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10 <titleStmt>
· <title>Sanga</title>
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15 <name>Eko Bastiawan</name>
· </persName>
· <persName ref="part:argr">
· <forename>Arlo</forename>
· <surname>Griffiths</surname>
20 </persName>
· </respStmt>
· <respStmt>
· <resp>intellectual authorship of edition</resp>
· <persName ref="part:argr">
25 <forename>Arlo</forename>
· <surname>Griffiths</surname>
· </persName>
· </respStmt>
· </titleStmt>
30 <publicationStmt>
· <authority>DHARMA</authority>
· <pubPlace>Malang</pubPlace>
· <idno type="filename">DHARMA_INSIDENKSanga</idno>
· <availability>
35 <licence target="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/">
· <p>This work is licenced under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported Licence. To view a copy of the licence, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.</p>
· <p>Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Arlo Griffiths</p>
· </licence>
· </availability>
40 <date from="2019" to="2025">2019-2025</date>
· </publicationStmt>
· <sourceDesc>
· <msDesc>
· <msIdentifier>
45 <repository>DHARMAbase</repository>
· <idno/>
· </msIdentifier>
· <msContents>
50 <summary></summary>
· </msContents>
· <physDesc>
· <handDesc>
55 <p>The hand is the one typically seen in Singasari-period inscriptions.</p>
· <p>The inscription hardly seems to know the long vowels <foreign>ū</foreign> and <foreign>ī</foreign>, most expected spellings <foreign>ū</foreign> and <foreign>ī</foreign> figuring as <foreign>u</foreign> and <foreign>i</foreign>.</p>
· </handDesc>
· </physDesc>
60 </msDesc>
· </sourceDesc>
· </fileDesc>
· <encodingDesc>
· <projectDesc>
65 <p>The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC)
· under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant
· agreement no 809994).</p>
· </projectDesc>
· <schemaRef type="guide" key="EGDv01" url="https://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-02888186"/>
70 <listPrefixDef>
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· <p>Public URIs with the prefix bib to point to a Zotero Group Library named
· ERC-DHARMA whose data are open to the public.</p>
· </prefixDef>
75 <prefixDef ident="part" matchPattern="([a-z]+)" replacementPattern="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/erc-dharma/project-documentation/master/DHARMA_IdListMembers_v01.xml#$1">
· <p>Internal URIs using the part prefix to point to person elements in the
· <ref>DHARMA_IdListMembers_v01.xml</ref> file.</p>
· </prefixDef>
· </listPrefixDef>
80 </encodingDesc>
· <revisionDesc>
· <change who="part:axja" when="2020-11-03" status="draft">Updating toward the encoding template v03</change>
· <change who="part:ekba" when="2020-04-20" status="draft">second revision of the initial encoding based on Arlo's corrections</change>
· <change who="part:ekba" when="2020-04-20" status="draft">revised of initial encoding based on Arlo's corrections</change>
85 <change who="part:argr" when="2020-04-16" status="draft">revision of initial encoding; encoded translation</change>
· <change who="part:ekba" when="2020-04-12" status="draft">initial encoding of the inscription</change>
· </revisionDesc>
· </teiHeader>
· <text xml:space="preserve">
90 <body>
· <div type="edition" xml:lang="kaw-Latn" rendition="class:38769 maturity:83213">
·<p><pb n="1r" break="no"/><lb n="1r1" break="no"/>van· kalagyan·, midər aṅetan· Anuju Iṁ bugəl·, midər aṅidul· kulvan iṁ bugəl·, Asiḍaktan· vatəs· lavan· bugəl·, midər a<lb n="1r2" break="no"/>ṅetan· kidul iṁ bugəl· Asiḍaktan· vatəs· lavan· bugəl·, Aṅetan aṅalor aniku lalavā Asiḍaktan· vatəs· lavan·
·<lb n="1r3"/>paḍaṁ, Amgat· lvaḥ, Aṅetan aṅalor amgat· lvaḥ Ika<unclear>ṁ</unclear> L̥maḥ saṅa, Aṅetan amgat· lvaḥ Iṁ pagajutan·, maṅidul asiḍaktan· <g type="filler">§</g>
·<lb n="1r4"/><surplus>l asiḍaktan·</surplus> lavan· kabalan·, midər āṅidul asiḍaktan· vatəs· lavan· lipuṁ, maṅetan iṁ lvaḥ guṅguṁ Asiḍaktan· vatəs·
95<lb n="1r5"/>lavan· limbeyyan·, midər aṅidul asiḍaktan· lavan· lipuṁ, muvaḥ Ana ta dr̥vya saṁ hyaṁ dharmma Unusan· galaḥ sakeṁ ḍampə<g type="filler">§</g><pb n="1v" break="no"/><lb break="no" n="1v1"/>lan·, muvah ana <unclear>ta ha</unclear>ṅsa saṁ hyaṁ dharmma sima riṁ saṅa, thāni Iṁ həmbək·, matahil·‚ sū <num value="5">5</num>, Amuṅgul·, muvaḥ kinavnaṅakn ikaṁ sima riṁ sa<lb n="1v2" break="no"/>ṅa, panugraha śrī jaṅgala, tan· kāknana deni vinava saṁ prabhu, tan· parabyapara, saprakaranya kabe<unclear>ḥ</unclear> riṁ daṅu, vulu<lb break="no" n="1v3"/>-vulu paravulu, makădiṁ miśra paramiśra, paṅuraṁ, pakudur·, vadihati, Aniga, pamaṇikan·, manimpiki, malandaṁ, lca, li<lb n="1v4" break="no"/>mus· galuḥ, ramanaṁ, viniṁle, kataṅgaran·, sukun·, Alu varak·, racəməṁ, juru jalir·, juru juḍi, juru huñjəman·, juru
·<lb n="1v5"/>təgəl·, juru kuruṁ, həL̥bəL̥b·, kutak·, kukap·, sina<choice><orig>griya</orig><reg>giha</reg></choice>, taṅkil·, salyut·, Avur·, Avə:, tp<unclear>u</unclear>ṁ kavuṁ,
·<pb n="2r"/>
·<lb n="2r1"/>suṁsuṁ paṅhuraṁ, sikpan·, tirvan·, maṅhuri, taṅhiran·, <unclear>l</unclear>udan·, tutan·, Alaṅan·, pakuda, pahāliman·, papuyuḥ, pada<lb n="2r2" break="no"/>vut paṁpaṁ, pakikis·, pavlit·, donan·, vuran·, sapaniskarani hulu<unclear>n āji ka</unclear>beḥ, tan tāma ri saṁ hyaṁ sima riṁ saṅa, mu<g type="filler">§</g><lb n="2r3" break="no"/>vaḥ Ikaṁ vvaṅ i jro, cabol·, vuṅkuk·, bule, vol·, pujut·, kəmir·, boṇḍan·, tan tāma ri saṁ hyaṁ sima ri<unclear>ṁ</unclear> sa<lb n="2r4" break="no"/>ṅa, muvaḥ kavnaṅaknani sama sanak· ri saṅa, kevvanāni rare, vnaṅ amaguta pajə:ṁ piṅhe, Acuriṅa kinaṁsyan·, Aṅuṅ<unclear>ku</unclear>ṅa ra<lb n="2r5" break="no"/>hina vṅi, Agilaṁ-gilaṅămpyal· gaḍiṁ, Ajnu <orig>kan<choice><orig>ā</orig><reg>a</reg></choice>kadra<surplus>r</surplus>va</orig>, Apras avataṁ,
·<choice><orig>prasidayuga</orig><reg>pras siddhayuga</reg></choice>, pr<subst><del rend="corrected">i</del><add place="overstrike">a</add></subst>s aṅgi, pras buntər·, santi, <unclear>k</unclear>uku<unclear>va</unclear><pb n="2v" break="no"/><lb n="2v1" break="no"/>ka, Aṅaṅgva vali, nagapuspa, navagraha, palaṅka gaḍiṁ, tuvuḥ vatu, hurip anak·, tutu<choice><orig>ṇ</orig><reg>ñ</reg></choice>juṁ, kəmbaṅ ipə:ṁ, tuṅgak i varyya<supplied reason="lost">ṁ</supplied>
100<lb n="2v2"/>, salvirni vali, vnaṅ <choice><orig>aṁgaḍi<unclear>ṁ</unclear>-gaḍiṁṅa</orig><reg>aṅgaṇḍiṅ-gaṇḍiṅa</reg></choice> rare, Anuntuna celeṁ Atalya cavət·, Atəkəna valira, Amikula paluṅan inuL̥<lb n="2v3" break="no"/>san· banantən·, Aguntiṅe <orig><sic>hur</sic><reg>ruhur</reg></orig> bale, sakevvaniṁ rare, tan <choice><orig>anānuvanda</orig><reg>hanānuvandha</reg></choice>, samaṅkana varānugraha śrī jaṅgala, ri sama sānak·
·<lb n="2v4"/>riṁ saṅa, sima svatantrādəg· riṅgit·, muvaḥ kveḥni para samya pinakasākṣī, satagan· javū, Iṁ kbaṁṅ avu juru samya gagak a<lb n="2v5" break="no"/><unclear>m</unclear>uṅ ari, sinuṅan· pasək-pasək·, mā <num value="1">1</num>, vḍihan· sahle, Iṁ lāmoṅan· juru samya, kuda rimoṁ, sinuṅan· pasək-pa<g type="filler">§</g></p>
· </div>
· <div type="apparatus">
105 <listApp>
· <app loc="1r1">
· <lem>van</lem>
· <note>The last akṣara of the preceding plate must have been <foreign>la</foreign>, to make <foreign>lavan·</foreign>.</note>
· </app>
110 <app loc="1r3-1r4">
· <lem>asiḍaktan·<g type="filler">§</g><surplus>l asiḍaktan·</surplus></lem>
· <note>It seems the scribe hesitated around the transition from line 3 to 4, needlessly repeating the sequence <foreign>lasiḍaktan·</foreign> after the line-filler sign at the end of l. 3</note>
· </app>
· <app loc="1v5">
115 <lem>Avə:</lem>
· <note>Correct <foreign>Avī</foreign>?</note>
· </app>
· <app loc="2v1">
· <lem>tutu<choice><orig>ṇ</orig><reg>ñ</reg></choice>juṁ</lem>
120 <note>Cf. <foreign>tutuñjuṅ</foreign>in <ref target="DHARMA_INSIDENKSarvadharma.xml">Sarvadharma</ref> 5v4 and <ref target="DHARMA_INSIDENKKakurugan.xml">Kakurugan</ref> 4v5–6 (MNI E. 22).</note>
· </app>
· <app loc="2v1">
· <lem>i pə:ṁ</lem>
· <note>Cf. <title>OJED</title> <foreign>s.vv.</foreign> <foreign>ipəṅ</foreign>, <foreign>ipuṅ</foreign>, <foreign>pə̄ṅ</foreign> and <foreign>puṅ</foreign> (<bibl><ptr target="bib:Zoetmulder1982_01"/><citedRange>695-696, 697, 1342, 1445</citedRange></bibl>). Under <foreign>pə̄ṅ</foreign>, an instance from <ref target="DHARMA_INSIDENKWaringinPitu.xml">Waringin Pitu</ref> 13r6 is interpreted as <foreign>kəmbaṅ iṅ pə̄ṅ</foreign>. This can be supported by <ref target="DHARMA_INSIDENKKancana.xml">Kancana</ref> 5v2, where we find <foreign>kəmbaṅ iṁ puṁ</foreign>. See also <ref target="DHARMA_INSIDENKKambangPutih.xml">Kambang Putih</ref> back, line 18: <foreign>kambaṅ i puṅ</foreign>. From the Singasari period, the <ref target="DHARMA_INSIDENKSarvadharma.xml">Sarvadharma</ref> inscription (5v4 <foreign>kəmbaṅ i pə:ṁ</foreign>) was used in <title>OJED</title> as the sole occurrence justifying its entry <foreign>ipəṅ</foreign>. The Majapahit-period occurrences clearly suggest that <foreign>kəmbaṅ i pəṅ</foreign> and not <foreign>kəmbaṅ ipəṅ </foreign> was intended.</note>
125 </app>
· <app loc="2v4">
· <lem>pasək-pa<g type="filler">§</g></lem>
· <note>The first akṣaras of the following plate must have contained <foreign>sək</foreign>, to make <foreign>pasək-pasək</foreign>.</note>
· </app>
130 </listApp>
· </div>
· <div type="translation" resp="part:argr">
· <p n="1r1-1r3"> <gap reason="ellipsis"/> with the Kalagyan; turns eastward heading for Bugəl; turns southwestward at Bugəl, adjoining the boundary with with Bugəl; turns southeastward at Bugəl, adjoining the boundary with Bugəl, sharply turns northeastward adjoining the boundary with Paḍaṅ, cutting through the river.</p>
135 <p n="1r3-1r5">The Nine Lands cut through the river northeastward; eastward they cut the river at Pagajutan, southward adjoining the military camp <supplied reason="explanation"><foreign>kabalān</foreign></supplied>, turn southward adjoining the boundary with Lipuṅ, eastward at the Guṅguṅ river, adjoining the boundary with Limbeyyan, turn southward adjoining Lipuṅ.</p>
· <p n="1r5-1v1">Moreover the holy foundation has possessions to be taken by lance from thieves <supplied reason="explanation"><foreign>ḍampəlan</foreign>, i.e. <foreign>ḍampulan</foreign></supplied>.</p>
· <p n="1v1">Moreover the holy foundation of the freehold at the Nine has dependencies: the villages Həmbək, yielding 5 guilders of <foreign>tahil</foreign>, <supplied reason="subaudible">and</supplied> Amuṅgul.</p>
· <p n="1v1-2r2">Moreover the freehold at the Nine, as grant of the prince of Jaṅgala, has been given the privilege of not being under authority of the servants <supplied reason="explanation"><foreign>vinava</foreign></supplied> of the king. None of all the former ones <supplied reason="explanation">may</supplied> meddle with it: Vulus and minor Vulus, such as Miśras and minor Miśras, the Paṅuraṅ, the Pakudur, the Vadihati, the Aniga, the Pamaṇikan, the Manimpiki, the Malandaṅ, the Ləca, the Limus Galuh, the Ramanaṅ, the Viniṅle, the Kataṅgaran, the Sukun, the Halu Varak <supplied reason="explanation">‘Rhinoceros Club’</supplied>, the Racəməṅ, the overseer of harlots, the overseer of gambling, the overseer of Huñjəman, the overseer of cock-fights <supplied reason="explanation">?, <foreign>təgəl</foreign></supplied>, the overseer of <supplied reason="subaudible">cock-</supplied>cages, the Ǝləbləb, the Kutak, the Kukap, the Sinagiha, the Taṅkil, the Salyut, the Avir, the Avə̄, the Təpuṅ Kavuṅ, the Suṅsuṅ Paṅhuraṅ, the Sikəpan, the Tirvan, the Maṅhuri, the Taṅhiran, the Lūdan, the Tūtan, the Alaṅan, the horse-groom, the mahout, the quail-herd, the Padavut Paṅpaṅ, the Pakikis, the Pavəlit, the Donan, the Vuran, all requisites of all the royal servants. They do not set foot in the holy freehold at the Nine.</p>
· <p n="2r2-2r4">Moreover the men inside <supplied reason="explanation">i.e., the courtiers</supplied>: the dwarves, the cripples, the albinos, the liliputs, the Pujut, the Kəmir, the Boṇḍan: they do not set foot in the holy freehold at the Nine.</p>
140 <p n="2r4-2v3">Moreover shall be given as privilege to all brethren in the Nine: the raising of children, to be allowed to brandish a white parasol, to play the <foreign>curiṅ</foreign> accompanied by <foreign>kaṅsi</foreign>; to (have bells) tinkle by day and by night; to have ivory bamboo as bench; to use gold-boreh; to make offerings of (the type) <foreign>vataṅ</foreign>, <foreign>siddhayuga</foreign>, <foreign>aṅgī</foreign>, <foreign>buntər</foreign>, <foreign>śānti</foreign>, <foreign>kukuvaka</foreign>; to wear cloth: <foreign>nāgapuṣpa</foreign> or <foreign>navagraha</foreign>, ivory bench, <foreign>tuvuh vatu</foreign>, <foreign>hurip anak</foreign>, flower on the Pəṅ, <foreign>tutuñjuṅ</foreign>, stem of <foreign>varyaṅ</foreign> — all kinds of dress; to be allowed to play <foreign>gəṇḍiṅ</foreign> in childish manner; to lead pigs; to fasten a loincloth with a cord; to lean on a bow; to shoulder a trough while wearing <foreign>banantən</foreign>; to have the (children’s) hair cut above a pavilion;<note>See Boechari 2012: 42. An alternative interpretation is <q>to keep scissors</q> — see translation of Sarvadharma.</note> throughout the raising of children, they have no attachment.</p>
· <p n="2v3-2v4">Thus was the wish-granting of the prince of Jaṅgala to all brethren in the Nine, an independent <foreign>adəg riṅgit</foreign> freehold.</p>
· <p n="2v4-2v5">Moreover, all vassal-kings serving as witnesses, together with the summoned <foreign>javu</foreign>:
· <item>at Kəbaṅ Avu, the overseer of vassals, Gagak Amuṅ Ari, was given confirmatory gifts: 1 <foreign>māṣa</foreign>, 1 sheet of cloth.</item>
145 <item>at Lamoṅan, the overseer of vassals, Kuda Rimoṅ, was given confirmatory gifts: <gap reason="ellipsis"/></item></list></p>
· </div>
· <div type="commentary">
· <p/>
150 </div>
· <div type="bibliography">
· <p>Unpublished. Edited by Arlo Griffiths from autopsy and photographs.</p>
· <listBibl type="secondary">
155 <bibl/>
· </listBibl>
· </div>
· </body>
· </text>