Test Headings
Editor: Michaël Meyer.
Identifier: DHARMA_INSTestHeading.
Language: Undetermined.
Repository: Test Repository (repo-test).
Version: (f46d40d), last modified (2bf311e).
Translation into German
Translation into German by Michaël Meyer
Translation into German by Michaël Meyer and Emmanuel Francis
Translation into German by Michaël Meyer, Emmanuel Francis and Arlo Griffiths
Translation into German by Eltschinger 2001
Translation by Michaël Meyer
Translation by Michaël Meyer and Emmanuel Francis
Translation by Michaël Meyer, Emmanuel Francis and Arlo Griffiths
Translation by Eltschinger 2001
My title
My title
My title12
- 1. My footnote
- 2. My footnote
- 3. My footnote
- 4. My footnote
- 5. My footnote
- 6. My footnote
- 7. My footnote
- 8. My footnote
- 9. My footnote
- 10. My footnote
- 11. My footnote
- 12. My footnote
- 13. My footnote
- 14. My footnote
- 15. My footnote
- 16. My footnote
- 17. My footnote
- 18. My footnote
- 19. My footnote
- 20. My footnote
- 21. My footnote
- 22. My footnote
- 23. My footnote
- 24. My footnote
- 25. My footnote
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<div type="textpart" subtype="column" n="A"><head>My title</head><note>My footnote</note></div>
<div type="textpart" subtype="column" n="A"><head>My title<note>My footnote</note></head><note>My footnote</note></div>
<div type="textpart" subtype="column" n="A"><head>My title<note>My footnote</note></head><note>My footnote</note><note>My footnote</note></div>
<div type="textpart" subtype="column" n="A"><head>My title<note>My footnote</note></head><note>My footnote</note> <note>My footnote</note></div>
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<div type="translation"><!--comment--><head>My title</head></div>
<div type="translation"><note>My footnote</note></div>
<div type="translation"><head>My title</head><note>My footnote</note></div>
<div type="translation"><head>My<note>My footnote</note> title<note>My footnote</note></head></div>
<div type="translation"><head>My<note>My footnote</note> title<note>My footnote</note></head><note>My footnote</note></div>
<div type="translation"><head>My<note>My footnote</note> title<note>My footnote</note></head><note>My footnote</note><note>My footnote</note></div>
<div type="translation"><head>My<note>My footnote</note> title<note>My footnote</note></head><note>My footnote</note> <note>My footnote</note></div>