Doorjamb of Tuol Kuhear (K. 1004), 612 Śaka

Editors: Kunthea Chhom, Philip Jenner.

Identifier: DHARMA_INSCIK01004.

Hand description:

The lettering is characteristic of the seventh century CE. The akṣaras have long descenders.

Languages: Old Khmer, Sanskrit.

Repository: Khmer (tfc-khmer-epigraphy).

Version: (0db0cc3), last modified (b8256fb).


I. Śārdūlavikrīḍita

⟨1⟩ ⟨Column a⟩Abde śrīmati dasra-kevala-rasai rājñaś śakānā(ṁ) yadā


⟨Column b⟩(g)uṇye māgha-site (va)r[iṣ]ṭha-divase samyag d(v)itīye (v)(ṣ)e


⟨2⟩ ⟨Column a⟩meṣasyāpy (u)dayo mr̥gendra-bhavanasyādau himāṅśus sthito


⟨Column b⟩rājñā śrījayavarmmaṇātra nikhi(la)n dattan ta[dā] śāśana[m·]


⟨3⟩ Ājñā vraḥ kamratāṅ(·)(·) n[i] gi canlek· Āgama man(·) Anak(·) j[on·] Āy(·) ta vraḥ kamratāṅ(·) A[ñ·] ⟨4⟩ śrīmad āmrātakeśvara vojā ple Oy· Anāc· ta Anak(·) ge ple le gandharvva Anak· Aṅgaṇavādya ple s[.][.]a[.][.] ⟨5⟩ draghoṣa ta hvera paṁre ta vraḥ kamratāṅ· Añ· ta gi mo ta kanla[ḥ]ha doṅ(·) Anak(·) ge vraḥha voṁ jā cloṅ ⟨6⟩ dau sruk· moy· tel· pre caṁ pjuḥ vraḥ kamratāṅ· Añ· triṣkāla cracar· tṅai kñuṁ vraḥ sthiti ta cuḥ ka vra[ḥ] ⟨7⟩ klaḥ pi bhayya ta cuḥ tṅai vraḥha śata moyya daha mān(·) kāryya vraḥ kamratāṅ· Añ· ple tve pre hau ple le vera ⟨8⟩ gandharva vera Anak(·) Aṅgaṇa ponna mratāñ· bhagavata doṅ· ge mratāñ paṁjuḥ vraḥ kamratāṅ· Añ· phoṅṅa gi ta ⟨9⟩ paOc· gi pūjā vraḥ kamratāṅ· Añ· cracar(·) tṅai ta gi triṣkāla ta gi mān(·) ta kliṣṭa co⟨r·⟩ grap(·) roḥha ta man· pre Aṁ⟨10⟩vī kanloṅṅa pre ge mratāñ· kathāra gi ge ta kloñ(·) sruk(·) Amrāta pre Oy· Anak(·) pamre ta ge mratāñ· cor· ⟨11⟩ grap· nau gi varṣā ge mratāñ· pre yatna tve gi p[l]e Oy(·) ta gi trayodaśī roc· Āśādha cor· grap· ple sa[ṁ]vatsara ⟨12⟩ pre gi bhaktaśālā doṅ· gi Anak(·) cmaṁ gi pratibaddha mratā[ñ· bhagavata doṅ· ge mratāñ·] ta pa[ṁ]juḥ vraḥ kamratāṅ· Añ· ⟨13⟩ phoṅṅa [gi] ta duk(·) gi khloñña nau ge ta cer(·) gi Aṁnoy· Aṁvi ta roḥ gi [ne]ḥha ge cmer(·) Ājñā vraḥ kamratāṅ(·)(·) [ge daṇḍa]

Translation by Jenner 20101

In the fortunate year of the king of the Śakas [was reckoned] by [2] Aśvin (dasra), the only one (kevala) and the [6] flavours (rasa); on the best second day of the meritorious bright fortnight of the month of Māgha; when the moon was situated in the begining of Siṅha sign and the rising of Aries [was] in Taurus then the whole charter was delivered by King Śrī Jayavarman here.

(3–13) An order from My Holy High Lord relating to canlek [and] revenues which people offer up to My Holy High Lord śrīmad Amrātakeśvara. The[supervisors] of employees shall give authorization to the hierodules (singers, court instrumentalists) [and] […] servants […]draghoṣa of [their] tours of service to My Holy High Lord here. The half-mo and sanctuary personnel may not remove to any sruk which employs [them] to serve My Holy High Lord. [For] thrice-daily services, the noting of the days of the sanctuary slaves’ days [of duty] shall rest with the one who keeps record of the three-score attendants on the divinity [and] the one who records the one hundred holy days. When there are [divine] services for My Holy High Lord, [his] servants shall perform [them and] shall cause to be summoned the hierodules of the team of singers [and] the team of four court instrumentalists. The lord bhagavat and the lords responsible for My Holy High Lord — these are ones who shall be present at the worship of My Holy High Lord to record its days [and] its thrice-daily services. Freely: The lord Bhagavat and the lords responsible for My Holy High Lord shall be present during worship of the divinity and keep record of the days and thrice-daily services of that worship. [If] there be one who is suffering urgently in such manner as [they] send [him] out from the Residence, [the royal order] directs the lord of Kathāra’s people here and persons under the headman of sruk Amrāta to give [him] over to the lords’ servants immediately. Freely: Should there by anyone ailing so severely as to be removed from the Residence, those under the lord of Kathāra and those under the headman of this sruk of Amrātakeśvara are directed to place him in the care of the several lords’ servants without delay. During the rainy season the lord’s people are to exert themselves to grow fruit [and] give [it] out promptly on the thirteenth [day] of the fortnight of the waning moon of āṣāḍha, [while] fruits of the season are to be sent to persons in the refectory and to the three guards of each fortnight. The lord bhagavat and the lords responsible for My Holy High Lord — they are the ones who shall appoint the (several) resident kloñ. Persons who misuse the aforesaid gifts from [words dropped?] — Those who flout the order of My Lord are punished.


The translation of Khmer part by Jenner contains a broken word, viz. half-mo. The term mo is problematic.


The Khmer part is first edited by Philip Jenner (2010) with an English translation. The Sanskrit part on Face A is first edited by CIK; re-edited here by Kunthea Chhom based on the estampage EFEO n. 1292 and the photograph AMPP 000924.


[PJ] Jenner, Philip N. 2010. “Analysis: pre-Angkor, Angkor and Middle Khmer Inscriptions.” [URL].


[CJ] Jacques, Claude. 1982. “Épigraphie de l'Inde et de l'Asie du Sud-Est.” Annuaires de l'École pratique des hautes études 111, pp. 230–232. [URL]. Page 231.

[MV] Vickery, Michael. 1998. Society, economics and politics in pre-Angkor Cambodia: The 7th-8th centuries. Tokyo: The Centre for East Asian Cultural Studies for Unesco, The Toyo Bunko. [URL]. Pages 358–366.


  1. 1. The Sanskrit stanza is translated by Kunthea Chhom. The last sentence is improved according to the new reading by Kunthea Chhom.