Kāmaracavalli, Kārkōṭakēśvara, time of Parakesarivarman, year 9

Editors: Renato Dávalos, Emmanuel Francis.

Identifier: DHARMA_INStfaSIIv19p0i0231.

Hand description:

Language: Tamil.

Repository: South Indian Inscriptions (tfa) (tfa-sii-epigraphy).

Version: (44453c0), last modified (36884e2).


⟨1⟩ kō-p-para-kēsari-panma(rk)ku yāṇṭu 9-Āvatu

⟨2⟩ vaṭa-karai brahma-tēyam śrī-kāmaravalli-caturve⟨3⟩ti-maṅkalattu peruṅ-kuṟi peru-makkaḷōm I⟨4⟩vv-āṭṭai dhaṉu-nāyaṟṟu viyāḻa-[k]-kiḻamai pe⟨5⟩ṟṟa kār⟨t⟩tikai nāṉṟu taṭṭaḻi koṭṭi peruṅ⟨6⟩-kuṟi cāṟṟi maṇṭakattē kūṭi Eḻu=nt-aruḷi Iru⟨7⟩(n=tu) nam tiru-nallūr parameśva⟨r⟩kku can¡t!⟨d⟩tit⟨8⟩ta-vaṟ śrī-paliyum tiru-p-paḷḷi Eḻucciyum koḷ⟨9⟩vataṟku peruṅ-kuṟi peru-makkaḷōm vaittu-k ku⟨10⟩ṭutta j¡i!⟨ī⟩vitam āvatu

śrī-kō-taṇṭa-rāma-vāykkā⟨11⟩l-k k¡i!⟨ī⟩ḻ n¡i!⟨ī⟩r-pūci nel viḷaiyum nilam ellām ⟨12⟩ virivu māttāl tūṇi-p patakku nel Aṇaik⟨13⟩ku vaitta nellilē māttāl kuṟuṇi nel ⟨14⟩ pū-t-tōṟum koḷḷa-⟨p⟩ peṟuvat’ āka Av-Avva-Āṇ⟨15⟩ṭu Ūr-vāriyam ceyyum pe(ru-mak)kaḷē terica⟨16⟩-t tōppu puka Iṭa-⟨k⟩ kaṭavar ākavum [3+]

⟨17⟩ [2+] rippiṉ paṭi tēva-kaṉmikaḷ kaṉali [1+] ⟨18⟩ [1+] taṇṭi koḷḷa-[p] peṟuvār ākavum

I⟨19⟩-p-paricu In-nel koṇṭu can¡t!⟨d⟩tit⟨20⟩ta-vaṟ śrī-bali koṭṭuvataṟk’ āka pa⟨21⟩ṇi-p paṇiyāl nālu cēriyilum ⟨22⟩ nallūr bhaṭṭaṉ nakkanākaṉ paṇi⟨23⟩yālum kaṭavūr nārāyaṇaṉ nārayaṇa⟨24⟩ṉ paṇiyālum kō-maṭattu ti¿ṟ?⟨r⟩ukkuṟuṅ⟨25⟩kuṭi-k kramavittaṉ paṇiyālum kirāñci ⟨26⟩ kkam pattipoḻ nārāyaṇa-bhaṭṭa⟨27⟩ṉ paṇiyālum Ip-paricu can¡t!⟨d⟩titta-va⟨28⟩ṟ niṟppat’ āka śi-lekhai ceytu kuṭu(t)⟨29⟩tōm peruṅ-kuṟi peru-makkaḷōm

  • (paṇi)⟨30⟩yāl madhyastaṉ A(ma)ṇa⟨31⟩-maṅkalayaṉ-āṉa [Ain]-nūṟṟu⟨32⟩vaṉ muṉṉūṟṟuva⟨33⟩ṉ-ē¡(n)!(ṉ) Ivai y-e¡ṉn!⟨ṉ⟩ e⟨34⟩ḻuttu
  • Ippaṭi paṇi⟨35⟩yāl madhyastabrahma-piri⟨36⟩ya¡n!⟨ṉ⟩-ēṉ
  • (Ippaṭi) paṇi⟨37⟩yāl marutūr peruṅ-kāvi⟨38⟩ti-y-āṉa pūtaṉ śrī-kaṇṭa⟨39⟩¡(n)!⟨ṉ⟩-(ēṉ)
  • ⟨40⟩ Ippaṭi paṇiyā(l) madhyasta⟨41⟩ṉ 74
  • Ippaṭi ⟨Aṟi⟩vēṉ[2+]⟨42⟩¡n!⟨ṉ⟩-ēṉ
  • Ippaṭi [paṇi]yāl ma⟨43⟩dhyasta(tiru)-veḷḷarai pe⟨44⟩(ruṇ)-kāviti-y-ā¡n!⟨ṉ⟩a [6+]


⟨31⟩ [Ain]nūṟṟu⟨32⟩vaṉ ⬦ [2+] nūṟṟu⟨32⟩vaṉ SII.

Translation by Renato Dávalos and Emmanuel Francis

(1) 9th year of the king Parakesarivarman.

(2–10) There is a livelihood allowance (jīvitam), that We, the great people of the great assembly (peruṅkuṟi perumakkaḷōm) of the Śrī-Kāmaravalli-caturvetimaṅkalam, a brahmadeya on the northern bank [of the Kāvēri river], after having the drum beaten (taṭṭaḻi koṭṭi) at the time of Kārttikai—which this year happened on a Thursday of the Dhanu month—, having deliberated in the great assembly (cāṟṟi), having gathered together in the maṇḍapa, and having sat and graciously risen, have given, as long as the sun and the moon endure, for the maintenance (koḷvataṟku1) of the holy offering (śrīpali) and of the awakening (tiruppaḷḷi eḻucci), for our [god] Parameśvara of Tirunallūr.

(10–16) So as to obtain (koḷḷa-p peṟuvat’ āka) on every harvest (pūttōṟum) a patakku of paddy and a tūṇi for each extending (virivu) to all land that grows (viḷaiyum) rice irrigated (pūci) with water (nīr?) below (kīḻ2) the holy (śrī) Kōtaṇṭarāma channel, [and], a kuṟuṇi of paddy for each in case the paddy is attached to the embankment (aṇai ) the great people who do the village committe should be bound (iṭak kaṭavar) to enter the garden (tōppu) during new moon every year.

(17–18) According to , the temple administrators (tēvakaṉmikaḷ) should obtain to collect taxes/fines .

(19–28) So that, in this manner, there be [provisions] for the [service of] beating [of the drums] (koṭṭuvataṟku) [at the time of] śrībali (paṇi-p paṇiyāl nālu cēriyilum), by order of Bhaṭṭaṉ Nakkanākaṉ from Nallūr, by order of Nārayaṇaṉ Nārayaṇaṉ from Kaṭavūr, by order of Tirukkuṟuṅkuṭi Kramavittaṉ from the royal ermitage (kō-māṭam), by order of Pattipōḻ Nārāyaṇahaṭṭaṉ from Kirāñcikkam, in this manner, so that it remains (niṟppatu) as long as the sun and the moon, We, the great people of the great assembly, have made a stone inscription and have given.


  • By order (paṇiyāl), I, the mediator (madhyastaṉ), [Ain]nūṟṟuvaṉ Muṉṉūṟṟuvaṉ alias Amaṇamaṅkalayaṉ, this is my signature.
  • In this manner, by order (paṇiyāl), I, the mediator (madhyastaṉ) Brahmapiriyaṉ.
  • In this manner, by order (paṇiyāl), I, Pūtaṉ Śrīkaṇṭaṉ, alias Peruṅkāviti from Marutūr.
  • In this manner, by order (paṇiyāl), the mediator (madhyastaṉ) 74.
  • In this manner, I know, I […].
  • In this manner, by order (paṇiyāl), I, the mediator (madhyastaṉ) […] alias Peruṅkāviti of Tiruveḷḷarai […].


Reported in Krishna Sastri 1915 (ARIE/1914-1915/B/1914/78).

Edited in Srinivasa Rao et al. 1967 (SII 22.231).

This digital edition by Renato Dávalos and Emmanuel Francis (2024), based on Srinivasa Rao et al. 1967. This translation by Renato Dávalos and Emmanuel Francis (2024).


[SII] Srinivasa Rao, G.V., Dines Chandra Sircar and G.S. Gai. 1967. South-Indian inscriptions. Volume XIX: Inscriptions of Parakesarivarman. South Indian Inscriptions 19. Delhi: Archaeological survey of India (Manager of Publications). Pages 116–117, item 231.


Krishna Sastri, H. 1915. G.O. No. 1260, 25th August 1915. Epigraphy. Recording, with remarks, the progress report of the Assistant Archaeological Superintendent for epigraphy, Southern Circle, for the year 1914-1915. No place. Page 17, appendix B/1914, item 78.


  1. 1. Literally, "for obtaining".
  2. 2. That is, "out of".