Rock inscription from Kbal Spean (K. 1011-3)

Editors: Chloé Chollet, Claude Jacques.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSCIK01011-3.

Language: Old Khmer.

Repository: Khmer (tfc-khmer-epigraphy).

Version: (71863cc), last modified (25c6f3e).


⟨1⟩ 980 śaka catur(da)⟨śī⟩ roca phālguṇa Aṅgāravāra gi nu vraḥ pāda kaṁmra⟨2⟩teṅa Aña śrī Udayādityavarmmadeva staca Āya mattavāraṇa nagara ⟨3⟩ pūrvva (pi) Oya prasāda vnaṁ grāṅ ta tapasvi vraḥ vila vnek ni ta dhūli ⟨4⟩ jeṅa vraḥ kaṁmrateṅa Aña {kaṁmrateṅa Aña} yauvarāja nu sabhā⟨5⟩pati ta pvanna vnek ni ta senāpati phoṅa ta daṁnepra vraḥ kaṁmra⟨6⟩teṅa Aña kaṁvau nu kh(l)oña raṅvāṅ ta pvana nu qnaka paṁre phoṅa ⟨7⟩ pola no raṅka je (I) dinnā vnara


⟨1⟩ catur(da)⟨śī⟩catur(da)⟨śa⟩ CJ • The prima facie reading would be caturthi, and this would have the advantage of not needing to supply any akṣara, but the date would then not be on or near a Tuesday. In Old Khmer, the form caturdaśī is more common, instead of caturdaśa as Claude Jacques suggested.

⟨2⟩ śri ⬦ śrī CJ.

⟨3⟩ Aña • It looks like there is a virāma above the akṣara ña but it would be rather unexpected with the abbreviated shape of the akṣara that we find here. See the other instances of in the inscription.

⟨4⟩ grāṅ ⬦ vr(o/ā)ṅ· CJ.

⟨7⟩ pola no raṅka je ⬦ śā(sa)na gi pe CJ. — ⟨7⟩ (I) dinnā vnara ⬦ c[5×] CJ.

Translation into French by Chloé Chollet

(1–7) En 980 śaka, quatorzième jour de la quinzaine sombre du mois de Phālguṇa, un mardi1, c’est alors que Sa Majesté le Seigneur Śrī Udayādityavarman, se tenant sur la terrasse/pavillon (mattavāraṇa) de la ville orientale/ancienne, a accordé le Vnaṁ Grāṅ ("Le mont informe") de aux ermites du Vraḥ Vila en présence (vnek ni) de Sa Majesté le Yuvarāja, des quatre présidents de la Cour de justice, en présence [aussi] de tous les chefs d’armée, à commencer par le vraḥ kaṁmrateṅ Añ Kaṁvau, de quatre chefs des sentinelles (khloñ raṅvāṅ) ainsi que de l’ensemble des serviteurs (paṁre phoṅ).



First edited by Claude Jacques (1999, p. 359) with a French translation. Re-edited by Chloé Chollet in her PhD thesis, from a photogrammetric model.


[CJ] Jacques, Claude. 1999. “Les inscriptions du Phnom Kbal Spãn (K 1011, 1012, 1015 et 1016).” BEFEO 86, pp. 357–374. DOI: 10.3406/befeo.1999.3417. [URL]. Page 359.


  1. 1. La date correspond au lundi/mardi 15/16 mars 1059.