Editors: Anonymous editor.
Identifier: DHARMA_INSSII03.
Language: Undetermined.
Repository: South Indian Inscriptions (tfa-sii-epigraphy).
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<pb n="3:1"/>
<p>ON the road from Conjeeveram to Wandiwash, at a distance of five miles south of
Māmaṇḍūr,<lb/>lies the village of <em>Kūḻambandal</em>.<ref t="3:1-1"/> It contains a Śiva
temple, which is now deserted,<lb/>but in tolerably good preservation. The approximate time of the
foundation of this temple<lb/>is settled by an inscription on its north wall, which is dated in the
12th year of the reign of<lb/><em>Rājēndra-Chōḷa</em> I. It records the grant of an allowance
of paddy and gold to twenty-<lb break="no"/>four dancing-girls, and states that the temple was
built by the priest <em>Īśānaśiva-Paṇḍita</em>,<lb/>whose name is also met with in a Tanjore
inscription of the 6th year of the same king (Vol.<lb/>II. No. 9). The same wall of the temple at
Kūḻambandal bears an inscription of the 22nd<lb/>year of <em>Rājēndra-Chōḷa</em> I., and the
south wall one of the 33rd year of <em>Rājādhirāja</em>.<lb/>The ancient name of the temple,
<em>Gaṅgaikoṇḍa-Chōḷēśvara</em>, is derived from a surname
of<lb/><em>Rājēndra-Chōḷa</em> I.<ref t="3:1-2"/></p>
<p>The village of <em>Ukkal</em><ref t="3:1-3"/> is one mile distant to the east of Kūḻambandal.
It contains the<lb/>ruins of an ancient temple of Vishṇu, which I visited in 1893. Of the shrine
itself, only the<lb/>lower portions remain standing, and the <i>maṇḍapa</i> in front of the
shrine threatens to collapse<lb/>at any moment. The bases of the shrine and of the <i>maṇḍapa</i>
bear seventeen inscriptions.<lb/>Of these, fourteen were copied and are published below. The
remaining three were omitted,<lb/>as they are incomplete.</p>
<p>The subjoined list shows, in chronological order, the kings to whose reigns the
Ukkal<lb/>inscriptions belong.</p>
<table n="3:1"><ins>[see file sii01-04_tables.txt]</ins></table>
<p>According to the inscriptions, the ancient name of the temple was <em>Puvaṉimāṇikka-<lb break="no"/>Vishṇugriham</em>, <i>i.e</i>. ‘the Vishṇu temple of <em>Bhuvanamāṇikya</em>.’ This
word means ‘the<lb/>ruby of the world’ and may have been a <i>biruda</i> of the unknown founder of
the temple. In<pb n="3:2"/><lb/>an inscription of <em>Rājarāja</em> I. (No. 2, l. 2), the deity
of the temple is called <em>Tiruvāy-<lb break="no"/>moḻidēvar</em>, <i>i.e</i>. ‘the god of the
<i>Tiruvāymoḻi</i>.’ This is the name of that portion of the<lb/><i>Nālāyiraprabandham</i>,
which was composed by <em>Śaṭhagōpa</em>, <i>alias</i> <em>Nammāḻvār</em>. The fact<lb/>that,
in the time of Rājarāja I., an idol was named after the <i>Tiruvāymoḻi</i>, implies that
this<lb/>work was considered holy already at that period, and hence that its author must have
lived<lb/>centuries before A.D. 1000.<ref t="3:2-1"/></p>
<p>The village in which the temple stands, bears the name of <em>Ukkal</em> in the
inscriptions<lb/>No. 4 and No. 10. In the two archaic inscriptions of <em>Kampavarman</em> (Nos. 5
and 8), we<lb/>find the more ancient forms <em>Uṭkar</em> and <em>Uṭkal</em>. Other names or
surnames of it were<lb/><em>Śivachūḷāmaṇimaṅgalam</em><ref t="3:2-2"/> (Nos. 1, 2, 3, 6, 7,
11, 12 and 14), <em>Vikramābharaṇa-<lb break="no"/>chaturvēdimaṅgalam</em> (Nos. 2, 3, 4, 6, 7,
10, 11, 12, 13 and 14), and <em>Aparājita-<lb break="no"/>chaturvēdimaṅgalam</em> (No. 1). These
three surnames appear to be derived from <i>birudas</i><lb/>of royal persons. In No. 1, Ukkal is
stated to have belonged to <em>Pāgūr-nāḍu</em>, a subdivision of<lb/>the district of
<em>Kāliyūr-kōṭṭam</em>, while, according to other inscriptions, it formed a<lb/>separate
subdivision of the same district, which was one of the ancient divisions of <em>Toṇḍai-<lb break="no"/>maṇḍalam</em> or, as it was also called from the time of <em>Rājarāja</em> I.,
<em>Jayaṅkoṇḍa-Chōḷa-<lb break="no"/>maṇḍalam</em><ref t="3:2-3"/> (Nos. 4 and 10).</p>
<p>The village of Ukkal was governed by an assembly (<i>sabhā</i> or <i>mahāsabhā</i>), which
was<lb/>subdivided into several committees. These were ‘the great men elected for the year’
(Nos.<lb/>5, 7, 11, 12, 13 and 14), ‘the great men in charge of the tank’ (Nos. 6, 11, 12 and 13),
and<lb/>‘those in charge of gardens’ (No. 12). The transactions of the assembly were put
in<lb/>writing by an officer who had the title ‘arbitrator’ (<i>madhyastha</i>, Nos. 2, 3, 6, 10
and 12),<lb/>and who is once called ‘an accountant’ (<i>karaṇattāṉ</i>, No. 10).</p>
<p>This inscription is dated in the 23rd year of the reign of the ancient <em>Chōḷa</em> king
<em>Rāja-<lb break="no"/>kēsarivarman</em>.<ref t="3:2-4"/> It records that a certain
<em>Brahmādhirāja</em> (ll. 4 and 11) deposited 200<lb/><i>kaḻañju</i> of gold with the
villagers, and that the latter pledged themselves to apply the<lb/>interest of this sum to the
feeding of twelve learned Brāhmaṇas.</p>
<hi>1 <gr>svasti śrī</gr> ||—— <ta>ko</ta>
<gr>rāja</gr><ta>ke</ta><gr>sariva[r]mma</gr><ta>ṟku yāṇṭu irupattumuṉṟāvatu<ref t="3:2-5"/> [|*]<lb/>kāliyūrkkoṭṭattuppākū-</ta></hi>
<hi>2 <ta>r[n]āṭṭuccivacūḷāmaṇimaṅ[ka]lamā[ki]ya
aparā[ji]tacca</ta><gr>tu[r]vve</gr><ta>timaṅkalattu</ta> <gr>sabhai-<lb break="no"/>yo-</gr></hi>
<hi>3 <ta>mmeḻuttu [|*] ikkoṭṭa[t]tuttaṉ kūṟṟu
uttaramerucca</ta><gr>tu[r]vve</gr><ta>timaṅkala-<lb break="no"/>miyā-</ta><ref t="3:2-6"/></hi>
<hi>4 <ta>ḷuṅkaṇattāruṭceti[ṟū]rttiruvi</ta><gr>krama[bha]ṭṭa</gr><ta>rākiya</ta>
<gr>brahmādhi</gr><ta>rājar pakkal koṇṭa<lb/>poṉ irunūṟ-</ta><pb n="3:3"/></hi>
<hi>5 <ta>ṟukkaḻañcu [|*] ippoṉṉiṉ</ta> <ref t="3:3-1"/> <gr>pra[ddha]</gr><ta>yālu[me]
<ref t="3:3-2"/>emmurppuvanimāṇikkavi</ta><gr>ṣṇu-<lb break="no"/>gr̥</gr><ta>hattu
<hi>6 <ta>ḷ uccam p[o]ḻ[tu] tiruvamirtu ceyvataṉ mu[ṉ]ṉam nicati paṉṉiruvar</ta><lb/>
<gr>brāhma</gr><ta>ṇar</ta> <gr>veda</gr><ta>m vallār uṇpa[tā]-</ta></hi>
<hi>7 <ta>kavum [|*] <ref t="3:3-3"/>ip[paṉiru]vaṟkum</ta> <gr>śariram<ref t="3:3-4"/>
prati</gr> <ta>[āḻā]kku [ne]y[yu]m ain[tu]<lb/>kaṟiyu[m] aivvu[ḻa]kkuttayirum iv[vi]raṇṭu
<hi>8 <ta>ivarkaḷukku</ta> <gr>[tr̥]pti</gr><ta>yāmaḷavum ipparicu
ā</ta><gr>cantra</gr><ta>tāramum<ref t="3:3-5"/> [ū]ṭṭuvatāka ippaṉ-<lb break="no"/>ṉiruvar</ta> <gr>brāhma</gr><ta>ṇarkkum [a]ṭuvārkkum [vi]ṟakiṭu-</ta></hi>
<hi>9 <ta>vārk[ku]m ma[ṟ]ṟum [e]pperppaṭṭatum aṭaṅka ipparicu ūṭṭuvatāka ivvi-<lb break="no"/>runū[ṟ]ṟukkaḻañcuṅkoṇṭom [|*] i[p]paricu</ta></hi>
<hi>10 <ta>ūṭṭām[e]</ta> <gr>vigghnan</gr><ta>tuytār</ta> <gr>geṅgai</gr> <ta>iṭaikkumari
iṭaicceytār ceyta<lb/>pāpamellāṅkoḷ[v]ārāka[vumi]ppari-</ta></hi>
<hi>11 <ta>cu muṭṭi[l mu]n[t]ā</ta><gr>n</gr><ta>tu[y]ta
i</ta><gr>ṣṭāpū[r]tta</gr><ta>m</ta> <gr>brahmādhirā</gr><ta>janukke āvatā-<lb break="no"/>kavum [|*] i[p*]paricu oṭṭi</ta> <gr>śilālekhai</gr> <ta>ceytu [ku]ṭut-</ta></hi>
<hi>12 [ <ta>tom</ta> <gr>sabhai</gr>] <ta>yom</ta> ||—— <gr>svasti śrī</gr> ||——</hi>
<p>(Line 1.) Hail ! Prosperity ! In the twenty-third year (<i>of the reign</i>) of king
<em>Rāja-<lb break="no"/>kēsarivarman</em>. The writing of us, the assembly of
<em>Śivachūḷāmaṇimaṅgalam</em>, <i>alias</i><lb/><em>Aparā[ji]ta-chaturvēdimaṅgalam</em>,
(<i>a village</i>) in <em>Pāgūr-nāḍu</em>, (<i>a subdivision</i>) of <em>Kāli-<lb break="no"/>yūr-kōṭṭam</em>.</p>
<p>(L. 3.) (<i>We</i>) have received two hundred <i>kaḻañju</i>) of gold from
<em>Tiruvikrama-Bhaṭṭar</em>,<lb/><i>alias</i> <em>Brahmādhirājar</em>, of
<em>Śedi[ṟū]r</em>, (<i>one</i>) among the commissioners (<i>gaṇattār</i>) ruling
over<lb/><em>Uttaramēru-chaturvēdimaṅgalam</em>,<ref t="3:3-6"/> (<i>a village</i>) in its own
subdivision (<i>kūṟu)</i><ref t="3:3-7"/> of the<lb/>same <i>kōṭṭam</i>.</p>
<p>(L. 5.) From the interest of this gold, twelve Brāhmaṇas who know the Vēda, have to<lb/>be
fed daily, before the god (<i>perumāṉ-aḍigaḷ</i>) of the
<em>Puvanimāṇikka-Vishṇugr̥ham</em> in<lb/>our village receives offerings at noon-time.</p>
<p>(L. 7.) We have received these two hundred <i>kaḻañju</i>, in order to supply, as long as
the<lb/>moon and the stars exist, to each of these twelve (Brāhmaṇas), (one) <i>āḻākku</i> of
ghee, five<lb/>dishes of curry, five <i>uḻakku</i> of curds, two areca-nuts, and betel-leaves
until they are satisfied,<lb/>(<i>and</i>) in order to supply everything else to these twelve
Brāhmaṇas, to the cooks, and to<lb/>those who fetch firewood.</p>
<p>(L. 9.) Those who do not feed (<i>them</i>) thus and cause obstruction, shall incur all the
sins<lb/>committed between the <em>Gaṅgā</em> and <em>Kumari</em>.<ref t="3:3-8"/></p>
<p>(L. 10.) If (<i>any persons</i>) hinder this, the sacrifices and charitable deeds
(<i>ishṭāpūrta</i>)<lb/>which they have performed themselves before, shall devolve on
<em>Brahmādhirājaṉ</em>.<ref t="3:3-9"/></p>
<p>(L. 11.) Having agreed thus, we, the assembly, engraved (<i>this</i>) on stone. Hail ! Pros-<lb break="no"/>perity !<pb n="3:4"/></p>
<p>This inscription is dated in the 13th year of the reign of
<em>Rājarāja-Kēsarivarman</em>.<lb/>The king receives the epithet “who destroyed the ships at
<em>Śālai</em>,” and must be identified<lb/>accordingly with the great <em>Chōḷa</em> king
<em>Rājarāja</em> I., who ascended the throne in A.D.<lb/>984-85.<ref t="3:4-1"/></p>
<p>The inscription records that a certain <em>Nārāyaṇa Rājasiṁha</em>, a native of the
<em>Chōḷa</em><lb/>country, purchased 550 <i>kuḻi</i> of land, and made them over to the
assembly of the village,<lb/>under the condition that their produce should be utilised for
supplying the god with 4 <i>nāḻi</i> of<lb/>rice daily.</p>
<p>In this inscription the <i>virāma</i><ref t="3:4-2"/> is expressed by a slightly curved dash,
which is placed<lb/>over the letter and resembles the superscribed <i>r</i> of
<gr>varma</gr><ta>ṟku</ta> (l. 1). The <i>virāma</i> occurs six<lb/>times, <i>viz.</i> over
<ta>ṉ</ta> of <ta>taṉ kūṟṟu</ta> (l. 1), <ta>ṉ</ta> of <gr>krama</gr><ta>vittaṉ</ta> and
<ta>m</ta> of <ta>iṟai</ta><gr>dravya</gr><ta>m</ta> (l. 5), <gr>n</gr> of<lb/>
<gr>madhyasthan</gr>, <ta>ṉ</ta> of <ta>nālāyiravaṉ</ta>, and <ta>ṉ</ta> of <ta>makaṉ</ta>
(l. 6).</p>
<hi>1 <gr>sva[sti śrī] [||*]</gr> <ta>cālai kalamaṟutta ko
i</ta><gr>rājarāja</gr><ta>ke</ta><gr>sarivarma</gr><ta>ṟku yāṇṭu</ta><lb/> <gr>13</gr>
<ta>āvatu [|*] kāliyūrkk[oṭ]ṭa[t]tuttaṉ kūṟṟu civacūḷā[maṇimaṅ]-<lb break="no"/>ka[la]mākiya</ta></hi>
<hi>2 <gr>śrīvikramābhara</gr><ta>ṇaccatu</ta><gr>[r]vve</gr><ta>timaṅkalattu</ta>
<gr>ma</gr><ta>hā</ta><gr>sabhai</gr><ta>yomeḻuttu [|*] emmur<ref t="3:4-3"/><lb/>tiruvā[y]moḻi</ta><gr>de</gr><ta>varkku ucciyam poḻtu nāṉāḻit-</ta></hi>
<hi>3 <ta>tiruvamutu amirtu ceyvataṟku coṇāṭṭu vaṭakaraittiruvintaḷurnāṭṭukkaṭuvaṅ-<lb break="no"/>kuṭi<ref t="3:4-4"/> kaṭuvaṅkuṭaiyāṉārāyaṇaṉirācaciṅ[ka]ṉ vaitta
<hi>4 <ta>lam caṅkaranā</ta><gr>rā</gr><ta>yaṇavatikku meṟku taṟutampavāykkālukku
vaṭakku</ta> <gr>śrīrāghava-</gr><lb/> <ta>tevar</ta> <gr>bhū</gr><ta>miyoṭumaṭaiya
vaṭakkuppaṅkiṭṭa kolāl ai[ñ*]ñūṟ[ṟai]mpatu<lb/>kuḻiyum</ta></hi>
<hi>5 <ta>uṟuppuṭṭur<ref t="3:4-5"/> caṭṭiku[m]āra</ta><gr>krama</gr><ta>vittaṉ pakkal
vilai koṇṭu vaittamaiyil in-<lb break="no"/>ni[la]ttāl vanta
iṟai</ta><gr>dravya</gr><ta>m</ta> <gr>sabhai</gr><ta>yome koṇṭu
<hi>6 <ta>iṟaiyiḻi[t]ti</ta> <ref t="3:4-6"/> <gr>ślā[l]ekhai</gr> <ta>ceytu kuṭutto[m*]</ta>
<gr>sabhai</gr><ta>yom [|*]</ta><lb/> <gr>sabhai</gr><ta>yuḷḷiruntu pa[ṇi]
keṭṭeḻutiṉeṉ</ta> <gr>madhya[stha]n</gr> <ta>nālāyiravaṉ
makaṉ<lb/>ā[yi]rattirunūṟ[ṟu]vaṉāṉa</ta> <gr>brahma-</gr></hi>
<hi>7 <gr>[gu]ṇāka[ravijyāsth]ā</gr><ta>[na]</ta><gr>ma</gr><ta>[ṅ]kalāti</ta>[
<ta>tta</ta><gr>sama</gr>] <gr>n</gr><ta>tu</ta><gr>sapri</gr><ta>ya[ṉe]ṉ<ref t="3:4-7"/>
[||*] śrī [||*]</ta></hi>
<p>(Line 1.) Hail ! Prosperity ! In the 13th year (<i>of the reign</i>) of king
<em>Rājarāja-Kē-<lb break="no"/>sarivarman</em>, who destroyed the ships (<i>at</i>)
<em>Śālai</em>.<ref t="3:4-8"/> The writing of us, the great assembly<lb/>of
<em>Śivachūḷāmaṇimaṅgalam</em>, <i>alias</i>
<em>Śrī-Vikramābharaṇa-chaturvēdimaṅgalam</em>,<lb/>(<i>a village</i>) in its own subdivision
of <em>Kāliyūr-kōṭṭam</em>.</p>
<p>(L. 2.) <em>Kaḍuvaṅg-uḍaiyāṉ Nārāyaṇaṉ Rājasiṁhaṉ</em> of <em>Kaḍuvaṅguḍi</em>,
(<i>a<lb/>village</i>) in <em>Tiruvindaḷūr-nāḍu</em>, (<i>a district</i>) on the northern bank
(<i>of the</i> Kāvērī) in<lb/><em>Śōṇāḍu</em>,<ref t="3:4-9"/> had purchased from
<em>Śaṭṭikumāra-Kramavittaṉ</em><ref t="3:4-10"/> of <em>Uṟuppuṭṭūr</em> five<pb n="3:5"/><lb/>hundred and fifty <i>kuḻi,——(measured</i>) by a graduated rod, beginning<ref t="3:5-1"/> (<i>to measure</i>) from the<lb/>land (<i>of the temple</i>) of
<em>Śrī-Rāghavadēvar</em> in the north,——of land to the west of the road<lb/>(<i>vadi</i>) to
(<i>the temple of</i>) <em>Śaṁkaranārāyaṇa</em> (<i>and</i>) to the north of the
<i>Taṟudamba</i>) channel, and<lb/>had assigned (<i>it</i>) for (<i>providing</i>) four
<i>nāḻi</i> (of rice) for the oblations to be offered at noon-time<lb/>to (<i>the god</i>)
<em>Tiruvā[y]moḻidēvar</em> in our village.</p>
<p>(L. 5.) Having received the revenue of this land, and having exempted (<i>it</i>) from
taxes<lb/>for as long as the moon and the sun exist, we, the assembly, engraved (<i>this</i>) on
<p>(L. 6.) Having been present in the assembly and having heard (<i>their</i>) order, I,
the<lb/>arbitrator (<i>madhyastha</i>) <em>Āyirattirunūṟṟuvaṉ</em>, <i>alias</i>
<em>Brahmaguṇākaravidyāsthāna-<lb break="no"/>Maṅgalāditya-Samañjasapriyaṉ</em>, the son of
<em>Nālāyiravaṉ</em>, wrote (<i>this</i>). Pros-<lb break="no"/>perity !</p>
<p>This inscription is dated in the 14th year of the reign of
<em>Rājarāja-Kēsarivarman</em>.<lb/>Like No. 2, which is dated one year earlier, it refers to
the destruction of the ships at<lb/><em>Śālai</em>, and mentions in addition the conquest of
<em>Vēṅgaiññāḍu</em> (or Vēṅgai-nāḍu), <em>Gaṅ-<lb break="no"/>ga-pāḍi,
Taḍiya-vaḻi</em> (instead of which most other inscriptions of Rājarāja I.
read<lb/>Taḍigai-pāḍi), and <em>Nuḷamba-pāḍi</em>.</p>
<p>The inscription records that a certain <em>Peṟṟāṉ Adittaṉ</em>, a native of the
<em>Chōḷa</em><lb/>country, purchased two pieces of land, the first piece from a private person
and the second<lb/>from the assembly of the village, and that he made over both pieces of land to
the villagers<lb/>for maintaining a flower-garden for the temple.</p>
<hi>1 <gr>svasti śrī</gr> [||*] <ta>cālai kalamaṟuttu veṅkaiññāṭum kaṅkapāṭiyūm<ref t="3:5-2"/> taṭiyavaḻi-<lb break="no"/>yūm<ref t="3:5-2"/> nuḷam-</ta></hi>
<hi>2 <ta>papāṭiyuṅkoṇṭa
yāṇṭu</ta> <gr>14</gr> <ta>āvatu [|*]</ta></hi>
<hi>3 <ta>kāliyūrkkoṭṭattu taṉ kūṟṟu</ta>
<gr>śi</gr><ta>vacūḷāma[ṇi]maṅkalamākiya</ta> <gr>śrīvikramābharaṇa-<lb break="no"/>śa</gr><ta>tu</ta><gr>[rvv]e</gr><ta>ti</ta><gr>ma</gr><ta>ṅkalattu</ta><ref t="3:5-3"/> <gr>sabhai</gr><ta>yom eḻuttu [|*]</ta></hi>
<hi>4 <ta>coḻaṇāṭṭu<ref t="3:5-4"/> teṉka[rai] tiruvaḻuntūrnāṭṭu kaḻaṉivāyil
kaḻaṉi[vā]yiluṭai-<lb break="no"/>yāṉ p[e]ṟṟāṉātitta[ṉ] emmur<ref t="3:5-5"/>
puvaṉimāṇikkavi</ta><gr>[ṣṇu]gr̥</gr><ta>hat[tu] para-</ta></hi>
<hi>5 <ta>ma</ta><gr>sv[ā]mi</gr><ta>kaḷukku <ref t="3:5-6"/>[ti]runa[n]ta[vā]ṉapuṟa[t]tukku
ivaṉ vilai koṇṭu vaitta</ta><lb/> <gr>bhū</gr><ta>mi taṟutampavāykkālukku vaṭakku
pakaṭikku teṟkum</ta></hi>
<hi>6 <ta>perumāṉaṭivatikku meṟku otimukki</ta><gr>[bhrām]takra</gr><ta>[mavi]ttaṉ pakkal
vilai koṇṭa<lb/>vi[ḷai]nila[m] paṅkiṭṭa ko[l]āl</ta> <gr>5[3]8-</gr></hi>
<hi>7 <ta>kuḻiyum ivaṉey nan[ta]vāṉattukku</ta> <gr>sabhai</gr><ta>yom pakkal vi[lai
koṇṭa]<lb/>nila[m] mu[ṭu]mpai canti[rā]cca</ta><gr>krama</gr><ta>r ku-</ta></hi>
<hi>8 <ta>ṟṟettavāykkālukku meṟ[k]kum āṟṟukku vaṭakkum orukol vaḻi nīkki [i]-<lb break="no"/>taṟku kurivu<ref t="3:5-7"/>
śrī[n]ā</ta><gr>rāyaṇaa</gr><ta>k[ki]</ta><gr>śā</gr><ta>ma</ta><gr>krama</gr><ta>r<ref t="3:5-8"/> pula-</ta></hi>
<hi>9 <ta>ttukku kiḻakku muṭump[ai] cantirāccatampi[yu]muḷḷiṭṭ[ār]kku teṟku
paṅkiṭṭa<lb/>kolāl</ta> <gr>[5]01</gr> <ta>kuḻiyum• [ñ]ca . ṭṭapaṭṭa nilat[tuk]ku</ta>
<gr>kraya[dra]-<lb break="no"/>vya</gr><ta>mum</ta><pb n="3:6"/></hi>
<hi>10 <ta>iṟai</ta><gr>dravya</gr><ta>mum aṟakkoṇṭu in[nan]ta[vā]ṉamum
[na]ntavā[ṉa]puṟamum</ta> <ref t="3:6-1"/> <gr>śa[ntr]ā-<lb break="no"/>ditya</gr><ta>va[l]<ref t="3:6-2"/> iṟ[aiili]yāka iṟai iḻicci</ta> <ref t="3:6-3"/> <gr>ślāle-</gr></hi>
<hi>11 <ta>[k]ai [ce]ytu kuṭuttom</ta> <gr>sa[bh]ai</gr><ta>yom [|*]</ta>
<gr>sabhai</gr><ta>yuḷḷiruntu paṇi ke-<lb break="no"/>ṭṭe eḻuti[ṉeṉ]</ta>
<gr>madhyastan</gr><ref t="3:6-4"/> <ta>nālāyirava[ṉ]</ta></hi>
<hi>12 <ta>makaṉ āyirattirunūṟṟuvaṉāriya</ta><ref t="3:6-5"/> <gr>brahmakuṇā-</gr><ref t="3:6-6"/></hi>
<gr>ka</gr><ta>ravi</ta><gr>jyāsthā</gr><ta>nama[ṅ]kalā[ti*]t[ta]</ta><gr>sa[ma]n</gr><ta>tu</ta><gr>sapri</gr><ta>ya[ṉ]eṉ<ref t="3:6-7"/> [||*] śrī [||*]</ta></hi>
<p>(Line 1.) Hail ! Prosperity ! In the 14th year (<i>of the reign</i>) of king
<em>Rājarāja-Kēsa-<lb break="no"/>rivarman</em>, who, having destroyed the ships (<i>at</i>)
<em>Śālai</em>, conquered <em>Vēṅgaiññāḍu,<lb/>Gaṅga-pāḍi, Taḍiya-vaḻi</em> and
<em>Nuḷamba-pāḍi</em>. The writing of us, the assembly<lb/>of
<em>Śivachūḷāmaṇimaṅgalam</em>, <i>alias</i>
<em>Śrī-Vikramābharaṇa-chaturvēdimaṅgalam</em>,<lb/>(<i>a village</i>) in its own subdivision
of <em>Kāliyūr-kōṭṭam</em>.</p>
<p>(L. 4.) <em>Kaḻaṉivāyil-uḍaiyāṉ [P]eṟṟāṉ Ādittaṉ</em> of <em>Kaḻaṉivāyil</em>,
(<i>a village</i>) in<lb/><em>Tiruvaḻundūr-nāḍu</em>, (<i>a district</i>) on the southern bank
(<i>of the</i> Kāvērī) in <em>Śōḻa-nāḍu</em>,<lb/>had purchased from
<em>Odimukki[bhrān]ta-Kramavittaṉ</em> 538 <i>kuḻi</i> of cultivated land,<lb/>(<i>measured</i>)
by a graduated rod, to the north of the <i>Taṟudamba</i> channel,<ref t="3:6-8"/> to the south
of<lb/><i>Pagaḍi, (and</i>) to the west of the road to (<i>the temple of</i>) the god
(<i>perumāṉ-aḍi</i>), and had<lb/>assigned (<i>this</i>) land for the maintenance<ref t="3:6-9"/> of a flower-garden (<i>nandavāṉam</i>) to the god<lb/>(<i>paramasvāmin</i>) of the
<em>Puvaṉimāṇikka-Vishṇugr̥ham</em> in our village.</p>
<p>(L. 7.) The same person had purchased from us, the assembly, for a flower-garden,<lb/>501
<i>kuḻi</i> of land, (<i>measured</i>) by a graduated rod, to the west of the irrigation
channel<ref t="3:6-10"/> of<lb/><em>Muḍumbai Śandirāchcha-Kramar</em>, to the north of the
river, to the east of the field of<lb/><em>Śrīnārāyaṇa-Agniśarma-Kramar</em> with the
exception of a road (<i>of the breadth</i>) of one<lb/>rod, (<i>and</i>) to the south (<i>of the
field</i>) of <em>Muḍumbai Śandirāchcha-Tambiyum-Uḷḷiṭṭār</em>.<ref t="3:6-11"/></p>
<p>(L. 9.) Having received in full the purchase-money and the revenue of the land•<lb/>•••• and
having exempted this flower-garden and (<i>the land assigned for</i>) the<lb/>maintenance of the
flower-garden from taxes for as long as the moon and the sun exist, we,<lb/>the assembly, engraved
(<i>this</i>) on stone.</p>
<p>(L. 11.) Having been present in the assembly and having heard (<i>their</i>) order, I,
the<lb/>arbitrator <em>Āyirattirunūṟṟuvaṉ</em>, <i>alias</i>
<em>Brahmaguṇākaravidyāsthāna-Maṅgalā-<lb break="no"/>ditya-Samañjasapriyaṉ</em>, the son
of <em>Nālāyiravaṉ</em>, wrote (<i>this)</i>.<ref t="3:6-12"/> Prosperity !</p>
<p>This inscription is dated in the 29th year of the reign of <em>Rājakēsarivarman</em>,
<i>alias</i><lb/><em>Rājarājadēva</em>, and records that <em>Kaṇṇaṉ Ārūraṉ</em>, a native
of the <em>Chōḷa</em> country and a<lb/>servant of the king, founded near <em>Ukkal</em> a well,
which he named after the king, and<pb n="3:7"/><lb/>assigned an allowance of paddy to the men who
distributed water in a shed which was<lb/>erected near the well.<ref t="3:7-1"/></p>
<hi>1 <gr>[sva]sti śrī [||*]</gr> <ta>[ti]rumakaḷ pol perunilacce[lvi]yuntaṉakke
urimai<lb/>puṇṭamai<ref t="3:7-2"/> maṉakk[o]ḷkkā[nta]ḷurccā[lai<ref t="3:7-3"/>
ka]la[maṟu]tta[ru]ḷi [v]eṅk[ai]-<lb break="no"/>nāṭum kaṅka[pā]ṭi[yum]
<hi>2 <ta>ṭiyum kuṭamalaināṭum kollamum kaliṅkamum muraṭṭoḻil ciṅkaḷar īḻa[ma]ṇ-<lb break="no"/>ṭalamum [i]raṭṭa[pā]ṭi eḻarai ilakkamum muṉ[ṉī]rppa[ḻa]n[tīvu]
paṉ[ṉī]-<lb break="no"/>rāyira[mum tiṇṭi]ṟal ve[ṉ]ṟittaṇṭāṟ-</ta></hi>
<hi>3 <ta>kkoṇṭa taṉṉeḻil <ref t="3:7-4"/>vaḷaruḻiyuḷellāy[ā]ṇṭuntoḻutakai viḷaṅkum
yāṇ-<lb break="no"/>ṭe ceḻiyarai[tt*]ecu koḷa śrīko
rājake</ta><gr>sarivanma</gr><ta>rāṉa śrīrājarāja</ta><gr>de</gr><ta>va-<lb break="no"/>rkku yāṇ-</ta></hi>
<hi>4 <ta>ṭu</ta> <gr>29</gr> <ta>āvatu
śrīvikkiramāpa[ra*]ṇaccatu</ta><gr>[r]vve</gr><ta>timaṅkalattuṉ<ref t="3:7-5"/>
<hi>5 <ta>pperuvaḻiyil śrīrājarāja</ta><gr>de</gr><ta>var
tiru[n]āmattālkkiṇaṟuntoṭṭiyum camaippit-<lb break="no"/>tāṉ uṭaiyār
śrīrā[ja]rāja</ta><gr>de</gr><ta>var paṇimakaṉ coḷa[ma]ṇṭalattu t[e]ṉka-<lb break="no"/>r[ai]nā[ṭ]ṭu nitt(ā)-</ta></hi>
<hi>6 <ta>viṉo[ta]vaḷanāṭṭu āvūrkkūṟṟattu [ā]vūruṭaiyāṉ kaṇṇaṉāruraṉ<ref t="3:7-6"/> [|*] i-<lb break="no"/>vaṉe śrīrājarājaki[ṇaṟ]ṟil[t]toṭṭikku <ref t="3:7-7"/>nīraṟai[p]pārkku [a]rumoḻitevaṉ<lb/>marakkā[l]āl nicatam ne[l] ja</ta><ref t="3:7-8"/> <gr>2</gr> <ta>ṅa<ref t="3:7-9"/> [ā]-</ta></hi>
<hi>7 <ta>kattiṅkaḷ</ta> <gr>6</gr> <ta>kku nel ja</ta> <gr>30</gr> <ta>[kḷa]mum</ta><ref t="3:7-10"/> <gr>śrīrājarāja</gr><ta>[ṉ] taṇṇīraṭṭuvā-<lb break="no"/>rkku nicata[m]
nel ja</ta> [ <gr>2</gr> <ta>ṅa</ta>] <ta>āka tiṅkaḷ</ta> <gr>6</gr> <ta>kku nellu</ta>
<gr>30</gr> <ta>[kḷa]m<lb/>ippantalukku kucakkalam i[ṭu]-</ta></hi>
<hi>8 <ta>v[ā]rkku tiṅkaḷ</ta> <gr>1</gr> <ta>kku nellu</ta> <gr>vta</gr><ref t="3:7-11"/>
<ta>āka tiṅkaḷ</ta> <gr>6</gr> <ta>kku nellu</ta> [ <gr>4<lb/>kaḷa</gr>] <ta>mum
śrīrājarājaṉ kiṇaṟ[ṟu]kku[m] t[o]ṭṭik[ku]m c[e]tattukkum ā-<lb break="no"/>ṭṭāṇṭu
toṟu[m] pu[tu]kkuppuṟamāka [v]aicca</ta></hi>
<hi>9 <ta>nellu</ta> <gr>2 kaḷam vta</gr> <ta>āka ja</ta> <gr>66 [kaḷam] vta [|*]</gr>
<ta>i[n*]nellukku ivaṉ<lb/>pakkal [ivvū]r</ta> <gr>sa[bh]ai</gr><ta>[yom i]ṟ</ta>[
<ta>ai</ta><gr>dra</gr>] <gr>vya</gr><ta>[mu]m</ta> <gr>[krayadra]vya</gr><ta>[mu]m<lb/>koṇṭu
iṟai iḻiycci•••••</ta></hi>
<p>(Line 1.) Hail ! Prosperity ! In the 29th year (<i>of the reign</i>) of the glorious
king<lb/><em>Rājakēsarivarman</em>, <i>alias</i> <em>Śrī-Rājarājadēva</em>, who, in his life
of growing strength,<lb/>during which,——(<i>in</i>) the belief that, as well as the goddess of
fortune, the goddess of the<lb/>great earth had become his wife,——he was pleased to destroy the
ships (<i>at</i>) <em>Kāndaḷūr-<lb break="no"/>Śālai</em>, and conquered by (<i>his</i>) army,
which was victorious in great battles, <em>Vēṅgai-nāḍu,<lb/>Gaṅga-pāḍi, Nuḷamba-pāḍi,
Taḍigai-pāḍi, Kuḍamalai-nāḍu, Kollam, Kaliṅ-<lb break="no"/>gam, Īḻa-maṇḍalam</em>,
(<i>which was the country</i>) of the warlike<ref t="3:7-12"/> <em>Śiṅgaḷas</em>, the seven and
a<pb n="3:8"/><lb/>half <i>lakshas</i> of <em>Iraṭṭa-pāḍi</em>, and twelve thousand ancient
islands of the sea,——deprived the<lb/><em>Śeḻiyas</em> of (<i>their</i>) splendour at the very
moment when <em>Udagai</em>,<ref t="3:8-1"/> which is worshipped every-<lb break="no"/>where, was
(<i>most</i>) resplendent;——<em>Kaṇṇaṉ Ārūraṉ</em>, a native of <em>Āvūr</em>, (<i>a
village</i>) in<lb/><em>Āvūr-kūṟṟam</em>, (<i>a subdivision</i>) of
<em>Nittaviṉōda-vaḷanāḍu</em>, (<i>a district</i>) of the country on<lb/>the southern bank
(<i>of the</i> <em>Kāvērī</em>) in <em>Śōḷa-maṇḍalam</em>, (<i>and</i>) a servant
(<i>paṇimagaṉ</i>) of the<lb/>lord <em>Śrī-Rājarājadēva</em>, caused to be constructed, in
the royal name of <em>Śrī-Rājarāja-<lb break="no"/>dēva</em>, a well (<i>kiṇaṟu</i>) and a
cistern (<i>toṭṭi</i>) on the high-road to the west of <em>Ukkal</em>,
<i>alias</i><lb/><em>Śrī-Vikramābharaṇa-chaturvēdimaṅgalam</em>, a village forming its own
subdivision<ref t="3:8-2"/><lb/>of <em>Kāliyūr-kōṭṭam</em>, (<i>a district</i>) of
<p>(L. 6.) The same person assigned to those who draw water for the cistern from the well<lb/>of
<em>Śrī-Rājarāja</em>, 2 <i>kuṟuṇi</i> of paddy per day, (<i>measured</i>) by the
<i>marakkāl</i> (called after)<lb/><em>Arumoḻidēvaṉ</em>,<ref t="3:8-3"/> <i>i.e</i>. 30
<i>kalam</i> of paddy for 6 months; to those who distribute water (<i>in<lb/>the name of</i>)
<em>Śrī-Rājarāja</em>, 2 <i>kuṟuṇi</i> of paddy per day, <i>i.e</i>. 30 <i>kalam</i> for 6
months; to those<lb/>who supply earthen pots for this water-shed (<i>pandal</i>), 2 <i>tūṇi</i>)
of paddy per month, <i>i.e</i>.<lb/>4 <i>kalam</i> of paddy for 6 months; and for the repair of
cracks in the well of <em>Śrī-Rājarāja</em><lb/>and in the cistern, 2 <i>kalam</i> and 2
<i>tūṇi</i> of paddy per year; altogether, 66 <i>kalam</i> and 2<lb/><i>tūṇi</i> of paddy.</p>
<p>(L. 9.) In order to (<i>supply</i>) this paddy, we, the assembly of this village,
having<lb/>received from him the revenue and the purchase-money, having exempted (<i>the land
granted</i>)<lb/>from taxes•••••</p>
<p>This inscription is dated in the 15th year of the reign of <em>Kampavarman</em>. The<lb/>archaic
alphabet employed in this record and in No. 8 below, which is dated in the 10th<lb/>year of the
same king, proves that Kampavarman must be anterior to the Chōḷa occupation<lb/>of
Toṇḍai-maṇḍalam. A stone inscription of the 9th year of the same king is quoted in
the<lb/>unpublished Madras Museum plates of <em>Parakēsarivarman</em>, <i>alias</i>
<em>Uttama-Chōḷadēva</em>.<ref t="3:8-4"/><lb/>The temple of Vīṟṟirunda-Perumāḷ at Dūśi
near Māmaṇḍūr in the Arcot tāluka contains a<lb/>fragmentary inscription of a king named
<i>kō vijaya</i>-<em>Kampa-Vikramavarman</em>.<ref t="3:8-5"/> The<lb/>fact that the two words
<i>kō vijaya</i> are prefixed to the name of this king, suggests that he<lb/>belonged to the same
family as <i>kō vijaya</i>-Narasiṁhavarman, Nr̥patuṅga-Vikramavarman
and<lb/>Nandi-Vikramavarman.<ref t="3:8-6"/> A later <em>Kampa</em> was the second of the five sons
of Saṁgama I.,<lb/>the founder of the first Vijayanagara dynasty.<ref t="3:8-7"/></p>
<p>The inscription records that a certain <em>Śaḍaiyaṉ</em> made over 1,000 <i>kāḍi</i><ref t="3:8-8"/> of paddy to the<lb/>villagers of <em>Uṭkar</em>, who pledged themselves to supply in
return 500 <i>kāḍi</i> of paddy per year<lb/>for some unspecified purpose.<pb n="3:9"/></p>
<hi>1 <gr>svasti śrī</gr> [||*] <ta>kampava</ta><gr>[r]mma</gr><ta>ṟku yāṇṭu
patin(ā)ñcāvatu [|*] uṭkar</ta> <gr>sabhai-</gr><lb/> <ta>yom eḻuttuccaṭaiyaṉ pakkal
āyirakkāṭi nel koṇ-</ta></hi>
<hi>2 <ta>ṭom [|*] ivvāyirakkāṭi nellālum palicai<ref t="3:9-1"/> aynnūṟṟukkāṭi
nel<lb/>āṭṭāṇṭu toṟum erikkaṭṭi ikuttuvippomāṉ(o)m</ta> <gr>sabhai-</gr></hi>
<hi>3 <ta>yem [|*] i[ta]ṉṟeṉṟār kaṅkai iṭai[kku]mari iṭai ceytār ceyta<lb/>pā[va]m
paṭuvārākappa[ṇit]tom [|*]</ta> <ref t="3:9-2"/> <gr>sambatsa</gr><ta>ravāriyapperumakkaḷe
aṭṭu-<lb break="no"/>vikka kaṭavā[r] [||*]</ta></hi>
<p>(Line 1.) Hail ! Prosperity ! In the fifteenth year (<i>of the reign</i>) of
<em>Kampavarman</em>.<lb/>The writing of us, the assembly of <em>Uṭkar</em>. We have received one
thousand <i>kāḍi</i> of paddy<lb/>from <em>Śaḍaiyaṉ</em>.</p>
<p>(L. 2.) We, the assembly, shall close (<i>the sluice of</i>) the tank (<i>to collect water
for<lb/>irrigation</i>), and shall cause five hundred <i>kāḍi</i> of paddy to be supplied every
year as interest<lb/>on these one thousand <i>kāḍi</i> of paddy.</p>
<p>(L. 3.) We declare that those who disobey this, shall incur (<i>all</i>) the sins
committed<lb/>between the <em>Gaṅgā</em> and <em>Kumari</em>. The great men<ref t="3:9-3"/>
elected<ref t="3:9-4"/> for the year shall cause (<i>the<lb/>paddy</i>) to be supplied.</p>
<p>This inscription is dated in the 1[7]th year of the reign of <em>Rājarāja</em>, (<i>alias</i>)
<em>Rāja-<lb break="no"/>kēsarivarman</em>, and carries the list of his conquests as far as
<em>Kaliṅgam</em>. It appears to<lb/>record that the village assembly assigned a daily supply of
rice and oil to the temple of<lb/><em>Mahāśāstā</em>.<ref t="3:9-5"/> Some words in lines 7, 9
and 10 cannot be read and explained satisfactorily.<lb/>A clause near the end of the inscription
imposes a fine on those who would sell betel else-<lb break="no"/>where but at the temple of
<em>Piḍāri</em>.<ref t="3:9-6"/></p>
<hi>1 <gr>svasti śrī</gr><ref t="3:9-7"/> [||*] <ta>tirumakaḷ polapperunilaccelviyuttaṉakke<ref t="3:9-8"/> urimai pūṇṭa-<lb break="no"/>ṉam<ref t="3:9-9"/> maṉakkoḷ kāntaḷur<ref t="3:9-10"/> [c]ālai kalama-</ta></hi>
<hi>2 <ta>ṟuttaruḷi veṅkainā[ṭu](m)ṅkaṅkapāṭiyum taṭikaipāṭiyum nuḷampapāṭiyum
kuṭa-<lb break="no"/>malaināṭum ko-</ta></hi>
<hi>3 <ta>llamum kaliṅkamum tiṇṭiṟal veṉṟittaṇṭāṟkoṇṭa taṉṉeḻil
vaḷaruḻi<lb/>ūḻiyū</ta><ref t="3:9-11"/><pb n="3:10"/></hi>
<hi>4 <ta>ellāyā[ṇṭu](m)nto[ḻu]takai viḷaṅkum yāṇṭe ceḻiñaraittecu
<hi>5 <ta>ki[yā]ṇṭu</ta> <gr>1[7]</gr> <ta>āvatu kāliyū[ṟk]oṭṭattu taṉ kūṟṟu</ta>
<gr>śivacūḷā</gr><ta>maṇi-<lb break="no"/>maṅkalamākiya</ta>
<gr>śrīvikramābharaṇaccatu[r]vve</gr><ta>timaṅ-</ta><ref t="3:10-1"/></hi>
<hi>6 <ta>kalattu iv[vā*]ṭṭai</ta> <gr>[dhanmav]ā</gr><ta>ri[ya]pperumakkaḷum
[u][ḷ*]ḷiṭṭa</ta> <gr>ma</gr><ta>hā</ta><gr>sa-<lb break="no"/>bhai</gr><ta>yom emmur<ref t="3:10-2"/> taṇṭalu(u)ṭaiyāṅkaḷ maka-</ta></hi>
<hi>7 <ta>ṉ nāramaka</ta>[ <ta>t</ta><gr>ra</gr><ta>kka</ta>] <ta>ṉ va[ppur]<ref t="3:10-3"/>
ki[ḻava]r ka</ta><gr>[nmi]</gr><ta>kaṉ [vakkuka]nteyārum em[mūr]<lb/>cāttakaṇattārum
[a]mpala[t*]til vaṭakkil</ta> <gr>m(ā)hāśā-</gr></hi>
<hi>8 <gr>stā</gr><ta>viṉ koyi[li*]l[e iru]n[tu] paṇitta eḻuttu [|*] em[mū]r</ta>
<gr>ma</gr><ta>hā-</ta><lb/> <gr>śāstā</gr><ta>vu[kku*] <ref t="3:10-4"/>t</ta><gr>riśandha</gr><ta>kkuppoḻtu irunāḻiyā[ka*]<ref t="3:10-5"/>
o[ru]nā[ḷai]kku<ref t="3:10-6"/><lb/>[aṟu]-</ta></hi>
<hi>9 <ta>nāḻi[kku]m <ref t="3:10-7"/>t</ta><gr>risasdhi</gr><ta>kkum p[o]tu</ta> <gr>20</gr>
<ta>.<ref t="3:10-8"/> eṇṇaiyāka [e]ṇṇai [cū]ḻ[ā]-<lb break="no"/>kke[y]<ref t="3:10-9"/>
iruceviṭaraikkumāka iva[mu]ri . m<ref t="3:10-10"/> miṭākai vi [ja]<ref t="3:10-11"/>
<hi>10 <ta>[ki]ḻa[m]aiyu[ṭaiya taṭṭū]r kiḻavaṉ caṭai[na]kka</ta><gr>śma</gr><ref t="3:10-12"/> <ta>makaṉ aruḷ</ta><gr>śma</gr><ta>nāṉa<ref t="3:10-13"/> eḻunū<ref t="3:10-14"/><lb/>mā[ṇiye ma]-</ta></hi>
<hi>11 <ta>ṅkalamiṭi [n]el[lu]ppiṭittuk[k]oṇṭum veṟṟilai vaṭṭil [uri]y ne-<lb break="no"/>llum veṟṟi-</ta></hi>
<hi>12 <ta>lai paṭali[k]ai[yā]l orupaṟṟu veṟṟilaiyūm<ref t="3:10-15"/> koṇiṭu<ref t="3:10-16"/> [i]ppa[ri] muṭṭā-<lb break="no"/>[m]e
<hi>13 <ta>yv[ā]kavum</ta> [|*] [ <ta>i</ta><gr>ddha</gr><ta>ṉ</ta>] <ta>mam
cāttakaṇattārey</ta> <gr>rakṣi</gr><ta>ppā[rā]kavum [|*] i[t*]-<lb break="no"/>ta[ṉ]-</ta></hi>
<hi>14 <ta>matat[tu]<ref t="3:10-17"/> vi•<ref t="3:10-18"/> niṉṟār
keṅkaiyiṭaikkumari[yiṭai]y paṭṭār ce-</ta></hi>
<hi>15 <ta>yta pā[va]m <ref t="3:10-19"/>pa[ṭa]v[ār]āka[vu]m [|*] iv[vū]ril [veṟṟi]lai
viṟpār<lb/>piṭāri koyililaṉ-</ta></hi>
<hi>16 <ta>ṟi viṟṟārai erivā[ri]-</ta></hi>
<hi>17 <ta>[ya]pperumakkaḷe</ta></hi>
<hi>18 <ta>[e]ri[k*]ku mutalāka kaḻa[ñ*][cu]</ta></hi>
<hi>19 <ta>[p]oṉ taṇṭatu[ko]-</ta><ref t="3:10-20"/></hi>
<hi>20 <ta>[ḷ]ṉappeṟuvāka-</ta></hi>
<hi>21 <ta>[vu]m [|*] ipparitu paṇi-</ta></hi>
<hi>22 <ta>tto[m]</ta> <ref t="3:10-21"/> <gr>ma</gr><ta>hā</ta><gr>[sa]bhai</gr><ta>yom
[|*]</ta> <gr>sabhai</gr><ta>yuḷḷiruntu paṇi keṭṭeḻu[ti]-<lb break="no"/>n[e]ṉ
ma</ta><gr>dhyasta-</gr><ref t="3:10-22"/></hi>
<hi>23 <ta>ṉ [veṟ]ṟikkuṟi n[ā*]l[ā*]yiravaṉ makaṉ taṉma[p]piriyaṉeṉ [||*] i<ref t="3:10-23"/> [||*]</ta><pb n="3:11"/></hi>
<p>(Line 1.) Hail ! Prosperity ! In the 1[7]th year (<i>of the reign</i>) of king
<em>Rājarāja-<lb break="no"/>Rājakēsarivarman</em>, who, in his long life<ref t="3:11-1"/> of
growing strength, during which,——(<i>in</i>) the<lb/>belief that, as well as the goddess of
fortune, the goddess of the great earth had become his<lb/>wife,——he was pleased to destroy the
ships (<i>at</i>) <em>Kāndaḷūr-Śālai</em>, and conquered by (<i>his</i>)<lb/>army, which was
victorious in great battles, <em>Vēṅgai-nāḍu, Gaṅga-pāḍi, Taḍigai-<lb break="no"/>pāḍi,
Nuḷamba-pāḍi, Kuḍamalai-nāḍu, Kollam</em> and <em>Kaliṅgam</em>,——deprived
the<lb/><em>Śeḻiñas</em> of (<i>their</i>) splendour at the very moment when <em>Udagai</em>,
which is worshipped<lb/>everywhere, was (<i>most</i>) resplendent;——(<i>the subjoined</i>) document
was drawn up by (<i>the<lb/>following persons</i>) who were present in the temple of
<em>Mahāśāstā</em>, in the hall (<i>ambalam</i>) to<lb/>the north (<i>of it):</i> We, the great
assembly of <em>Śivachūḷāmaṇimaṅgalam</em>, <i>alias</i> <em>Śrī-<lb break="no"/>Vikramābharaṇa-chaturvēdimaṅgalam</em>, (<i>a village</i>) in its own subdivision
of <em>Kāli-<lb break="no"/>yūr-kōṭṭam</em>, including the great men elected for (<i>the
management of</i>) charities (?) during<lb/>this year;••••• in our village; and the
commissioners<ref t="3:11-2"/> (<i>in charge<lb/>of the temple</i>) of <em>Śāttaṉ</em> in our
<p>(L. 8.) To (<i>the temple of</i>) <em>Mahāśāstā</em> in our village, at each of the three
times of the<lb/>day<ref t="3:11-3"/> two <i>nāḻi</i> (of rice), <i>i.e</i>. on each day six
<i>nāḻi</i>; at each of the three times of the day, 20<lb/>••• of oil, <i>i.e</i>. (one)
<i>āḻākku</i> and two <i>śeviḍu</i> and a half of oil••••<lb/>••</p>
<p>(L. 9.) <em>Aruḷś[ar]man</em>, <i>alias</i> <em>Eḻunū[ṟṟuvaṉ]</em>, the son of
<em>Śaḍai[na]kkaś[ar]-<lb break="no"/>ma[n]</em>, the headman of <em>[Taṭṭū]r</em>, who is
(<i>also</i>) the headman of our village,••<lb/>•••• having taken paddy (<i>in his hand</i>) and
having taken (one) <i>uri</i> of paddy (<i>on</i>)<lb/>a betel-leaf tray (<i>vaṭṭil</i>) and one
bundle (?) of betel-leaves on a betel-leaf plate (<i>paḍa-<lb break="no"/>ligai</i>),——it shall
thus be done without fail as long as the moon and the sun exist.</p>
<p>(L. 13.) The commissioners (<i>of the temple</i>) of <em>Śāttaṉ</em> shall protect this
charity.<lb/>Those who cause obstruction to this charity, shall incur (<i>all</i>) the sins
committed between the<lb/><em>Gaṅgā</em> and <em>Kumari</em>.</p>
<p>(L. 15.) The great men elected for (<i>the supervision of</i>) the tank shall be entitled
to<lb/>levy a fine of (one) <i>kaḻañju</i> of gold in favour of the tank-fund from those
betel-leaf sellers<lb/>in this village, who sell (<i>betel-leaves</i>) elsewhere but at the temple
of <em>Piḍāri</em>.</p>
<p>(L. 21.) Thus we, the great assembly, have ordered. Having been present in the<lb/>assembly and
having heard (<i>their</i>) order, I, the arbitrator <em>Dharmapriyaṉ</em>, the son
of<lb/><em>[Veṟ]ṟikkuṟi Nālāyiravaṉ</em>, wrote (<i>this</i>). Prosperity !</p>
<p>This inscription is dated in the 16th year of the reign of “<em>Kaṇṇaradēva</em>, the
conqueror<lb/>of <em>Kachchi</em> (<i>i.e</i>. Kāñchīpura) and <em>Tañjai</em> (<i>i.e</i>.
Tañjāvūr).” Mr. Venkayya has identified<lb/>this king with <em>Kr̥shṇa</em> III. of the
<em>Rāshṭrakūṭa</em> dynasty (A.D. 940 and 956).<ref t="3:11-4"/></p>
<p>At the end of each line, about fifteen syllables are built in. Hence the translation<lb/>remains
fragmentary. As far as it can be made out, the inscription appears to record that<lb/>the village
assembly ordered the land which had lapsed to it, to be sold, and imposed certain<lb/>conditions
and fines in connection with this arrangement.<pb n="3:12"/></p>
<hi>1 <gr>svasti śrī</gr><ref t="3:12-1"/> [||*] <ta>kacciyunta[ñ]caiyuṅkoṇṭa
śrīka</ta><gr>ṇṇarade</gr><ta>vaṟku yāṇṭu patiṉā-<lb break="no"/>[ṟā]vatu
kāliyūrkkoṭṭattuttaṉ kūṟṟucci[va]cū<ref t="3:12-2"/>•••••</ta></hi>
<hi>2 <gr>bhara</gr><ta>ṇaccutu</ta><gr>[rvve]</gr><ta>timaṅkalattu</ta><ref t="3:12-3"/>
<gr>sabhai</gr><ta>yom emmūrppuvaṉimāṇikkavi</ta><gr>ṣṇugr̥</gr><ta>ha-<lb break="no"/>ttu mukamaṇṭakattey kū[ṭi]yirun[tu]•••••</ta></hi>
<hi>3 <ta>yāvatu [|*] em[mū]rkkuṭikaḷ <ref t="3:12-4"/>emmurppaṭākaivaṭṭattu ku[ṭu]ppolai
m(o)-<lb break="no"/>ṟpaṭṭa nilaṅkaḷumaṟṟumepperppaṭṭaṉavum</ta><ref t="3:12-5"/>
<gr>sabhai madhya</gr><ta>[ma]•••<lb/>•••</ta></hi>
<hi>4 <ta>cu</ta><ref t="3:12-6"/> <gr>madhya</gr><ta>mmāykkiṭanta<ref t="3:12-7"/> nilaṅkaḷ
kuḻiva[ri]yeṟṟi [i]ṟai [i]ṟuppomeṉṟa<lb/>ku[ṭi]kaḷukku viṟṟukkuṭuppomākavum [|*]
ivviṟṟukkuṭutta</ta> <gr>bhū</gr><ta>mikaḷ emmu-<lb break="no"/>teṉṟu
epperppaṭṭāruṅkuṭuppolaiyum āvaṇamuṅkāṭṭa[p]peṟā[t]ārākavum<lb/>[|*] ipparicu
kāṭṭiṉa kuṭima[kkaḷai] ta•••••</ta></hi>
<hi>5 <ta>[cu]<ref t="3:12-8"/> poṉ</ta> <gr>sabhai</gr><ta>yome</ta>
<gr>daṇḍi</gr><ta>ppomākavum [|*] ittaṭu[t]ta kuṭimakkaḷai</ta><ref t="3:12-9"/><lb/>
<gr>dha[r]mmāsa</gr><ta>ṉattu nicati mey ve[ṟu nū]ṟṟeṭṭukkāṇam</ta>
<gr>daṇḍa</gr><ta>miṭappe[ṟu]vā-<lb break="no"/>rākavum [|*] <ref t="3:12-10"/>i</ta><gr>daṇḍa</gr><ta>miṭapp[o]ṅkuṭimakkaḷukku avapavvāṇṭu<ref t="3:12-11"/> vāriyañcey-<lb break="no"/>yum perumakkaḷey perāl
<hi>6 <ta>[i]pparicu</ta> <gr>śraddhā</gr><ta>ma[n]tar</ta><ref t="3:12-12"/>
<gr>daṇḍa</gr><ta>miṭṭārkku vārppal kuṭuttum tāṅkaḷey</ta><lb/>
<gr>daṇḍi</gr><ta>ttum āṭciyiṭaiyūṟu [tī]rttukkuṭārākila[v*][vā]ṇṭu
vāriyañ[ce]yyum<lb/>perumakkaḷaiyumey<ref t="3:12-13"/> veṟṟu vakai irupattunālu kāṇam</ta>
<gr>daṇḍa</gr><ta>miṭappeṟuvā-<lb break="no"/>rākavu[m] [|*]
itta</ta><gr>ṇḍa</gr><ta>ppaṭṭum avva āṇṭu<ref t="3:12-14"/>
<p>(Line 1.) Hail ! Prosperity ! In the sixteenth year (<i>of the reign</i>) of the
glorious<lb/><em>Kaṇṇaradēva</em> who conquered <em>Kachchi</em> and <em>Tañjai</em>,——we, the
assembly of <em>Śivachū-</em><lb/>[<em>ḷāmaṇimaṅgalam</em>, <i>alias</i>
<em>Śrī-Vikramā</em>]<em>bharaṇa-chaturvēdimaṅgalam</em>, (<i>a village</i>)<lb/>in its own
subdivision of <em>Kāliyūr-kōṭṭam</em>, being assembled in the front hall<ref t="3:12-15"/> of
the <em>Pu-<lb break="no"/>vaṉimāṇikka-Vishṇugr̥ham</em> in our village, [ordered] as
<p>(L. 3.) The inhabitants of our village••••• the land and every-<lb break="no"/>thing else that
is not the object of deeds of gift,<ref t="3:12-16"/> in the environs<ref t="3:12-17"/> of our
village••<lb/>•••• the common property (<i>madhyama</i>) of the assembly.</p>
<p>(L. 4.) We shall sell the land which has thus become the common property (<i>of
the<lb/>assembly</i>), to those inhabitants who promise to pay taxes on each <i>kuḻi</i>. No
persons shall be<lb/>allowed to produce deeds of gift or deeds of sale (<i>āvaṇam</i>) in order
to show that the land<lb/>thus sold belongs to themselves. We, the assembly, shall levy a fine
of•••<lb/><i>[kaḻañju]</i> of gold••••• from those inhabitants who produce
such<lb/>(<i>deeds</i>).<pb n="3:13"/></p>
<p>(L. 5.) Those inhabitants who do not submit to this, shall be liable to pay into
court<lb/>(<i>dharmāsana</i>) a fine of one hundred and eight <i>kāṇam</i>•••<ref t="3:13-1"/>per day. To each of<lb/>the inhabitants who have to pay this fine, the great men
elected for that year•••<lb/>••• (one) <i>kuṉṟi</i> of gold per day.</p>
<p>(L. 6.) If, through indifference, though••• was thus given to those who pay<lb/>the fine and
though they themselves have fined (<i>them</i>), they are not able to remove the ob-<lb break="no"/>stacles to the possession (<i>āṭchi</i>), the great men elected for that year shall
be liable to pay an<lb/>additional fine of twenty-four <i>kāṇam</i>. Though they are fined thus,
[the great men] elected<lb/>for that year•••••</p>
<p>This archaic inscription belongs to the 10th year of the same <em>Kampavarman</em>
whose<lb/>name occurred in No. 5 above, and records that <em>Śaḍaiyaṉ</em>, who was also
mentioned in No.<lb/>5, made over 400 <i>kāḍi</i> of paddy to the villagers of <em>Uṭakal</em>,
who pledged themselves to feed<lb/>two Brāhmaṇas daily from the interest, which amounted to 100
<i>kāḍi</i> of paddy per year.</p>
<hi>1 <gr>svasti śrī</gr> [||*] <ta>kampava</ta><gr>[r]mma</gr><ta>ṟku yāṇṭu pattā[va]tu
<ref t="3:13-2"/>uṭkaṟ</ta><gr>[sa]bhai</gr><ta>yār[k*]ku<lb/>caṭaiya-</ta></hi>
<hi>2 <ta>ṉ kuṭutta nel nā[ṉū]ṟṟukkāṭi [|*] <ref t="3:13-3"/>ne[il]lālppoliūṭṭu
<hi>3 <ta>ṭu va[r]ai nūṟṟukkāṭi kol<ref t="3:13-4"/> palicaiy[ā]l nicati iruvar
<hi>4 <ta>ṇarai nilamum nāyaṟum uḷḷa [a]ḷavum ūṭṭu[v]omāṉo[m*] uṭ[ka]l</ta><lb/>
<gr>sabhai</gr><ta>yom [|*] iv-</ta></hi>
<hi>5 <ta>viru[n]tūṭṭu<ref t="3:13-5"/> mu[ṭṭi]l kaṅke<ref t="3:13-6"/> iṭaikkumari[yi*]ṭai
eḻunūṟṟukkātattūḷḷu-<lb break="no"/>[m]<ref t="3:13-7"/> ceytār ce[y*]ta [p]āvam
[pa]ṭuvo[mā*]ṉom</ta> <gr>sabhai</gr><ta>yom [||*]</ta></hi>
<p>(Line 1.) Hail ! Prosperity ! In the tenth year (<i>of the reign</i>) of
<em>Kampavarman,——<lb/>Śaḍaiyaṉ</em> gave four hundred <i>kāḍi</i> of paddy to the assembly of
<p>(L. 2.) From the interest<ref t="3:13-8"/> on this paddy, which amounts to one hundred
<i>kāḍi</i> of paddy<lb/>per year, we, the assembly of <em>Uṭkal</em>, shall feed two
Brāhmaṇas daily, as long as the earth<lb/>and the sun exist.</p>
<p>(L. 4.) If we fail in this feeding of guests, we, the assembly, shall incur (<i>all</i>) the
sins<lb/>committed within the seven hundred <i>kādam</i><ref t="3:13-9"/> between the
<em>Gaṅgā</em> and <em>Kumari</em>.<pb n="3:14"/></p>
<p>This interesting record contains an order which <em>Rājarāja</em> I. issued at (his
capital)<lb/><em>Tañjāvūr</em> on the 124th day of the 24th year of his reign, and which was
engrossed on the<lb/>143rd day of the same year. This order deals with defaulters of land revenue
in villages<lb/>held by Brāhmaṇas, Vaikhānasas and Jainas in the <em>Chōḷa, Toṇḍai</em> and
<em>Pāṇḍya</em> countries.<lb/>The villagers were authorized to confiscate and sell the land on
which no taxes had been<lb/>paid for two full years.</p>
<p>The royal order was written by the secretary <em>Rājakēsarinallūr Kiḻavaṉ</em>, or, as
he<lb/>is called in two of the Tañjāvūr inscriptions, <em>Kāṟāyil Eḍuttapādam</em>.<ref t="3:14-1"/> It was signed by<lb/>the chief secretary <em>Mummuḍi-Chōḷa-Brahmamahārāja</em>,
and by <em>Mummuḍi-Chōḷa-<lb break="no"/>Bhōja</em>. These two officers are mentioned in the
large Leyden grant<ref t="3:14-2"/> and in inscriptions<lb/>of the Tanjore temple.<ref t="3:14-3"/>
Their original names were <em>Kr̥shṇa Rāma</em> and <em>Īrāyiravaṉ<lb/>Pallavayaṉ</em>.
During the reign of <em>Rājarāja</em> I. they bore the titles Mummuḍi-Chōḷa-<lb break="no"/>Brahmamahārāja and Mummuḍi-Chōḷa-Bhōja, which are derived from Mummuḍi-Chōḷa,
a sur-<lb break="no"/>name of Rājarāja I. After the accession of <em>Rājēndra-Chōḷa</em> I.
they received the additional<lb/>titles Rājēndra-Chōḷa-Brahmamahārāja and
Uttama-Chōḷa-Pallavaraiyaṉ.<ref t="3:14-4"/></p>
<hi>1 <gr>svasti śrī</gr> [||*] <ta>tirumakaḷ pol pe[ru]nila[c*]cel[viyu]m taṉakke
[u]rimai<lb/>pūṇṭamai ma[ṉa]kkoḷ<ref t="3:14-5"/> kā[n*]taḷurcā[ra]lai<ref t="3:14-6"/>
kalama[ṟu]t[taru]ḷi veṅkai-<lb break="no"/>nāṭum kaṅkapāṭiyūm<ref t="3:14-7"/>
nuḷampapāṭiyuntaṭikaipāṭiyum kuṭamalai[nā]ṭu(m)-</ta></hi>
<hi>2 <ta>ṅkollamum kaliṅka[mu]m eṇṭicaiy pukaḻ taru īḻamaṇ(ṭa)ṭala[mu]m [i]la-<lb break="no"/>ṭṭapāṭi eḻarai ilakkamum tiṇṭiṟal veṉṟi[t*]taṇṭ[ā]ṟkkoṇ[ṭa]<lb/>ta[ṉ]
eḻil vaḷaruḻi<ref t="3:14-8"/> ellāyāṇṭum toḻutakai viḷa-</ta></hi>
<hi>3 <ta>ṅkum yāṇṭe ce[ḻi]narai tecū<ref t="3:14-9"/> koḷ śrīko</ta>
<gr>śrīrājarājade</gr><ta>[va]rkku [y]āṇ[ṭu]</ta> <gr>24</gr> <ta>ā[va]tu nāḷ</ta> <ref t="3:14-10"/> <gr>[1]24</gr><ta>nāl<lb/>uṭaiyār</ta>
<gr>śrīrājarājarājade</gr><ta>var<ref t="3:14-11"/> tañcāvūrpperiyaceṇṭuvā-</ta></hi>
<hi>4 <ta>[yi]l[c]cittirakūṭattu teṟkkil kallū[riyil] e[ḻu]ntaruḷi iruntu co-<lb break="no"/>[ṇ]āṭṭum<ref t="3:14-12"/> co[ṇ]āṭṭu[p]paṭum<ref t="3:14-13"/>
pu[ṟa](ṇi)nāṭukaḷilum toṇṭaināṭṭi-<lb break="no"/>lu[m] pāṇṭināṭāna</ta>
<gr>rājarāja</gr><ta>vaḷanāṭṭilum pā[ppa]ṉ ūrkaḷilum vai</ta><gr>khā-</gr><lb/>
<ta>ṉa</ta><gr>sa</gr><ta>r ūrkaḷi-</ta></hi>
<hi>5 <ta>[lu]m</ta> <gr>savaṇṇara</gr><ref t="3:14-14"/> <ta>ūrkaḷilum kāṇi uṭai[yār]
yāṇṭu</ta> <gr>16</gr> <ta>āvatu [mu]tal</ta><lb/> <gr>23</gr> <ta>[ā]vatu varaiyil īrāṇṭu
nirampi [mū]vāṇṭu tantaṅkāṇiyāṉa<lb/>nila[ṅ]kaḷukku avvava ūr[ka]ḷilāroṭum
ūriṭuvarip[p]āṭu iṟai iṟātu<lb/>ponār kāṇi</ta></hi>
<hi>6 <ta>uṭaiyāraittavira ūrnilamāy a[vva]va ū(ra)rkaḷi[lār]e [viṟṟuk]koḷḷa[p]p[e-<lb break="no"/>ṟuvā]r[kaḷā]ka[vu]m [y]ā[ṇ]ṭu</ta> [ <gr>24</gr> <ta>āva</ta>] <ta>tu [mutal
īr]āṇṭu [ni]ram[pi<lb/>mū]vāṇṭu ūriṭuvarip[p]āṭu iṟai iṟātu poṉār kāṇi
uṭai-</ta><pb n="3:15"/></hi>
<hi>7 <ta>yāraittavira [a]vvava ūrkaḷilāre [vi]ṟṟukkoḷḷa[p]pe(ṟ)ṟu[v]ārkaḷākavume-<lb break="no"/>ṉṟu ipparicu tiruvāy moḻin-</ta></hi>
<hi>8 <ta>taruḷiṉapa[ṭi] tirumantiravolai</ta>
<gr>rāja</gr><ta>ke</ta><gr>sa</gr><ta>rinallūr kiḻavaṉ eḻuttiṉālum tiruman-<lb break="no"/>tiravolaināyakaṉ</ta></hi>
<hi>9 <ta>mummuṭico[ḻa]</ta><gr>brahma</gr><ta>mārāya[ṉu]m mummuṭicoḻap[o]caṉum
oppiṭṭuppuku</ta><gr>nta</gr><lb/> <ta>keḻvippaṭi</ta> <gr>24</gr> <ta>āvatu na</ta><ref t="3:15-1"/></hi>
<hi>10 <gr>143</gr><ta>ṉā[l va]riyilaṭuṭatu<ref t="3:15-2"/> [||*]</ta></hi>
<p>(Line 1.) Hail ! Prosperity ! On the 124th day of the 24th year (<i>of the reign</i>) of the
glo-<lb break="no"/>rious king <em>Rājarāja-Kēsarivarman</em>, <i>alias</i>
<em>Śrī-Rājarājadēva</em>, who, (<i>in</i>) his life of growing<lb/>strength, during
which,——(<i>in</i>) the belief that, as well as the goddess of fortune, the goddess of<lb/>the
great earth had become his wife,——he was pleased to destroy the ships (<i>at</i>)
<em>Kāndaḷūr-<lb break="no"/>Śālai</em>, and conquered by (<i>his</i>) army, which was
victorious in great battles, <em>Vēṅgai-nāḍu,<lb/>Gaṅga-pāḍi, Nuḷamba-pāḍi,
Taḍigai-pāḍi, Kuḍamalai-nāḍu, Kollam, Kaliṅ-<lb break="no"/>gam, Īḻa-maṇḍalam</em>,
(<i>the conquest of which</i>) made (<i>him</i>) famous (<i>in</i>) the eight directions,<lb/>and
the seven and a half <i>lakshas</i> of <em>Ilaṭṭa-pāḍi</em>,——deprived the <em>Śeḻinas</em>
of (<i>their</i>) splendour<lb/>at the very moment when <em>Udagai</em>, which is worshipped
everywhere, was (<i>most</i>) resplen-<lb break="no"/>dent;——the lord
<em>Śrī-Rājarājadēva</em>, being graciously seated in the college (<i>kallūri)</i><ref t="3:15-3"/> on<lb/>the south of the painted hall (<i>chitra-kūṭa</i>) at the great hippodrome
gate (<i>periya-śeṇḍu-vāyil</i>)<lb/>in <em>Tañjāvūr</em>, was pleased to order as
<p>(L. 4.) “(<i>The land of</i>) those landholders in villages of Brāhmaṇas, in villages of
Vaikhā-<lb break="no"/>nasas, and in villages of Śramaṇas (<i>i.e</i>. Jainas) in
<em>Śōṇāḍu</em>, in the adjacent districts included in<lb/><em>Śōṇāḍu</em>, in
<em>Toṇḍai-nāḍu</em>, and in <em>Pānḍi-nāḍu</em>, <i>alias</i>
<em>Rājarāja-vaḷanāḍu</em>,<ref t="3:15-4"/> who have<lb/>not paid, on the land owned by them,
the taxes due from villages, along with the (<i>other</i>)<lb/>inhabitants of those villages, for
three years, (<i>of which</i>) two are completed, between the 16th<lb/>and the 23rd years (<i>of my
reign</i>), shall become the property of the village and shall be liable<lb/>to be sold by the
inhabitants of those villages to the exclusion of the (<i>defaulting</i>) landholders.<lb/>Also,
(<i>the land of</i>) those who have not paid the taxes due from villages for three years,
(<i>of<lb/>which</i>) two are completed, from the 24th year (<i>of my reign</i>), shall be liable
to be sold by the<lb/>inhabitants of those villages to the exclusion of the (<i>defaulting</i>)
<p>(L. 8.) Accordingly, having been written by the royal secretary,
<em>Rājakēsarinallūr<lb/>Kiḻavaṉ</em>, and having been approved by the chief secretary,
<em>Mummuḍi-Śōḻa-Brahma-<lb break="no"/>mārāyaṉ</em>, and by
<em>Mummuḍi-Śōḻa-Pōśaṉ</em>, (<i>this order</i>) was engrossed from dictation on<lb/>the
143rd day of the 24th (<i>year of the reign</i>).</p>
<p>This inscription is dated in the 4th year of the reign of <em>Parakēsarivarman</em>,
<i>alias</i><lb/><em>Rājēndra-Chōḷadēva</em>, and records that the villagers of <em>Ukkal</em>
sold 3000 <i>kuḻi</i> of land and<lb/>five water-levers<ref t="3:15-5"/> to a servant of the king,
who assigned this land for the maintenance of<lb/>two boats plying on the village tank.<ref t="3:15-6"/><pb n="3:16"/></p>
<hi>1 <gr>svasti śrī</gr> [||*] <ta>ko[p]parakecaripa</ta><gr>nma</gr><ta>rāṉa
śrīrāje</ta><gr>nti</gr><ta>ra[c]oḻa</ta><gr>de</gr><ta>vaṟku yāṇṭu</ta><lb/>
<gr>4</gr> <ta>āvatu [|*] jayaṅkoṇṭacoḻamaṇṭalattukkāliyūrkkoṭṭattutta-</ta></hi>
<hi>2 <ta>[ṉ] kūṟṟu ukkalākiya vikkira[m]āparaṇacca[tu]rvetimaṅkalattu</ta>
<gr>mahāsabhai</gr><ta>yom<lb/>nilavilaiyāvaṇakkaiyyeḻuttu [|*] uṭaiyār</ta>
<hi>3 <gr>j[e*]nti</gr><ta>racoḻatevar paṇimakaṉ
veṇkuṉṟakkoṭṭa[t]tuk[ku]vaḷaikoṭunāṭṭukku-<lb break="no"/>vaḷaikoṭāṉa
aṉavara[ta*]cu</ta><gr>nta</gr><ta>ra[nal]lūr[k]komuḻāṉ ar[ai]-</ta></hi>
<hi>4 <ta>[ya*]ṉ palatevaṉ emmur<ref t="3:16-1"/> erikku</ta> <gr>vai</gr><ta>tta o(ō)ṭam<ref t="3:16-2"/> iraṇṭiṉukkum<ref t="3:16-3"/> po-<lb break="no"/>kamāka viṟṟukkuṭutta
nilamāvatu [|*] paṉa</ta><gr>n</gr><ta>tūmpin kālvaḻi śrī[y]ārur<ref t="3:16-4"/>
kaḻa-<lb break="no"/>ṉiyil</ta> <gr>sa[bh]ai-</gr></hi>
<hi>5 <ta>ppotuvāykkiṭa</ta><gr>nta</gr> <ta>nilamaṇalīṭṭukku vaṭakkum melpāṟkellai
kuṭimakkaḷ<lb/>[pū]mikku kiḻakku vaṭapāṟkellai kuṭimakkaḷ iṟaippūmikkum</ta>
<hi>6 <ta>[v]āykkālukku teṟku naṭuvu paṭṭa nilameṟku niṉṟu
a[ṭ]aiyappatiṉaṟucāṇ<lb/>kolāl <ref t="3:16-5"/>muvāyiraṅkuḻiyum melai [e]ri
etirvāyiṟkaḻumparuṭaiyār [mu]ṉ<lb/>o(ō)-</ta></hi>
<hi>7 <ta>ṭattukku koṇṭu vaitta ettanīkki itaṉukku kiḻakku añcettamum
viṟṟu<lb/>vilaiyāvaṇañceytu kuṭuttom [|*] irukālāvatu mukkālāvatu-</ta></hi>
<hi>8 <ta>m paṉa</ta><gr>n</gr><ta>tūmpiṉ kālvaḻi <ref t="3:16-6"/>śrīyārurkkaḻaṉiyil
maṇalīṭṭukku vaṭakku me[l]-<lb break="no"/>pāṟkellai kuṭimakkaḷ iṟaippūmikku kiḻakku
va[ṭa]pāṟkellai kuṭimak-</ta></hi>
<hi>9 <ta>kaḷ pūmikkum</ta> <ref t="3:16-7"/> <gr>subrihmaṇya</gr><ta>vāykkālukku teṟkum
meṟku [ni]ṉṟu a[ṭaiya]<lb/>patiṉaṟucāṇ kolāl <ref t="3:16-8"/>muvāyiraṅkuḻiyum melai
eri etirvāyiṟkaḻumpa-<lb break="no"/>[ruṭ]aiyār muṉ o-</ta></hi>
<hi>10 <ta>ṭattukku koṇṭu vaitta ettanikki<ref t="3:16-9"/> itaṉukku kiḻakku añcettamum
viṟṟu<lb/>[vilai]yāvaṇañcey[tu] kuṭuttu iṉnilattukku <ref t="3:16-10"/>vīlai</ta><gr>dravya</gr><ta>mum iṟai</ta><gr>dravya-</gr><lb/> <ta>mum
<hi>11 <ta>ṇṭu iṟaiyiliyāka viṟṟu vilaiyāvaṇañceytu kuṭutto[m*]</ta>
<gr>ma</gr><ta>hā</ta><gr>sa[bhai*]-</gr><lb/> <ta>yom [|*]
kuṟiyuḷḷiru</ta><gr>n</gr><ta>tu paṇi keṭṭeḻutiṉeṉ iv[vū]rkkaraṇattāṉ</ta><lb/>
<gr>madhyasta</gr><ta>ṉ</ta><ref t="3:16-11"/></hi>
<hi>12 <ta>poṟṟikkuṟi kāḷitevaṭiyāna i[ra*]ṇṭāyirattunā[nū]ṟṟuvaneṉ [|*] ivai<lb/>en
eḻuttu [||*]</ta></hi>
<p>(Line 1.) Hail ! Prosperity ! In the 4th year (<i>of the reign</i>) of king
<em>Parakēsarivarman</em>,<lb/><i>alias</i> <em>Śrī-Rājēndra-Śōḻadēva</em>. The
hand-writing, (<i>referring to</i>) a deed of sale (<i>vilaiy-<lb break="no"/>āvaṇam</i>) of
land, of us, the great assembly of <em>Ukkal</em>, <i>alias</i> <em>Vikramābharaṇa-chatur-<lb break="no"/>vēdimaṅgalam</em>, (<i>a village</i>) in its own subdivision of
<em>Kāliyūr-kōṭṭam</em>, (<i>a district</i>)
<p>(L. 2.) The following land was sold for the maintenance of two boats (<i>ōḍam</i>) which
had<lb/>been assigned to the tank in our village by <em>Kōmuḻāṉ Arai[ya]ṉ Baladēvaṉ</em>, a
servant of<lb/>the lord <em>Śrī-Rājēndra-Śōḻadēva</em> (<i>and a native</i>) of
<em>Kuvaḷaikōḍu</em>, <i>alias</i> <em>Anavara[ta]-<lb break="no"/>sundaranallūr</em>, (<i>a
village</i>) in <em>Kuvaḷaikōḍu-nāḍu</em>, (<i>a subdivision</i>) of <em>Veṇkuṉṟa-<lb break="no"/>kōṭṭam</em>.<pb n="3:17"/></p>
<p>(L. 4.) We have sold, and executed a deed of sale for, (1) three thousand
<i>kuḻi</i>,——<lb/>(<i>measured</i>) by a rod of sixteen spans (<i>śāṇ</i>), beginning (<i>to
measure</i>) from the west,——of land,<lb/>which was the common property of the assembly, (<i>which
belonged</i>) to the field (<i>kaḻaṉi</i>) of<lb/><em>Śrīyārūr</em> on the channel of the
‘Palmyra sluice’ (<i>Paṉan-dūmbu), (and</i>) which was situated<lb/>to the north of a heap of
sand, to the east of the land of the villagers, and to the south of<lb/>the land (<i>paying</i>)
taxes to the villagers and of the <i>Subrahmaṇya</i> channel, and (2) five
levers<lb/>(<i>ēttam</i>) to the east of this (<i>land</i>), excluding a lever on the open
side<ref t="3:17-1"/> of the tank in the<lb/>west, which <em>Kaḻumbar-uḍaiyār</em> had
previously purchased and assigned for (<i>the maintenance<lb/>of</i>) a boat.</p>
<p>(L. 7.) Twice as follows, and three times as follows.<ref t="3:17-2"/></p>
<p>(L. 10.) Having received in full the purchase-money and the revenue of this land, we,<lb/>the
great assembly, sold (<i>it</i>) free of taxes and executed a deed of sale.</p>
<p>(L. 11.) Having been present in the assembly<ref t="3:17-3"/> and having heard (<i>their</i>)
order, I, the<lb/>accountant (<i>and</i>) arbitrator of this village, <em>Poṟṟikkuṟi
Kāḷidēvaḍi</em>, <i>alias</i> <em>Iraṇḍāyirat-<lb break="no"/>tunāṉūṟṟuvaṉ</em>, wrote
(<i>this</i>). This is my writing.</p>
<p>This inscription is dated in the 16th year of the reign of the ancient <em>Chōḷa</em>
king<lb/><em>Parakēsarivarman</em>,<ref t="3:17-4"/> and records that the villagers granted
certain land to the temple, at<lb/>the request and with the approval of the temple manager,
<em>Chakrapāṇi Nambi</em> (ll. 3 and<lb/>10).</p>
<hi>1 <gr>svaśrī<ref t="3:17-5"/> śrī</gr> [||*]
<ta>kopparakecaripa</ta><gr>[nma]</gr><ta>ṟkiyāṇṭu</ta> <gr>16</gr> <ta>āvatu
<hi>2 <ta>ttuttaṉ kūṟṟu civacūḷāmaṇimaṅkalammākiya</ta> <ref t="3:17-6"/>
<gr>śrīvikramāparaṇaśatu[r]vvedi</gr><ta>[ma]ṅka-<lb break="no"/>lattu</ta></hi>
<hi>3 <ta>••<ref t="3:17-7"/>puvaṉimāṇikkavi</ta><gr>ṣṇuśra</gr><ta>ttuḷ<ref t="3:17-8"/>
perumāṉ aṭikaḷukku</ta> <gr>śrīkā</gr>[ <gr>ryya</gr><ta>ñ</ta>] <ta>cey[ki]-<lb break="no"/>ṉṟa</ta> <ref t="3:17-9"/> <gr>śakra[p]āṇi</gr> <ta>nam[pi]
<hi>4 <gr>samvatsaravāri</gr><ta>yap[p]e[ru]makkaḷum
erivā</ta><gr>ri</gr><ta>[ya*]p[p]erumakkaḷmaḻaḷḷiṭṭa</ta><ref t="3:17-10"/>
<gr>ma</gr><ta>h[ā*]-</ta><lb/> <gr>sabhaiyom</gr> <ta>em[mū]r
puvanim[ā*]ṇikka[vi]</ta><gr>ṣṇuśa</gr><ta>ha</ta><gr>ttatta</gr><ref t="3:17-11"/>
<hi>5 <ta>kaḷukku
[ha]vanat</ta><gr>[tu]</gr><ta>kku</ta><gr>nti</gr><ta>[ru]pu</ta><gr>tsa</gr><ta>vat</ta><gr>tu</gr><ta>kkum<ref t="3:17-12"/> uttara</ta><gr>ma</gr><ta>yana[mu]m [yū]ṭṭima[ya]na-<lb break="no"/>[mu]m<ref t="3:17-13"/> [citta]yavi</ta><gr>ṣu</gr><ta>vum ai[p*]pacivi</ta><gr>ṣu</gr><ta>vum</ta>
<gr>sū[ryya]gra</gr><ta>haṇamum</ta> <gr>soma-</gr></hi>
<hi>6 <gr>gra</gr><ta>haṇamumaṟṟu</ta>
<gr>[pr]āyaści</gr><ta>ttatirumañaṇaṅka[ḷu]maṟṟu<ref t="3:17-14"/> e[p]perppaṭṭa
kucakkalam<lb/>epperppaṭṭa kucak[ka]••</ta><pb n="3:18"/></hi>
<hi>7 <ta>ṟai vaṟuppata[ṟ]ku vaitta pūmi it</ta><gr>de</gr><ta>var ūrāṉa
[c]otiyampākkattu ūriṉ<lb/>melai putu[ttiru]ttil a[r][aiyum*]</ta></hi>
<hi>8 <ta>pu[ḷiya]ñce[ṟuvi]ṟa[t]eṟkkila[r]aiyum [cuvapa]lakollaiyil veḷkekkālu[k*]ku<ref t="3:18-1"/><lb/>meṟku oṉṟarai nila[m]••</ta></hi>
<hi>9 <gr>sa</gr><ta>vattil<ref t="3:18-2"/> eḻu n[āḷum] nāl[va]ṟ[ku] koṟ•
vatākavu[māṭṭ]ai [pū]</ta><gr>jai</gr><lb/> <ta>[ar]aikkaḻaiñcum [|*] ippa</ta>[
<ta>ricu</ta> <gr>sa*</gr>]-</hi>
<hi>10 <gr>bhai</gr> <ta>paṇi o[ṭṭikkuṭut]teṉ</ta> [ <ta>ca</ta><gr>kra</gr>] <ta>pāṇi
[nam]piyeṉ [|*] [i]</ta><gr>dhimma<ref t="3:18-3"/> + [||*]</gr></hi>
<p>(Line 1.) Hail ! Prosperity ! In the 16th year (<i>of the reign</i>) of king
<em>Parakēsarivar-<lb break="no"/>man</em>, we, the great assembly, including the great men
elected for the year and the great<lb/>men elected for (<i>the supervision of</i>) the tank,
(<i>being assembled</i>) in the <em>Puvaṉimāṇikka-<lb break="no"/>Vishṇugr̥ham</em> at
<em>Śivachūḷāmaṇimaṅgalam</em>, <i>alias</i> <em>Śrī-Vikramābharana-chatur-<lb break="no"/>vēdimaṅgalam</em>, (<i>a village</i>) in its own subdivision of
<em>Kāliyūr-kōṭṭam</em>, assigned, at the<lb/>request of <em>Chakrapāṇi Nambi</em>, the
manager of the temple, to the god of the <em>Puvani-<lb break="no"/>māṇikka-Vishṇugr̥ham</em>
in our village (<i>the following</i>) land, for burnt oblations (<i>havana</i>),<lb/>for festivals
(<i>utsava), (for</i>) expiations (<i>prāyaśchitta</i>) and the bathing of the idol
(<i>tirumañ-<lb break="no"/>jana</i>) at the winter solstice, at the solstice in <em>Āḍi</em>,
at the equinox in Śittirai, at the equinox<lb/>in Aippaśi, at eclipses of the sun, and at
eclipses of the moon, and for burning all kinds<lb/>of pots and all kinds of•••••</p>
<p>(L. 7.) Half (<i>a measure</i>) of land in the ‘Fresh clearing’ (<i>Pudu-ttiruttu</i>) on the
west of<lb/>the village of <em>[Śō]diyambākkam</em>, which is a village (<i>belonging to</i>)
this god; half (<i>a<lb/>measure</i>) on the south of the ‘Tamarind field’ (<i>Puḷiyañ-jeṟuvu);
(and</i>) one and a half (<i>measure</i>)<lb/>on the west of the inundation channel
(<i>veḷḷakkāl</i>) in the field (<i>kollai</i>) of <em>[Svaba]la</em>.</p>
<p>(L. 9.) At the festival, on seven days, to four persons•••••<lb/>and (<i>for</i>) the annual
worship, half a <i>kaḻañju</i>. I, <em>Chakrapāṇi Nambi</em>, approve of this<lb/>order of the
<p>(L. 10.) This charity, <i>etc</i>.<ref t="3:18-4"/></p>
<p>This inscription is dated in the 37th year of the reign of “<em>Parakēsarivarman</em>,<lb/>the
conqueror of Madirai (Madhurā),” <i>i.e</i>. of the <em>Chōḷa</em> king <em>Parāntaka</em>
I.,<ref t="3:18-5"/> who reigned<lb/>from about A.D. 900 to 940.<ref t="3:18-6"/> It records that
the villagers granted to the temple the<lb/>village of <em>Śōdiyambākkam</em>, which was
situated to the north of their own village.<lb/>Śōdiyambākkam<ref t="3:18-7"/> still bears the
same name and lies 3(1/4) miles north of Ukkal.</p>
<p>In the preceding inscription (No. 11, l. 7), which belongs to the 16th year of <em>Parakē-<lb break="no"/>sarivarman, Śōdiyambākkam</em> is designated as ‘a village (belonging to) this god,’
<i>i.e</i>. to<lb/>the Vishṇu temple at Ukkal. At first sight it might be concluded from this that
No. 11 is<lb/>of later date than No. 12, and consequently, Parakēsarivarman one of the successors
of Parān-<lb break="no"/>taka I. On the other hand, it is but natural to assume that Parāntaka I.
prefixed the title<lb/><i>Madirai-koṇḍa</i> to his name <i>Parakēsarivarman</i>, in order to
distinguish it from earlier Chōḷa kings<lb/>named Parakēsarivarman, and that any
Parakēsarivarman who succeeded Parāntaka I.<pb n="3:19"/><lb/>would have followed the example of
the latter and adopted a similar distinguishing epithet.<lb/>Hence I believe that the inscriptions
of Parakēsarivarman<ref t="3:19-1"/> belong to an earlier king than<lb/>Parāntaka I. The
subjoined inscription would then record a mere renewal or confirmation of<lb/>the gift of the
village of Śōdiyambākkam, which had already belonged to the temple in the<lb/>time of
<hi>1 <gr>svasti śrī</gr> [||*] <ta>matirai koṇṭa
kopparake</ta><gr>sa</gr><ta>ripa</ta><gr>[r]mma</gr><ta>ṟku yāṇṭu muppa[tt]e-<lb break="no"/>ḻāvatu kāliyūrkkoṭṭattuttaṉ
kūṟṟuccivacūḷā[maṇi]ma[ṅ]ka[la]māki[ya]</ta><ref t="3:19-2"/><lb/>
<hi>2 <gr>mābhara</gr><ta>ṇacca</ta><gr>turvvedima[ṅ]ga</gr><ta>lattu</ta>
<gr>sabhai</gr><ta>yom [|*] <ref t="3:19-3"/>emmūrppuvaṉi[m]āṇikkavi</ta><gr>ṣṇu-<lb break="no"/>gr̥</gr><ta>hattupperumāṉaṭikaḷukku</ta> <gr>devabhoga</gr><ta>mā-</ta></hi>
<hi>3 <ta>ka ivar muṉṉuṭaiya periya na</ta><gr>nta</gr><ta>vāṉamuṭpaṭa emmūr
vaṭapiṭākaiccotiyam-<lb break="no"/>pākkamāṉa ūru[m] ūrirukkaiyum eriyu-</ta></hi>
<hi>4 <ta>naṉceyyum puṉceyyum vaḷaiyiṟcuṟṟu uṭumpoṭi āmai tavaḻntatepperp-<lb break="no"/>paṭṭatum [i]ppuvaṉimāṇik-</ta></hi>
<hi>5 <ta>kavi</ta><gr>ṣṇugr̥</gr><ta>hat[tu]pperumāṉaṭikaḷukku
<gr>a[r]cca</gr><ta>nā</ta><gr>bhoga</gr><ta>ttukku</ta><gr>ntri-<lb break="no"/>kāla</gr><ta>nti[ru]va</ta><gr>mr̥</gr><ta>tukkum iraṇṭu
no</ta><gr>[nt]ā</gr><ta>viḷakku[kku*]m</ta> <gr>sa[ndhi]</gr><ta>kaḷil</ta>
<hi>6 <ta>m[ā]lai[ka]ḷukkum tiruvu</ta><gr>tsa</gr><ta>vattukkum [a]yaṉamum</ta>
<gr>viṣuvu</gr><ta>m</ta> <ref t="3:19-4"/> <gr>gr̥</gr><ta>haṇamum</ta> <gr>snapa-<lb break="no"/>na</gr><ta>ñce[y]vatākavum</ta>
<hi>7 <ta>perppaṭṭatukkun</ta><gr>d[e]vabhoga</gr><ta>māvatākavum [|*] ivvūr [cu]ṭṭi
epperppaṭṭa<lb/>iṟaiyuṅkāṭṭappeṟātomākavum [|*] ivvūr eṟiṉa kuṭikaḷai</ta>
<gr>sabhā</gr><ta>niyo-</ta><lb/> <gr>ga</gr><ta>tt[ā]l</ta> <ref t="3:19-5"/>
<hi>8 <ta>vāriyañceyvomum e[ri]vāriyañceyvomum toṭṭavāriyañceyvomum i-<lb break="no"/>kkuṭikaḷai veṭṭi[yu]m veti[ḷai]yum vālakkāṇamum
<hi>9 <ta>kavum [|*] ivvūrkkuṭika[ḷai]kkuṟṟan</ta><gr>doṣa</gr><ta>maṉṟu[p]āṭu</ta><ref t="3:19-6"/> <gr>de</gr><ta>varey</ta> <gr>[da]ṇḍi</gr><ta>ttukkoḷ-<lb break="no"/>vatākavum
[|*] oṭṭikkuṭut[tu]</ta> <ref t="3:19-7"/> <gr>ślālekhai</gr> <ta>ceytu eḻuttu
veṭṭikkuṭu-<lb break="no"/>ttom</ta> <gr>sa-</gr></hi>
<hi>10 <gr>bhai</gr><ta>yom [|*] ita[ṉ]ṟe[ṉ]ṟu iṟa[k*][ka] <ref t="3:19-8"/>nikā</ta><gr>ntya</gr><ta>ñco[ṉ]ṉom kaṅ-<lb break="no"/>kai iṭaikkumari
iṭaicceytār ceyta pāva[ṅ]koḷv[ā]rākavum<ref t="3:19-9"/>
[|*]<lb/>itaṟ[ti]ṟampi[ṉom]e</ta> <gr>śraddhāma[nda]-</gr></hi>
<hi>11 <ta>r[e]y mey veṟu nicati nūṟṟeṭ[ṭukkā]ṇan[ta]ṇṭappaṭa oṭṭikkuṭuttom</ta><lb/>
<gr>sabhai</gr><ta>yom [|*] i</ta><gr>ssabhai</gr><ta>yuḷḷiru</ta><gr>n</gr><ta>tu</ta>
<gr>sabh[ai]</gr><ta>yār paṇippaveḻu[ti]ṉ[eṉ]<lb/>ivvūr</ta> <gr>maddhya[stha]</gr><ta>ṉ
[po]ṟṟikkuṟi</ta> <gr>brahmapriya</gr><ta>[ṉ][eṉ ||*]</ta></hi>
<p>(Line 1.) Hail ! Prosperity ! In the thirty-seventh year (<i>of the reign</i>) of king
<em>Parakē-<lb break="no"/>sarivarman</em> who conquered <em>Madirai</em>,——we, the assembly of
<em>Śrī-Vikramābharaṇa-chaturvēdimaṅgalam</em>, (<i>a village</i>) in its own
subdivision<lb/>of <em>Kāliyūr-kōṭṭam</em>, (<i>ordered as follows):</i>——</p>
<p>(L. 2.) To the god of the <em>Puvaṉimāṇikka-Vishṇugr̥ham</em> in our village
shall<lb/>belong, as a divine gift (<i>dēva-bhōga</i>), the village called
<em>Śōdiyambākkam</em>, a hamlet (<i>piḍāgai</i>)<pb n="3:20"/><lb/>to the north of our
village,——including the great flower-garden which belonged to this<lb/>(<i>temple</i>)
previously,——the site of the village,<ref t="3:20-1"/> the tank, the wet land, the dry land,
and<lb/>everything within (<i>its</i>) limits, on which the iguana runs and the tortoise
crawls,<ref t="3:20-2"/> for the<lb/>worshippers of the god of this
<em>Puvaṉimāṇikka-Vishṇugr̥ham</em>, for the requirements of<lb/>the worship, for oblations
(<i>tiruvamr̥du</i>) at the three times (<i>of the day</i>),<ref t="3:20-3"/> for two
perpetual<lb/>lamps, for rows of lamps at twilight, for festivals, for the bathing (<i>of the
idol</i>) at solstices,<lb/>equinoxes and eclipses, for offerings (<i>śrībali), (for</i>)
supplies<ref t="3:20-4"/> to the store-room<ref t="3:20-5"/> of the temple,<lb/>and for all other
<p>(L. 7.) We shall not be entitled to levy any kind of tax from this village. We,
(<i>the<lb/>great men</i>) elected for the year, we, (<i>the great men</i>) elected for (<i>the
supervision of</i>) the tank,<lb/>and we, (<i>the great men</i>) elected for (<i>the supervision
of</i>) gardens, shall not be entitled to claim,<lb/>at the order of the assembly, forced labour
(<i>veṭṭi),<ref t="3:20-6"/> vēdi[ḷai]</i> and <i>vālakkāṇam</i> from the inha-<lb break="no"/>bitants settled in this village.</p>
<p>(L. 9.) (<i>If</i>) a crime (<i>or</i>) sin becomes public, the god (<i>i.e</i>. the temple
authorities) alone<lb/>shall punish the inhabitants of this village (<i>for it</i>). Having agreed
(<i>thus</i>), we, the assembly,<lb/>engraved (<i>this</i>) on stone.<ref t="3:20-7"/></p>
<p>(L. 10.) If we utter the untruth that this is not (<i>as stated above</i>), in order to
injure<lb/>(<i>the charity</i>), we shall incur (<i>all</i>) the sins committed between the
<em>Gaṅgā</em> and <em>Kumari</em>. We,<lb/>the assembly, agree to pay a fine of one hundred and
eight <i>kāṇam</i> per day, if we fail in this<lb/>through indifference<ref t="3:20-8"/>•••<ref t="3:20-9"/></p>
<p>(L. 11.) Having been present in this assembly, I, the arbitrator of this village, <em>[Po]ṟ-<lb break="no"/>ṟikkuṟi Brahmapriyaṉ</em>, wrote (<i>this</i>) at the order of the assembly.</p>
<p>This inscription is dated in the 17th year of the reign of the ancient <em>Chōḷa</em> king
<em>Rāja-<lb break="no"/>kēsarivarman</em>. It was meant to record some decision of the village
assembly, but was<lb/>left unfinished for unknown reasons.</p>
<hi>1 <gr>svasti śrī<ref t="3:20-10"/> [||*] ko rājakesariva[r]mma</gr><ta>ṟ</ta><gr>ku</gr>
<ta>yāṇṭu</ta> <gr>17</gr> <ta>āvatu nāḷ</ta> <gr>[1]22</gr><lb/>
<ta>i</ta><gr>nnā</gr><ta>ḷāl</ta> <gr>śrīvikramābharaṇaccatu[r]vvetimaṅ-</gr></hi>
<hi>2 <gr>kalattu</gr><ref t="3:20-11"/> <ta>ivvāṭṭai</ta> <ref t="3:20-12"/>
<gr>[sa]mvatsaravāri</gr><ta>yapperumakkaḷum <ref t="3:20-13"/>ekivāriyapperum</ta><gr>[bha]</gr><ta>ṭ-<lb break="no"/>ṭarka[ḷu]m</ta>
<hi>3 <gr>ṣṭa</gr><ta>rkaḷumuḷḷi[ṭṭa*]</ta> <gr>mahāsabhai</gr><ta>yom[m]e[m*]mūr
puvaṉimāṇikkavi</ta><gr>ṣṇ[u]gr̥</gr><ta>hat-<lb break="no"/>te kūṭa
irun</ta><gr>tu</gr><lb/>••••••••••••••<pb n="3:21"/></hi>
<p>Hail ! Prosperity ! On the 122nd day of the 17th year (<i>of the reign</i>) of king
<em>Rājakē-<lb break="no"/>sarivarman</em>,——we, the great assembly of
<em>Śrī-Vikramābharaṇa-chaturvēdimaṅga-<lb break="no"/>lam</em>,——including the great men
elected for this year, the great <i>Bhaṭṭas</i> elected for (<i>the<lb/>supervision of</i>) the
tank, and (<i>all other</i>) distinguished men,——being assembled on this day in<lb/>the
<em>Puvaṉimāṇikka-Vishṇugr̥ham</em> in our village,•••••</p>
<p>This inscription is dated in the 4th year of the reign of “<em>Parakēsarivarman</em>
who<lb/>deprived <em>Vīra-Pāṇḍya</em> of his head.”<ref t="3:21-1"/> This king may be
identified with <em>Āditya</em> II.<lb/>surnamed <em>Karikāla</em>, the elder brother of
Rājarāja I., who, according to the large Leyden<lb/>grant (l. 58), “as a boy, played sportively
in battle with <em>Vīra-Pāṇḍya</em>.”</p>
<p>The inscription records that a cultivator named <em>Śēṉai</em> granted one <i>paṭṭi</i><ref t="3:21-2"/> of land, from<lb/>the proceeds of which water and fire-pans<ref t="3:21-3"/> had to be
supplied to a <i>maṇḍapa</i> frequented<lb/>by Brāhmaṇas.</p>
<hi>1 <gr>svasti śrī [||*] vīrapā</gr><ta>ṇaṭiyaṉaittalai koṇṭa</ta>
<gr>ko</gr><ta>p[para]</ta><gr>kesaripanma</gr><ta>ṟ[ku] yā-<lb break="no"/>ṇṭu nālāvatu
kāliyū</ta><gr>r</gr><ta>k[k]oṭṭattu taṉ <ref t="3:21-4"/>kūṟṟuccīvacūḷāmaṇimaṅkalamākiya</ta><lb/><ref t="3:21-5"/>
<gr>śīvikramā[bha]ra</gr><ta>[ṇacca]tu</ta><gr>[rvv]e</gr><ta>timaṅka[lattu] iruntu
<hi>2 <ref t="3:21-6"/> <ta>veṉaḷāḷaṉ ci[kk]āruṭ[aiy]āṉ puliyaṉ makaṉ ceṉai
taṉak[ku]</ta> <gr>dharmm[ārttha]-</gr><lb/> <ta>m[ā]ka i[v*]vū[r*]</ta>
<gr>brahmasthā</gr><ta>ṉatte āṟu mā</ta><gr>sa</gr><ta>ṉ<ref t="3:21-7"/>
taṇṇīraṭṭuvatākavum<lb/>āṟu mā</ta><gr>sam agniṣṭai</gr><ref t="3:21-8"/>
<ta>iṭuva[t]ākavum maṇṭatattu<ref t="3:21-9"/> t[o]ṭṭi mū[ṉṟey]<ref t="3:21-10"/><lb/>etta[m eṭuppa]tākavum i</ta><gr>tdha[r]mma</gr><ta>ttuk</ta>[ <ta>ku</ta>
<gr>ca</gr>] <gr>ndrā</gr><ta>tittavat niṟka vaitta</ta></hi>
<hi>3 <gr>bhūmi</gr> <ta>va[ḷai]yiliṟpaṭṭi nilamum [|*] [a]vvava</ta> <ref t="3:21-11"/>
<gr>samvatsara</gr><ta>ṅkaḷil</ta> <gr>grāmakā[r]yyam</gr><lb/> <ta>tirut[tum
p]e[ru]makkaḷ<ref t="3:21-12"/> [i]t</ta><gr>dha[r]mma</gr><ta>ṅkaṭaikkāṇpatāka[vu][m |*]
i[ta]ṟ-<lb break="no"/>k[ku]</ta> <gr>virodha</gr><ta>[niṉ]ṟār</ta> <ref t="3:21-13"/>
<gr>ge[ṅ]gāganyā[nta]</gr><ta>rattiṟc[e]ytār ceyta pā[va]t-<lb break="no"/>tiṟpaṭu[v]ārākavu[m] [|*] [i]ppa[ricu] vaiytt[e]ṉ ceṉaiy[e]ṉ
[|*]<lb/>[i]tuk[ku]</ta> <gr>virodhi</gr><ta>[ttā]ṉ iru[pat]tañ-</ta><ref t="3:21-14"/></hi>
<hi>4 <ta>kaḻañcu [p]oṉ</ta> <gr>da</gr><ta>ṇṭamiṭappeṟuvatāka[vu]m [||*]</ta></hi>
<p>(Line 1.) Hail ! Prosperity ! In the fourth year (<i>of the reign</i>) of king
<em>Parakēsari-<lb break="no"/>varman</em> who deprived <em>Vīra-Pāṇḍya</em> of (<i>his</i>)
head,——<em>Śēṉai</em>, (<i>who was</i>) the son of the<lb/>cultivator (<i>Veḷḷāḷaṉ</i>)
<em>Śi[kk]ār-uḍaiyāṉ Puliyaṉ</em> (<i>and</i>) who resided at <em>Śivachūḷāmaṇi-<lb break="no"/>maṅgalam</em>, <i>alias</i> <em>Śrī-Vikramābharaṇa-chaturvēdimaṅgalam</em>,
(<i>a village</i>) in its own<lb/>subdivision of <em>Kāliyūr-kōṭṭam</em>, assigned (one)
<i>paṭṭi</i> of land in the neighbourhood, to last as<pb n="3:22"/><lb/>long as the moon and the
sun, for his own merit (<i>and</i>) for the meritorious purpose of sup-<lb break="no"/>plying to
the <i>Brahmasthāna</i> in this village water during six months and fire-pans
(<i>agnishṭhā</i>)<lb/>during six months and of constructing a water-lever in front of the
cistern at the <i>maṇḍapa</i>.<ref t="3:22-1"/></p>
<p>(L. 3.) The great men who manage the affairs of the village in each year, shall super-<lb break="no"/>vise this charity. Those who cause obstruction to this, shall incur (<i>all</i>) the
sins committed<lb/>between the <em>Gaṅgā</em> and <em>Kanyā</em>.<ref t="3:22-2"/> Under these
conditions, I, <em>Śēṉai</em>, assigned (<i>the land</i>).<lb/>He who obstructs this, shall be
liable to pay a fine of twenty-five <i>kaḻañju</i> of gold.</p>
<p><em>Mēlpāḍi</em>,<ref t="3:22-3"/> which I visited in 1889, is a village six miles north of
Tiruvallam in the<lb/>North Arcot district. The antiquity of the place is established by the
<em>Karhāḍ</em> plates of the<lb/><em>Rāshṭrakūṭa</em> king <em>Kr̥shṇa</em> III., who in
A.D. 959 was encamped at <em>Mēlpāṭī</em>.<ref t="3:22-4"/> About a<lb/>mile west of Mēlpāḍi
is the hill of <em>Vaḷḷimalai</em>, an ancient site of Jaina worship.<ref t="3:22-5"/></p>
<p>Mēlpāḍi contains two temples of Śiva, the larger of which, <em>Sōmanāthēśvara</em>, is
still<lb/>used, while the other, <em>Chōḷēśvara</em>, is deserted. I publish below four
inscriptions of the<lb/>Chōḷēśvara temple (Nos. 15 to 18) and one of the Sōmanāthēśvara
temple (No. 19). Of<lb/>these, four belong to the reign of the <em>Chōḷa</em> king
<em>Rājarāja</em> I. (Nos. 15, 16, 17 and 19) and<lb/>one to the reign of his son
<em>Rājēndra-Chōḷa</em> I. (No. 18). From three of them (Nos. 15, 16<lb/>and 17) we learn that
the Chōḷēśvara temple was built by <em>Rājarāja</em> I. himself. Hence it
is<lb/>contemporaneous with the great temple at <em>Tañjāvūr</em>.<ref t="3:22-6"/> The ancient
name of the Chōḷēśvara<lb/>temple was <em>Aṟiñjigai-Īśvara</em> (Nos. 15 and 16) or
<em>Aṟiñjīśvara</em> (Nos. 17 and 18). The<lb/>first part of this compound is probably a
corruption of <em>Ariṁjaya</em>,<ref t="3:22-7"/> the name of Rājarāja's<lb/>grandfather.<ref t="3:22-8"/> Rājarāja is said to have built the temple “as a resting-place (?) for the
king<lb/>who fell asleep (<i>i.e</i>. died) at <em>Āṟṟūr</em>” (Nos. 15, 16 and 17). If I am
correct in deriving the<lb/>name of the temple from Ariṁjaya, it would follow that the same king
is meant by the<lb/>expression “the king who died at Āṟṟūr.” According to No. 19, the ancient
name of the<lb/>Sōmanāthēśvara temple was <em>Chōḷēndrasiṁhēśvara</em>.<ref t="3:22-9"/></p>
<p>Mēlpāḍi bore the two names <em>Mēṟpāḍi</em> (Nos. 15 to 18) and
<em>Rājāśrayapuram</em> (Nos. 15<lb/>to 19). The second designation has to be derived from one
of the surnames of <em>Rājarāja</em><lb/>I.<ref t="3:22-10"/> The same applies to the names of
two streets of Mēlpāḍi, <i>viz.</i> “the high-street of<lb/><em>Mummaḍi-Chōḷa</em>”<ref t="3:22-11"/> (No. 15) and “the high-street of <em>Arumoḻidēva</em>”<ref t="3:22-12"/> (No.
19).<lb/>Mēlpāḍi belonged to <em>Tūy-nāḍu</em> (Nos. 18 and 19) or <em>Tūñāḍu</em> (Nos.
15, 16 and 17), a<lb/>subdivision of <em>Perumbāṇa-pāḍi</em><ref t="3:22-13"/> (Nos. 15 to 18),
a district of <em>Jayaṅkoṇḍa-Chōḷa-<lb break="no"/>maṇḍalam</em>.<ref t="3:22-14"/> Three of
the inscriptions were put in writing by the accountant (<i>karaṇattāṉ</i>)<lb/>of the city (Nos.
15, 16 and 18).<pb n="3:23"/></p>
<p>This inscription is dated in the 29th year of the reign of the <em>Chōḷa</em> king
<em>Rājarāja</em> I.<lb/>and opens with the usual historical introduction, where, however, this
inscription and No. 16<lb/>read <em>Taḍīga-pāḍi</em> instead of Taḍigai-pāḍi or
Taḍiya-vaḻi.<ref t="3:23-1"/></p>
<p>The inscription records that the citizens of <em>Mēṟpāḍi</em> granted to the
<em>Aṟiñjigai-<lb break="no"/>Īśvara</em> temple 5, 136(1/2) <i>kuḻi</i> of land, which was
bounded in the east by the river Nugā, and in<lb/>the north by the Chōḷēndrasiṁhēśvara
temple. <em>Nugā</em> is evidently the original name of the<lb/>river Nīvā (or Poṉṉai), on the
western bank of which Mēlpāḍi is situated, and <em>Chōḷēndra-<lb break="no"/>siṁhēśvara</em> is the ancient designation of the Sōmanāthēśvara temple.<ref t="3:23-2"/></p>
<hi>1 <gr>svasti śrī</gr> [||*] <ta>tirumakaḷ
[pūṇ]ṭamai<lb/>maṉakkoḷkkā</ta><gr>nta</gr><ta>[ḷur]<ref t="3:23-3"/> c[ā]lai
kalamaṟuttaru[ḷi] v[e]ṅkaināṭuṅkaṅkapāṭiyu[nu]-<lb break="no"/>ḷampapāṭiyuntaṭīkapāṭiyuṅkuṭamalaināṭuṅkollamuṅkaliṅkamumeṇṭicai pukaḻ
tara-<lb break="no"/>vīḻamaṇṭalamumiraṭṭapāṭiyeḻaraiyilakkamu</ta><gr>nti</gr><ta>ṇṭiṟal
veṉṟittaṇṭāṟkkoṇṭa<lb/>tanṉeḻil vaḷarūḻi
ellā[y]ā[ṇ]ṭu</ta><gr>nto</gr><ta>ḻuta[k*]ai viḷaṅkum yāṇṭey<lb/>ceḻiyaraittecu koḷ
<gr>śrīrājarājade</gr><ta>varkku<lb/>yāṇṭu</ta> <gr>29</gr> <ta>āvatu
jayaṅkoṇṭacoḻamaṇṭalattupperumpāṇappāṭittū-<lb break="no"/>ñāṭṭu
m[e]ṟppāṭiyā[ki]ya</ta> <gr>rājāśra</gr><ta>yapurattu nakarattom <ref t="3:23-4"/>āṟṟurarttuñciṉa<lb/>tevarkkuppaḷḷipaṭaiyāka uṭaiyār</ta>
<gr>śrīrājarājade</gr><ta>var eṅkaḷ nakarat[ti]-<lb break="no"/>leṭuppittaru[ḷi]ṉa [ti]ru
aṟiñcikai</ta><gr>[ī]śva</gr><ta>rattu</ta> <gr>ma</gr><ta>hā</ta><gr>de</gr><ta>var
[śrī]ko[yi]luk-<lb break="no"/>kun[ti]ruccuṟṟālaikkun[ti]rumuṟṟattukkun[ti]runantaṉavaṉattukkum</ta></hi>
<hi>2 <ta>maṭaviḷākattukkumā[ka] nāṅkaḷittevaṟkukkuṭutta nilattukkellai
nukāveṉṉu[m]ā-<lb break="no"/>ṟṟukku meṟkum ivvūr [mu]mmaṭicoḻap[p]erunteruvil</ta>
<gr>vyā</gr><ta>pāri ācce-<lb break="no"/>rumāṉ vayiramekaṉ toṭṭappā[ḻ]āṉa [ni]lattiṉ
vaṭavarukey nukāvāṟṟi-<lb break="no"/>niṉṟumirukolakalattāl meṟku nokki[p]poṉa peruvaḻi
eṇpatteḻu-<lb break="no"/>[ko]lācaṟutikku vaṭakkumivvācaṟutiyey vaṭakku
nokkiccoḷe</ta><gr>ntrasiṃ</gr><ta>[hi]-</ta><lb/> <gr>śva</gr><ta>ramuṭaiya<ref t="3:23-5"/> tevar teva[ra]ṭiyār mattavāṇacceriyeye[ṟa]ppoṉa teruvuk-<lb break="no"/>kukkiḻakkuñco</ta>[ <ta>ḷe</ta><gr>ntra</gr>] <gr>siṃhīśva</gr><ta>ramuṭaiyār
koyiliṉ teṟkil ti[ru]nantaṉavaṉa-<lb break="no"/>ttiṉ t[e]ṉṉarukey nukaraveṉṉumāṟṟukkey
kiḻakku nokki nāṟkolakala-<lb break="no"/>ttāṟpoṉa
pe[ru]vaḻikkutteṟkuminnāṟperellaiyuḷḷumakappaṭṭa nilam <ref t="3:23-6"/>eṅ-<lb break="no"/>kaḷuraḷantu kūṟiṭṭa patiṉeṇcāṇko(l)lāṟkuḻi aiyyāyiratt[orunu]ra-<lb break="no"/>ṟṟu<ref t="3:23-7"/> mu[p*]pattāṟaraiyumitteva[ṟ]kuttevatāṉa
iṟaiyiliyākakkuṭutto[m]<lb/>[|*] i[n]ni[la]tt[āṟey] nukaraveṉṉu[m]āṟṟiṉiṉṟum
<hi>3 <ta>varinnilattukkumilupp[ai]kkaḻaṉikkunīr pāynta vāykkāl kāṟkolakalattāl itte-<lb break="no"/>varinnilattukkumiluppaikkaḻaṉikkunir<ref t="3:23-8"/> pāyappeṟavumippari[cu]
tevatāṉa[i]ṟai-<lb break="no"/>yiliyākaccilālekai ceytu kuṭuttomeṟpāṭiyāṉa</ta>
<gr>rājāśra</gr><ta>yapurattu nakarat-<lb break="no"/>tom [|*] innakarattār colla eḻutiṉeṉ
innakarakkaraṇattāṉ nārāya-<lb break="no"/>ṇaṉaṭaikkalavaṉeṉ [|*] ivaiyeṉṉeḻattu<ref t="3:23-9"/> ||——itu [pa]ṉmā</ta><gr>bheśva-<lb break="no"/>[ra*]rakṣai<ref t="3:23-10"/>
||——</gr><pb n="3:24"/></hi>
<p>(Line 1.) Hail ! Prosperity ! In the 29th year (<i>of the reign</i>) of the glorious king
<em>Rāja-<lb break="no"/>rāja-Kēsarivarman</em>, <i>alias</i> <em>Śrī-Rājarājadēva</em>,
who, (<i>in</i>) his life of growing strength,<lb/>during which,——(<i>in</i>) the belief that, as
well as the goddess of fortune, the goddess of the<lb/>great earth had become his
wife,——(<i>he</i>) was pleased to destroy the ships (<i>at</i>) <em>Kāndaḷūr-<lb break="no"/>Śālai</em> and conquered by (<i>his</i>) army, which was victorious in great battles,
<em>Vēṅgai-nāḍu,<lb/>Gaṅga-pāḍi, Nuḷamba-pāḍi, Taḍīga-pāḍi, Kuḍamalai-nāḍu,
Kollam, Kaliṅ-<lb break="no"/>gam, Īḻa-maṇḍalam</em>, (<i>the conquest of which</i>) made
(<i>him</i>) famous (<i>in</i>) the eight directions,<lb/>and the seven and a half <i>lakshas</i>
of <em>Iraṭṭa-pāḍi</em>,——deprived the <em>Śeḻiyas</em> of (<i>their</i>) splen-<lb break="no"/>dour at the very moment when <em>Udag[ai]</em>, which is worshipped everywhere, was
(<i>most</i>)<lb/>resplendent;——we, the citizens of <em>Mēṟpāḍi</em>, <i>alias</i>
<em>Rājāśrayapuram</em>, in <em>Tūñāḍu</em>, (<i>a sub-<lb break="no"/>division</i>) of
<em>Perumbāṇa-pāḍi</em> in <em>Jayaṅkoṇḍa-Śōḻa-maṇḍalam</em>, gave land to the
god<lb/><em>Mahādēva</em> (Śiva) of the holy <em>Aṟiñjigai-Īśvara</em>
(<i>temple</i>),——which the lord <em>Śrī-Rāja-<lb break="no"/>rājadēva</em> had been pleased
to build in our city as a resting-place (<i>? paḷḷi-paḍai</i>) for the<lb/>king who fell
asleep<ref t="3:24-1"/> at <em>Āṟṟūr</em>,——for the sacred temple, for the temple
enclosure,<ref t="3:24-2"/> for the<lb/>temple court, for the temple garden, and for the environs
of the temple.<ref t="3:24-3"/></p>
<p>(L. 2.) The (<i>four</i>) boundaries of (<i>this land are</i>) to the west of the river called
<em>Nugā</em>;<lb/>to the north of the limit, eighty-seven rods (<i>in length</i>), of the
high-road which, at a breadth<lb/>of two rods, leads westward from the <em>Nugā</em> river along
the northern extremity of the waste<lb/>land of the garden of the merchant (<i>vyāpārin</i>)
<em>Āchcherumāṉ Vayiramēgaṉ</em>, (<i>who resides</i>)<lb/>in the high-street of
<em>Mummaḍi-Śōḻa</em> in this village; to the east of the street which leads<lb/>up northward
from this limit to <em>Mattavāṇachchēri</em>, (<i>the quarter</i>) of the dancing-girls
of<lb/>the god of the <em>Śōḷēndrasiṁhīśvara</em> (<i>temple</i>); and to the south of the
high-road which, at<lb/>a breadth of four rods, leads eastward to the river called <em>Nugā</em>
along the southern extremity<lb/>of the temple garden on the south of the temple of the lord
<em>Śōḷēndrasiṁhīśvara</em>. The<lb/>land enclosed within these four great boundaries,
(<i>which measures</i>) five thousand one hundred<lb/>and thirty-six and a half <i>kuḻi</i> by the
rod of eighteen spans, by which our village is measured<lb/>and divided, we gave to this god as
tax-free temple land. The channel, a quarter rod in<lb/>breadth, (<i>which flows</i>) through this
land from the river called <em>Nugā</em> (<i>and</i>) supplies water to<lb/>this land and to the
<i>iluppai</i><ref t="3:24-4"/> field of this god, shall (<i>continue to</i>) supply water to this
land<lb/>and to the <i>iluppai</i> field of this god.</p>
<p>(L. 3.) Thus we, the citizens of <em>Mēṟpāḍi</em>, <i>alias</i> <em>Rājāśrayapuram</em>,
having engraved<lb/>(<i>this</i>) on stone, gave (<i>this land</i>) as tax-free temple land. At the
bidding of these citizens, I,<lb/>the accountant (<i>karaṇattāṉ</i>) of this city,
<em>Nārāyaṇaṉ Aḍaikkalavaṉ</em>, wrote (<i>this</i>). This<lb/>is my writing. This (<i>gift
is placed under</i>) the protection of all <i>Māhēśvaras</i>.</p>
<p>The date of this inscription is the same as that of No. 15. The inscription records<lb/>that the
citizens of <em>Mēṟpāḍi</em> granted to the <em>Aṟiñjigai-Īśvara</em> temple the hamlet of
<pb n="3:25"/><lb/><em>Pulikkuṉṟam</em> on the west of the river <em>Nugā</em>,<ref t="3:25-1"/>
on the north of <em>Kukkaṉūr</em>, on the east of<lb/><em>Teṉkoḷḷi</em>, and on the south of
<em>Pālainellūr</em>. Pulikkuṉṟam itself is not found on the<lb/>map; but its southern
boundary, Kukkaṉūr,<ref t="3:25-2"/> is situated on the road from Tiruvallam to<lb/>Mēlpāḍi,
and its western and northern boundaries, Teṉkoḷḷi and Pālainellūr, are probably the<lb/>modern
Tempalle and Śrīpādanellūr.<ref t="3:25-3"/></p>
<hi>1 <gr>svasti śrī</gr> [||*] <ta>tirumakaḷ polapperunilaccelviyuntaṉakkeyurimai
pūṇṭamai<lb/>maṉakkoḷkkāntaḷar•• kkemaṟuttaruḷi<ref t="3:25-4"/>
veṅkaināṭuṅkaṅkapāṭiyun<ref t="3:25-5"/> taṭīka-<lb break="no"/>pā[ṭi]yuṅkuṭamalaināṭuṅkollamuṅkaliṅkamumeṇṭicai pukaḻ
taravīḻamaṇṭala[mu]-<lb break="no"/>miraṭṭapāṭiyeḻaraiyilakkamuntiṇṭiṟal
veṉṟittaṇṭāṟkoṇṭa taṉṉeḻil<lb/>vaḷaruḻi<ref t="3:25-6"/> ellāyāṇṭuntoḻuta[k*]ai
viḷaṅkum yāṇṭe ceḻiyaraitte[cu]<lb/>koḷ
<gr>śrīrājarājade</gr><ta>vaṟku yāṇṭu</ta><lb/> <gr>29</gr> <ta>[ā]vatu
jayaṅkoṇṭacoḻamaṇṭalattupperumpāṇappāṭitturañāṭṭu<ref t="3:25-7"/><lb/>meṟpāṭiyāṉa</ta> <gr>rājāśra</gr><ta>yapurattu nakarattom <ref t="3:25-8"/>[ā]ṟṟurarttu[ñ]ciṉa tevark-<lb break="no"/>kuppaḷḷipaṭaiyāka uṭ[ai]yār</ta>
<gr>śrīrājarājade</gr><ta>var eṅkaḷ nakarattil eṭuppi-<lb break="no"/>ttaruḷiṉa
aṟiñcikaiī</ta><gr>śva</gr><ta>rattu</ta> <gr>ma</gr><ta>hā</ta><gr>de</gr><ta>varkku
veṇṭunivantaṅkaḷukkuttevatā-<lb break="no"/>ṉamāka nāṅkaḷ kuṭutta nilamāva[tu] [|*]
<ref t="3:25-9"/>eṅkaḷarkkuppiṭākaiyākappe[ṟ]-<lb break="no"/>ṟuṭaiya[vūru]kaḷil
maṉaivaḻi kūṟiṭātu nakarappotuvāykkiṭanta [pu]li[k]kuṉ-<lb break="no"/>ṟattukku(kku)kkiḻ[p]āṟkellai<ref t="3:25-10"/> nu[k]āveṉṉumāṟṟukku meṟku[m
<hi>2 <ta>te[ṉpāṟ]kellai kukkaṉūr<ref t="3:25-11"/> ellaikku vaṭakkum [|*] [m]elpāṟkellai
te-<lb break="no"/>[ṉ]koḷḷi ellaikkukkiḻakkum [|*] vaṭapāṟkellai pālainellūr<ref t="3:25-12"/> ellaik-<lb break="no"/>kutteṟkum [|*] innāṟ[p]erellaiyuḷ[ḷu]naṭu[vu]paṭṭa
pulikkuṉṟam <ref t="3:25-13"/>nirni-<lb break="no"/>la[mu]ṅkollaiyuṅkāṭum
uṭpaṭa[vuṇṇilamo]ḻiviṉṟi ippulikkuṉṟattu<lb/>ni[y]ai<ref t="3:25-14"/>
epp[e]rpap[pa]tum<ref t="3:25-15"/> ittevar[k*]ku veṇṭunivantaṅkaḷukkutteva-<lb break="no"/>tāṉa i[ṟ]aiyiliyākaccilālekai ceytu kuṭuttom meṟpā[ṭi]yāṉa</ta> <gr>rā-<lb break="no"/>jāśra</gr><ta>yapurattu nakarattom [|*] nakarattār colla eḻutiṉeṉ
innakarakkara-<lb break="no"/>[ṇa*]tt[ā]ṉ nārāyaṇaṉa[ṭai]kkalava[ṉeṉ] [|*]
[i]v</ta><gr>ai</gr><ta>yeṉṉe[ḻu]ttu<lb/>||——itu paṉmā</ta><gr>bheśva[ra*]rakṣai<ref t="3:25-16"/> ||——</gr></hi>
<p>(Line 1.) Hail ! Prosperity ! In the 29th year (<i>of the reign</i>) of the glorious king
<em>Rāja-<lb break="no"/>rāja-Kēsarivarman</em>, <i>alias</i> <em>Śrī-Rājarājadēva</em>,
who, <i>etc.,</i><ref t="3:25-17"/>——we, the citizens of<lb/><em>Mēṟpāḍi</em>, <i>alias</i>
<em>Rājāśrayapuram</em>, in <em>Tūñāḍu</em>, (<i>a subdivision</i>) of
<em>Perumbaṇa-pāḍi</em> in<lb/><em>Jayaṅkoṇḍa-Śōḻa-maṇḍalam</em>, gave the following
land as temple land for the expenses<lb/>(<i>nibandha</i>) required by (<i>the god</i>)
<em>Mahādēva</em> of the <em>Aṟiñjigai-Īśvara</em> (<i>temple</i>), which the<lb/>lord
<em>Śrī-Rājarājadēva</em> had been pleased to build in our city as a resting-place for the
king<lb/>who fell asleep at <em>Āṟṟūr</em>. The eastern boundary of
<em>Pulikkuṉṟam</em>,——(<i>which is one</i>) among<lb/>the villages that were acquired and belong
to our village as hamlets (<i>piḍāgai</i>), which is not<pb n="3:26"/><lb/>divided into
house-sites (<i>maṉai</i>),<ref t="3:26-1"/> and which is the common property of the
city,——(<i>is</i>) to the<lb/>west of the river called <em>Nugā</em>; the southern boundary
(<i>is</i>) to the north of the boundary of<lb/><em>Kukkaṉūr</em>; the western boundary
(<i>is</i>) to the east of the boundary of <em>Te[ṉ]koḷḷi</em>; and<lb/>the northern boundary
(<i>is</i>) to the south of the boundary of <em>Pālainellūr</em>.</p>
<p>(L. 2.) (<i>The village of</i>) <em>Pulikkuṉṟam</em>, enclosed within these four great
boundaries,——<lb/>the whole land of this <em>Pulikkuṉṟam</em>, including wet land, dry land and
jungle, (<i>and</i>) not<lb/>excluding the cultivated land,<ref t="3:26-2"/>——we, the citizens of
<em>Mēṟpāḍi</em>, <i>alias</i> <em>Rājāśrayapuram</em>,<lb/>gave for the expenses required
by this god, as tax-free temple land, having engraved (<i>this</i>) on<lb/>stone. At the bidding of
the citizens, I, the accountant of this city, <em>Nārāyaṇaṉ Aḍaik-<lb break="no"/>kalavaṉ</em>, wrote (<i>this</i>). This is my writing. This (<i>gift is placed
under</i>) the protection<lb/>of all <i>Māhēśvaras</i>.</p>
<p>This inscription is written in beautiful florid characters, resembling those of the
large<lb/>Leyden grant, but mixed with letters of the usual type, especially after line 12. It is
dated<lb/>in the same year as Nos. 15 and 16, and records the grant of a lamp to the
<em>Aṟiñjīśvara</em><lb/>temple at <em>Mēṟpāḍi</em>.</p>
<hi>1 <gr>svasti śrī</gr> [||*] <ta>tirumakaḷ polapperunilaccelviyu</ta><gr>nta-</gr></hi>
<hi>2 <ta>ṉak[ke]yu[ri]mai pūṇṭamai maṉakkoḷkkā</ta><gr>nta</gr><ta>[ḷū]rccā-</ta></hi>
<hi>3 <ta>[lai] kalamaṟuttaruḷi veṅkaināṭuṅkaṅkapāṭiyum nuḷam[pa]-</ta></hi>
<hi>5 <ta>eṇṭicai pukaḻ
<hi>6 <ta>ṟal veṉṟittaṇṭāṟkoṇṭa taṉṉeḻil <ref t="3:26-3"/>vaḷaravuḻiyellā-</ta></hi>
<hi>7 <ta>yāṇṭu</ta><gr>nto</gr><ta>ḻutakai viḷaṅkum yāṇṭe ceḻiyaraittecu ko-</ta></hi>
<hi>8 <ta>ḷ śrīko</ta> <gr>rājarājarāja</gr><ta>ke</ta><gr>sarivarmmarā</gr><ta>ṉa</ta>
<gr>śrīrājarājade</gr><ta>vaṟku yāṇ[ṭu]</ta></hi>
<hi>9 <gr>[2]9</gr> <ta>āvatu
<hi>10 <ta>meṟpāṭiyāṉa</ta> <gr>rājāśra</gr><ta>yapurattu āṟṟūrttuñciṉa</ta>
<hi>11 <ta>[y]āka uṭaiyār</ta> <gr>śrīrājarājade</gr><ta>var eṭuppittaruḷiṉa
tiruvaṟiñci</ta><gr>śvara</gr><ta>ttu</ta><ref t="3:26-4"/></hi>
<hi>12 <gr>mahāde</gr><ta>vaṟku veṇkuṉṟakkoṭṭattu maruta[n*]āṭṭu veḷḷāḷaṉ
<hi>13 <ta>[kīḻāḷ] muttikaṇṭaṉeṉ vaitta tiruna[n*]tāviḷakku oṉṟiṉukku</ta></hi>
<hi>14 <ta>v[ait]ta cāvā <ref t="3:26-5"/>muvāpperāṭu toṇṇūṟṟāṟuṅkaikkoṇṭu</ta></hi>
<hi>15 <ta>ni[catam] uḻakku ney rājakecariyāl ca</ta><gr>nti</gr><ta>rātittavaṟ
aṭ[ṭu][va*]tāneṉ i-<lb break="no"/>rā[jā]</ta><gr>śra</gr><ta>yapurattu</ta></hi>
<hi>16 <ta>[i]ṭ[aiya]n eṇi keṅkātiraneṉ [||*]</ta></hi>
<p>(Line 1.) Hail ! Prosperity ! In the 29th year (<i>of the reign</i>) of the glorious king
<em>Rāja-<lb break="no"/>rāja-Rājakēsarivarman</em>, <i>alias</i>
<em>Śrī-Rājarājadēva</em>, who, <i>etc.,</i><ref t="3:26-6"/>——I, the cultivator (<i>Veḷ-<lb break="no"/>ḷāḷaṉ</i>) <em>Aruvā-[Kīḻāḷ] Muttigaṇḍaṉ</em> of <em>Marud[a-n]āḍu</em>
in <em>Veṇkuṉṟa-kōṭṭam</em>, gave<pb n="3:27"/><lb/>one perpetual lamp to (<i>the god</i>)
<em>Mahādēva</em> of the holy <em>Aṟiñjīśvara</em> (<i>temple</i>),——which the<lb/>lord
<em>Śrī-Rājarājadēva</em> had been pleased to build as a resting-place for the king who
fell<lb/>asleep at <em>Āṟṟūr</em>, in <em>Mēṟpāḍi</em>, <i>alias</i>
<em>Rājāśrayapuram</em>, (<i>a city</i>) in <em>Tūñāḍu</em>, (<i>a sub-<lb break="no"/>division</i>) of <em>Perumbāṇa-pāḍi</em> in
<em>Jayaṅkoṇḍa-Śōḻa-maṇḍalam</em>,——(<i>and</i>) assigned to<lb/>(<i>this lamp</i>)
ninety-six full-grown ewes, which must neither die nor grow old.<ref t="3:27-1"/></p>
<p>(L. 14.) Having received (<i>these ewes</i>), I, the shepherd <em>Ēṇi Gaṅgādharaṉ</em> of
<em>Rājā-<lb break="no"/>śrayapuram</em>, shall pour out daily, as long as the moon and the sun
endure, (one) <i>uḻakku</i><lb/>of ghee, (<i>measured</i>) by the <i>Rājakēsari</i>).</p>
<p>This inscription is dated in the 9th year of the reign of <em>Parakēsarivarman</em>,
<i>alias</i><lb/><em>Rājēndra-Chōḷadēva</em>. It records that certain shepherds of
<em>Mēṟpāḍi</em> pledged themselves<lb/>to supply ghee for a lamp in the
<em>Aṟiñjīśvara</em> temple. This declaration was made
before<lb/><em>Lakuḷīśvara-Paṇḍita</em>, the head of a <i>Maṭha</i> connected with the
temple. The name<lb/>Lakuḷīśvara is interesting, because it suggests that the <i>Maṭha</i> at
Mēṟpāḍi was a branch<lb/>establishment of the <em>Lakulīśa-Pāśupatas</em> of
<em>Kārōhaṇa</em> in Gujarāt, who are referred<lb/>to in the Cintra <i>praśasti</i>.<ref t="3:27-2"/> The inscription ends with the signature of a local merchant, who<lb/>may have been the
donor of the lamp.</p>
<hi>1 <gr>svasti śrī</gr> [||*] <ta>tiru maṉṉi vaḷara irunilamaṭa</ta><gr>nt</gr><ta>aiyum
poṟcayappāvaiyum <ref t="3:27-3"/>cir-<lb break="no"/>ttaniccelviyu-</ta></hi>
<hi>2 <gr>nta</gr><ta>n pe[ru]</ta><gr>nte</gr><ta>viyarāki[yi]ṉpuṟa neṭituyilūḻiyuḷ<ref t="3:27-4"/> i[ṭ]aituṟaināṭu</ta><gr>n</gr><ta>tu[ṭa]rvanave-<lb break="no"/>lippa-</ta></hi>
<hi>3 <ta>ṭar vanavāciyum cuḷḷi[c*]cūḻmatiṭkoḷḷi[p]pāk[k]aiyum naṇṇaṟkaruma-</ta></hi>
<hi>4 <ta>raṇ maṇṇaikkaṭakka[mu]m po[ru]kaṭaliḻattaraiyar<ref t="3:27-5"/>
<hi>5 <ta>teviyaroṅkeḻil muṭiyumuṉṉavar [pa*]kkaltteṉṉavar [v]aitta</ta></hi>
<ta>cu</ta><gr>nta</gr><ta>ramuṭiyumi</ta><gr>nti</gr><ta>ranāraḻa</ta><gr>nte</gr><ta>ṇṭirai<ref t="3:27-6"/> īḻama-</ta></hi>
<hi>7 <ta>ṇṭala[mu]ḻuvatumeṟipaṭaikkeraḷan [mu]-</ta></hi>
<hi>8 <ta>ṟaimaiyil cūṭuṅkulatanamākiya palar puka-</ta></hi>
<hi>9 <ta>ḻ muṭiyuñceṅkatirmālaiyuñcaṅkatir ve-</ta></hi>
<hi>10 <ta>laittol peruṅkāval palapaḻa</ta><gr>nti</gr><ta>vuñce[ru]-</ta><ref t="3:27-7"/></hi>
<hi>11 <ta>viṟcinavil irupattorukālaraicukaḷai kaṭṭa <ref t="3:27-8"/>paracirāman</ta></hi>
<hi>12 <ta>mevaruñc[ā]</ta><gr>nti</gr><ta>mattivaraṇ<ref t="3:27-9"/> karuti iruttiya
<hi>13 <ta>ttaku muṭiyum payaṅkoṭu paḻi mika [mu]ca[ṅ]kiyil [mu]tukiṭṭoḷitta</ta></hi>
<hi>14 <ta>cayaciṅkaṉ aḷapperum pukaḻoṭu [pī]ṭi ilaṭṭapāṭi eḻarai
<hi>15 <ta>neti[k]ku[la]ppe[ru]malaikaḷumāp[p]e[ru]</ta><gr>nta</gr><ta>ṇ[ṭā]ṟkoṇ[ṭa]
<hi>16 <gr>nma</gr><ta