Āraṅg Plates of Sudevarāja, Year 7

Editor: Natasja Bosma.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSDaksinaKosala00011.

Hand description:

Language: Sanskrit.

Repository: Dakṣiṇa Kosala (tfb-daksinakosala-epigraphy).

Version: (048a990), last modified (de7f295).



I. Anuṣṭubh



śrīmats[udevarājasya sthiraṁ jagati] (śā)sanaṁ



⟨Page 1r⟩

⟨Page 1v⟩ ⟨1v1⟩ @ svasti śarabhapurād vikkramopanatasāmantamakuṭacūḍāmaṇiprabhāpra⟨1v2⟩sekāmbudhautapādayugalo ripuvilāsinīsīmantoddharaṇahetu⟨1v3⟩r vvasuvasudhāgopradaḫ paramabhāgavato mātāpitṛpādānuddhyāta⟨1v4⟩ś ś¿ṛ?⟨r⟩īmahāsudevarājaḥ tosa¡dḍa!⟨ḍḍa⟩bhuktīyaśiv¿i?⟨a⟩liṅgake prativāsi⟨1v5⟩kuṭumbinas samājñāpayati~

viditam astu vo yathāyaṁ grāma⟨Page 2r⟩⟨2r1⟩s ¡tṛ!⟨tri⟩daśapatisadanasukhapratiṣṭhā⟨ka⟩ro yāvad raviśaśitārākiraṇaprati⟨2r2⟩hataghorāndhakā⟨⟨ra⟩⟩ṁ jagad avatiṣṭhate tāvad upabhogyas sanidhis sopanidhi⟨2r3⟩r acāṭabha⟨⟨ṭa⟩⟩prāveśyas sarvvakaravisarjjita{ḥ}ḫ pratihārabhogillena mātā⟨2r4⟩pitror ātmanaś ca puṇyābhivṛddhaye kātyāyanasagotramādhyandinavāja⟨2r5⟩saneyayajñasvāmi¡naḥ!⟨ne⟩ Adhyarddh¡aṅg!⟨āṁś⟩ena bhāradvājakumāravats¡a Ā!⟨ā⟩tre⟨Page 2v⟩⟨2v1⟩yakāṇvavājasaneyayajñasvāmin¿a?⟨au⟩ pratya¡ṅg!⟨ṁś⟩ena kātyāyanaviśākha⟨2v2⟩svāmikauśikamādhyandinagolasvāmi-Evaṁ-dāmodarasvāmidāmasvāmi⟨2v3⟩bhāradvājapañcālisvāmidīkṣitāyanīkā⟨n⟩ pratyarddh¡aṅg!⟨āṁś⟩ena tā¡mbra!⟨mra⟩śāsa⟨2v4⟩nenātisṛṣṭo bhūtvāsmābhir anumodit⟦i⟧⟨⟨a⟩⟩

te yūyam evam upalabhyaiṣā⟨2v5⟩mājñāśravaṇavidheyā bhūtvā yathocitaṁ bhogabhāgam upanayantas sukhaṁ ⟨2v6⟩ prativatsyatha bhaviṣyataś ca bhūmipān anudarśayati

I. Vasantatilakā

dānād viśiṣṭa{~}⟨Page 3r⟩⟨3r1⟩m anupālanajaṁ purāṇā


dharmmeṣu niścitadhiyaḫ pravadanti dharmmaṁ~


tasmā⟨d⟩ dvi⟨3r2⟩jāya suviśuddhakulaśrutāya


dattāṁ bhuvaṁ bhavatu vo matir eva goptu⟨ṁ⟩~


⟨3r3⟩ tad bhavadbhir apy eṣā da⟨t⟩tir anupālayitavyā vyāsagītā⟨ṁ⟩ś cātra ślokān u⟨3r4⟩dāharanti

II. Indravajrā

Agner apatya⟨ṁ⟩ prathamaṁ suvarṇṇaṁ~


bhūr vvaiṣṇavī sūryyasu⟨3r5⟩tāś ca gāva⟨ḥ⟩


dattās trayas tena bhava{ṁ}nti lokā


yaẖ kāñcanaṁ gāṁ ca mahī⟨ṁ⟩ ca dadyāT

III. Anuṣṭubh

⟨3r6⟩ ṣaṣṭivarṣasahasrāṇi svargge modati bhūmida⟨ḥ⟩


Ācchettā cānuma{ṁ}ntā ca tā⟨Page 3v⟩⟨3v1⟩ny eva narake vase⟨T⟩

IV. Anuṣṭubh

bahubhir vvasudhā da⟨t⟩tā rājabhis sagarādibhi⟨ḥ⟩


⟨3v2⟩ yasya yasya yadā bhūmi⟨s⟩ tasya tasya tadā phalaṁ

V. Anuṣṭubh

svada¡ntā!⟨ttā⟩⟨ṁ⟩ parada¡ntā!⟨ttā⟩⟨ṁ⟩ vā yatnā⟨3v3⟩d rakṣa yudhiṣṭhira


mahīm mah¿i?⟨ī⟩matāñ chreṣṭha ⟨⟨dānā⟩⟩c chreyo ’nupālana¡m!⟨M⟩



svamu⟨3v4⟩khā¡gn!⟨jñ⟩ayā ¡saṁvva!⟨saṁva⟩t 7 vaiśākha di 20 6 U¡kt!⟨tk⟩īrṇṇaṁ droṇa(siṅghe)na°




⟨1v2⟩ °dhauta° • The shape of the vowel marker for au is slightly irregular, but is the same as in other copperplate charters of the kings of Śarabhapura.

⟨2r2⟩ °āndhakā⟨⟨ra⟩⟩ṁ° • The anusvāra, which should have been placed above the ra, is placed above the .

⟨2v2⟩ °kauśika° • The shape of the vowel marker for au is slightly irregular, but is the same as in other copperplate charters of the kings of Śarabhapura. — ⟨2v2⟩ °mādhyandina° ⬦ °m¿a?⟨ā⟩dhyandina° LPP; °mādhyandina° AMS.

⟨3r1⟩ dharmmeṣu ⬦ dharmmeṣu LPP; dha⟨r⟩mmeṣu AMS.

⟨3r6⟩ ṣaṣṭivarṣa° • The corner of the copperplate appears to have been cut off in the process of incising the characters, but the text can still be made out.

⟨3v4⟩ 78 LPP; 7 AMS.

Translation by Natasja Bosma


The permanent charter belongs to the illustrious Sudevarāja, who was born from the moon that was Mānamātra, who was born from the sea that was Prasanna.


(1v1–1v5) Success! Hail! From Śarabhapura, the illustrious great Sudevarāja whose feet are washed by the sprinkling water that is the brilliance of the crest-jewels on the crests of his feudatories who have been brought into submission by his prowess, who made the women of his enemies tear out their parted hair, who is a giver of riches, land, and cattle, who is entirely devoted to Viṣṇu, and favoured by his father and mother, issues [the following command] to the landholders settled in [the village of] Śivaliṅgaka situated in the Tosaḍḍa bhukti:

(1v5–2v4) Let it be known to you that by means of [this] copperplate charter, this village has been granted on behalf of the pratihāra Bhogilla [and] confirmed by us, for the increase of religious merit of father, mother, and ourselves, to Yajñasvāmin, belonging to the Kātyāyana gotra and to the Vājasaneya-Mādhyandina [school] with a share of one and a half; to Yajñasvāmin, belonging to the Ātreya gotra and the Vājasaneya-Kāṇva [school], and to Kumāravatsa, belonging to the Bhāradvāja gotra, with a share of one each; to the dīkṣita Āyanīka, to Pañcālisvāmin of the Bhāradvāja gotra, to Dāmasvāmin, to Dāmodarasvāmin, just as to Golasvāmin of the Kauśika gotra and the Mādhyandina [school], and to Viśākhasvāmin of the Kātyāyana gotra, with half a share each. [The grant of the village], which leads to happiness and fame in the abode of the lord of the gods (i.e., Indra’s heaven), is to be enjoyed as long as the world will endure, [the world] of which the darkness of the night is removed by the rays of the sun, moon and stars; [comes along with the right to] hidden treasures and deposits; is not to be entered by irregular or regular troops; and is exempt from all taxes.

(2v4–2v6) Having taken note of that, you should be obedient to the command received from them (i.e., the donees) and render the [proper shares of] periodical offerings and produce, while living happily [in this village]. And [the king] instructs the future rulers:

The ancients, reflecting on virtue, proclaim that the religious merit arising from the protection [of a grant] is more excellent than [that which arises] from the giving [itself]; therefore, your intent should indeed be to protect the earth that has been granted to a Brahmin of perfectly pure family and religious learning.

(3r3–3r4) This gift is to be protected by you as well! And in this respect they quote the [following] stanzas sung by Vyāsa:

Gold is the first child of Agni, land is born of Viṣṇu, and cows are the offspring of Sūrya: [Therefore], whoever would give gold, a cow, and land would give the three worlds.
A giver of land rejoices in heaven for sixty thousand years; he who confiscates it or allows [another to confiscate it] will dwell for the same period in hell!
The earth has been granted by many kings, beginning with Sagara; whoever possesses the land at any time, to him belong the fruits at that time!
O Yudhiṣṭhira, zealously protect the land which was given by yourself or by others! O best of kings, protection is superior to giving!

(3v3–3v4) By the order from the king’s own mouth, [the copperplate charter] has been engraved by Droṇasiṅgha [on] the day 26 [of] the month of Vaiśākha [in] the year 7 [of Sudevarāja’s reign].


The seal that belongs to this charter is heavily eroded and the legend is completely worn off. However, based on the traces of some characters, the legend appears to be the same as the one on the seal of Dk00008.


First edited by Pandeya 1935–1936 from the original plates; published again by Shastri 1995, pp. 39–42; re-edited here by Natasja Bosma from the original plates (edition of the seal based on Pandeya).


[LPP] Pandeya, L. P. 1935–1936. “Arang plates of Mahā-Sudevarāja.” EI 23, pp. 18–22.

[AMS] Shastri, Ajay Mitra. 1995. Inscriptions of the Śarabhapurīyas, Pāṇḍuvaṁśins and Somavaṁśins, Part II: Inscriptions. New Delhi: Indian Council of Historical Research; Motilal Bandarsidass. Pages 39–42.


Bosma, Natasja. 2018. Dakṣiṇa Kosala: A rich centre of early Śaivism. Groningen: Barkhuis. [URL]. Pages 16, 52, 235–236.