Unpublished Prasat Trapeang Chhouk inscription (993 śaka, K. 1490)
Editor: Chloé Chollet.
Identifier: DHARMA_INSCIK01490.
Language: Sanskrit.
Repository: Khmer (tfc-khmer-epigraphy).
Version: (b71d77d), last modified (25c6f3e).
I. Anuṣṭubh
⟨1⟩ [rājā ś](r)[ī]harṣavarmmākhyo
dII. Anuṣṭubh
⟨2⟩ [⏓⏓⏓]pa¡n!⟨ṇ⟩¡d!⟨ḍ⟩ita-śśāstā
atasya śrī-har(ṣ)avarmmaṇaḥ
c[⏓⏓]śvaram atiṣṭhipat·
dIII. Anuṣṭubh
⟨3⟩ || yasya mātāmahau dh/vī(rau)
b(Ā)yācetām imāṁ bhūmiṁ
cśivalokam irā-patim·
cIV. Anuṣṭubh
⟨4⟩ || pūrvvasyāṁ thmo raṅga(p)-sīmā-
a-yāmyaṁ pr̥(th)u-nadī ta(th)ā
b(bh)āge deva-mahā-sālaḥ
cpuṣpamūlam udag-diśi ||
Translation into English
Unpublished inscription. Edition by Chloé Chollet based on photographs.
- 1. It would be possible also to read vanditaś (“venerated”) Diwakar points out that the theonym looks as if it might have been deliberately chiselled away. Could the foundation have been rescinded or reattributed ? It looks as though śrīvāgīśvaram could have been written, since one sees part of the lower loop of the r, which could have belonged to śrī, and one sees an erased blob that is roughly the shape of a ga (before śvaram). This, combined with the supposition that the donor’s name may have been Vāgīśapaṇḍita, leads us to this guess. But note that śrīvāgīśvaram (or śrīvāgeśvaram, to use a tantric form) would be hypermetrical !
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<title>Unpublished Prasat Trapeang Chhouk inscription (993 śaka, K. 1490)</title>
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<idno type="filename">DHARMA_INSCIK01490</idno>
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<p>This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported
Licence. To view a copy of the licence, visit
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ or send a letter to
Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View,
California, 94041, USA.</p>
<p>Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Chloé Chollet.</p>
<date from="2019" to="2025">2019-2025</date>
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<summary><!-- //// NOT MANDATORY ////--></summary> <!-- offers the possibility to give a summary of the inscription's content -->
<p><!-- The script name(s) will be inserted here at a later stage from the metadata spreasheet. At this stage, you can mention here in a free-text paragraph any characteristics of the writing observed more than once in this inscription that seem unusual/uncommon or otherwise noteworthy given the general characteristics of the script in question. See EGD 11.2. --></p>
<p>The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).</p>
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<p>Public URIs with the prefix bib to point to a Zotero Group Library named ERC-DHARMA whose data are open to the public.</p>
<prefixDef ident="part" matchPattern="([a-z]+)" replacementPattern="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/erc-dharma/project-documentation/master/DHARMA_IdListMembers_v01.xml#$1">
<p>Internal URIs using the part prefix to point to person elements in the <ref>DHARMA_IdListMembers_v01.xml</ref> file.</p>
<change who="part:chch" when="2021-04-14">Few modifications</change>
<change who="part:chch" when="2021-02-16">Initial encoding of the file</change>
<text xml:space="preserve">
<div type="edition" xml:lang="san-Latn" rendition="class:83231 maturity:00000">
<lg n="1" met="anuṣṭubh">
<l n="a"><lb n="1"/><supplied reason="lost">rājā ś</supplied><unclear>r</unclear><supplied reason="lost">ī</supplied>harṣavarmmākhyo</l>
<l n="b">namrāneka-nareśvaraḥ</l>
<l n="c">prajāhita-kr̥to<unclear>d</unclear>yogaḥ</l>
<l n="d">kṣatra-dharmmānvaya<supplied reason="lost">bh</supplied>u<supplied reason="lost">vaḥ</supplied></l>
<!--chch: Restore [bh]u[vaḥ] ? The u vowel seems visible.
%dogo (mail du 24/03/2021): Ce serait malheureusement contre le mètre, car la 6e syllabe de ce quart doit être longue.-->
<!--[rājā ś](r)[ī]harṣavarmmākhyo
<!-- % perhaps °dharmmānvay[ānugaḥ] (Diwakar)-->
<lg n="2" met="anuṣṭubh">
<l n="a"><lb n="2"/><seg met="==="><gap reason="lost" quantity="3" unit="character"/></seg>pa<choice><orig>n</orig><reg>ṇ</reg></choice><choice><orig>d</orig><reg>ḍ</reg></choice>ita-śśāstā</l>
<l n="b">tasya śrī-har<unclear>ṣ</unclear>avarmmaṇaḥ</l>
<l n="c">tri-randhra-randhra-śakena</l>
<l n="d"><seg met="=="><gap reason="lost" quantity="2" unit="character"/></seg>śvaram atiṣṭhipat·</l>
<!-- %chch: Restore vagīśvarapaṇḍita, name of Harṣavarman III's hotar ? But the pāda would be hypermetric?
%dogo (mail du 24/03/2021): On pourrait accommoder son nom sous la forme alternative, Vāgīśapaṇḍita, puisque vāgīśa et vāgīśvara sont synonymes. -->
<note>It would be possible also to read vanditaś (“venerated”)
Diwakar points out that the theonym looks as if it might have been deliberately
chiselled away. Could the foundation have been rescinded or reattributed ?
It looks as though śrīvāgīśvaram could have been written, since one sees part of
the lower loop of the r, which could have belonged to śrī, and one sees an erased
blob that is roughly the shape of a ga (before śvaram). This, combined with the
supposition that the donor's name may have been Vāgīśapaṇḍita, leads us to this guess.
But note that śrīvāgīśvaram (or śrīvāgeśvaram, to use a tantric form) would be hypermetrical !</note> <!--[⏓⏓⏓]paṇdita-śśāstā
tasya śrī-har(ṣ)avarmmaṇaḥ
[⏓⏓]śvaram atiṣṭhipat·-->
<lg n="3" met="anuṣṭubh">
<l n="a"><lb n="3"/><g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g> yasya mātāmahau dh/vī<unclear>rau</unclear></l>
<l n="b">śrī-vāla-p<choice><sic>ā</sic><corr>a</corr></choice><supplied reason="omitted">ra</supplied>meṣṭhinau</l>
<l n="c"><unclear>Ā</unclear>yācetām imāṁ bhūmiṁ</l>
<l n="c">śivalokam irā-patim·</l>
<!--%chch: śivaloka-mi(rā)-patim ?-->
<!-- śrī-vāla : śrī-vālā ? -->
<!--%% Search for remarks of Arlo about the use of irā/ilā in SEA to mean "earth".-->
<!--yasya mātāmahau (v/dh)ī[.]ā
(Ā)yācetām imāṁ bhūmiṁ
śivalokam irāpatim·-->
<lg n="4" met="anuṣṭubh">
<l n="a" enjamb="yes"><lb n="4"/><g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g> pūrvvasyāṁ thmo raṅga<unclear>p</unclear>-sīmā</l>
<l n="b">-yāmyaṁ pr̥<unclear>th</unclear>u-nadī ta<unclear>th</unclear>ā</l>
<l n="c"><unclear>bh</unclear>āge deva-mahā-sālaḥ</l>
<l n="d">puṣpamūlam udag-diśi <g type="ddandaOrnate">.</g></l>
<!-- %chch: on raṅgap, see Chhom 2016, p. 333 and p. 358. It is the name of a land in K. 158 (925 śaka).
%chch: on puṣpamūla, see K. 289, face D, st. XV. -->
<!-- ou taṭa ?-->
<!-- pūrvvasyāṁ(v)mo raṅga(p)-sīmā-
-yāmyaṁ pr̥(th)u-nadī ta(th)ā
(bh)āge devamahāsālaḥ
puṣpamūlam udag-diśi | -->
<div type="apparatus">
<listApp><!-- one <app> for each apparatus entry -->
<app loc="line"><!-- update the value of @loc.-->
<lem><!-- fill in a lemma here --></lem>
<rdg source="bib:AuthorYear_01"><!-- update the @source value, fill in variant reading here --></rdg>
<div type="translation" xml:lang="eng">
<p rend="stanza" n="1"/>
<p rend="stanza" n="2"/>
<p rend="stanza" n="3"/>
<p rend="stanza" n="4"/>
<!--Traduction :
[Il y eut un roi] ayant pour nom Harṣavarman ..., issu d'une lignée dont le dharma est celui des guerriers,
qui appliquait ses efforts à ne pas faire de tort (ahata ?) à ses sujets et [devant lequel] les nombreux rois sont inclinés.
...paṇḍit, précepteur (śāstā) du seigneur Harṣavarman, a fondé un ... en l'année (marquée par) trois-orifices-orifices (993 śaka).
His maternal grandparents, [called] Śrībālā (?) and Parameṣṭhin, who were heroic (?vīrau), begged (āyācetām) this land from the king (irāpatim) [posthumously known as] Śivaloka [viz. from Rājendravarman?].
Ses grand-parents maternels, les principaux... ont sollicité (ayācetām) cette terre, allant (pati, syn. de "gati" au féminin) jusqu'à la limite du Śivaloka.
[Les limites sont]: l'étendue d'eau à l'est, la borne de Raṅgap au sud, la large rivière ; ..., et Puṣpamūla dans la direction du nord.
--> </div>
<div type="commentary">
<!--commentary encoded as per section §9.3 -->
<div type="bibliography">
<p>Unpublished inscription. Edition by Chloé Chollet based on photographs.</p>