Memorial pillar from site 113 at Nagarjunakonda
Editors: Anonymous editor.
Identifier: DHARMA_INSEIAD00070.
Language: Prakrit.
Repository: Early Andhra (tfb-eiad-epigraphy).
Version: (9fa90aa), last modified (35386f0).
⟨1⟩ maga(la)raṇavathavasa ⟨2⟩ raṭhikasa bhatasa pā [1×][1+] ⟨3⟩ bhaḍaṇa padita(na)ṁ chāyātha(bho)
Memorial pillar of the killed (pātita) soldiers (...) of the governor (raṭhika, Skt. rāṣṭrika) Bhata, resident of Magalaraṇa.
First edited by Sircara. Re-edited here from published documentation.
No name. 1887–. Annual report on Indian epigraphy. Madras; Calcutta; New Delhi: Government of Madras; Archaeological Survey of India. Pages 1956–57: B.34.
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Data source: 'iksvaku-inscriptions/metadata/EIAD-inventory.xlsx'
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[1] Inventory no. EIAD: 70
[2] Raghunath no.: 52
[3] Srinivasan & Sankaranarayanan no.: 61
[4] Tsukamoto no.: —
[5] Lüders no.:
[6] Support : memorial pillar
[7] (Faces:) Lines: 3
[8] H:
[9] W:
[10] D:
[11] H:
[12] W:
[13] Language(s): MIA
[14] Original locality: Nagarjunakonda Site-113
[15] Present locality: unknown
[16] Primary bibliography: Sircar 1963-64a: 15 (6.B.I).
[17] Secondary bibliography: ARIE 1956-57: B.34. — Raghunath 2001: 170 (52).
[18] Visual documentation: Sircar
[19] Substance of inscription: the pillar was a chāyāstambha of dead soldiers
[20] Remarks: same also under ARIE 1959-60: B.99
[21] :
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<p>This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported
Licence. To view a copy of the licence, visit or send a letter to
Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View,
California, 94041, USA.</p>
<p>Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by .</p>
<date from="2019" to="2025">2019-2025</date>
<title>Memorial pillar from site 113 at Nagarjunakonda</title>
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<resp>digital humanities consultant</resp>
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<p>First digital edition made by École française d'Extrême-Orient (Paris, France), realized in collaboration with the HiSoMA Research Centre (Lyon, France) and hosted by TGIR Huma-Num (France) as <ref target="">Early Inscriptions of Āndhradeśa, in 2015-2017.</ref>
<authority>Early Inscriptions of Āndhradeśa</authority>
<idno type="filename">DHARMA_INSEIAD00070</idno>
<licence target="">
<p>Copyright (c) 2017 by Stefan Baums, Arlo Griffiths,
Ingo Strauch and Vincent Tournier.</p>
<p>This work is licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of
this license, visit or send
a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street,
Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041,
<altIdentifier type="EIAD">
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<p>The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).</p>
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<text xml:space="preserve"><body><div type="edition" xml:lang="pra-Latn"><ab><lb n="1"/>maga<unclear>la</unclear>raṇavathavasa <lb n="2"/>raṭhikasa bhatasa pā <gap reason="illegible" quantity="1" unit="character"/><gap reason="lost" quantity="1" unit="character"/><lb n="3"/>bhaḍaṇa padita<unclear>na</unclear>ṁ chāyātha<unclear>bho</unclear> </ab></div><div type="apparatus"><listApp><app loc="2"><lem>pā <gap reason="illegible" quantity="1" unit="character"/></lem><rdg source="bib:Sircara">pā<unclear>sa</unclear></rdg><note>Sircar notes that <quote>the intended word seems
to be <foreign xml:lang="pra-Latn">pasāditānaṁ</foreign> (Sanskrit <foreign xml:lang="pra-Latn">prasāditānām</foreign>).</quote></note></app><app loc="3"><lem>bhaḍaṇa</lem><rdg source="bib:Sircara">bhaḍaṇa<unclear>ṁ</unclear></rdg></app></listApp></div><div type="translation"><ab>Memorial pillar of the killed (<foreign xml:lang="pra-Latn">pātita</foreign>) soldiers (...) of the governor (<foreign xml:lang="pra-Latn">raṭhika</foreign>, Skt. <foreign xml:lang="pra-Latn">rāṣṭrika</foreign>) Bhata, resident of Magalaraṇa.</ab></div><!--<div type="commentary"></div>--><div type="bibliography"><p>First edited by <bibl><ptr target="bib:Sircara"/>: <citedRange>15
(6.B.I)</citedRange></bibl>. Re-edited here from published documentation.</p><listBibl type="primary"><bibl/></listBibl><listBibl type="secondary"><bibl><ptr target="bib:ARIE"/><citedRange>1956-57: B.34</citedRange></bibl><!-- CC: Do I have to insert this commentary "same also under ARIE 1959-60: B.99" in the bibliography ? --><bibl><ptr target="bib:Srinivasan1979a"/>:
<citedRange>no. 61</citedRange></bibl><bibl><ptr target="bib:Raghunath2001"/>: <citedRange>170