Hero stone of Kurureḷaṟemma under the rule of Manuja-Triṇētra

Editors: Jens Thomas, N. Lakshminarayan Rao, J. Ramayya Pantulu.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSTelugu00093.

Hand description:

Language: Telugu.

Repository: Telugu Inscriptions (tfb-telugu-epigraphy).

Version: (8e67924), last modified (ec27c2b).


⟨1⟩ svasty anēkasamaraśaṁghaṭṭōpa(labdha)jaya⟨2⟩lakṣmīsamalliṁgitavakṣasthaḷa-śrī-ma⟨3⟩nuje-trinētra-vaidumbā-mahārā⟨4⟩ja-palava-mahārāju pritivirājya⟨5⟩ñ cēya vāṇarāju pai vō(yi) poḍici raṇamo⟨6⟩khadhōrtthra sakkarurēḷaṟemma poḍici sūralōkaṁb ēṁ⟨7⟩ge kōṟajamaśrī


⟨2⟩ -samalliṁgitavakṣasthaḷa- ⬦ -samāliṁgitavakṣastaḷa- ?.

⟨2-3⟩ -ma⟨3⟩nuje-trinētra- ⬦ -ma⟨3⟩nu(jē)-trinētra- ?.

⟨3⟩ vaidumbā-mahārā° ⬦ vaiduṁbi-mahārā° ?.

⟨4⟩ °ja-palava-mahārāju ⬦ °jula va(va)harāju ?.

⟨5⟩ poḍici raṇamo° ⬦ (vo)ḍici raṇa(mu)° ?.

⟨6⟩ khadhōrtthra sakkarurēḷa° ⬦ (khadhātri)[ca. 1*]kuru(reḷa)° ?.

⟨7⟩ ge kōṟajamaśrī ⬦ ge[ca. 4*] ?.

Translation by Sastri 1969

Hail! While Vavahārāju (on behalf) of the illustrious Manuja Triṇētra Vaidumba mahārāja, whose breast is embraced by the Goddess of victory obtained in several conflicts of battles, was ruling the earth, Kurureḷaṟemma attacked Vāṇarāju in the battle-field and went to Heaven.

Translation by Jens Thomas


The text follows the re-reading of N. Lakshminarayan Rao in 1948, p. lviii of the edition of J. Ramayya Pantulu in 1948, p. 343, № 642. N. Lakshminarayan Rao consulted the impression for his re-reading (1948, p. xxxv) but did not provide a picture of it. The dots used in the edition to indicate lost or unintelligible characters can not clearly be attributed to a certain quantity of characters (one dot may indicate one or more lost or unintelligible characters).


The inscription was noted in A. R. No. 328 of 1922 and first published by J. Ramayya Pantulu in 1948, p. 343, № 642 with few metadata and without translation. N. Lakshminarayan Rao (1948, p. lviii) improved the reading by consulting the respective impression. K. M. Sastry 1969, p. 344 provides a translation while relying on J. Ramayya Pantulu’s edition.


Ramayya Pantulu, J. 1948. South-Indian inscriptions (texts). Volume X: Telugu inscriptions from the Madras Presidency. South Indian Inscriptions 10. Delhi: Manager of Publications. Page 343, item 642.

Lakshminarayan Rao, N. 1948. “Appendix II - Additions and corrections.” In: South-Indian inscriptions (texts). Volume X: Telugu inscriptions from the Madras presidency. South Indian Inscriptions 10. Delhi: Manager of Publications. Page lviii.

Sastri, Korada Mahadeva. 1969. Historical grammar of Telugu with special reference to Old Telugu c. 200 B.C. - 1000 A.D. Anantapur: Sri Vekateswara Univ. Pages 343–344, item 93.