Rakasabahala Plate of Gayāḍatuṅga
Editor: Amandine Wattelier-Bricout.
Identifier: DHARMA_INSTunga00007.
Hand description:
Language: Sanskrit.
Repository: Tuṅga dynasty (tfb-tunga-epigraphy).
Version: (00ac98f), last modified (fd44100).
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<title>Rakasabahala Plate of Gayāḍatuṅga</title>
<!--Change the title of the file, e.g. Raktamālā grant of the time of Budhagupta, year 159-->
<!-- Add your name in the respStmt matching your involvement -->
<resp>EpiDoc Encoding</resp>
<!-- Work done in the file, e.g. editor ...-->
<persName ref="part:amwb"><!-- Update the id -->
<forename>Amandine</forename><!-- Fill in your names — it is possible to use only <name> instead of <foreame> and <surname> -->
<resp>intellectual authorship of edition</resp>
<!-- This may be the same as the creator of the file -->
<persName ref="part:amwb"><!-- Update the id -->
<forename>Amandine</forename><!-- Fill in the name of the responsible scholar — it possible to use only <name> instead of <foreame> and <surname> -->
<idno type="filename">DHARMA_INSTunga00007</idno>
<!-- Replace by filename, e.g. Pallava00001 -->
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<p>This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported
Licence. To view a copy of the licence, visit
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ or send a letter to
Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View,
California, 94041, USA.</p>
<p>Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Amandine
Wattelier-Bricout.</p><!-- replace year and name, use format "Forename1 Surname1 & Forename2 Surname2" or "Forename1 Surname1, Forename2 Surname2 & Forename3 Surname3" if necessary — the copyright is that of the encoder(s) -->
<date from="2019" to="2025">2019-2025</date>
<sourceDesc><!-- only the handDesc can be filled in at this stage -->
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<summary><!-- //// NOT MANDATORY ////--></summary> <!-- offers the possibility to give a summary of the inscription's content -->
<p><!-- The script name(s) will be inserted here at a later stage from the metadata spreasheet. At this stage, you can mention here in a free-text paragraph any characteristics of the writing observed more than once in this inscription that seem unusual/uncommon or otherwise noteworthy given the general characteristics of the script in question. See EGD 11.2. --></p>
<!-- If you need to identify individual hands (EGD §7.5/) in addition to one or more paragraphs of general palaeographic description, wrap <summary> around the <p> or <p>s above, and, outside <summary>, create <handNote> elements for each hand as follows:
<handNote xml:id="Pallava00001_hand1"></handNote>
<handNote xml:id="Pallava00001_hand2"></handNote>
<p>The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).</p>
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<p>Public URIs with the prefix bib to point to a Zotero Group Library named ERC-DHARMA whose data are open to the public.</p>
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<p>Internal URIs using the part prefix to point to person elements in the <ref>DHARMA_idListMembers_v01.xml</ref> file.</p>
<change who="part:amwb" when="2025-01-21">Creation of the file</change>
<!-- replace this by a line that has you as @who, that has the @date on which you finished the first basic encoding of the file, and that has the following description of what was finished on that date: "Initial encoding of the file." Then add a <change> entry for each significant change to the file. -->
<text xml:space="preserve">
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<!--apparatus encoded as per EGD §9.1, basic elements for apparatus below-->
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<lem><!-- fill in a lemma here --></lem>
<rdg source="bib:"><!-- update the @source value, fill in variant reading here --></rdg>
<div type="translation">
<!--translation encoded as per EGD §9.2 -->
<div type="commentary">
<!--commentary encoded as per section §9.3 -->
<p>Bibliographical reference : S.K Acharya JOH 24 dec 2011 p 21-30 JESI 38 (2012) p 39-51. 4 verses in the introductive part lines 6-15 and 3 customary verses lines 31-36 ; the donees are called as <foreign>paramavaiṣṇavabhaṭṭāraka</foreign>. Acharya <bibl><ptr target="bib:Acharya2014_01"/><citedRange unit="note">42</citedRange><citedRange unit="page">393</citedRange></bibl>: "the grant was made at the occasion of the <foreign>śivabhaṭṭārakaśayanasamaye</foreign> which seems to be the same as Śivaśayanacaturdaśī that falls on the 14th day of the bright fornight of the month Āṣāḍha. Some of the Śaivite followers believe that Śiva goes on <foreign>yoganidrā</foreign> during the <foreign>caturmāsa</foreign> period and they observe a <foreign>vrata</foreign> on this occasion by performing the rituals and the gifts. <foreign>Śivaśayana</foreign> is similar to <foreign>viṣṇu śayana</foreign> which takes places during the same corresponding period." </p>
<div type="bibliography">
<!--bibliography encoded as per section §9.4 -->
<p><!-- formulate epigraphic lemma here, using the items of primary bibliography --></p>
<listBibl type="primary">
<bibl n=""><ptr target="bib:"/></bibl><!-- one <bibl/> per item of primary bibliography. Every entry mentionned in apparatus should hava a @n to declare its sigla -->
<listBibl type="secondary">
<bibl><ptr target="bib:Acharya2014_01"/><citedRange unit="item">6</citedRange><citedRange unit="page">392-393</citedRange></bibl><!-- one <bibl/> per item of secondary bibliography -->
Bibliographical reference : S.K Acharya JOH 24 dec 2011 p 21-30 JESI 38 (2012) p 39-51. 4 verses in the introductive part lines 6-15 and 3 customary verses lines 31-36 ; the donees are called as paramavaiṣṇavabhaṭṭāraka. Acharya Acharya 2014, n. 42, p. 393: "the grant was made at the occasion of the śivabhaṭṭārakaśayanasamaye which seems to be the same as Śivaśayanacaturdaśī that falls on the 14th day of the bright fornight of the month Āṣāḍha. Some of the Śaivite followers believe that Śiva goes on yoganidrā during the caturmāsa period and they observe a vrata on this occasion by performing the rituals and the gifts. Śivaśayana is similar to viṣṇu śayana which takes places during the same corresponding period."