Rakasabahala Plate of Gayāḍatuṅga

Editor: Amandine Wattelier-Bricout.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSTunga00007.

Hand description:

Language: Sanskrit.

Repository: Tuṅga dynasty (tfb-tunga-epigraphy).

Version: (00ac98f), last modified (fd44100).


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Bibliographical reference : S.K Acharya JOH 24 dec 2011 p 21-30 JESI 38 (2012) p 39-51. 4 verses in the introductive part lines 6-15 and 3 customary verses lines 31-36 ; the donees are called as paramavaiṣṇavabhaṭṭāraka. Acharya Acharya 2014, n. 42, p. 393: "the grant was made at the occasion of the śivabhaṭṭārakaśayanasamaye which seems to be the same as Śivaśayanacaturdaśī that falls on the 14th day of the bright fornight of the month Āṣāḍha. Some of the Śaivite followers believe that Śiva goes on yoganidrā during the caturmāsa period and they observe a vrata on this occasion by performing the rituals and the gifts. Śivaśayana is similar to viṣṇu śayana which takes places during the same corresponding period."



Acharya, Subrata Kumar. 2014. Copper-plate inscriptions of Odisha: a descriptive catalogue (circa fourth century to sixteenth century CE). New Delhi: D. K. Printworld. Item 6, pages 392–393.