
Editor: Marine Schoettel.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSIDENKSatyapura.

Hand description:

The hand seems similar to inscriptions of the late fourteenth century, early fifteenth, albeit with less flourish than those of the Eastern kraton. Cakras and viramas descending below the x-line are particularly emphasized, stretching in long horizontal threads below the line.

Languages: Old Javanese, Sanskrit.

Repository: Nusantara Epigraphy (tfc-nusantara-epigraphy).

Version: (493a065), last modified (f510d28).


⟨Page 15r⟩

⟨15r1⟩ vat ikaṁ vvaṁ tan magəhakən tan akmit ike saṁ hyaṅ ājñā haji praśāsti, kmitani saṁ hyaṁ dharmmeṅ satyapurā, sāvakanya, mon br¡a!⟨ā⟩hmaṇa, ⟨15r2⟩ kṣatriya, vaiśya, ⟨śūdra⟩¡ṣudra!, piṁhe, vahuta rama, Asiṁ sakavvaṅanya, yāvat umulah-ulaḥ pagəḥnyānugraha śrī mahārāja, ta⟨15r3⟩smāt· kabvataknanya, patyananta hyaṁ kamuṁ hyaṁ, deyantat patīya, tan panoliha ri vuntat·, tan tiṅhala ri likuran· ⟨15r4⟩ taruṁ riṁ paṅadəgan·, tāmpyal· ri hiriṅan·, Uvahi ri təṅənan·, tutuh uṇḍu hatinya, rantan ususnya, vətvakən daL̥manya, si⟨15r5⟩va¡k!⟨k k⟩apālanya, paṅan dagiṁnya, Inum raḥnya, pəpədakən· vkasakən prāṇāntika, maṅkana yan pareṅ alas·, paṅanən iṁ moṁ, sahu⟨Page 15v⟩⟨left: 15⟨15v1⟩tən iṅ ulā mandhi, yapvan pareṁ tgal· sambəR̥n iṁ glap·, yapvan pareṁ vve, saṁhapən iṁ vuhaya, Alapən iṁ daL̥m er·, Umu⟨15v2⟩ṅgv iṅ umaḥ, Av¡u!⟨ū⟩ka tan təmu s¡a!⟨ā⟩ma, saṁsāra tan pabisa //

yāvac chandraś cha sūryyaś cha, bhuvanāni prakāśate // den kadi ¡lavasaṁ!⟨lavas saṁ⟩ ⟨15v3⟩ hyaṁ candrāditya, sumnəṅ aṇḍabhuvana, maṅkana lavasanikaṁ vvaṅ amuktya saṁsāra riṅ ihatra paratra, phalanyan anyā(y)apravr̥tti⟨15v4⟩nya, yan ahyun anirṇnakna saṁ hyaṅ ājñā haji praśāsti, śrī vikramavarddhanalăñchaṇa, kmitanikanaṁ dharmmeṁ satyapurā, maṅkana ⟨15v5⟩ rasany ānugraha pāduka śrī mahārāja // 0 //

Om̐ vāgīśvaryyai namaḥ, siddhir astu, O[ṁ] // o //


⟨15r1⟩ vat • The last akṣara of the preceding plate would probably have been , thus forming the word yāvat.

⟨15r2⟩ kṣatriya ⬦ ksatriya Boechari 1985–1986. — ⟨15r2⟩ vaiśya ⬦ vaśya Boechari 1985–1986. — ⟨15r2⟩ sakavvaṅanya ⬦ sakavvanaṅnya Boechari 1985–1986.

⟨15r2-3⟩ tasmāt ⬦ smat Boechari 1985–1986 • Boechari altogether omits akṣara ta standing at the end of line 2.

⟨15r4⟩ taruṁ ⬦ tarun Boechari 1985–1986.

⟨15r5⟩ moṁ ⬦ moṇ Boechari 1985–1986.

⟨fw15v⟩ 1514 Boechari 1985–1986.

⟨15v1⟩ vve, • Boechari omits the punctuation.

⟨15v2⟩ chandraś chacandraś ca Boechari 1985–1986. — ⟨15v2⟩ sūryyaś cha • Boechari omits these two words. — ⟨15v2⟩ prakāśateprakāsate Boechari 1985–1986.

⟨15v3⟩ hyaṁ ⬦ hyan Boechari 1985–1986. — ⟨15v3⟩ paratra ⬦ parabra Boechari 1985–1986. — ⟨15v3⟩ phalanyan ⬦ palanya- Boechari 1985–1986.

⟨15v4⟩ -lăñchaṇa ⬦ -lañcaṇa Boechari 1985–1986. — ⟨15v4⟩ satyapurā ⬦ satyapura Boechari 1985–1986.

⟨15v5⟩ vāgīśvaryyai ⬦ vāgīśvaryai ya Boechari 1985–1986. — ⟨15v5⟩ siddhir astu, O[ṁ] • Boechari omits the punctuation.

Translation by Marine Schoettel

Whenever there are people who do not comply, do not guard, the contents of the holy royal decree in the form of a charter, which is given in custody to the holy royal foundation at Satyapurā, whatever be their condition, whether brahmins, kṣatriyas, traders or farmers, servants, piṅhes, vahuta chiefs, any man whatever his position, inasmuch as he tampers with the stability of the Great King’s grant, on that account he will suffer the results of his actions,



First edited by Brandes (1913, pp. 255–256, № CXX), edited again by Boechari (1985–1986, pp. 100–101, № E.37); re-edited here by Marine Schoettel from estampages of the Museum Nasional Indonesia.