Tirunaṟaiyūr, X temple, time of X, year X

Editors: Nicolas Cane, Emmanuel Francis.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSCempiyanMahadevi00023.

Hand description:

No distinction between e and ē, nor between o and ō.

Languages: Sanskrit, Tamil.

Repository: Cempiyaṉ Mahādevī (tfa-cempiyan-mahadevi-epigraphy).

Version: (6bae2ea), last modified (a50d540).


⟨1⟩ svasti śrī

kō-v-irāja-kēsari-panmaṟku yāṇṭu 2-Āvatu

tiru-naṟai(yū)⟨2⟩r-nāṭṭu-t tēvatāṉam tiru-naṟaiyūr siddheśvaram-uṭaiya ma(hā-de)⟨3⟩varkku Uṭaiya-pirāṭṭiyār cempiyaṉ mā-tēviyār-āṉa pirāntakaṉ (mā-tē)⟨4⟩(vaṭi)kaḷār Amutu ceyya-k kuṭutta veḷḷiyiṉ ṟaḷikai Oṉṟuk […] ⟨5⟩ (muṉ)ūṟṟu Eḻupattu nāṟ-kaḻañcum veḷḷi-k kalaca-p pāṉai Oṉṟu […] ⟨6⟩ muṉṉūṟṟu nāṟpatiṉ kaḻañcum poṟkai cāmarai Oṉṟum […] ⟨7⟩ ru-mey kāppār nilaṉ mā-tēvan kaṇkāṇiyoṭum kuṭutta (va) […]

⟨8⟩ paṉmāheśvara-ra(kṣai)


Reported in Venkayya 1904 (ARIE/1903-1904/A/1903/156).

Edited in Srinivasa Rao 1952 (SII 13.10); edited in Cane 2017 (no. 23), based on autopsy (2012-09).

This edition based on Cane 2017, encoded by Emmanuel Francis (2024).


[SII] Srinivasa Rao, G.V. 1952. South-Indian inscriptions (texts) (with introductory notes in English). Volume XIII: The Cholas. South Indian Inscriptions 13. Madras: Archaeological Survey of India. Item 10, page TBC.

[C] Cane, Nicolas. 2017. “Cempiyaṉ-Mahādevī, reine et dévote : un « personnage épigraphique » du Xe siècle.” These de doctorat, Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE). No place. [URL]. Page 817, item 23, figure TBC.


Venkayya, V. 1904. G.O., etc., Nos. 678, 679, 12th August 1904. Epigraphy. Passing orders on the annual report on – for 1903-1904. Copy to the Government of India, Department of Revenue and Agriculture. Madras: Government of Madras, Public Department. Page 19, appendix A/1903, item 156.