Tiruvoṟṟiyūr, time of Aparājitavarman, year 4

Editor: Emmanuel Francis.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSPallava00238.

Summary: Donation of gold for maintaining a perpetual lamp.

Hand description:

The puḷḷi in the form of a wavy wedge is used almost consistently. Medial i and ī, u and ū interchangeable.

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: Pallava (tfa-pallava-epigraphy).

Version: (350e545), last modified (ee4d0a2).


⟨1⟩ svasti śrī

kō-vicaiya-Aparāji⟨2⟩(ta)-va(r)mmaṟku yāṇ·ṭu nāl-āvatu

peru-naṅ(·)⟨3⟩k(ai) makaṉ(·) vayira-mēkaṉ-ākiya vāṇa-kō⟨4⟩(-v-a)rayar bhogi Amat·ti-y-āyiṉa kuṟu⟨5⟩(mpa)-kōḷali tiru-v-oṟ·ṟiyūr mahāde⟨6⟩vark(·)k’ oru nandā viḷak·k’ erip(·)pataṟku vai⟨7⟩(t·)ta poṉ ūr(·)-k·-kaṟ· cem(·)mai mu-p(·)-patiṉ· ⟨8⟩ (ka)ḻañ·cu

Ip(·)-poṉ· koṇ(·)ṭu kaṭavōn ⟨9⟩ tiru-v-oṟ·ṟiyūr·-p· puṟat·tu Ātam⟨10⟩pāk(·)kattu sabhaiyōmum Amṛta-ga⟨11⟩ṇat·tōmum·

Ip·-poṉ·ṉāl yā⟨12⟩ṇ·ṭu-varai kaḻañ(·)ciṉ· vāy· (m)¡(u)!(ū)ṉ·ṟu ma⟨13⟩ñ(·)cāṭi-p(·) poṉ· palicai-y-āka Iv·v-ā⟨14⟩(·)ṭai Aip·pikai mutal āṟ-āṟu tiṅ(·)kaḷil i⟨15⟩ru-(ka)ḻañ(·)cē-y(·) kāṟ cey(·)tu poṉ(·)ṉun ti⟨16⟩(ru)-viḷak(·)ku ney(·)k ācantra-kālamu nilai-p⟨17⟩poli-y-(ū)(·)ṭ-āka-t· tiru-(v)-o(ṟ·ṟiyūr ā)ṇi(k·kī)[ḻē]

[unknown number of lost lines]


⟨3⟩ makaṉ(·)makaṉ SII • The final looks like , as it appears to have a long vertical stroke on the right, but this might just be a defect in the stone.

⟨12⟩ (m)¡(u)!(ū)ṉ·ṟu ⬦ muṉṟu SII • The stone is currently partly covered with cement at this place.

⟨16⟩ ney(·)k ācantra-kālamu ⬦ neykk ācantra-kālamu SII.

⟨17⟩ poli-y-(ū)(·)ṭ-āka-t· tiru-(v)-o(ṟ·ṟiyūr ā)ṇi(k·kī)[ḻē]poliyūṭṭākat tiruvoṟṟiyūr āṇi (ki) SII • The stone is currently partly covered with cement at this place.

Translation by Emmanuel Francis

(1) Prosperity! Fortune!

(1–2) Fourth year of the victorious king Aparājitavarmaṉ.1

(2–8) The gold that ... has given for burning a perpetual lamp for the Mahādeva of Tiruvoṟṟiyūr: tirthy kaḻañcus ...

(8–10) We are bound to take this gold, we, the members of the assembly, and we, the Amṛtagaṇattārs of Ātampākkam ...

(11–17) With this gold ...

[unknown number of lost lines]


See DHARMA_INSPallava00239.

(10) On the Amṛtagaṇattār, see DHARMA_INSPallava00239.

(17) Venkatasubba Ayyar 1943 notes: “The inscription stops here.”


Reported in Krishna Sastri 1913 (ARIE/1912-1913/B/1912/158).

Edited in Venkatasubba Ayyar 1943 (SII 12.87), with visual documentation. Text and summary in Mahalingam 1988 (IP 238).

This revised edition by Emmanuel Francis, based on photos (2019, by Emmanuel Francis).


[SII] Venkatasubba Ayyar, V. 1943. South Indian inscriptions. Volume XII: The Pallavas (with introductory notes in English). South Indian Inscriptions 12. Madras: Government Press. Page 37, item 87.

[IP] Mahalingam, T. V. 1988. Inscriptions of the Pallavas. New Delhi; Delhi: Indian Council of Historical Research; Agam Prakashan. Pages 599–601, item 238.


Krishna Sastri, H. 1913. G.O. No. 961, 2nd August 1913. Epigraphy. Recording the progress report of the Assistant Archaeological Superintendent for [Epigraphy], Southern Circle, for the year 1912-1913. No place. Page 23, appendix B/1912, item 158.


  1. 1. Sanskrit Aparājitavarman.