Tiruvāvaṭutuṟai, recapitulative set of copper-plates

Editors: Margherita Trento, Renato Dávalos, Emmanuel Francis.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSTiruvavatuturai00001.

Summary: A recapitulative set of copper-plates listing fifteen different grants dated from Śaka year 1360 to Śaka year 1448. The grants are however not ordered chronologically in the set.

Hand description:

ka and ta are very similar.

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: Tiruvāvaṭutuṟai (tfa-tiruvavatuturai-TN-epigraphy).

Version: (abc8a74), last modified (9ab9bf1).


Grant no. 1: Śaka year 1448

⟨Page 1r⟩⟨top left: śubham astu⟨left: 1

⟨1r1=1=1⟩ śrī

sakāttam 1000 4 100 4 10 8-ṉ mēl cellā niṉṟa viya-saṁvat·sarat=tu tu⟨1r2=2=2⟩-nā⟨ya⟩ṟṟu pūrvva-pakṣat=tu sukra-vāramum peṟṟa puṇarpūcat=tu nāḷ

miḻa⟨1r3=3=3⟩lai-k-kūṟṟat=tu naṭuviṟ-kūṟṟu ta¡n!⟨ṉ⟩iyūr tirupperuntuṟai Āḷuṭaiya ⟨1r4=4=4⟩ parama-svāmiyaḷukku Aṟantāṅki Aracu Ēkapperumāḷ toṇṭai⟨1r5=5=5⟩māṉār poṉṉampala-nāta-toṇṭaimāṉār Ūrkaḷ upakṣaya-dhā⟨1r6=6=6⟩rā-pūrvvam-āka vilaippiṟamāṇam paṇṇik koṭut=ta Ūrkaḷ āvaṉa mi⟨1r7=7=7⟩ḻalaikkūṟṟat=tu mēlkūṟṟattu peruṉāvallūraṟkum yitukku uṭpaṭṭa ⟨1r8=8=8⟩ puravukkum perunāṉk’ ellai Āvaṉa

  • kīḻ-pāṟk’ ellai tirupperuntuṟai ⟨1r9=9=9⟩ Ellaikku mēṟkum
  • teṉ-pāṟk’ ellai paḻantāmarai-k-kuḷat=tukkum vāyit=talaik=ku⟨1r10=10=10⟩m ciṟṟaṭampūr marutaṅkuṭi Ellaikkum vaṭakkum
  • mēṟ-pā(ṟ)kellai vīramaṅ⟨1r11=11=11⟩kalat=til Ellaikkuk kiḻakku⟨m⟩
  • vaṭa-pāṟk’ ellai veḷḷāṟṟu teṟkum
Āka y-icai⟨1r12=12=12⟩nta peru-ṉā¡n!⟨ṉ⟩k’ ellaikku Uṭpaṭṭa peruṉāvallūrukkum vaṭa-veḷḷā⟨1r13=13=13⟩ṟṟu-nāṭṭu-p paṉaiṅkaiya-nāṭṭu Araiyar kuḷapaṟṟu vēṅkūr Eḻuvaṉēri peru⟨Page 1v⟩⟨1v1=14=14⟩-ṉānk’ ellaikku Uḷpaṭṭaṉavum y-iṉṉā(ṭṭi)l y-inta paṟṟu śrī-kaṇṭamaṅkalam ca⟨1v2=15=15⟩tu-maikku Uḷpaṭṭaṉavum Āka y-inta Ūrkaḷukku uṇṭā¡n!⟨ṉ⟩a sakala-samudāya⟨1v3=16=16⟩prāptikaḷum maṟṟum nāmaṅ koḷum yiṟai yutikaḷ maṟṟum ⟨⟨E⟩⟩pēṟpa⟨1v4=17=17⟩ṭ=ṭaṉavum sarvvamu⟨m ⟩ sarvvamāṉyamāka Upakṣaya-dhārapūṟuvamāka vilaippiṟama⟨1v5=18=18⟩āṉam paṇṇi vilai niccaitta cakkaram poṉ 3 1000 yippoṉ mūvvāyirat⟨1v6=19=19⟩tukkum U yinta Ūrkaḷ cantiRĀtit(=ta)varai cella dhārāpūrvvamāka koṭuttatōm

⟨1v7=20=20⟩ Āḷuṭaiya para⟨ma⟩svāmikku poṉṉampalat toṇṭaimāṉāRŌm yiṉṉā⟨1v8=21=21⟩ḷil miḻalaikkūṟṟattu paḻantaRĀ⟦p⟧⟨⟨m⟩⟩mai puravu Aṟikil kuṭi nīṅkāt tēvatāṉamāka ca⟨1v9=22=22⟩ntiRĀtityavarai cellak kuṭuttamaikkum cempilum kallilu⟨m⟩ veṭ=ṭikkoḷḷa-⟨1v10=23=23⟩kkē kaṭavaR Ākavum

y-itu satyam(·)(~)

I. Anuṣṭubh

dānapālanayōr maddhyē


dānāt· cchreyo ’nupālanam· |


dānā⟨1v11=24=24⟩t· svargam avāpnōti


pālanād acyutam· padam· ||

II. Anuṣṭubh

svadattāt· dviguṇam · puṇyam ·


paradattānupā⟨⟨la⟩⟩nam· |


⟨1v12=25=25⟩ paradattāpahārēṇa


svadattan niṣphalam · bhavēt·||

III. Anuṣṭubh

svadattām · paradattāṁ vā


yo haret¿i?⟨a⟩ vas¿va?⟨u⟩n⟨1v13=26=26⟩dharām |




viṣṭhāyāñ jāyate kṛmiḥ ||

IV. Anuṣṭubh

Ekaika bhaginī loke


⟨1v14=27=27⟩ sarvveṣām eva bhūbhujāḥ|


nā bhōjyā na k(a)ragrāhyā


vipradattā vasundharāḥ||

V. Anuṣṭubh

⟨1v15=28=28⟩ māṉyo yan dharmma-setu(r) nṛpāṇāṁ


kāle kāle pālanīyo bhavat·bhi⟨ḥ⟩ |


sarvān etā(nn) ⟨Page 2r⟩ ⟨2r1=29=29⟩ bhāvinaḥ pā⟨r⟩tthivendr¿a?⟨ā⟩


bhūyo bhūyo yācate rām acandraḥ ||


y-inta dharmmattukku Ahitam pa⟨2r2=30=30⟩ṇṇiṉavarkaḷ gaṁgaik karai⟨yi⟩kapilaiyum kaRĀm pacuvaiyu⟨m⟩ guruvaiyum brāhma⟨2r3=31=31⟩ṇaṉai⟨yu⟩m ¡d!⟨t⟩ā-pi¡d!⟨t⟩]āvaiyum taṅkaiyālē koṉṟa pāpattilē pōka kaṭava⟨2r4=32=32⟩R Ākavum

samam Ippaṭ=ṭikku cantiRĀ⟨ti⟩tyavarai cella naṭatti-k koḷḷavum ||


Grant no. 2: Śaka year 1440

⟨2r5=33=1⟩ svasti śrīman· mahāmaṇḍaleśvaran· AriyaRĀyar vibhāṭan· bhāṣaikku tappuvaRāy¡i!⟨a⟩r ka⟨2r6=34=2⟩ṇḍan· catusamudrādhipati śrīvīrapra¡d!⟨t⟩āpan· kṛṣṇadevamahārāyar

pṛthi⟨2r7=34=3⟩jyam· paṇṇi Aruḷā niṉṟ¡ā!⟨a⟩ śakāb¡t!⟨d⟩am· 1000 4 100 4 10-ṉ mēl cellā niṉṟa vē¡vu!⟨ku⟩-⟨2r8=35=4⟩dhānya-saṁvat·sarattu dakṣiṇāyanattu śara⟨d⟩ṛtu saṁjñitamāna vṛści-nāyaṟṟu pūrvvapa⟨2r9=36=5⟩kṣat=tu ṣaṣṭiyum· somaramum peṟṟa tiruvōṇattu nāḷ

Grant no. 3

⟨2v9=**=1⟩ ...

Grant no. 4

⟨3v2=**=1⟩ ...

Grant no. 5

⟨4r12=**=1⟩ ...

Grant no. 6

⟨4v4=**=1⟩ ...

Grant no. 7

⟨5r1=**=1⟩ ...

Grant no. 8

⟨5r14=**=1⟩ ...

Grant no. 9

⟨5v15=**=1⟩ ...

Grant no. 10

⟨6r13=**=1⟩ ...

Grant no. 11

⟨6v22=**=1⟩ ...

Grant no. 12

⟨7v4=**=1⟩ ...

Grant no. 13

⟨8r11=**=1⟩ ...

Grant no. 14

⟨9r7=**=1⟩ ...

Grant no. 15

⟨10r13=**=1⟩ ...

Translation by Renato Dávalos, Emmanuel Francis and Margherita Trento

Grant no. 1: Śaka year 1448

(1) Fortune!

(1–2) Viya year, while the Śaka year 1448 is going on, on the month of the libra1, during the first half2, and on a Friday, on the day of the seventh star [puṇarpūcam3]

(2–8) [I], Toṇṭaimāṉ Poṉṉampalanātaṉ, son of Toṇṭaimāṉ Ēkapperumāḷ, king of Aṟantāṅki, to the supreme Lord who rules in Tirupperuntuṟai, an independent settlement (taṉiyūr) in the Naṭuviṟkūṟu in Miḻalaikkūṟṟam, give the settlements which follow, after having made a sale-deed (vilaippiṟamāṇam) with ... and water (upakṣaya-dhārā-pūrvam-āka) for the donation of such settlements; the four great boundaries of the the endowed land (puravukku) which lies within Peruṉāvallūr, in the above-mentioned kūṟu in the Miḻalaikkūṟṟam are [as follow]s.


  • The boundary on the eastern side is on the west of the boundary of Tirupperuntuṟai;
  • the boundary on the southern side is north of the boundary of Ciṟṟatampūr Marutaṅkuṭi, of the old lotus pond, and of the head-sluice of channel;
  • the boundary on the western side is east of the boundary in Vīramaṅkalam;
  • the northern boundary is south of the Vēḷḷāṟu river.
This being so, to Peruṉāvallūr which is within these four aforementioned boundaries, to Eḻuvaṉēri Vēṅkūr which is adjacent to Araiyar kuḷa in the Paṉaiṅkaiya region in the region of the northern Veḷḷāṟu and is within these four boundaries, and to Śrī Kaṇtamaṅkalam in this country which is adjacent to that, and is completely within these four boundaries, all the collective revenues that belong to these towns, and the dues from the taxes which bear names, whatever name they may have, all of them, having acquired them as a tax-free endowment, along with the water streams, by making [this] sale dead, the price being established to 3000 golden cakkaram coins, in exchange for these three thousand golds, I give these towns along with their water streams until the sun ans the moon.

(19–23) The donation that I, Poṉṉambala Toṇṭaimāṉ, make to the supreme Lord (paramasvāmi) who is Lord [in Tirupperuntuṟai], on this day, as an endowment of lands to the temple without removing the cultivating tenants in the vicinity (aṟikil, that is, arukil) of [paḻantarāmmai] land in the Miḻalaikuṟṟu, shall be inscribed on copper and on stone, for the donation to last until the sun and the moon.

(23) This is true.

Between giving or protecting [a donation], protecting is better than giving ; from giving one obtains heaven, from protecting the place from which there is no falling down.
Protecting the donation made by others has twice the meritorious quality than making oneself a donation; and by harming the gift made by others, one’s own gift becomes fruitless.
Whoever may steal the land donated by him, or donated by another, becomes a warm in the excrements for sixty thousand years.
The land which is given to brahmins should not be enjoyed nor taken for taxes, it is in this world the only sister for all the kings.
This bridge of Dharma which is common to all the kings, you always must protect it [...]

(29–32) Whoever harms this dharma, will incur in the same sin as if killing with his own hands his mother, father, guru, a brahmin, a calf or a tawny cow on the shores of the Gaṅgā.

(32) This will last until the sun and the moon.

(32) This is the truth.

Grant no. 2: Śaka year 1440

Grant no. 3

Grant no. 4

Grant no. 5

Grant no. 6

Grant no. 7

Grant no. 8

Grant no. 10

Grant no. 11

Grant no. 12

Grant no. 13

Grant no. 14

Grant no. 15


Reported in Katti 1998 (ARIE/1986-1987/A/1986-1987/**).

Edited in Kiruṣṇamūrtti 2000 as individual grants (nos. 1-15), whereas they are in fact found in succession in a single set of plates. These editions are not taken systematically into account since the editor regularly adapts Sanskrit words to Tamil spelling.

This edition by Renato Dávalos, Emmanuel Francis and Margherita Trento (2024), based on EFEO photographs (2015).


[K] Kiruṣṇamūrtti, Ca. 2000. Tiruvāvaṭutuṟai ātīṉac ceppēṭu. Citamparam: Ā. Uṇṇāmalai. Pages 36–72, items 1-15.


  1. 1. I.e. the seventh month.
  2. 2. I.e. the days of the waxing moon.
  3. 3. I.e. punarvasu?