the progress report of Dr. E. Hultzsch, the Government Epigraphist, for February and March 1889. Madras: Government of Madras, Public Department.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1889. G.O. No. 898, 7th November 1889. Archaeology. Recording progress report of the Government Epigraphist for the second and third quarters of 1889. Madras: Government of Madras, Public Department.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1890. G.O. No. 717, 28th October 1890. Archaeology. Recording progress report of the Government Epigraphist for May to September 1890. Madras: Government of Madras, Public Department.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1890. South-Indian inscriptions, Tamil and Sanskrit, from stone and copper-plate edicts at Mamallapuram, Kanchipuram, in the North Arcot district, and other parts of the Madras Presidency, chiefly collected in 1886-87. Volume I. South Indian Inscriptions 1. Madras: Government Press.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1890. “A Pallava inscription from Amarâvatî.” In: South-Indian inscriptions, Tamil and Sanskrit, from stone and copper-plate edicts at Mamallapuram, Kanchipuram, in the North Arcot district, and other parts of the Madras Presidency, chiefly collected in 1886-87. Volume I. Madras: Government Press, pp. 25–28.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1890. G.O. No. 189, 11th March 1890. Archaeology. Recording the progress report of the Epigraphist, Archaeological Survey, for October 1889 to January 1890. Madras: Government of Madras, Public Department.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1890. G.O. No. 355, 14th May 1890. Archaeology. Recording the progress report of the Epigraphist, Archaeological Survey, for February and April 1890. Madras: Government of Madras, Public Department.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1891. G.O. No. 452, 10th June 1891. Epigraphy. Recording the Government Epigraphist's progress report for October 1890 to March 1891. Madras: Government of Madras, Public Department.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1891. G.O. No. 675, 7th August 1891. Archaeology and Epigraphy. Directing that certain reports containing the information called for by the Government of India in letter No. 1095--27-5, dated 27th May 1891, in connexion with --, be forwarded to that Govrnement. Madras: Government of Madras, Public Department.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1891. South-Indian inscriptions: Tamil inscriptions of Rajaraja, Rajendra-chola, and others in the Rajarajesvara temple at Tanjavur. Volume II, Part I: Inscriptions on the walls of the central shrine. South Indian Inscriptions 2.1. Madras: Government Press.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1892. “A Rāshṭrakūṭa grant of Kṛshṇa II., dated Śaka 832.” EI 1, pp. 52–58.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1892. G.O., etc., Nos. 544-45, 6th August 1892. Epigraphy. Directing that certain reports containing the information called for by the Government of India in letter No. 1095--27-5, dated 27th May 1891, in connexion with --, be forwarded to that Govrnement. Madras: Government of Madras, Public Department.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1892. “A Valabhī grant of Dhruvasena III. dated Samvat 334.” EI 1, pp. 85–92.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1892. “Note on the Lobu Tua inscription from Barus.” ARIE, p. 11.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1892. South-Indian inscriptions: Tamil inscriptions of Rajaraja, Rajendra-chola, and others in the Rajarajesvara temple at Tanjavur. Volume II, Part II: Inscriptions on the walls of the enclosure. South Indian Inscriptions 2.2. Madras: Government Press.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1892. “A plate of a Pallava copper-plate grant.” EI 1, pp. 397–398.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1893. G.O. Nos. 642-43, 14th August 1893. Epigraphy. Directing, with remarks, Dr. Hultzsch's report on Epigraphical work done during 1892-93 be forwarded to the Govrnement of India and approving of the programme for the next field season. Madras: Government of Madras, Public Department.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1894-1895. “Achyutapuram plates of Indravarman.” EI 3, pp. 127–130.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1894-1895. “Chicacole plates of Gunarnava'son Devendravarman.” EI 3, pp. 130–134.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1894-1895. “Alamanda plates of Anantavarman.” EI 3, pp. 17–19.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1894-1895. “Ganesgad plates of Dhruvasena I.; [Gupta-]Samvat 207.” EI 3, pp. 318–323.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1894. G.O. Nos. 728-29, 28 September 1894. Epigraphy. Forwarding, with remarks, to the Government of India, report on the Epigraphical work accomplished during 1893-94; and approving of the programme of work during the next field season submitted by the Government Epigraphist. Madras: Government of Madras, Public Department.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1895. “Kasakudi Plates of Nandivarman Pallavamalla.” In: South-Indian Inscriptions. Volume II. Part III. Additional Inscriptions in the Tañjâvûr Temple and Other miscellaneous Inscriptions. No place, pp. 342–361.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1895. G.O., &c., Nos. 855, 856, 12th October 1895. Epigraphy. Forwarding to the Government of India report on the Epigraphical work accomplished during 1894-95, and approving of the programme of work for the next field season. Madras: Government of Madras, Public Department.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1895. South-Indian inscriptions: Tamil inscriptions of Rajaraja, Rajendra-chola, and others in the Rajarajesvara temple at Tanjavur. Volume II, Part III: Supplement to the first and second volumes. South Indian Inscriptions 2.3. Madras: Government Press.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1896-1897. “Three Tamil inscriptions at Kil-Muttugur.” EI 4, pp. 177–179.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1896-1897. “Kil-Muttugur inscriptions (concluded from page 179).” EI 4, p. 360.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1896-1897. “Two Tamil inscriptions at Ambur.” EI 4, pp. 180–183.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1896-1897. “Pithapuram pillar inscription of Prthvisvara, Saka-Samvat 1108.” EI 4, pp. 32–54.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1896-1897. “Velur rock-inscription of Kannaradeva.” EI 4, pp. 81–83.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1896-1897. “Komarti plates of Chandavarman of Kalinga.” EI 4, pp. 142–145.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1896-1897. “Mahendravadi inscription of Gunabhara.” EI 4, pp. 152–153.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1896. G.O. Nos. 814-15, 6th August 1896. Epigraphy. Reviewing the report on epigraphical work accomplished during 1895-96 and directing ist transmission to the Government of India. Madras: Government of Madras, Public Department.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1897. G.O., &c., Nos. 1062, 1063, 10th August 1897. Epigraphy. Reviewing the annual report of the Government Epigraphist for 1896-97 and forwarding copy to the Government of India. Madras: Government of Madras, Public Department.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1898-1899. “Four inscriptions of Kulottunga-Chola.” Epigraphia Indica 5, pp. 103–106.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1898-1899. “Rayakota plates of Skandasishya.” Epigraphia Indica 5, pp. 49–53.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1898. G.O. Nos. 1093-1096, 29th August 1898. Epigraphy. Directing that the annual report of the Government Epigraphist for 1897-98 be forwarded to the Government of India, approving provisionally his programme of work for the next fields season. Madras: Government of Madras, Public Department.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1899. South-Indian inscriptions. Volume III: Miscellaneous inscriptions from the Tamil country. Part I: Inscriptions at Ukkal, Melpadi, Karuvur, Manimangalam and Tiruvallam. South Indian Inscriptions 3.1. Madras: Governement Press.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1899. G.O., &c., Nos. 922-23, 19th August 1899. Epigraphy. Passing orders on the annual report on – for 1898-99. Copy to the Government of India. Madras: Government of Madras, Public Department.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1900-1901. “Mayidavolu plates of Sivaskandavarman.” EI 6, pp. 84–89.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1900-1901. “Bhimavaram inscription of Kulottunga I.; Saka-Samvat 1037.” EI 6, pp. 219–223.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1900-1901. “Kondamudi plates of Jayavarman.” EI 6, pp. 315–319.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1900-1901. “Teki plates of Rajaraja-Chodaganga; dated in the seventeenth year (of Kulottunga I.)” EI 6, pp. 334–347.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1900-1901. “Plates of the time of Sasankaraja; Gupta-Samvat 300.” EI 6, pp. 143–146.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1900-1901. “Two cave inscriptions at Siyamangalam. A: Inscription of Lalitâṅkura. B: Inscription of Vijaya-Nandivikramavarman.” Epigraphia Indica 6, pp. 319–322.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1900-1901. “Two pillar inscriptions at Amaravati.” EI 6, pp. 146–160.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1900. G.O. etc., Nos. 833-34, 22nd August 1900. Epigraphy. Passing orders on the annual report on – for 1899-1900. Copy to the Government of India. Madras: Government of Madras, Public Department.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1901. G.O., etc., Nos. 762-63, 25th July 1901. Epigraphy. Passing orders on the annual report on – for 1900-1901. Copy to the Government of India. Madras: Government of Madras, Public Department.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1902-1903. “Four Inscriptions at Solapuram.” EI 7.26, pp. 192–197.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1902-1903. “Three memorial stones.” EI 7, pp. 22–26.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1902-1903. “Baloda plates of Tivaradeva.” EI 7, pp. 102–107.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1902-1903. “Fourteen inscriptions at Tirukkovalur.” EI 7, pp. 138–147.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1902-1903. “A rock-inscription at Tandalam.” EI 7, pp. 25–26.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1902-1903. “Ratlam plates of Dhruvasena II. [Gupta-]Saṃvat 321.” ARASI 1902-1903, pp. 232–238.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1902. G.O. Nos. 763, 764, 6th August 1902. Epigraphy. Passing orders on the annual report on – for 1901-1902. Copy to the Government of India. Madras: Government of Madras, Public Department.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1903. South-Indian inscriptions. Volume III: Miscellaneous inscriptions from the Tamil country. Part II: Inscriptions of Virarajendra I., Kulottunga-chola I., Vikrama-chola and Kulottunga III. South Indian Inscriptions 3.2. Madras: Governement Press.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1903. G.O., etc., Nos. 655-656, 24th July 1903. Epigraphy. Passing orders on the annual report on – for 1902-1903. Copy to the Government of India, Department of Revenue and Agriculture. Madras: Government of Madras, Public Department.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1905-1906. “Uṇḍikavâtikâ grant of Abhimanyu.” EI 8, pp. 163–166.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1905-1906. “Dhâr praśasti of Arjunavarman.” EI 8, pp. 96–122.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1905-1906. “Chendalûr plates of Sarvalôkâśraya.” EI 8, pp. 236–241.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1905-1906. “Tiruvadi inscription of Ravivarman; A.D. 1313.” EI 8, pp. 8–9.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1905-1906. “Two grants of Dhruvasena II.” EI 8, pp. 188–199.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1905-1906. “British Museum plates of Charudevi.” EI 8, pp. 143–146.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1905-1906. “Nagpur Museum plates of Mahabhavagupta I. Janamejaya.” EI 8, pp. 138–142.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1905-1906. “Chendalur plates of Kumaravishnu II.” EI 8, pp. 233–236.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1905-1906. “Nausari plates of Sryasraya Siladitya: the year 421.” EI 8, pp. 229–233.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1905-1906. “Pikira grant of Siṃhavarman.” EI 8, pp. 159–163.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1907-1908. “Plates of Vijayadevavarman.” EI 9, pp. 56–59.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1907-1908. “Tirumalai inscription of Râjêndra-Chôḷa I.” EI 9, pp. 229–233.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1907-1908. “Timmapuram plates of Vishnuvardhana I. Vishamasiddhi.” EI 9, pp. 317–319.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1907-1908. “Talamanchi plates.” EI 9, pp. 98–102.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1907-1908. “Maliyapundi grant of Ammarāja II.” EI 9, pp. 47–56.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1907-1908. “Vandram plates of Ammaraja II.” EI 9, pp. 131–135.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1907-1908. “Âlupa inscriptions at Udiyâvara.” EI 9, pp. 15–24.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1909-1910. “Pārḍi plates of Dahrasēna.” EI 10, pp. 51–54.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1909-1910. “The Pallava inscriptions of the Seven Pagodas.” EI 10, pp. 1–14.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1909-1910. “Gadval plates of Vikramaditya I.; A. D. 674.” EI 10, pp. 100–106.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1909-1910. “Note on the Amaravati pillar inscription of Simhavarman.” EI 10, pp. 43–44.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1911-1912. “Palitana plates of Simhaditya; the year 255.” EI 11, pp. 16–20.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1911-1912. “Palitana plates of Dharasena II.; [Gupta-]Samvat 252.” EI 11, pp. 80–85.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1913-1914. “Ramatirtham plates of Indravarman.” EI 12, pp. 133–136.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1913-1914. “Nammuru grant of Ammaraja II.” EI 12, pp. 61–64.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1913-1914. “Two cave-inscriptions at Dalavanur. A: Sanskrit inscription of Narendra Satrumalla.” EI 12, pp. 225–226.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1913. “Contributions to Singhalese chronology.” JRASGBI, pp. 517–531.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1913. “Note on a Tamil inscription in Siam.” JRASGBI, pp. 337–339.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1914. “Supplementary note on a Tamil inscription in Siam.” JRASGBI, pp. 397–338.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor, V. Venkayya and H. Krishna Sastri. 1916. South-Indian inscriptions. Volume II. Tamil inscriptions in the Rajarajesvara Temple at Tanjavur and other miscellaneous records of the Chola, Pallava, Pandya and Vijayanagara dynasties. South Indian Inscriptions 2. Madras: Government Press.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1923-1924. “Ipur plates of Govindavarman’s son Madhavavarman.” EI 17, pp. 334–337.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1923-1924. “Mattepad plates of Damodaravarman.” EI 17, pp. 327–330.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1923-1924. “Revised text and translation of two of the Kuram plates.” EI 17, pp. 340–344.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1923-1924. “Urlam plates of Hastivarman; the year 80.” EI 17, pp. 330–334.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1923-1924. “Ipur plates of Madhavavarman II.” EI 17, pp. 337–339.

Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1925-1926. “Niduparu grant of Jayasimha I.” EI 18, pp. 55–58.