Tiruvicalūr, Śivayoganāthasvāmin temple, time of X, year X

Editors: Nicolas Cane, Emmanuel Francis.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSCempiyanMahadevi00026.

Hand description:

No distinction between e and ē, nor between o and ō.

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: Cempiyaṉ Mahādevī (tfa-cempiyan-mahadevi-epigraphy).

Version: (6bae2ea), last modified (c91329a).


⟨1⟩ svasti śrī

kō-v-irāca-kēsari-panma⟨r⟩kku yāṇṭu 3-Āvatu

vaṭa-karai tēvat(āṉa)-brahmadeyam Ava(ṉi)-nārāyaṇa-c-caturvveti-maṅkalam-uṭaiya ⟨2⟩ tiru-vicalūr parama⟨3⟩svāmikku śrī-Uttama⟨4⟩-cōḻa-devarai-t (ti)ru-vayi⟨5⟩ṟu vāytta Uṭaiya-pi⟨6⟩rāṭṭiyār pirā(ntaka)ṉ mā-tē⟨7⟩vaṭika […]⟨8⟩[…] A⟨9⟩bhiṣekañ ceyya ko […]


Reported in Venkayya 1908 (ARIE/1907-1908/B/1907/327).

Edited in Srinivasa Rao 1952 (SII 13.40); edited in Cane 2017 (no. 26), based on Srinivasa Rao 1952.

This edition based on Cane 2017, encoded by Emmanuel Francis (2024).


[SII] Srinivasa Rao, G.V. 1952. South-Indian inscriptions (texts) (with introductory notes in English). Volume XIII: The Cholas. South Indian Inscriptions 13. Madras: Archaeological Survey of India. Item 40, page TBC.

[C] Cane, Nicolas. 2017. “Cempiyaṉ-Mahādevī, reine et dévote : un « personnage épigraphique » du Xe siècle.” These de doctorat, Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE). No place. [URL]. Pages 819–820, item 26, figure TBC.


Venkayya, V. 1908. G.O. No. 574, 17th July 1908. Epigraphy. Recording the progress report of the Assistant Archaeological Superintendent for Epigraphy, Southern Circle, for the year 1907-1908. No place. Page 25, appendix B/1907, item 327.