Koṭumpāḷūr, Aivarkōyil, time of Parakesarivarman, year 6

Editor: Emmanuel Francis.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSKotumpalur00005.

Summary: Donation of gold for the upkeep of a perpetual lamp for the Mahādeva of the Aintaḷi at Koṭumpāḷūr by Tāḻi Cattaṉ alias Rāciṅkappallavaraiyaṉ for the merit of/on behalf of Tāḻi Aṟañcikai.

Hand description:

The puḷḷi is regularly used, but not consistently. Note the rare occurrence of initial ai.

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: Koṭumpāḷūr (tfa-kotumpalur-epigraphy).

Version: (be0ce40), last modified (e8ce250).


⟨1⟩ ⟨Block a⟩ svasti śrī

kō-p-parakēcari-paṉ(·)ma(r)kku yāṇṭu Āṟāvatu

Uṟattūr-k-kūṟṟat(tu) ⟨Block b⟩ k(o)ṭum·pāḷūr tiru-Ai⟨2⟩ ⟨Block a⟩ ntaḷi mātēvarkku Oru nontā viḷakkiṉukku tāḻi Aṟañcikaiy cāt(t)i tāḻi (ca) ⟨Block b⟩ [t]ta¡n!⟨ṉ⟩¡n!⟨ṉ⟩a rāciṅkapalla⟨3⟩ ⟨Block a⟩ varaiyaṉ· vaitta poṉ· pattu

vaṇ·ṇakkaru(n) tēvakaṉ·mikaḷum· kai-va(ḻ)i ⟨Block b⟩ c(e)ṉ·ṟatu

Itu paṉmāhe⟨4⟩ ⟨Block a⟩ śvara-rakṣai


⟨1⟩ Āṟāvatu ⬦ Āṟā(ā)vatu SII • What is meant by Swaminathan 2012 by this reading is unclear.

⟨2⟩ cāt(t)i ⬦ c(ā)tti SII. — ⟨2⟩ (ca)[t]ta¡n!⟨ṉ⟩- ⬦ c¿a?⟨ā⟩ttan- SIIcattaṉ (Skt. śatta-) and cāttaṉ (Skt. śāstṛ-) both make sense. — ⟨2⟩ rāciṅkapalla⟨3⟩varaiyaṉ· ⬦ rāciṅka⟨3⟩pallavaraiyaṉ SII.

⟨3⟩ vaṇ·ṇakkaru(n)vaṇ·ṇakkaru SII • Reading vaṇ·ṇakkaru is possible, but vaṇ·ṇakkarun is expected and it seems that the of tēvakaṉ· is in fact n tē. — ⟨3⟩ c(e)ṉ·ṟatu ⬦ ceṉ·ṟatu SII.

Translation by Emmanuel Francis

(1) Prosperity! Fortune!

(1) Sixth year of the king Parakesarivarman.

(1–3) [There are] ten poṉs that Tāḻi Cattaṉ1alias Rāciṅkappallavaraiyaṉ gave for a perpetual lamp for the Mahādeva of the Aintaḷi at Koṭumpāḷūr in the Uṟattūrkkūṟṟam for the merit of/on behalf of Tāḻi Aṟañcikai.

(3) [This donation] went in the hands2 [of] the coin-testers and the temple officials.

(3–4) This [donation is under] the protection of the Paṉmāheśvaras.


(2) rāciṅkapallavaraiyaṉ. Naraciṅkapallavaraiyaṉ is possibly meant. The incorrect spelling might have been caused by the preceding word āna (that is, āṉa).


Reported in Krishnamacharlu and Laksminarayan Rao 1952 (ARIE/1939-1943/B/1940-1941/212).

Edited by Swaminathan 2012 (SII 32.2.37).

This edition by Emmanuel Francis (2020).


[SII] Swaminathan, S. 2012. South Indian inscriptions. Volume XXXII: inscriptions of the early Chola kings upto Uttama Chola. South Indian Inscriptions 32. New Delhi: Archaeological survey of India (Director General). Part II, pages 131–132, item 37.


[ARIE] Krishnamacharlu, C. R. and N. Laksminarayan Rao. 1952. Annual reports on South Indian epigraphy for the years 1939-40 to 1942-43. Delhi: Government of India. Page 99, appendixes B/1940-41, item 212.


  1. 1. Alternatively emend to Cāttaṉ.
  2. 2. That is, "is under the supervision".