Uttiramērūr, Vaikuṇṭhaperumāḷ, time of Kampavarman, year 6

Editor: Emmanuel Francis.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSPallava00199.

Summary: Larger platform, southern base.

Hand description:

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: Pallava (tfa-pallava-epigraphy).

Version: (11fdc49), last modified (1187001).


⟨1⟩ (sva)sti śrī

kō-vic(a/ai)‡ya-kampa-va(r)mmaṟku yāṇṭ’ āṟ-āvatu

kāliyūr-k-kōṭṭatt‡u taṉ kūṟṟ’ uttaramēru-catu(r)vvedi-maṅkalattu sabhai¡mm!⟨m⟩ eḻuttu

Emm(u/ū)r śrī-govarddhaṉatt‡u mahāviṣṇu¡kk!⟨k⟩aḷukku Arccaṉā-bhoga(m-ā)ka viṣṇu-c-cēri-p piṇikki-p-puṟattu śrī-datta-kramavittaṉ tāṉ-uṭaiya paṅku[m] ⟨2⟩ Iraṇṭām pāṭaka-n¡i!⟨ī⟩k‡kiya maṉaiyum śravaṇaiyum uḷḷiṭṭa Ōru paṅkum I‡t-tēvarkkē keśava-c-cēri kurava-śrī-viṣṇu-c-catu⟨r⟩vvedi-bhaṭṭar Arccaṉā-bhogam-āka-k kuṭutta mutaṟ kuṭum‡piṭṭu-t talai-p pāṭakam śrī-dhara-vā⟨y⟩kkā⟨li⟩ṉ kar‡ai Iru-nūṟṟu nāṟpatu kuḻiyum Ip-bhūmi It-taṉaiyum A(rcca)ṉā-[bhoga][m]

⟨3⟩ śrī-govarddha⟨ṉa⟩t‡tu peru(mā)ṉaṭikaḻukku Oru nandāviḷakkum ciṟu‡kālai Oru tiru-v-amirtuṅ kāṭṭi Ārādhitt’ uṇ=ṇa Uṭaiyaṉ-āka mēlūr-k-kōṭṭattu mēlūr ‡ vaikhānasaśrī-dhara-bhaṭṭaṉ makaṉ tām‡ōtira-paṭṭaṉukku nām n¡i!⟨ī⟩roṭu Āṭṭi Ivaṉ-uṭaiya Anvayam-ē-y [u]⟨4⟩ṇ=ṇa Uṭaiyaṉ-āka‡-k kuṭutta Iv-arccaṉā-bhogam-āyiṉa Ip-bhūmiyāl vanta Eppērppaṭṭa Iṟaiyuṅ kāṭṭu-k kuṭuppōm āka ivaṉ (pa)kkal po‡ṉ koṇṭōm

I-bhūmiyāl vanta Ep‡pērppaṭṭa Iṟaiyuṅ kāṭṭa-p pe(ṟ)ātōm āṉōm mēl-col⟨5⟩lappaṭṭa Utta‡ramēru-c-caturvvedi-maṅkalattu sabhaiyōm

sa‡bhaiy iruntu paṇippa likhittē¡n!⟨ṉ⟩ Ut=tarameru-p-perun-taccaṉ-ēṉ

– kurukṣetrattu dha‡rmma⟨m⟩ Iṟakkināṉai sabhaiyōmēy I⟨ru⟩pa⟨t⟩t’ aiṅ-kaḻañcu po¡n!⟨ṉ⟩ maṉṟuvom āṉom


⟨1⟩ (sva)sti śrīsvasti śrī SII. — ⟨1⟩ °vic(a/ai)‡ya° ⬦ °vi(ca)ya° SII. — ⟨1⟩ °kōṭṭatt‡u ⬦ °kōṭṭat(tu) SII. — ⟨1⟩ Emm(u/ū)r ⬦ Emmūr SII. — ⟨1⟩ Arccaṉā-bhoga(m-ā)ka ⬦ Arccaṉā-bhogam-āka SII. — ⟨1⟩ tāṉ-uṭaiya ⬦ (ṉu)ṭaiya SII. — ⟨1⟩ paṅku[m]paṅku[m] SII.

⟨2⟩ °n¡i!⟨ī⟩k‡kiya ⬦ °ni(k)kiya SII. — ⟨2⟩ °catu⟨r⟩vvedi°°caturvvedi° SII. — ⟨2⟩ °vā⟨y⟩kkā⟨li⟩ṉ ⬦ °vākkā⟨li⟩ SII. — ⟨2⟩ kar‡ai ⬦ ka(r)ai SII. — ⟨2⟩ A(rcca)ṉā-[bhoga][m]Arccaṉā-(bhoga)(m) SII.

⟨3⟩ Āṭṭi ⬦ Aṭṭi SII. — ⟨3⟩ Anvayam-ē-y [u]Anvayam-ē-y (yu) SII.

⟨4⟩ pe(ṟ)ātōm ⬦ peṟātōm SII.

⟨5⟩ Ut=tarameru-p-perun-taccaṉ-ēṉ ⬦ Utarameru-p-perun-taccaṉ-ēṉ SII. — ⟨5⟩ kurukṣetrattu ⬦ kurukṣetrattu SII. — ⟨5⟩ dha‡rmma⟨m⟩dharma SII

Translation by Emmanuel Francis

(1) Prosperity! Fortune!

(1) Sixth year of the victorious king Kampavarmaṉ.1

(1) Writ/Writings of us, the members of the assembly of Uttaramerucaturvedimaṅgala in the Kāliyūrkkōṭṭam and in the same division.

(1–2) For the honourable Mahāviṣṇu of the glorious Govardhana in our village, as arcanābhoga: [of] the glorious Dattakramavitta of Piṇikkipuṟam in Viṣṇu-cēri, [one] share of his (tāṉ-uṭaiya paṅkum), ¿less the second plot? (iraṇṭām pāṭaka nīkkiya) and one share comprising (uḷḷiṭṭa) the house-plots (maṉaiyum) and the ¿Śravaṇā? (śravaṇaiyum) (mutaṟ kuṭumpiṭṭu), the principal plot (talai-p pāṭakam), which Keśava-cēri Kurava-śrī-viṣṇu-caturvedi-bhaṭṭa gave, for this god, as arcanā-bhoga, that is, two hundred fourty kuḻis (on) the bank of the Śrīdhara canal; that much (it-taṉai) of this land [is meant as] arcanābhoga.

(3–4) For the Perumāṉaṭikaḷ of the glorious Govardhana, so that ― for feeding (uṇṇa) [him], worshipping (ārādhittu) and offering (kāṭṭi) one perpetual lamp (nandāviḷakkum) and one glorious amṛta (that is, food offering) at early dawn (ciṟu-kālai) ― we give and provide (kāṭṭu-k kuṭuppōm) the entire taxes, of whatsoever kind, that come (vanta) through this land which is this arcanābhoga (iv-arccaṉā-bhogam-āyiṉa) that we (nām) have conferred (kuṭutta), bathing [his hands] with water (nīroṭu āṭṭi), to Dāmodira-bhaṭṭa, son of the glorious Vaikhānasa Dharabhaṭṭa of Mēlūr in Mēlūr-k-kōṭṭam, ¿as owner? (uṭaiyaṉ-āka), so that his lineage (anvayam), ¿as owner? (uṭaiyaṉ-āka), [also] feeds [the god in this way], [so that we do all the above,] we have received gold from him.

(4–5) We, the members of the assembly of Uttaramerucaturvedimaṅgala, above-mentioned, will not perceive (kāṭṭa-p peṟātōm āṉōm2) the entire taxes, of whatsoever kind, that come through this land.

(5) While, sitting in assembly, they (that is, the members of the assembly) [so] ordered, I, the great carpenter of Uttarameru, wrote [this].

(5) He who destroys (iṟakkināṉai) this pious act (dharma) [performed in] Kurukṣetra, We, the members of the assembly, will fine (maṉṟuvōm āṉōm3) [him] twenty-five kaḻañcus of gold.


(3) n¡i!⟨ī⟩roṭu Āṭṭi. Gift ritual.

(3–4) Ivaṉ-uṭaiya Anvayam-ē-y [u]ṇ=ṇa. This means the transaction (land assignment) is hereditary.

(5) The text engraved after the space left blank, from kurukṣetrattu onwards, is less deeply engraved and appears to have been added later. This seems confirmed by the hyphen "–" used right after perun-taccaṉ-ēṉ (indicating there that there is an addition) and right before kurukṣetrattu (indicating there the beginning of the addition).


Reported in Hultzsch 1898 (ARIE/1897-1898/B/1898/64).

Edited in Subrahmanya Aiyer 1928 (SII 6.347). Text and summary in Mahalingam 1988 (IP 199).

This revised edition by Emmanuel Francis, from autopsy and photos (2019).


[SII] Subrahmanya Aiyer, K. V. 1928. South-Indian inscriptions (texts). Volume VI: Miscellaneous inscriptions from the Tamil, Telugu and Kannada countries. South Indian Inscriptions 6. Calcutta: Governement of India, Central Publication Branch. Page 162, item 347.

[IP] Mahalingam, T. V. 1988. Inscriptions of the Pallavas. New Delhi; Delhi: Indian Council of Historical Research; Agam Prakashan. Pages 533–534, item 199.


[ARIE] Hultzsch, Eugen Julius Theodor. 1898. G.O. Nos. 1093-1096, 29th August 1898. Epigraphy. Directing that the annual report of the Government Epigraphist for 1897-98 be forwarded to the Government of India, approving provisionally his programme of work for the next fields season. Madras: Government of Madras, Public Department. Page 18, appendix B/1898, item 64.


  1. 1. Sanskrit Kampavarman.
  2. 2. Literally: we have become those who have not obtained to provide.
  3. 3. Literally: we have become those who fine.