Cīyamaṅkalam, time of Dantivikramavarman, year 4

Editor: Emmanuel Francis.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSPallava00323.

Summary: Pillar inscription recording the construction of a sluice by Aṭavi from Tiruppālaiyūr.

Hand description:

Language: Tamil.

Repository: Pallava (tfa-pallava-epigraphy).

Version: (96434a9), last modified (72096e2).


⟨1⟩ kō-vicaiya-ta⟨2⟩nti-vikkirama-paru⟨3⟩maṟk¡i!⟨u⟩ yāṇṭu nā⟨4⟩l-āvatu

Ūṟṟu-k⟨5⟩-kāṭṭu-k-kōṭṭattu-p ⟨6⟩ perum-p(ā)lai-Ūr⟨7⟩-t tiru-p-pālai-Ūr ⟨8⟩ kiḻava¡ṉṉ!⟨ṉ⟩ a(ṭa)vi śrī⟨9⟩-kaṅkar¡e!⟨ai⟩yar nērkuṭ⟨10⟩ṭi perumāṉārk=ku vi⟨11⟩ṇṇappañ cey⟨12⟩(t)u ceyvi(tta)tu ⟨13⟩ kumāra-vāy-t tūm⟨14⟩pu

Translation by Emmanuel Francis

(1–4) Fourth year of the victorious king Tantivikkiramaparumaṉ.1

(4–14) Aṭavi, the lord (kiḻavaṉ) of Tiruppālaiyūr in Perumpālaiyūr in the district (kōṭṭam) of Ūṟṟukkāṭu, after having made request to the glorious Gaṅga king, the lord (perumāṉār) Nērkuṭṭi, the sluice (tūmpu) [named] Kumāṟavāy that he had made.


Reported in Chandra 1957 (ARIE/1956-1957/B/1956-1957/131).

Summary in Mahalingam 1988 (IP 323).

This revised edition by Emmanuel Francis, based on autopsy and photos (2019, by Emmanuel Francis).


[IP] Mahalingam, T. V. 1988. Inscriptions of the Pallavas. New Delhi; Delhi: Indian Council of Historical Research; Agam Prakashan. Item 323, page 722.


[ARIE] Chandra, B.C. 1957. Annual report on Indian epigraphy for 1956-57. New Delhi: Manager of Publications (Department of Archaeology). Page 54, appendixes B/1956-1957, item 131.

Srinivasan, K. R. 1964. Cave-temples of the Pallavas. Architectural survey of temples 1. New Delhi: Archaeological Survey of India. Pages 89–94.


  1. 1. Sanskrit Dantivikramavarman.