Ukkal, Perumāḷ temple, time of Parakesarivarman, year 4

Editors: Emmanuel Francis, Eugen Hultzsch.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSSII0300014.

Summary: ...

Hand description:

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: South Indian Inscriptions (tfa-sii-epigraphy).

Version: (263af52), last modified (dc9cbca).


⟨1⟩ svasti śrī

vīra-pāṇṭiyaṉai-t talai koṇṭa -p-[para]kesari-panma[ku] yāṇṭu nāl-āvatu

kāliyū-k-[k]ōṭṭattu taṉ kūṟṟu-c c¡ī!⟨i⟩va-cūḷāmaṇi-maṅkalam-ākiya ś⟨r⟩ī-vikramā[bha]ra[ṇa-c-ca]tu[rvv]eti-maṅka[lattu] Iruntu vāḻum ⟨2⟩ ve¿ṉa?⟨ḷ⟩ḷāḷaṉ ci[kk]ār-uṭ[aiy]āṉ puliyaṉ makaṉ cēṉai taṉak[ku] dharmm[ārttha]m-[ā]ka

  • I⟨v⟩⟨r⟩ brahma-sthāṉattē Āṟu māsa¡ṉ!⟨n⟩ taṇṇīr aṭṭuvat’ ākavum
  • Āṟu māsam· Agniṣ¿ṭ?⟨ṭh⟩ai Iṭuva[t]’ ākavum
  • maṇṭa¿t?⟨k⟩attu t[o]ṭṭi mū¿[[ṉṟē-y]]?⟨ṉṉē⟩ ⟨⟨Ēt⟩⟩ta[m Eṭuppa]t’ ākavum
It-dha[r]mmattuk[ku ca]ndrātitta-vat niṟka vaitta ⟨3⟩ bhūmi va[ḷai]yiliṟ paṭṭi nilamum

[A]vvava-sa¡m·!⟨ṃ⟩vatsaraṅkaḷil grāma-kā[r]yyam· tirut[tum p]e[ru]-makka⟨⟨ḷ⟩⟩ [I]t-dha[r]mmaṅ kaṭai-k-kāṇpat’ āka[vu]⟨m⟩

I[ta]ṟk[ku] virodha [niṉ]ṟār g¡e!⟨a⟩[ṅ]gā-¡g!⟨k⟩anyā[nta]rattiṟ c[e]ytār ceyta pā[va]ttiṟ paṭu[v]ār ākavu[m]

[I]p-pa[ricu] v¡aiy!⟨ai⟩tt[ē]ṉ ceṉaiy-[ē]

[I]tuk[ku] virodhi[ttā]ṉ Iru-[pat]t’ ¿a?⟨ai⟩ñ⟨4⟩-kaḻañcu [p]oṉ daṇṭam iṭa-p peṟuvat’ āka[vu]m

Translation by Hultzsch 1899

(1) Hail! Prosperity! In the fourth year [of the reign] of king Parakesarivarman who deprived Vīra-Pāṇḍya of [his] head,—Cēṉai, [who was] the son of the cultivator [Veḷḷāḷaṉ] Ci[kk]ār-uṭaiyāṉ Puliyaṉ [and] who resided at Śivacūḷāmaṇimaṅgala, alias Śrī-Vikramābharaṇa-caturvedimaṅgala, [a village] in its own subdivision of Kāliyūr-kōṭṭam, assigned [one] paṭṭi of land in the neighbourhood, to last as long as the moon and the sun, for his own merit [and] for the meritorious purpose of supplying to the brahmasthāna in this village water during six months and fire-pans (agniṣṭhā) during six months and of constructing a water-lever in front of the cistern at the maṇḍapa.1

(3) The great men who manage the affairs of the village in each year, shall supervise this charity. Those who cause obstruction to this, shall incur [all] the sins committed between the Gaṅgā and Kanyā.2 Under these conditions, I, Cēṉai, assigned [the land]. He who obstructs this, shall be liable to pay a fine of twenty-five kaḻañcus of gold.

Translation by Emmanuel Francis

(1) Prosperity! Fortune!


Reported in Hultzsch 1893 (ARIE/1892-1893/B/1893/32).

Edited in Hultzsch 1899, with English translation (SII 3.14).

This edition by Emmanuel Francis (2024), based on Hultzsch 1899.


[SII] Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1899. South-Indian inscriptions. Volume III: Miscellaneous inscriptions from the Tamil country. Part I: Inscriptions at Ukkal, Melpadi, Karuvur, Manimangalam and Tiruvallam. South Indian Inscriptions 3.1. Madras: Governement Press. Pages 21–22, item 14.


Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1893. G.O. Nos. 642-43, 14th August 1893. Epigraphy. Directing, with remarks, Dr. Hultzsch's report on Epigraphical work done during 1892-93 be forwarded to the Govrnement of India and approving of the programme for the next field season. Madras: Government of Madras, Public Department. Page 14, appendix B/1893, item 32.


  1. 1. maṇṭakam is a Tamil corruption of maṇṭapam. It occurs in No. 7, line 2, and three times in the Kūram plates (Vol. I. No. 151, text lines 61 and 74).
  2. 2. Kanyā is the same as Kanyākumāri or, more commonly, Kumari, the Tamil name of Cape Comorin.