Stela of the Monument housing the statue of King Ang Duong at Ponhea Lu (K. 1391), 2003 CE

Editors: Kunthea Chhom, Jane Allison.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSCIK01391.

Hand description:

Language: Modern Khmer.

Repository: Khmer (tfc-khmer-epigraphy).

Version: (5b197b3), last modified (e71eaed).


⟨1⟩ braḥ paramarūpa ⟨2⟩ braḥ karuṇā braḥ pāda samteca braḥ hiraksa rāmā Issarādhipatī braḥ Aṅg ḍuoṅ | ⟨3⟩ <gomutraFinial> Uppatti knuṅa rajjakāla dī bīra nai braḥ karuṇā braḥ pāda samteca braḥ narottama sīhanu ⟨4⟩ braḥ mahāksatra nai braḥ rājāṇācakra kambujā niṅa samtec braḥ rāja Aggamahesī narottama ⟨5⟩ munīnātha sīhanu jā dī sakkāra | ⟨6⟩ <hyphen>thṅai canda 3 koeta khae jes¡d!⟨sṭh⟩a chnāṁ thoḥ Ekasaka ba <dot> sa 2543 ⟨7⟩ trūva niṅa thṅai dī 17 khae Usabhā ga <dot> sa 19991999 cāka’ ṭī paṁbeña jaṅhuka ṭai braeka | ⟨8⟩ <hyphen>thṅai brahaspatti 10 ro¡j!⟨c⟩a khae visākha chnāṁ msāña’ trīsaka ba <dot> sa 2545 ⟨9⟩ trūva nịṅa thṅai dī 17 khae Usabhā ga <dot> sa 2001 ṭāka’ phaena silā ghīoena | ⟨10⟩ <hyphen>thṅai budha 2 koeta khae Assuja chnāṁ mamī catvāsaka ba <dot> sa 2546 ⟨11⟩ trūva nịṅa thṅai dī 19 khae kaññā ga <dot> sa 2001 sita braḥ dī nāṁṅa manomaya ⟨12⟩ <hyphen>thṅai canda 15 koeta khae Assuja chnāṁ mamī catvāsaka ba <dot> sa 2546 ⟨13⟩ trūva nịṅa thṅai dī 21 khae tulā ga <dot> sa 2002 sita braḥ paramarūpa | ⟨14⟩ <hyphen>thṅai budha 4 koeta khae māgha chnāṁ mamī catvāsaka ba <dot> sa 2546 ⟨15⟩ trūva nịṅa thṅai dī 5 khae kumbha ga <dot> sa 20032003 hoeya sreca jā sthābara | ⟨16⟩ <hyphen>braḥ tamriḥ yopala’ samtec braḥ saṅgharāja gaṇa mahānikāya debva vaṅsa | ⟨17⟩ <hyphen>kasāṅa phdāla’ samteca braḥ Uttama paññā ṭūṅa phaṅa’ |


⟨6⟩ canda • There is a diacritic sign called "saṁyoga saññā (combination sign)" above the letter ca. — ⟨6⟩ Ekasaka • There is a diacritic sign called "saṁyoga saññā (combination sign)" above the letter sa.

⟨8⟩ trīsaka • There is a diacritic sign called "saṁyoga saññā (combination sign)" above the letter sa.

⟨10⟩ catvāsaka • There is a diacritic sign called "saṁyoga saññā (combination sign)" above the letter sa.

⟨11⟩ manomaya • There is a diacritic sign called "saṁyoga saññā (combination sign)" above the letter ma.

⟨12⟩ canda • There is a diacritic sign called "saṁyoga saññā (combination sign)" above the letter ca. — ⟨12⟩ catvāsaka • There is a diacritic sign called "saṁyoga saññā (combination sign)" above the letter sa.

⟨14⟩ catvāsaka • There is a diacritic sign called "saṁyoga saññā (combination sign)" above the letter sa.

⟨15⟩ kumbha • There is a diacritic sign called "yugala bindu (a pair of dots)" after the letter bha.

⟨16⟩ debva vaṅsa • The words are written in round brackets.

⟨17⟩ ṭūṅa phaṅa’ • The words are written in round brackets.

Translation by Allison 2015–161

(1–17) Braḥ Paramarūp (sacred statue) of His Majesty Harireak Reamea Issarathipadei Ang Duong Originally offered in the second reign of His Majesty Norodom Sihanouk, sovereign of the kingdom of Cambodia, and venerated Queen Norodom Monineath Sihanouk

  • On Monday, the third day of the waxing moon of the month of jesṭh, year of the Rabbit, first year of the decade, 2543 of the Buddhist era, i.e. 17 May 1999 of the Christian era, the arm of canal was filled in with soil.
  • On Thursday, the tenth day of the waning moon of the month of visākh, year of the Snake, third year of the decade, 2545 of the Buddhist era, i.e. 17 May 2001 of the Christian era, the base made of stone was installed.
  • On Wednesday, the second day of the waxing moon of the month assuj, year of the Horse, fourth year of the decade, 2546 of the Buddhist era, i.e. 19 September 2001 of the Christian era, the royal mount was cast.
  • On Monday, the fifteenth day of the waxing moon of the month of assuj, year of the Horse, fourth year of the decade, 2546 of the Buddhist era, i.e. 21 October 2002 of the Christian era, the statue of the king was cast.
  • On Wednesday, the fourth day of the waxing moon of the month of māgh, year of the Horse, fourth year of the decade, 2546 of the Buddhist era, i.e. 5 February 2003 of the Christian era, the project was comprised.
Idea of the Mahānikāy Patriarch (Tep Vong). Personally established by Samdec Braḥ Uttam Paññā (Daung Phang).


First edited by Jane Allison (2015–16, pp. 93–94) with an English translation; re-edited here by Kunthea Chhom based on the figure 17 in Allison’s article on p. 94.


[JA] Allison, Jane. 2015–16. “Casting the equestrian monument of King Ang Duong at Ponhea Lu (2001–2003).” Siksācakr 14-15, pp. 73–98. Pages 93–94.


  1. 1. The translation is Sorn Sokchea and Brice Vincent.