Ukkal, Perumāḷ temple, time of Rājarāja Rājakesarivarman Rājarāja, year 1[7]

Editors: Emmanuel Francis, Eugen Hultzsch.

Identifier: DHARMA_INStfaSIIv03p0i0006.

Summary: ...

Hand description:

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: South Indian Inscriptions (tfa) (tfa-sii-epigraphy).

Version: (44453c0), last modified (36884e2).


⟨01⟩ svasti śrī

I. āciriyappā

tiru-makaḷ pōla-p peru-nila-c-celviyu¿t?⟨n⟩


taṉakkē Urimai pūṇṭa¿ṉam?⟨mai⟩ maṉa-k-koḷa


kāntaḷ¡u!⟨ū⟩r [c]ālai kalam a⟨2⟩ṟutt-a[ru]ḷi


vēṅkai-nā[ṭu]{m}ṉ kaṅka-pāṭiyum


taṭikai-pāṭiyum nuḷampa-pāṭiyun


kuṭa-malai-nāṭum ko⟨3⟩llamum kaliṅkamum


tiṇ-ṭiṟal veṉṟi-t taṇṭāṟ koṇṭa ta¡ṉṉ!⟨ṉ⟩


eḻil vaḷar {uḻi} Ūḻiy¡ū!⟨uḷ⟩ ⟨4⟩ Ellā yā[ṇṭu]{m}n


to[ḻu]takai viḷaṅkum yāṇṭē


ceḻiṉarai-t tēcu koḷ


kō-v-irāja-rāja-rāja-kēsarivanma⟨r⟩k⟨5⟩ki [yā]ṇṭu 10 [7]-Āvatu

kāliyū[ṟ-k]ōṭṭattu taṉ kūṟṟu śiva-cūḷāmaṇi-maṅkalam-ākiya śrī-vikrabharaṇa-c-catu[r]vveti-maṅ⟨6⟩kalattu Iv⟨v-ā⟩ṭṭai [dhanma-v]āri[ya]-p-perumakkaḷum [U]⟨ḷ⟩ḷiṭṭa mahā-sabhaiyōm Emm-¡u!⟨ū⟩r taṇṭal-u{U}ṭaiyāṅkaḷ maka⟨7⟩ṉ nāramaka[trak=ka]ṉ va[pp¡u!⟨ū⟩r] ki[ḻava]r ka[nmi]kaṉ [vak=kuka]nteyārum Em-[mūr] cātta-kaṇattārum [A]mpala⟨t⟩til vaṭakkil m¿ā?⟨a⟩hā-śā⟨8⟩stāviṉ kōyi[li]l[ē Iru]n[tu] paṇitta Eḻuttu

Em-[mū]r mahā-śāstāvu⟨kku⟩ tri-¿ś?⟨s⟩andh¿a?⟨i⟩kku-p pōḻtu Iru-nāḻ¿a?⟨i⟩-y-ā⟨ka⟩ O[ru][ḷai]k=ku A [Aṟu] ⟨9⟩ nāḻi[k=ku]m tri-sa¿s?⟨n⟩dhik=kum p[ō]tu 2 10 <undefined> Eṇṇai-y-āka [E]ṇṇai ¿[cū]?⟨Ā⟩[ā]kkē-[y] Iru ceviṭ’ araikkum āka Iva[mu]ri <undefined>-m miṭākai vi [<nellu>] pakka Em-[mūr] ⟨10⟩ [ki]ḻa[m]ai-y-u[ṭaiya taṭṭū]r kiḻavaṉ caṭai-[na]kka-śma makaṉ Aruḷ-śman-āṉa Eḻunū mā[ṇiyē ma]⟨11⟩ṅkalamiṭi [n]el[lu]-p piṭittu-k [k]oṇṭum veṟṟilai vaṭṭil [Uri]-y nellum veṟṟi⟨12⟩lai paṭali[k]ai[yā]l Oru paṟṟu veṟṟilaiy¡u!⟨ū⟩m ko¿ṇi?⟨ṇ⟩ṭu [I]p-pa[ri] muṭṭā[m]ē ca[n¡t!⟨d⟩r]āti⟨t⟩ta-vaṟ ce⟨13⟩yv’ [ā]kavum

[Id-dhaṉ]mam cātta-kaṇattārē-y rakṣippā[r ā]kavum

I⟨t⟩-ta[ṉ]⟨14⟩ma{ta}t[tu] vi[ghnam] niṉṟār keṅkai y-iṭai-k kumari [y-iṭai]-y paṭṭār ce⟨15⟩yta pā[va]m pa[ṭ¿a?⟨u⟩]v[ār] āka[vu]m

Iv[v-ū]ril [veṟṟi]lai viṟpār piṭāri kōyilil aṉ⟨16⟩ṟi viṟṟārai Ēri-vā[ri]⟨17⟩[ya]-p-peru-makkaḷē ⟨18⟩ [Ē]ri⟨k⟩ku mutal-āka kaḻa⟨ñ⟩[cu] ⟨19⟩ [p]oṉ taṇṭa¿tu?⟨ṅ⟩ [ko]⟨20⟩[ḷ]¿ṉ?⟨ḷ⟩a-p peṟuv’ āka⟨21⟩[vu]m

Ip-pari¿t?⟨c⟩u paṇi⟨22⟩ttō[m] mahā-[sa]bhaiyōm

sabhaiyu¡ḷḷ!⟨ḷ⟩ iruntu paṇi kēṭṭ’ eḻu[ti]¡n!⟨ṉ⟩[ē]ṉ madhyas¡t!⟨tha⟩a⟨23⟩[veṟ]ṟi-k-kuṟi n⟨ā⟩l-⟨ā⟩yiravaṉ makaṉ taṉma-[p]-piriyaṉ-ēṉ



⟨01⟩ svasti śrī ⬦ SIISII notes: “These two words are engraved in large letters to the left of lines (1) to 3.”

⟨5⟩ °catu[r]vveti° ⬦ SIISII notes: “Read caturvedi.”

⟨8⟩ O[ru][ḷai]k=ku A SIISII notes: “Here follows a Grantha, a, which appears to have been cancelled by placing over it a curve resembling i.”

⟨9⟩ 2 10 <undefined> Eṇṇai-y-āka ⬦ SIISII notes: “The symbol following 20 looks like nr̥ and may be an abbreviation of a word denoting some small measure for liquids.” — ⟨9⟩ ¿[cū]?⟨Ā⟩[ā]kkē-[y] SII • Initial a and cu are sometimes not easily distinguishable. It is possible that the original letter is an initial a, more or less well executed. — ⟨9⟩ <undefined>-m ⬦ [1+] m SIISII notes: “The symbol preceding m looks like nda.” — ⟨9⟩ [<nellu>][ja] SIISII notes: “This symbol is an abbreviation for nellu; see p. 7, note 8.”

⟨14⟩ °ma{ta}t[tu]°matat[tu] SIISII notes: “Read mattukku.” — ⟨14⟩ vi[ghnam]vi[2+] SIISII notes: “Read ghnam.”

⟨23⟩ I ⬦ ¿I?⟨śrī⟩ SII.

Translation by Hultzsch 1899

(1) Hail! Prosperity! In the 1[7]th year [of the reign] of king Rājarāja-Rājakesarivarman, who, in his long life1 of growing strength, during which,——[in] the belief that, as well as the goddess of fortune, the goddess of the great earth had become his wife,——he was pleased to destroy the ships [at] Kāntaḷūr-Cālai, and conquered by [his] army, which was victorious in great battles, Vēṅkai-nāṭu, Kaṅka-pāṭi, Taṭikai-pāṭi, Nuḷampa-pāṭi, Kuṭamalai-nāṭu, Kollam and Kaliṅkam,——deprived the Ceḻiñas of [their] splendour at the very moment when Utakai, which is worshipped everywhere, was [most] resplendent;——[the subjoined] document was drawn up by [the following persons] who were present in the temple of Mahāśāstā, in the hall (ampalam) to the north [of it]: We, the great assembly of Śivacūḷāmaṇimaṅgala, alias Śrī-Vikramābharaṇa-caturvēdimaṅgala, [a village] in its own subdivision of Kāliyūr-kōṭṭam, including the great men elected for [the management of] charities (?) during this year; [10+] in our village; and the commissioners2 [in charge of the temple] of Cāttaṉ in our village.

(8) To [the temple of] Mahāśāstā in our village, at each of the three times of the day3 two nāḻis [of rice], i.e. on each day six nāḻis; at each of the three times of the day, 20 [5+] of oil, i.e. [one] āḻākku and two ceviṭus and a half of oil [10+]

(9) Aruḷś[ar]man, alias Eḻunū[ṟṟuvaṉ], the son of Caṭai[na]kkaś[ar]ma[n], the headman of [Taṭṭū]r, who is [also] the headman of our village, [10+] having taken paddy [in his hand] and having taken [one] uri of paddy [on ]a betel-leaf tray (vaṭṭil) and one bundle (?) of betel-leaves on a betel-leaf plate (paṭalikai),——it shall thus be done without fail as long as the moon and the sun exist.

(13) The commissioners [of the temple] of Cāttaṉ shall protect this charity. Those who cause obstruction to this charity, shall incur [all] the sins committed between the Gaṅgā and Kumari.

(15) The great men elected for [the supervision of] the tank shall be entitled to levy a fine of [one] kaḻañcu of gold in favour of the tank-fund from those betel-leaf sellers in this village, who sell [betel-leaves] elsewhere but at the temple of Piṭāri.

(21) Thus we, the great assembly, have ordered. Having been present in the assembly and having heard [their] order, I, the arbitrator Dharmapriyaṉ, the son of [Veṟ]ṟikkuṟi Nālāyiravaṉ, wrote [this]. Prosperity !

Translation by Emmanuel Francis

(01) Prosperity! Fortune!

(4–5) 17th year of the king Rājarāja Rājakesarivarman,

(1–4) who ... [meykkīrtti of Rājarāja I Cōḻa]

(5) Writ that, We, the members of the great assembly, including ... ordered, while seating in the temple of Mahāśāsta ...


  • So that there be ... and
  • so that there be ...
... should be done as long as the moon and the sun.

(13) The ... (cāttakaṇattār) should be the protectors of this dharma.

(13–15) He who stands as an obstacle to this dharma should encur ...

(16–21) ...

(21–22) Thus We ordered, We, the members of the great assembly.

(22–23) ...


Reported in Hultzsch 1893 (ARIE/1892-1893/B/1893/23).

Edited in Hultzsch 1899, with English translation (SII 3.6).

This edition by Emmanuel Francis (2024), based on Hultzsch 1899, published visual documentation and photos (Valérie Gillet, 2008).


[SII] Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1899. South-Indian inscriptions. Volume III: Miscellaneous inscriptions from the Tamil country. Part I: Inscriptions at Ukkal, Melpadi, Karuvur, Manimangalam and Tiruvallam. South Indian Inscriptions 3.1. Madras: Governement Press. Pages 9–11, item 6.


Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1893. G.O. Nos. 642-43, 14th August 1893. Epigraphy. Directing, with remarks, Dr. Hultzsch's report on Epigraphical work done during 1892-93 be forwarded to the Govrnement of India and approving of the programme for the next field season. Madras: Government of Madras, Public Department. Page 13, appendix B/1893, item 23.


  1. 1. This inscription reads taṉṉeḻil vaḷarūḻi ūḻiyuḷ instead of taṉṉeḻil vaḷarūḻiyuḷ.
  2. 2. The term kaṇattār occurred before in No. 1, l. 4.
  3. 3. The ‘three times of the day’ (trisaṃdhi or trikāla) are sunrise, noon, and nightfall. Compare Vol. I. No. 53, and Vol. II. No. 9, paragraph 2; No. 24, paragraphs 2 and 3; and No. 35, paragraph 2.