Tiruvāvaṭutuṟai, Gomuktīśvara, time of Parakesarivarman, year 38

Editors: Renato Dávalos, Emmanuel Francis, N. Ramaswamy.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSTiruvavatuturai10002.

Summary: Land donation, that is, remission of taxes by provision of gold for tax payment, by Tirukkaṟṟaḷi Piccar to the god (deva) of Tiruvāvaṭutuṟai.

Hand description:

No distinction between e and ē, nor between o and ō.

Medial i and ī interchangeable.

The letter looks like .

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: Tiruvāvaṭutuṟai (tfa-tiruvavatuturai-TN-epigraphy).

Version: (fdf8d69), last modified (9677e03).


⟨1⟩ svasti śrī

mat¡i!⟨u⟩rai koṇṭa kō-p-para-kēcari⟨2⟩-paṉmaṟkku yāṇṭu muppatt’ eṭṭ-āva⟨3⟩tu

teṉ-karai-t tiru-vaḻuntūr-nāṭṭu brahma⟨4⟩deyam ciṟṟāṉaiccūr sabhaiyōm śrī-ti⟨5⟩ru-v-āvaṭu-tuṟai tiru-k-kaṟṟaḷi-p-piccar iṭai⟨6⟩-p poṉ koṇṭu śrī-tiru-v-āvaṭu-tuṟai deva⟨7⟩rkku Iṟai kāt(tu)-[k] (ku)ṭukkum n[i](la)ttuk’ el⟨8⟩lai

  • vāṇiyaṉ peru-(va)ḻikku mēṟkkum
  • teṉ-pā⟨9⟩ṟk’ ellai vaḻi-(va)rampukku vaṭakkum
  • mēl⟨10⟩-pāṟk’ ellai Uṭ[ci]ṟu-vāy-k-kālukku-k kiḻak⟨11⟩kum
  • vata-pāṟk’ ellai Iluppai-c-ceykku te⟨12⟩ṟkum

Iṉ-ṉāṉk’ ellaiyilum Aka-p-paṭ⟨13⟩ṭa nilam kālum

(mu)tta-caṅkara-māṟaṉ iṭai vi⟨14⟩lai koṇṭa nilatukk’ ellai

  • k¡i!⟨ī⟩ḻ-pāṟ⟨15⟩k’ ellai tāyaṉ kāṭaṉ devarkku vilai ⟨16⟩ koṇṭa nilattukku [mē](ṟkum)
  • te(ṉ)-pārk’ e⟨17⟩llai vaḻi-varampukku vaṭakkum
  • mēl-pārk’ e⟨18⟩llai Uṭciṟu-vāy-k-kakukku-k kiḻakkum
  • vaṭa⟨19⟩-pāṟk’ ellai kaṭampaṉ vāy-k-kālukku-t te⟨20⟩ṟkum

Iṉ-ṉāṉk’ ellaiyilum Aka-p-paṭṭa ⟨21⟩ nilam mu-m-mā v-araiyum mēṟ-pulattu Iru⟨22⟩-māvum Āka Oṉpatu mā v-araiyum vācalil ⟨23⟩¡ṉ!⟨n⟩ta kuṭimai Ūr (iṭu) vari-[p]-(pāṭu)m ceṉṉ¡i!⟨ī⟩r-ve⟨24⟩(ṭṭ)iyum candrādit=ta-val Iṟai kāttu-k kuṭup⟨25⟩pōm ā(y) kallil veṭṭi-k kuṭuttōm ciṟṟā⟨26⟩(ṉai)ccū(r) (sa)bhaiyōm

I¡ṉ-ṉ!⟨n-n⟩ilattil Eṇ mā ⟨27⟩ (v-a)raiyu [1+] mām pāttiyil (A)rai māvum Iraṇ⟨28⟩(ṭu) [ca. 3+] ti Arai-k kāṟ cey [na](n=t)[ā](va)ṉam tiru-t⟨29⟩[ca. 2+](ṟaikku) tiru-Uvaccakaḷuk(ku) (can)¡(t)!(d)(r)āditya-vaṟ ⟨30⟩ nivan=tam ceytu kuṭuttēṉ kaṟṟaḷi-p-pi⟨31⟩caṉ-ēṉ

Itu panmāheśvara-rakṣai


⟨7⟩ Iṟai kāt(tu)[k] (ku)ṭukkum • Compare Iṟai kāttuk kuṭuppōm (lines 24-25).

⟨22⟩ vācalil ⟨23⟩¡ṉ!⟨n⟩ta kuṭimai Ūr (iṭu) vari[p](pāṭu)m • Compare vācalil pōn=ta kuṭimaiyum Ūr iṭu varippāṭum (ARIE/1924-1925/B/1925/112).

Translation by Emmanuel Francis

(1) Prosperity! Fortune!

(1–3) Thirty-eighth year of the king Parakesarivarman, who took Maturai.

(3–12) The boundaries of the land, which, we, the members of the assembly of Ciṟṟāṉaiccūr, a brahmadeya in the Tiraivaḻuntūrnāṭu on the southern bank give, taking care of the tax money (iṟaik kāṭṭu), after receiving gold from Tirukkaṟṟaḷi Piccar of the glorious Tiruvāvaṭutuṟai, for the god of the glorious Tiruvāvaṭutuṟai [are as follows]:

  • [the eastern boundary is] west of of the main road Vāṇiyaṉ;
  • the southern boundary [is] north of ;
  • the western boundary [is] east of ;
  • the northern boundary [is] south of Iluppaiceykku.

(12–13) The land comprised between these four boundaries [amounts to] a quarter [vēli].

(13–20) The boundaries of the land got after sale/purchase from Mutta Caṅkara Māṟāṉ [are as follows]:

  • the eastern boundary [is] west of ;
  • the southern boundary [is] north of .;
  • the western boundary [is] east of ;
  • the northern boundary [is] south of the Katampaṉ channel.

(20–26) The land comprised between these four boundaries, that is, , we, the members of the assembly of Ciṟṟāṉaiccūr, being those who give (kuṭuppōm), taking care of the tax money, as long as the moon and the sun, we have given (kuṭuttōm) [it], having engraved [this agreement] on stone1.

(26–29) From this land, , for the glorious drummers, I, Tirukkaṟṟaḷi Piccaṉ, have given , after making a binding agreement, as long as the moon and the sun.

(29) This [is under] the protection of the many Māheśvaras.


Reported in Venkoba Rao 1926 (ARIE/1924-1925/B/1925/141).

This edition by Renato Davalos, Emmanuel Francis, and Babu N. Ramaswamy (2024), based on photos (EFEO, 2006; E. Francis, 2024; M. Trento, 2024) and autopsy (2024).

ASI transcript and estampage, if any, yet to be consulted.


Venkoba Rao, G. 1926. Annual report on South-Indian epigraphy for the year ending 31st March 1925. Calcutta: Government Press. Page 28, appendix B/1925, item 141.


  1. 1. That is, having this record engraved on stone.