Tāḻaiyūttu, time of Narasiṁhavarman, year 10

Editor: Emmanuel Francis.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSPallava00300.

Summary: Hero-stone inscription commemorating the death of a hero.

Hand description:

Language: Tamil.

Repository: Pallava (tfa-pallava-epigraphy).

Version: (96434a9), last modified (ec0d260).


⟨1⟩ kō-vicaiya-naraciṅka-paru⟨2⟩maṟku yāṇṭu patt-āvatu

⟨3⟩vēṇṇāṭṭu-k kōval-Ūr araica⟨4⟩r perum-pāṇ¿a?⟨ā⟩ti-y-araicar cēvaka⟨5⟩ṉ ciṟṟupāṭi paṉaiyaṉār maṟi ⟨6⟩ toṟu-k koṇṭa ñāṉṟu ⟨7⟩ paṭ⟨8⟩ṭāṉ


⟨3⟩ kōval-Ūr ⬦ kōvalū Ūr CN.

⟨4⟩ °pāṇ¿a?⟨ā⟩ti° ⬦ °pāṇati° CN.

Translation by Emmanuel Francis

(1–2) Tenth [year] of the victorious king Narasiṁhavarman.

(2–8) Paṉaiyaṉār of Ciṟṟupāṭi, the servant [of] Perum-pāṇāti-y-araicar, the king [of] Kōvalūr in Mīvēṇṇāṭu, fell when seizing sheep (maṟi1) [and] cattle.


Edited in Nākacāmi 1972 (CN 1971/73). Text and summary in Mahalingam 1988 (IP 300).

This digital edition by Emmanuel Francis, based on Nākacāmi 1972.


[CN] Nākacāmi, Irā. 1972. Ceṅkam naṭukaṟkaḷ. TNSDA publication 21. Ceṉṉai: Tamiḻnāṭu Aracu tolporuḷ Āyvuttuṟai. Item 1971/73.

[IP] Mahalingam, T. V. 1988. Inscriptions of the Pallavas. New Delhi; Delhi: Indian Council of Historical Research; Agam Prakashan. Page 693, item 300.


  1. 1. Mahalingam 1988 considers Maṟi as the second part of the name of the deceased hero, that is, Paṉaiyaṉār Maṟi.