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· <title>Guḍivāḍa plates (set 3) of Jayasiṁha I</title>
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15 <persName ref="part:daba">
· <forename>Dániel</forename>
· <surname>Balogh</surname>
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20 <respStmt>
· <resp>intellectual authorship of edition</resp>
· <persName ref="part:daba">
· <forename>Dániel</forename>
· <surname>Balogh</surname>
25 </persName>
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30 <pubPlace>Berlin</pubPlace>
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· <licence target="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/">
· <p>This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported
35 Licence. To view a copy of the licence, visit
· https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ or send a letter to
· Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View,
· California, 94041, USA.</p>
· <p>Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Dániel Balogh.</p>
40 </licence>
· </availability>
· <date from="2019" to="2025">2019-2025</date>
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45 <msDesc>
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· <repository>DHARMAbase</repository>
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· <msContents>
· <summary></summary>
55 </msContents>
· <physDesc>
· <handDesc>
· <p>Halantas. T: ta shape with elongated stem and no headmark. E.g. l1 vāsakāT. M: like a J with a curly end, quite small. E.g. l20 samudra<orig>M</orig>; even simpler and less curly, like a plain J: l20 taṭākaM.</p>
· <p>Other palaeographic observations. The hand is different from that of <ref target="DHARMA_INSVengiCalukya00006.xml">Guḍivāḍa 2</ref>, not only in ductus but in the shaping of some glyphs as well, e.g. kha in l1 of both charters. The difference from <ref target="DHARMA_INSVengiCalukya00005.xml">(set 1)</ref> is even more conspicuous. Note the occurrence of very rare initial Ai in l5 Aidaṁyugīna. There is also initial E in l19.
60 </p>
· </handDesc>
· </physDesc>
· </msDesc>
· </sourceDesc>
70 </fileDesc>
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· <p>The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC)
· under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant
75 agreement no 809994).</p>
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90 <change who="part:daba" when="2023-12-07" status="draft">Collation with photographs</change>
· <change who="part:axja" when="2020-11-03" status="draft">Updating toward the encoding template v03</change>
· <change who="part:daba" when="2020-08-14" status="draft">Encoded hand description, bibliography and commentary from earlier comments</change>
· <change who="part:daba" when="2020-04-14" status="draft">Initial encoding of the file</change>
95 </revisionDesc>
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· <body>
·<div type="edition" xml:lang="san-Latn" rendition="class:83225 maturity:83213">
·<pb n="1r"/>
·<p><pb n="1v"/><lb n="1"/>svasti śrīmad-asanapura-vāsakāT<supplied reason="subaudible">.</supplied> sva-śakti-mukha-dalita-danu<lb n="2" break="no"/>ja-pati-mahā-senena mahāsenenābhiva<supplied reason="omitted">r</supplied>ddhitānāṁ mātr̥-ga<lb n="3" break="no"/>ṇa-pari<space type="binding-hole"/>pālitānāṁ mānavya-sagotrāṇāṁ hāriti-putrāṇā<lb n="4" break="no"/>m aśva<space type="binding-hole"/>medha-yājināṁ caḍukyānāṁ kula-jaladhi-samudbhū<lb n="5" break="no"/>ta-rāja-ratnasya śrī-kī<choice><sic>ttī</sic><corr>rtti</corr></choice>varmmaṇaḥ priya-naptā Aidaṁyugīna-mahā<lb n="6" break="no"/>viṣṇoḥ viṣṇuvarddhana-mahārājasya priya-tanayaḥ pravarddhamā<pb n="2r" break="no"/><lb n="7" break="no"/>na-pratāpopanata-samasta-sāmanta-maṇḍalaḥ sva-śakti-traya-parā<lb n="8" break="no"/>jita-para-śaktiḥ Aneka-samara-saṁghaṭṭa-vijayāvāpta-yaśo-viśe<unclear>ṣa</unclear><lb n="9" break="no"/>-bhūṣa<space type="binding-hole"/>ṇaḥ pratidinam aneka-sāmanta-makuṭa-maṇi-prabhā-raṁ<lb n="10" break="no"/>jita-pā<space type="binding-hole"/>da-pīṭhaḥ parama-brahmaṇyo mātā-pitr̥-pādānudhyā<lb n="11" break="no"/>taḥ śrī-pr̥thiv<choice><orig>i</orig><reg>ī</reg></choice>-jayasiṁ<choice><orig>gh</orig><reg>h</reg></choice>a-vallabha-mahārājaḥ pḻakki-viṣaye <lb n="12"/>viṣa<supplied reason="omitted">ya</supplied>-vr̥ddhān adhikāriṇaḥ kund<unclear reason="eccentric_ductus">ū</unclear>ra-grāma-kuṭumbinaś ca samājñāpaya<pb n="2v" break="no"/><lb n="13" break="no"/>ti</p>
105<p>viditam astu vo yathāsmābhiś catu<unclear>r</unclear>-vvidyā-pāragasya mitrayaśa<lb n="14" break="no"/>saḥ pautrābhyāṁ sva-pitu<supplied reason="omitted">r</supplied> guṇālaṅkr̥tasya viṣṇuyaṣasaḥ putrābhyāṁ ṣaṭ-ka<lb n="15" break="no"/>rmma-dharmmā<space type="binding-hole"/>nuṣṭhāna-parābhyāṁ Agniṣṭoma-yājibhyāṁ vat<unclear reason="eccentric_ductus">s</unclear>a-sagotrābhyāṁ <lb n="16"/>chandoga<space type="binding-hole"/>-sabrahmacāribhyāṁ svāmiyaśo-viṣ<unclear reason="eccentric_ductus">ṇu</unclear>yaśobhyāṁ kuḍivāḍa nā<lb n="17" break="no"/>ma grām<choice><sic>aḥ</sic><corr>e</corr></choice> vasatiṁ kr̥tvā kund<unclear reason="eccentric_ductus">ū</unclear>ra-grāma-sīmn<orig>o</orig> pr̥thak-kr̥tya puṇyābhivr̥ddhaye <lb n="18"/>sarvva-kara-parihāreṇāgrahārīkr̥tya mayā dattaḥ</p>
·<p>bhavadbhir anyaiś ca pā<pb n="3r" break="no"/><lb n="19" break="no"/>lanīyaḥ<supplied reason="subaudible">.</supplied> Asya sīm<orig>a</orig>-vibhāgaḥ<supplied reason="subaudible">.</supplied> pūrvvataḥ kundūra-grāma-sīm<orig>a</orig> E<add place="overstrike"><unclear>va</unclear></add><add place="inline"><unclear>sī</unclear></add><add place="below"><unclear>ma</unclear></add><supplied reason="subaudible">.</supplied> <lb n="20"/>dakṣiṇataḥ samudra<orig>M</orig><supplied reason="subaudible">.</supplied>
·paścimataḥ goḻāva nāma taṭākaM<supplied reason="subaudible">.</supplied> punaḥ nāguvula<lb n="21" break="no"/>-ceṟuvu<space type="binding-hole"/> kandikaṭṭu kaḍakaṭṭu<supplied reason="subaudible">.</supplied>
·Uttarataḥ Āvakaṭṭu</p>
·<p>Ājñaptiḥ <choice><sic>pirimi<add place="below">ma</add></sic><corr>parama</corr></choice><lb n="22" break="no"/>-vaiṣṇavo <space type="binding-hole"/> vājapeya-yājī bhīmaśarmmā<space/></p>
110<lg n="1" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a">bahubhir vvasudhā dattā </l>
·<l n="b"><unclear reason="eccentric_ductus">b</unclear>ahu<lb n="23" break="no"/>bhiś cānupālitā</l>
·<l n="c">yasya yasya yadā bhūmiḥ</l>
·<l n="d">tasya tasya tadā phalaṁ</l>
·<lg n="2" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a">sva<lb n="24" break="no"/>-dattāṁ para-dattāṁ vā</l>
·<l n="b">yo hareta vasundharāṁ</l>
·<l n="c">ṣaṣ<choice><sic>ṭh</sic><corr>ṭ</corr></choice>i-varṣa-sahasrāṇi</l>
120<l n="d">viṣṭhāyāṁ jāyat<choice><sic>i</sic><corr>e</corr></choice> k<choice><orig>ri</orig><reg>r̥</reg></choice>miḥ</l>
·<pb n="3v"/>
130<div type="apparatus">
· <listApp>
· <app loc="1">
· <lem>svasti</lem>
· <rdg source="bib:SomasekharaSarma1955-1956_01">oṁ svasti</rdg>
135 <note>Somasekhara Sarma's edition shows <foreign>oṁ</foreign> <q>expressed by a symbol</q> at the beginning of the text. A spiral symbol is present at this point in both other Guḍivāḍa sets, but definitely not here.</note>
· </app>
· <app loc="4">
· <lem>caḍukyānāṁ</lem>
· <rdg source="bib:SomasekharaSarma1955-1956_01">ca<choice><sic>d</sic><corr>l</corr></choice>ukyānāṁ</rdg>
140 <note>The intent was probably <foreign>caḷukyānāṁ</foreign>.</note>
· </app>
· <app loc="12">
· <lem>viṣa<supplied reason="omitted">ya</supplied>-vr̥ddhān adhikāriṇaḥ</lem>
· <note>Some or all of this segment may be a correction over very thoroughly deleted text, or the plate may have had some text engraved on it before writing this grant. Very faint vestiges of earlier writing can be discerned especially underneath <foreign>ddhā</foreign> and <foreign>dhikāri</foreign>.</note>
145 </app>
· <app loc="14">
· <lem>sva-pitu<supplied reason="omitted">r</supplied></lem>
· <rdg source="bib:SomasekharaSarma1955-1956_01">pit<choice><sic>u</sic><corr>r̥</corr></choice>-</rdg>
· <note>Although in my emendation the genitive associated with an internal compound member is not as nice grammatically as the compound in Somasekhara Sarma's emendation, compare <foreign>sva-pitur anūna-guṇa-...-rociṣṇor</foreign> in <ref target="DHARMA_INSVengiCalukya00005.xml">Set 1</ref> of the same provenance.</note>
150 </app>
· <app loc="17">
· <lem>grāma<choice><sic>ḥ</sic><corr>ṁ</corr></choice></lem>
· <rdg source="bib:SomasekharaSarma1955-1956_01">grāmaḥ</rdg>
· <note>Compare the text of <ref target="DHARMA_INSVengiCalukya00005.xml">Set 1</ref> and my commentary on it.</note>
155 </app>
· <app loc="17">
· <lem>sīmn<orig>o</orig></lem>
· <note>Compare line 18 of <ref target="DHARMA_INSVengiCalukya00006.xml">Guḍivāḍa 2</ref>, where this word is followed by <foreign>dvātriṅśan-nivarttanaṁ</foreign>. The incorrect sandhi indicates that the same must have been omitted (deliberately or erroneously) from the present text.</note>
· </app>
160 <app loc="19">
· <lem>E<add place="overstrike"><unclear>va</unclear></add><add place="inline"><unclear>sī</unclear></add><add place="below"><unclear>mā</unclear></add></lem>
· <rdg source="bib:SomasekharaSarma1955-1956_01">E<unclear>va sīmā</unclear></rdg>
· <note>There seems to have been a single character, probably with an <foreign>i</foreign> marker, after <foreign>E</foreign>. It seems that this was overwritten with <foreign>va</foreign>, then <foreign>sī</foreign> (with a malformed vowel marker) was squeezed in next to it, and finally a distorted <foreign>ma</foreign> was added below the latter. All this probably happened after the next line had been fully engraved. See also the note to line 21.</note>
· </app>
165 <app loc="21">
· <lem><choice><sic>pirimi<add place="below">ma</add></sic><corr>parama</corr></choice>-</lem>
· <rdg source="bib:SomasekharaSarma1955-1956_01"><choice><sic>pirimi</sic><corr>parama</corr></choice>-</rdg>
· <note>It is not clear what correction has taken place here apart from the addition of <foreign>ma</foreign> below the last character. This added <foreign>ma</foreign> is not shown in SS's edition, nor in the ASI transcript, but it is very clear in the original plate. Within the line, <foreign>pi</foreign> has an extra vertical line so that its body resembles a malformed <foreign>ph</foreign>, <foreign>h</foreign> or <foreign>gh</foreign>, and its <foreign>i</foreign> marker may have been added subsequently. Next, <foreign>ri</foreign> is unambiguous, though its vowel may also be a subsequent addition. The last <foreign>mi</foreign> in the line has some noise in its body, and its vowel marker is very small and shallowly engraved. I wonder if the strokes that look like <foreign>i mātrā</foreign>s are in fact deletion markers, and whether one or more such markers are also involved at the end of line 19.</note>
· </app>
170 <app loc="24">
· <lem>jāyat<choice><sic>i</sic><corr>e</corr></choice></lem>
· <rdg source="bib:SomasekharaSarma1955-1956_01">jāyate</rdg>
· </app>
· </listApp>
·<div type="translation" resp="part:daba">
· <p n="1-13">Greetings from the majestic residence at Asanapura. The dear grandson of His Majesty Kīrtivarman, a jewel of a king arisen from the ocean that is the family of the Caḍukyas—who are empowered by Mahāsena who with the tip of his spear shatters the great army <supplied reason="explanation"><foreign>mahā-sena</foreign></supplied> of the lords of Danu’s spawn, who are the sons of Hāriti, who are of the Mānavya <foreign>gotra</foreign> and who have performed the Aśvamedha sacrifice—; the dear son of King <supplied reason="explanation"><foreign>mahārāja</foreign></supplied> Viṣṇuvardhana, a veritable Supreme Viṣṇu of this epoch; <supplied reason="subaudible">namely</supplied> His Majesty the supremely pious King <supplied reason="explanation"><foreign>mahārāja</foreign></supplied> Pr̥thivī-Jayasiṁha Vallabha, who was deliberately appointed <supplied reason="subaudible">as heir</supplied> by his mother and father, whose ever-increasing valour forces the entire circle of subordinate rulers <supplied reason="explanation"><foreign>sāmanta</foreign></supplied> to bow, who subdues the power of enemies by his own three powers <supplied reason="explanation"><foreign>śakti-traya</foreign></supplied>, whose special ornament is the fame acquired through victories in the clash of many a battle, whose footstool is tinted day after day by the luminance of jewels in the diadems of numerous subordinates <supplied reason="explanation"><foreign>sāmanta</foreign></supplied>, commands the district elders <supplied reason="explanation"><foreign>viṣaya-vr̥ddha</foreign></supplied> and officials of Pḻakki district <supplied reason="explanation"><foreign>viṣaya</foreign></supplied> and the householders <supplied reason="explanation"><foreign>kuṭumbin</foreign></supplied> of Kundūra <supplied reason="subaudible">as follows</supplied>.</p>
·<p n="13-18">Let it be known to you that to the grandsons of Mitrayaśas who had mastered the four knowledges, the sons of Viṣṇuyaśas who is decorated with the virtues of his father, <supplied reason="subaudible">namely</supplied> to Svāmiyaśas and Viṣṇuyaśas of the Vatsa <foreign>gotra</foreign> and the Chandoga school—who are devout in the pursuit of the six duties <supplied reason="explanation">of a Brahmin</supplied> and of moral duty <supplied reason="explanation"><foreign>dharma</foreign></supplied>, who perform the Agniṣṭoma sacrifice—in order to augment <supplied reason="subaudible">our</supplied> merit, I have assigned a homestead in the village named Kuḍivāḍa, and donated <supplied reason="subaudible">a plot of</supplied> thirty-two <foreign>nivartana</foreign>s separated off from the perimeter of Kundūra village, converted into a rent-free holding <supplied reason="explanation"><foreign>agrahāra</foreign></supplied> by a remission of all taxes.</p>
190<p n="18-21">You sirs, and others, shall respect <supplied reason="subaudible">this ruling</supplied>. The arrangement of its boundaries <supplied reason="subaudible">is as follows</supplied>. To the east, the boundary is none other than the boundary of Kundūra village. To the south, the ocean.<note>Or perhaps a large water reservoir.</note> To the west, the pond named Goḻāva. Then <supplied reason="explanation">progressing toward the north</supplied>, the Nāguvula reservoir <supplied reason="explanation"><foreign>ceṟuvu</foreign></supplied>, Kandikaṭṭu and Kaḍakaṭṭu. To the north, Āvakaṭṭu.</p>
·<p n="21-22">The executor <supplied reason="explanation"><foreign>ājñapti</foreign></supplied> is Bhīmaśarman, a supreme devotee of Viṣṇu who performs the Vājapeya sacrifice.
·<p rend="stanza" n="1">Many <supplied reason="explanation">kings</supplied> have granted land, and many have preserved it <supplied reason="explanation">as formerly granted</supplied>. Whosoever at any time owns the land, the fruit <seg rend="pun">reward <supplied reason="explanation">accrued of granting it</supplied></seg> belongs to him at that time.</p>
·<p rend="stanza" n="2">He who would seize land, whether given by himself or by another, shall be born as a worm in faeces for sixty thousand years.
200<div type="translation" xml:lang="fra" source="bib:Estienne-Monod2008_01">
· <p n="1-13">Om ! Prospérité ! De la résidence de l’illustre Asanapura, le cher petit-fils de l’illustre Kīrtivarman, joyau des rois nés dans l’océan qu’est la lignée des Calukya<note>Pour ces composés cf. notre note in insc. n° 14. Même occurrence in insc. nos 15, 17, 19.</note>, rendus prospères par Mahāsena dont le pouvoir a mis en pièce les armées des rois descendants de Danu<note>Composé identique in insc. n° 15 et approchant in insc. n°12.</note>, protégés par la troupe des mères, du même <foreign>gotra</foreign> que les descendants de Manu, fils de Hāriti, qui accomplirent l’<foreign>aśvamedha</foreign>,
·le cher fils du grand roi Viṣṇuvardhana, grand Viṣṇu vivant dans ce <foreign>yuga</foreign><note>Pour le commentaire de ce composé voir l’inscription n° 14 du même roi, on le rencontre aussi dans les plaques nos 15 et 16.</note>, l’illustre grand roi Pr̥thivī Jayasiṁgha Vallabha, devant l’auguste majesté duquel se courbent les cercles de tous les feudataires,
·qui a vaincu la puissance des ennemis des grâce à ses trois pouvoirs, orné d’une extraordinaire gloire, acquise dans les victoires des heurts des nombreux combats, dont les pieds du trône sont rougis par la lumière émise par les pierres des diadèmes des nombreux feudataires, très pieux, méditant aux pieds de sa mère et de son père, aux anciens officiers de ce viṣaya, et aux chefs de famille du village de Kundūra, dans le viṣaya de Pḻakki, ordonne :</p>
·<p n="13-18">qu’il soit connu de vous que nous donnons aux deux petits-fils de Mitrayaśas, qui connaît parfaitement les quatre Veda, deux fils de Viṣṇuyaśas, paré des vertus de son père, à Svāmiyaśas et Viṣṇuyaśas, voués à l’accomplissement de leurs six devoirs et du dharma, qui accomplissent l’agniṣṭoma<note>Sur ce sacrifice, cf. insc. n°8. Mentionné aussi in insc. nos 8, 15, 17 et 20.</note>, du même gotra que Vatsa, disciples de l’école de Chandoga, le village nommé Kuḍivāḍa, en ayant fait leur lieu de résidence, après l’avoir séparé de la limite du village de Kundūra, en vue de l’accroissemement des mérites, exempté de toute taxe et en qualité d’<foreign>agrahāra</foreign><note>Le pronom mayā est employé abusivement, cf. insc. n° 15 dont le formulaire de donation, et les donataires, sont les mêmes.</note>.</p>
205<p n="18-19">Alors ceci doit être protégé par vous et par les autres.</p>
·<p n="19-21">Les limites de ce <supplied reason="explanation">don</supplied> sont :
·à l’est la limite du village nommé Kundūra est la limite,
·au sud la mer,
·à l’ouest l’étang nommé Goḻāva, ainsi que Nāguvula, Ceṟuvu, Kandikaṭṭu et Kaḍakaṭṭu,
210au nord Āvakaṭṭu.</p>
·<p n="21-22">L’executeur, excellent devôt de Viṣṇu, qui pratique le <foreign>vājapeya</foreign><note>Sur ce sacrifice, cf. insc. n°7. Mentionné aussi in insc. nos 7et 8.</note>, <supplied reason="subaudible">est</supplied> Bhīmaśarman.</p>
·<p rend="stanza" n="1">Beaucoup ont donné une terre, beaucoup l’on protégée,
·celui qui possède la terre en possède le fruit.</p>
·<p rend="stanza" n="2">Quelle soit donnée par lui ou par un autre, celui qui prend une terre,
215renaît ver de terre dans les exécréments pour soixante mille ans.
·<div type="commentary">
·<p>My notes on the relationship of the three Guḍivāḍa sets are in my commentary on the <ref target="DHARMA_INSVengiCalukya00005">Guḍivāḍa plates (set 1)</ref>. This set of plates also includes a seal, but it is without text, showing only a spiral line.</p>
·<div type="bibliography">
230 <p>Reported in <bibl><ptr target="bib:ARIE1945-1946"/><citedRange unit="page">7</citedRange><citedRange unit="appendix">A/1945-1946</citedRange><citedRange unit="item">3</citedRange></bibl> with a brief mention at <bibl><ptr target="bib:ARIE1945-1946"/><citedRange>3</citedRange></bibl>. Edited from the original plates by M. Somasekhara Sarma (<bibl rend="omitname"><ptr target="bib:SomasekharaSarma1955-1956_01"/><citedRange unit="page">136-138</citedRange><citedRange unit="item">C</citedRange></bibl>), with estampages of the plates and photograph of the seal. The present edition by Dániel Balogh is based on photographs taken by myself at the Rallabandi Subba Rao Archaeological Museum (Rajahmundry) in February 2023, and on estampages kept at the ASI (Mysore), collated with Somasekhara Sarma's edition and with a Devanagari transcript attached to the ASI estampages.</p>
· <listBibl type="primary">
· <bibl n="MSS"><ptr target="bib:SomasekharaSarma1955-1956_01"/><citedRange unit="page">136-138</citedRange><citedRange unit="item">C</citedRange></bibl>
· </listBibl>
235 <listBibl type="secondary">
· <bibl><ptr target="bib:ARIE1945-1946"/><citedRange unit="page">7</citedRange><citedRange unit="appendix">A/1945-1946</citedRange><citedRange unit="item">3</citedRange></bibl>
· <bibl><ptr target="bib:ARIE1945-1946"/><citedRange>3</citedRange></bibl>
· </listBibl>
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My notes on the relationship of the three Guḍivāḍa sets are in my commentary on the Guḍivāḍa plates (set 1). This set of plates also includes a seal, but it is without text, showing only a spiral line.