Stray Rawan Plate of Narendra, undated

Editor: Natasja Bosma.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSDaksinaKosala00003.

Hand description:

Language: Sanskrit.

Repository: Dakṣiṇa Kosala (tfb-daksinakosala-epigraphy).

Version: (048a990), last modified (a38304d).


⟨Page 1r⟩

⟨Page 1v⟩ ⟨1v1⟩ @ svasti śarabhapurāt paramabhāgavato mātāpitṛpādānuddhyāta⟨1v2⟩ś śrīmahārājanarendra⟨ḥ⟩ maṇṭarājabhukt¿o?⟨au⟩ torāmake brāhmaṇādī⟨n⟩ prati⟨1v3⟩vāsikuṭumbinas samājñāpayati

viditam astu vo yathāsmābhir vva⟨1v4⟩ṭapadrakīyakāritakadevakule bhagavate śrīdharasvāmine mātṛ{i}⟨1v5⟩jakulānā⟨ṁ⟩ puṇyābhivṛddhaye khaṇḍasphuṭitasaṁskārabalicaru⟨1v6⟩sa⟨t⟩t¿ṛ?⟨ra⟩


⟨1v2⟩ °bhukt¿o?⟨au⟩°bhukto KUJ; °bhuktau AMS. — ⟨1v2⟩ brāhmaṇādī⟨n⟩brāhmaṇādi° KUJ; brāhmaṇādī⟨n⟩ AMS.

Translation by Natasja Bosma

(1v1–1v3) Success! Hail! From Śarabhapura the illustrious Mahārāja Narendra, who is entirely devoted to Viṣṇu and favoured by his father and mother, issues [the following command] to the landholders, beginning with the Brahmins, settled [in the village of] Torāmaka situated in the Maṇṭarāja bhukti:

(1v3–1v6) Let it be known to you that [this village has been granted] by us for the increase of religious merit of mother [and other members of] the royal family, to the Lord Śrīdharasvāmin in the temple constructed at Vaṭapadraka, [in order to finance] the repair of the temple’s broken and cracked parts, the performance of bali and caru offerings, charitable feeding


This stray plate was likely the first copperplate of a complete set of three plates. It is commonly referred to as `Rawan’ plate, but the original providence of the plate may have been Malhār.

The grant recorded in this inscription was made in facour of the mātṛrājakula, which was interpreted by Usha Jain 1979 as `the family of Mātṛrāja’. However, Shastri 1995, pp. 12–13 is probably right to suggest that the expression may refer to the (royal) family of Narendra’s mother or, because of the plural, to his mother and (other) members of the royal family. Cf., Bosma 2018, pp. 99–100


First edited by Bajpai 1977 and Usha Jain 1979 from the original plate; edited again by Shastri 1995, pp. 12–13 from the published photographs; re-edited here by Natasja Bosma from a photograph of the original.


[SB] Bajpai, S. 1977. Untitled. Prāchya Pratibhā 5, pp. 182–183.

[AMS] Shastri, Ajay Mitra. 1995. Inscriptions of the Śarabhapurīyas, Pāṇḍuvaṁśins and Somavaṁśins, Part II: Inscriptions. New Delhi: Indian Council of Historical Research; Motilal Bandarsidass. Pages 12–13.

[KUJ] Usha Jain, Ku. 1979. “Rawan plate of maharaja Narendra.” JESI 6, pp. 44–45.


Bosma, Natasja. 2018. Dakṣiṇa Kosala: A rich centre of early Śaivism. Groningen: Barkhuis. [URL]. Pages 99–100, 231–232.