Charchoma Temple Interior Inscription 1
Editor: Dániel Balogh.
Identifier: DHARMA_INSSiddham00221.
Hand description:
Language: Sanskrit.
Repository: Siddham (siddham).
Version: (ddbe066), last modified (13a5ebf).
I. Śārdūlavikrīḍita
⟨1⟩ (mu)ktā-(śaila)-mayīṁ bhava-pratikr̥tiṁ lliṅgaṁ jagaty adbhu(ta)ṁ
a⟨2⟩ (p)rāsā(da)[ṁ pr̥]thu-saṁyatāyata-śilaṁ prā(jyā)mbhasaṁ dī(rghikā)M
b⟨3⟩ (dha?)r(m?)y(ākā?)śa-guṇānvitāñ ca vasudhāṁ kānta-drumaṅ kāna(n)(aM|?)
c⟨4⟩ k(iṁśulkāni na?) (p)a(ś)yato ⟨’⟩tra bhavati prī(t)y-u(nna?)⟦[1×]⟧(tis svalpata?)ḥ(||)
dII. Śikhariṇī
⟨5⟩ (sutoṣaṁ) sādhūnāṁ mr̥du guṇa-laven(āp)[i] hr̥da(ya)M
a⟨6⟩ dur(ārādhaṁ c)eto bhavati (n)iyamān ma(tsaravatāM)
b⟨7⟩ I(da)(ṁ sr̥?)ṣṭvā vyaktaṁ{n} dvitayam idam (ā)y(ā)sya(t?)i (mu)daṁ(|)
c⟨8⟩ prabhāvāc charvvasya kṣata-durita-vr̥tter (bha)gavataḥ||
Translation by Doe and Devadatta N.d.
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<title>Charchoma Temple Interior Inscription 1</title>
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<resp>Conversion of encoding for DHARMA</resp>
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<resp>intellectual authorship of edition</resp>
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<idno type="filename">DHARMA_INSSiddham00221</idno>
If this file is moved into a named DHARMA corpus, retain the Siddham identifier as <altIdentifier>
<licence target="">
<p>This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported Licence. To view a copy of the licence, visit t or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.</p>
<p>Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Dániel Balogh.</p>
<date from="2019" to="2025">2019-2025</date>
<p>The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC)
under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant
agreement no 809994).</p>
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<change who="part:daba" when="2023-05-15" status="draft">Additional global changes for compatibility with DHARMA</change>
<change who="part:axja" when="2021-07-06" status="draft">Updating toward the encoding template v03</change>
<change who="part:daba" when="2020-08-04" status="draft">Initial import: harmonising file structure with DHARMA inscription template v02. Text and comments as inherited from the Siddham archive of January 2019, unless otherwise indicated (by a name and date in the comment). Comments are offered "as is" and do not represent a thoroughly considered or researched opinion.</change>
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Digitally edited by Dániel Balogh from photos of the original inscription. Version of January 2019. Comments below are offered "as is" and do not represent a thoroughly researched or considered opinion.
--><lg n="1" met="śārdūlavikrīḍita">
<l n="a"><lb n="1"/><unclear>mu</unclear>ktā-<unclear>śaila</unclear>-mayīṁ bhava-pratikr̥tiṁ lliṅgaṁ jagaty adbhu<unclear>ta</unclear>ṁ</l><!--
L2. There is an additional mark, a vertical with some twists, between lli and ṅgaṁ, closer (and possibly connected) to the latter. It seems to have been engraved with the same care as the characters but I cannot divine its function. (Actually, it looks quite a bit like the left-hand edge of ṅga. Perhaps an aborted ṅga, abandoned because the g part was connected to ṅ on the left-hand side?
<l n="b"><lb n="2"/><unclear>p</unclear>rāsā<unclear>da</unclear><supplied reason="lost"><!-- CHECK if <unclear> applies better.-->ṁ pr̥</supplied>thu-saṁyatāyata-śilaṁ prā<unclear>jyā</unclear>mbhasaṁ <space/> dī<unclear>rghikā</unclear>M</l><!--
L2. The character jyā is malformed: the bottom prong seems to be connected to the middle prong, and y is attached not to the bottom prong but at the place where the ā mātrā elbows upward. The ligature looks more like sya than jyā, yet jyā must have been intended.
L2. This space was probably left blank because dhbu hangs down from the previous line.
L2. The halanta M here and in l5 is a full-size altered form of ma, actually much resembling a la.
<l n="c"><lb n="3"/><unclear cert="low">dha</unclear>r<unclear cert="low">m</unclear>y<unclear cert="low">ākā</unclear>śa-guṇānvitāñ ca vasudhāṁ kānta-drumaṅ kāna<unclear>n</unclear><unclear cert="low">aM|</unclear></l><!--
L3. Williams (M L Sharma) reads dhatte at the beginning of the line. The superscript r and the subscript y are clear.
L3. My reading of this line is rather tentative in places. For the beginning I cannot find any intelligible reading but dharmyākāśaguṇānvita, which I take to mean dharmya-śabdānvita. I'm not sure this is a very good attribute of land/earth, but I believe the idea is that it is pervaded by the chanting of priests. At the end, I think I can see faint traces of a halanta M, with its vertical almost coinciding with the large vertical crack in the stone. This halanta M rules out the alternative reading/emendation kāntadrumāṅ kānanān.
L3. There may be a horizontal punctuation mark at the end of l3 (just to the right of the vertical crack, to the left of the three horizontal chisel marks).
<l n="d"><lb n="4"/>k<unclear cert="low">iṁśulkāni na</unclear> <unclear>p</unclear>a<unclear>ś</unclear>yato <supplied reason="subaudible">’</supplied>tra bhavati prī<unclear>t</unclear>y-u<unclear cert="low">nna</unclear><del><gap reason="illegible" quantity="1" unit="character"/></del><unclear cert="low">tis svalpata</unclear>ḥ<unclear>||</unclear></l><!--
L4. My reading at the beginning of the line is very tentative. W only reads kāmya ...danasaśyasītava ... prī ...
L4. I believe there is a deleted character at the second position after prī, with the three horizontal lines marking the deletion. This may be wrong; everything after tyu is very uncertain, more a diagnostic conjecture than a reading.
L4. The verse-end punctuation is probably a double vertical, the first one may be hooked; both may also be just scratches.
<lg n="2" met="śikhariṇī">
<l n="a"><lb n="5"/><unclear>sutoṣaṁ</unclear> sādhūnāṁ mr̥du guṇa-laven<unclear>āp</unclear><supplied reason="lost"><!-- CHECK if <unclear> applies better.-->i</supplied> hr̥da<unclear>ya</unclear>M</l><!--
L5. W: ... sadhū ... pūdāguṇalardha ...
<l n="b"><lb n="6"/>dur<unclear>ārādhaṁ c</unclear>eto bhavati <unclear>n</unclear>iyamān ma<unclear>tsaravatāM</unclear></l><!--
L6. W: da ... dhatatītyabhātva ... rābh ...
<l n="c"><lb n="7"/>I<unclear>da</unclear><unclear cert="low">ṁ sr̥</unclear>ṣṭvā vyaktaṁ<surplus>n</surplus> dvitayam idam <unclear>ā</unclear>y<unclear>ā</unclear>sya<unclear cert="low">t</unclear>i <unclear>mu</unclear>daṁ<unclear>|</unclear></l><!--
L7. W: ... sa ... yavnadvitayamida ... sya ...
L7. There is probably a horizontal punctuation mark at the end of l7.
<l n="d"><lb n="8"/>prabhāvāc charvvasya kṣata-durita-vr̥tter <unclear>bha</unclear>gavataḥ||</l><!--
L8. The final punctuation is clearly a double vertical, the first one hooked.
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