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15 <forename>Jens Christian</forename>
¡ <surname>Thomas</surname>
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20 <resp>intellectual authorship of edition</resp>
¡ <persName>
¡ <forename>K. V.</forename>
¡ <surname>Lakshmana Rao</surname>
¡ </persName>
25 </respStmt>
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¡ <p>This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported
¡ Licence. To view a copy of the licence, visit
35 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ or send a letter to
¡ Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View,
¡ California, 94041, USA.</p>
¡ <p>Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Jens Christian Thomas.</p>
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40 </availability>
¡ <date from="2019" to="2025">2019-2025</date>
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85 <div type="edition" xml:lang="tel-Latn">
¡ <p>
¡ <lb n="1"/><gap reason="undefined"/><unclear>pura</unclear>
¡ <lb n="2"/><gap reason="undefined"/><unclear>pu di</unclear> bhĹŤpÄlakuášá¸u
¡ <lb n="3"/>paášášaášbu gaášášina prathamaášbun Äášá¸u bala-garvvaášb-o<lb n="4" break="no"/>ppaga bailÄci sÄna paášášaášbu gaášášiášci prabhuáš
90 <lb n="5"/>baášá¸araášgu ba<unclear>ášci</unclear>na samatta-paá¸u va<unclear>sĹ</unclear>bĹya<lb n="6" break="no"/>koášášaášbul vaášá¸ášeášá¸u goáši vÄášginÄášáši goḝelci ya
¡ <lb n="7"/>tribhuvanÄáškuĹa bÄáša nilpi kaášášepudu<unclear>r</unclear>ggaášbu gaá¸u
¡ <lb n="8" break="no"/>bayal sÄsi kaášá¸ukur-bbejav<unclear>Ä</unclear>á¸a gÄviášce mecci
¡ <lb n="9"/>paášá¸araášgu parama-mahÄĹvaruášá¸u Äditya-baášÄrani<lb n="10" break="no"/>ki Iccina bh<unclear>ĹŤ</unclear>mi Enubodi vuá¸lu aá¸lu paášášu nÄla da<lb n="11" break="no"/>mmavuraášbuna dammuvulu vÄŤni rakᚣiĂącinav<unclear>Ä</unclear>riki asva<lb n="12" break="no"/>mÄdaášbuna palaášb<unclear>u</unclear> agu
¡ </p>
95 </div>
¡ <div type="apparatus">
¡ </div>
100 <div type="translation" source="bib:LakshmanaRao1927-1928_01">
¡ <p>
¡ (Line 1.) . . . . . . . . <hi rend="italic">pura</hi>
¡ (L. 2.) The king . . . . . . . . .
¡ (Verse 1.) In the first year after the coronation, (<hi rend="italic">the king</hi>) being proud of his army (or strength) and elated (<hi rend="italic">thereby</hi>), having anointed (<hi rend="italic">i.e.</hi> appointed) <hi rend="bold">Paášá¸araášga</hi>, the SÄmanta, to the command of the army and sent (<hi rend="italic">him</hi>), he (<hi rend="italic">i.e.</hi> Paášá¸araáš
ga) captured twelve <hi rend="italic">koášášÄms</hi> belonging to one <hi rend="bold">[VasĹ]-BĹya</hi>. He reached (<hi rend="italic">i.e.</hi> ascended and captured) the hill-top (<hi rend="italic">i.e.</hi> forts on the top of the hill) of <hi rend="bold">VÄášgi-nÄášá¸u</hi> and planted the goad of TribhuvanÄáškuĹa (<hi rend="italic">there</hi>). He exposed fully (<hi rend="italic">i.e.</hi> made bare after conquest) the fort of <hi rend="bold">Kaášáše</hi>. He liked and praised <hi rend="bold">Kaášdukur</hi> and <hi rend="bold">BejavÄá¸a</hi>.
105 (Lines 9-12.) Paášá¸araáš
ga who was the best of the <hi rend="italic">MÄhÄĹvaras</hi> (<hi rend="italic">i.e.</hi> the worshippers of MahÄĹvara or Ĺiva) gave to (<hi rend="italic">the god</hi>) Äditya-BhaášÄra, land sowable with eighty <hi rend="italic">candies</hi> of paddy. This is a charity at Dammavuram. Those who protect these charities will acquire such merit (<hi rend="italic">as is obtained</hi>) by (<hi rend="italic">performing</hi>) the <hi rend="italic">AĹvamÄdha</hi> (<hi rend="italic">sacrifice</hi>).
¡ </p>
¡ </div>
¡ <div type="commentary">
110 </div>
¡ <div type="bibliography">
¡ <p></p>
115 <listBibl type="primary">
¡ <bibl n="siglum"/>
¡ </listBibl>
¡ <listBibl type="secondary">
¡ <bibl/>
120 </listBibl>
¡ </div>
¡ </body>
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