Walandit A

Editor: Marine Schoettel.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSIDENKWalanditA.

Language: Old Javanese.

Repository: Nusantara Epigraphy (tfc-nusantara-epigraphy).

Version: (0daa6bf), last modified (f510d28).


⟨Page 1r⟩⟨left: 1 ⟨1r1⟩ // vrūhanekaṅ āṅlakoni hanagiḥ titiL̥man· riṁ valaṇḍit·, yen andikaniṅo(ṁ), de⟨1r2⟩ne kaṅ deśa hiṁ valaṇḍit·, mamaṅgis·, lili, jəbiṁ, kacaba,

I rehane luvara dene ha⟨1r3⟩nagiḥ titiL̥man·, I rehekaṅ deśa I valaṇḍit deśa Ila-hila, hulun hyaṅira saṁ hyaṁ ⟨1r4⟩ ⟨gunuṁ⟩¡guṇuṁ! brāhma, Iku ta havaL̥ra sakvehiṅ voṁ sakahuban deniṅ deśa I valaṇḍit·, ta⟨1r5⟩n· katagiha titiL̥man·, Ayo tinatab·, I rehiṅ deśa Ila-Ila,

kaṁ rājamūdra ye⟨Page 1v⟩⟨1v1⟩n uvus (kavaca, kagugona) dene kaṁ voṁ valaṇḍit·, tithi, māsa, ka, 5, śiraḥ 3, //



This inscription is composed in a variety of Middle Javanese language attested in a small group of charters of the turn of the fifteenth century (Patapan, Sailamandi, Renek, Biluluk). In its phonology, the Old Javanese diphthongs ya and wa have systematically been collapsed to the Middle Javanese e and o.

Gunung Brāhma is of course Mount Bromo in the Tengger Massif.


First edited by Brandes, then reedited by Boechari (1985-1986, p. 112, № E.28); re-edited here by Marine Schoettel from the estampage of the plate made available by the Museum Nasional Indonesia.


NBG 1914. Notulen van de Algemeene en Bestuurs-vergaderingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen: Deel LII — 1914. Batavia; 's-Gravenhage: Kolff & Co.; Nijhoff, 1915. Volume LII, pages 44–45, 52, 192.