Kudutani Durgēśvari Temple Inscription, Śaka 897

Editors: Samana Gururaja, R. Shama Shastry.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSKalyanaCalukya00005.

Language: Kannada.

Repository: Kalyāṇa Cālukya (tfb-kalyanacalukya-epigraphy).

Version: (3e70a08), last modified (5b1e6a4).


I. Anuṣṭubh

⟨1⟩ namas-sura-narābhīṣṭa-


kāriṇē śakti-dāriṇe




bhānavē śiva-sūnavē ||


svasti sama⟨3⟩sta-bhuvanāśraya śrī-pṛthvī-vallabha-mahārājā⟨4⟩dhirāja paramēśvara paramabhaṭṭārakaṁ śatyāśraya-kuḷa-ti⟨5⟩ḷakaṁ cāḷukyābharaṇaṁ śrīmad-āhavamalla-dēvara vija⟨6⟩ya-rājyaṁ uttarōttarābhivṛddhi pravardhamānam-ā⟨7⟩caṁdrārka-tārāṁbaraṁ saluttim-ire ||

svastyanavarata-vinata⟨8⟩bhuvana-jana-manōbhivāṁcchita-phaḷa-prakara-prasū⟨9⟩[ti]-hētu-bhūta-pādāravinda-vinamita-śatānanda-gaṁdha-mādava ⟨10⟩ [ca. 1*] gandha-sindhura-skaṁdāsanāsīna-mayūra-dhvaja-virājamāna ⟨11⟩ [ca. 2*]nikhiḷa-dēśāyāta-kārpāṭika-kadaṁba-kēḷī-vinō⟨12⟩[ca. 2×]ja-prasāda śrīmat-svāmidēvara pāda-padmōpajīvi ⟨13⟩ [ca. 2*]pōvanādhipati śrīmad-daṁḍāsanī gadhādāra-brahma⟨14⟩[ca. 2*]jādhyakṣamaṁ sthānad’ ayd’ avarga ⟨15⟩ [ḷ śaka]-varṣa 897 neya yuva-saṁvatsarada ⟨16⟩ [ca. 3*]ne śukravāra śrī svāmidēvara sannidhānado⟨17⟩[ca. 4*]maṁ māḍida haṁpaṅa-bhaṭṭōpādhyāya ⟨18⟩ nālvar kkarma brahmapuri brāhmaṇa ⟨19⟩ [ca. 4*]vara rājadhāni koṭṭitoṇeya pola ⟨20⟩ [ca. 4*]sa padinālku mattara lekk’ ade mattaru ⟨21⟩ [ca. 3*]kēriya bhairava-dēvargge mattar nnā ⟨22⟩ [ca. 3*]geyya taṟeyumaṁ Ā kēriya ⟨23⟩ [ca. 2*]hāram āgi biṭṭaru viśēṣaṁ ⟨24⟩ [ca. 3*] mānya [ca. 3*] Ī dharmama ⟨25⟩ [ca. 3*] yalu sāsira kavile ⟨26⟩ [ca. 3*] dōśa sāmānyōyaṁ ⟨27⟩ [ca. 4*] anīyō bhava ⟨28⟩ [ca. 3*] yōbhūyo ⟨29⟩ [ca. 4*] rāja ⟨30⟩ [ca. 4*] ta [ca. 1*]


Translation by Samana Gururaja

Obeisance to the goddess who is beloved by gods and men, the one who bestows power, she who is a sun to the darkness caused by transmigration, she who was brought forth by Śiva.

(2–7) Benediction. As the victorious rule of Āhavamalla-deva — the refuge of the entire world, lord of the earth, king of kinds, supreme lord, most venerable, ornament to the Satyāśraya family, ornament to the Cāḷukyas — was growing, attaining new heights of prosperity; as long as the moon, sun, and stars exist in the sky

(7–14) Benediction. He who brings forth the cause of being according to the fruit that is desired by the minds of the people of the world continuously and humbly, whose lotus-feet cause bowing […] the fragrant sweet […] a fragrant elephant seated in the skanda posture, one who is waving a peacock banner […] a ¿pilgrim who travels the entire realm?[…] a plantain tree […]the consecrated offering born of the […] was Svāmidēva — one sustained by his lotus feet was the eminent Daṇḍasāni, the ruler of the hermitage, weilder of a mace, administrator of […]; the […] which was made by the five representatives of the institution […]

(15–24) in the śaka year 897, which was yuva samvatsara, on the […]th Friday, in the presence of Svāmidēva[…] the four actors of Hampaṇa-bhaṭṭōpādhya[…] the brahmans of the the brahmin residence of […]’s capital at Koṭṭitoṇe, in the wetland [of Koṭṭitoṇe][…] the count of fourteen mattar. For the deity Bhairava of the […]street the same mattar; four mattar[…] the decision of[…]; of that street, they released the land for livelihood […] specifically as the land assigned to brahmans.

(25–26) He who[…] this grant[…] a thousand brown cows

(26–29) [This [grant] which is a bridge of dharma for kings, from time to time is to be maintained by you, all the kings who are partaking of it, [as] requested again and again by Rāmabhadra.]




[S] Shama Sastry, R. and N. Lakshminarayan Rao. 1939. South-Indian inscriptions (texts). Volume IX, Part I: Kannada inscriptions from the Madras Presidency. South Indian Inscriptions 9.1. Delhi: Manager of Publications. Pages 44–45.