Maṭam, time of Kampavikramavarman, year 26

Editor: Emmanuel Francis.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSPallava00232.

Summary: Recording a donation of land after purchase, for maintaining a village tank.

Hand description:

Language: Tamil.

Repository: Pallava (tfa-pallava-epigraphy).

Version: (350e545), last modified (2bfad85).


⟨1⟩ kō-vicaiya-kampa-vikkirama-parumaṟk¡i!⟨u⟩ ⟨2⟩ yāṇṭu Irupatt’ āṟ-āvatu

pa⟨3⟩l-kuṉṟa-k-kōṭṭattu teṉṉāṟṟū⟨4⟩r-nāṭṭu-k kuḷattūr vāṇiyar caya-va⟨5⟩llavaṉ kuḷattūr Ūrār pakkal vi⟨6⟩ṟṟu-k koṇṭu Ēri-⟨p⟩-paṭṭi ceyta caḻai⟨7⟩yāppāṟai-c ceṟuvu Ēri-p-paṭṭi ceytatu

⟨8⟩ Itukku Eṉṟu(m) kuttukkāl kātt’ ū⟨9⟩ṭṭiṉṉā⟨r⟩ Aṭi-y eṉ muṭi mēl

Translation by Emmanuel Francis

(1–2) Twenty-sixth year of the victorious king Kampavikkiramaparumaṉ.1

(4–9) The Caḻaiyāppāṟai field that Cayavallavaṉ, a merchant [from] Kuḷattūr in the Teṉṉāṟṟūrnaṭu in the Palkuṉṟakōṭṭam, made as land for the tank, after buying it from the villagers of Kuḷattūr, has been made as land for the tank.

(9–12) The feet of he who ... to this are on my head.


Reported in Krishna Sastri 1919 (ARIE/1918-1919/C/1919/283).

Edited in Venkatasubba Ayyar 1943 (SII 12.110). Text and summary in Mahalingam 1988 (IP 232).

This digital edition by Emmanuel Francis, based on previous edition(s).


[SII] Venkatasubba Ayyar, V. 1943. South Indian inscriptions. Volume XII: The Pallavas (with introductory notes in English). South Indian Inscriptions 12. Madras: Government Press. Page 52, item 110.

[IP] Mahalingam, T. V. 1988. Inscriptions of the Pallavas. New Delhi; Delhi: Indian Council of Historical Research; Agam Prakashan. Page 591, item 232.


Krishna Sastri, H. 1919. G.O. No. 1003, 16th August 1919. Epigraphy. Recording, with remarks, the progress report of the Assistant Archaeological Superintendent for epigraphy, Southern Circle, for the year 1918-1919. No place. Page 72, appendix C/1919, item 283.


  1. 1. Sanskrit Kampavikramavarman.