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10 <titleStmt>
· <title>Doorjamb of the Southern tower at Prasat Srange or Dei Dom (K. 936), 9th century Śaka</title>
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· <persName ref="part:kuch">
15 <forename>Kunthea</forename>
· <surname>Chhom</surname>
· </persName>
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20 <resp>intellectual authorship of edition</resp>
· <persName ref="part:doso">
· <forename>Dominique</forename>
· <surname>Soutif</surname>
· </persName>
25 </respStmt>
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· <authority>DHARMA</authority>
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30 <idno type="filename">DHARMA_INSCIK00936</idno>
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· <licence target="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/">
· <p>This work is licenced under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported Licence. To view a copy of the licence, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.</p>
· <p>Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Kunthea Chhom.</p>
35 </licence>
· </availability>
· <date from="2019" to="2025">2019-2025</date>
· </publicationStmt>
· <sourceDesc>
40 <msDesc>
· <msIdentifier>
· <repository>DHARMAbase</repository>
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45 </msIdentifier>
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· <summary></summary>
· </msContents>
50 <physDesc>
· <handDesc>
· <p>The <foreign>akṣara</foreign>s are characteristic of the ninth century.
· </p>
· </handDesc>
60 </physDesc>
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65 <projectDesc>
· <p>The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC)
· under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant
· agreement no 809994).</p>
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70 <schemaRef type="guide" key="EGDv01" url="https://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-02888186"/>
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· ERC-DHARMA whose data are open to the public.</p>
75 </prefixDef>
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· <change who="part:kuch" when="2023-12-28" status="draft">Adding paleographic description and modifications to apparatus and commentary</change>
· <change who="part:kuch" when="2020-11-30">Modifications to edition regarding numerals</change>
85 <change who="part:axja" when="2020-11-03" status="draft">Updating toward the encoding template v03</change>
· <change who="part:kuch" when="2020-06-18" status="draft">Modifications of edition, apparatus and bibliography</change>
· <change who="part:axja" when="2020-04-08" status="draft">Update template 2</change>
· <change who="part:axja" when="2020-01-09" status="draft">Update template</change>
· <change who="part:kuch" when="2019-12-22" status="draft">Creation of the file</change>
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· <body>
· <div type="edition" xml:lang="okz-Latn" rendition="class:83231 maturity:00000">
95 <div type="textpart" n="A"><head xml:lang="eng">South doorjamb</head>
· <p>
·<lb n="S1"/><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/>
·<lb n="S2"/><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/>
·<lb n="S3"/><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/>
100<lb n="S4"/><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/>
·<lb n="S5"/><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/>
·<lb n="S6"/><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/>
·<lb n="S7"/><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/>
·<lb n="S8"/><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/>
105<lb n="S9"/><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/>
·<lb n="S10"/><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/>
·<lb n="S11"/><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/>
·<lb n="S12"/><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/>
·<lb n="S13"/><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/>
110<lb n="S14"/><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/>
·<lb n="S15"/><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/>
·<lb n="S16"/><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/>
·<lb n="S17"/><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/>
· </p>
115 </div>
·<div type="textpart" n="B"><head xml:lang="eng">North doorjamb</head>
· <p>
·<lb n="N1"/><gap reason="lost" quantity="5" unit="character"/> <unclear>ma</unclear>n· śaṅku ṅana jyaṅ· <num value="1"><g type="numeral">I</g></num> liṅ· <num value="2"><g type="numeral">II</g></num> mukuṭa <num value="1"><g type="numeral">I</g></num> laṅgau Ar<choice><unclear>th</unclear><unclear>b</unclear></choice>iya ṅana
·<lb n="N2"/><space quantity="10" unit="character"/> snap· praṇāla prak· <num value="1"><g type="numeral">I</g></num> ṅana liṅ· <num value="7">7</num> pāda <num value="2"><g type="numeral">II</g></num>
120<lb n="N3"/>sliṅ· <num value="2" cert="low"><g type="numeral">II</g></num> <gap reason="lost" quantity="2" unit="character"/> <unclear>O</unclear>ṅkāra mās· nu tmo ta gi ṅana pāda <num value="1"><g type="numeral">I</g></num> <g type="circle">.</g> bhājana <num value="1"><g type="numeral">I</g></num> ṅana jyaṅ· <num value="1"><g type="numeral">I</g></num> li<lb n="N4" break="no"/><unclear>ṅ·</unclear> <num value="2"><g type="numeral">II</g></num> sliṅ· <gap reason="lost" quantity="1" unit="character"/> kalaśa mās· <num value="1"><g type="numeral">I</g></num> ṅana liṅ· <num value="8">8</num> pāda <num value="2"><g type="numeral">II</g></num> sliṅ· <num value="2"><g type="numeral">II</g></num> kalaśa pra<lb n="N5" break="no"/>k· <num value="1"><g type="numeral">I</g></num> ṅana <unclear>li</unclear>ṅ· <num value="8">8</num> pāda <num value="3"><g type="numeral">III</g></num> sliṅ· <num value="3" cert="low"><g type="numeral">III</g></num> śarāvaṇa prak· <num value="2"><g type="numeral">II</g></num> ṅana liṅ· <num value="1"><g type="numeral">I</g></num> pā<lb n="N6" break="no"/><supplied reason="lost">da</supplied> <gap reason="lost" quantity="1" unit="character"/> <unclear>sliṅ·</unclear> <num value="1" cert="low"><g type="numeral">I</g></num> noṅ· prak· <num value="2"><g type="numeral">II</g></num> ṅana liṅ· <num value="15"><g type="numeral">10</g> 5</num> sliṅ· <num value="1"><g type="numeral">I</g></num> parivāra prak·
·<lb n="N7"/><num value="1" cert="low"><g type="numeral">I</g></num> ṅana liṅ· <num value="7">7</num> <gap reason="lost" quantity="7" unit="character"/> <supplied reason="lost">ta</supplied>n<unclear>l</unclear>ap· prak· <num value="1"><g type="numeral">I</g></num> ṅana pāda <num value="3"><g type="numeral">III</g></num> sliṅ· <num value="3"><g type="numeral">III</g></num>
·<lb n="N8"/><gap reason="lost" quantity="14" unit="character"/> <seg type="component" subtype="body"><gap reason="illegible" quantity="1" unit="component"/></seg><unclear>rakti</unclear> <num value="1"><g type="numeral">I</g></num> ṅana liṅ· <num value="3"><g type="numeral">III</g></num> pāda
·<lb n="N9"/><num value="3"><g type="numeral">III</g></num> sliṅ <num value="1"><g type="numeral">I</g></num> <gap reason="lost" quantity="12" unit="character"/> <supplied reason="lost">kana</supplied>kadanda <unclear>m</unclear>an· śaṅku <num value="1"><g type="numeral">I</g></num> ṅa<lb n="N10" break="no"/>na liṅ· <gap reason="lost" quantity="11" unit="character"/>ṅ· <num value="3"><g type="numeral">III</g></num> jaghat· liṅ· <num value="1"><g type="numeral">I</g></num>
·<lb n="N11"/><gap reason="lost" quantity="19" unit="character"/> sbok· laṅgau
125<lb n="N12"/><gap reason="lost" quantity="19" unit="character"/> <supplied reason="lost">la</supplied>ṅgau ta taṁtāṁ caru <num value="1"><g type="numeral">I</g></num>
·<lb n="N13"/><supplied reason="lost">pa</supplied><unclear>di</unclear>gaḥ car· <num value="2"><g type="numeral">II</g></num> ṅa<lb n="N14" break="no"/><supplied reason="lost">na</supplied><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/> di <num value="5">5</num>
·<lb n="N15"/><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/> prak·
·<lb n="N16"/><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/> <num value="2"><g type="numeral">II</g></num>
·<lb n="N17"/><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/> <unclear>daṁ</unclear>
130 </p>
· </div>
· </div>
· <div type="apparatus">
· <listApp>
135 <app loc="N1">
· <lem/>
· <note/>
· </app>
· <app loc="N2">
140 <lem/>
· <note/>
· </app>
· </listApp>
· </div>
145 <div type="translation" xml:lang="fra" source="bib:Soutif2009_03">
· <p n="N1-3"><gap reason="lost"/> avec du métal blanc pesant 1 <foreign>jyaṅ</foreign>, 2 <foreign>liṅ</foreign> ; une coiffe en cuivre <foreign>Arth/biya</foreign> pesant <gap reason="lost"/> ; 1 revêtement de rigole d’écoulement en argent pesant 7 <foreign>liṅ</foreign>, 2 <foreign>pāda</foreign>, 2 <supplied reason="explanation">?</supplied> <foreign>sliṅ</foreign> ; une syllabe Oṃ en or, avec des pierres dessus, pesant 1 <foreign>pāda</foreign>.</p>
· <p n="N3-17">Un vase <supplied reason="explanation"><foreign>bhājana</foreign></supplied> pesant 1 <foreign>jyaṅ</foreign>, 2 <foreign>liṅ</foreign>, x <foreign>sliṅ</foreign> ; une aiguière en or pesant 8 <foreign>liṅ</foreign>, 2 <foreign>pāda</foreign>, 2 <foreign>sliṅ</foreign> ; une aiguière en argent pesant 8 <foreign>liṅ</foreign>, 3 <foreign>pāda</foreign>, 3 <foreign>sliṅ</foreign> ; 2 coupes en argent pesant 1 <foreign>liṅ</foreign>, x <foreign>pāda</foreign>, 1 <foreign>sliṅ</foreign> ; 2 calebasses en argent pesant 15 <foreign>liṅ</foreign> ; 1 <foreign>sliṅ</foreign> ; 1 <supplied reason="explanation">?</supplied> <foreign>parivāra</foreign> en argent pesant 7 <foreign>liṅ</foreign>, <gap reason="lost"/> ; <gap reason="lost"/> ; une boîte en argent pesant 3 <foreign>pāda</foreign>, 3 <foreign>sliṅ</foreign> ; un <gap reason="lost"/> pesant 3 <foreign>liṅ</foreign>, 3 <foreign>pāda</foreign>, 1 <foreign>sliṅ</foreign> ; <gap reason="lost"/> 1 manche en or avec du métal blanc pesant x <foreign>liṅ</foreign>, <gap reason="lost"/> ; <gap reason="lost"/> pesant <gap reason="lost"/>, 3 <foreign>liṅ</foreign> ; <supplied reason="explanation">un</supplied> <foreign>jaghat</foreign> <supplied reason="subaudible">pesant</supplied> 1 <foreign>liṅ</foreign> <gap reason="lost"/> ; un plateau à pieds, en cuivre <gap reason="lost"/> ; <supplied reason="explanation">un</supplied> <gap reason="lost"/> en cuivre pour cuire le gruau ; 2 crachoirs gravés <supplied reason="explanation" cert="low">ou inscrits</supplied> pesant <gap reason="lost"/></p>
· </div>
· <div type="commentary">
150 <p>A porpos du piédroit sud, l'estampage est peu lisible. Il s'agit d'une liste d'esclaves très lacunaire, énumérant les <foreign>gho</foreign>, <foreign>tai</foreign> et leurs enfants. Des sous-totaux étaient donnés, comme en témoigne le mot <foreign>psaṁ</foreign>, lisible au début de la ligne 17. On peut seulement lire les derniers caractères des lignes 12, 13 et 14, respectivement : <foreign>p·</foreign>, <foreign>n·</foreign> ; <foreign>ja</foreign>.</p>
· <p n="N1">Cette ligne a bien l'air d'être la première de l'inscription. L'absence de formule introductive peut laisser supposer qu'on a ici la suite d'une liste qui commençait peut-être dans la partie inférieure du piédroit Sud.</p>
· <p n="N2">Curieusement, rien ne semble noté sur l'estampage avant <foreign>snap·</foreign>, en dehors, peut-être, d'un <foreign>akṣara</foreign> avant la cassure <supplied reason="explanation" cert="low">Cra, 4</supplied>, mais sa présence est incertaine. On attend ici le poids du diadème.</p>
· </div>
· <div type="bibliography">
155 <p>Edited by Dominique Soutif (<bibl rend="omitname"><ptr target="bib:Soutif2009_03"/><citedRange unit="page">446</citedRange></bibl>) with a French translation.</p>
· <listBibl type="primary">
· <bibl n="DS">
· <ptr target="bib:Soutif2009_03"/>
· <citedRange unit="page">446</citedRange>
160 </bibl>
· </listBibl>
· </div>
· </body>
· </text>
A porpos du piédroit sud, l’estampage est peu lisible. Il s’agit d’une liste d’esclaves très lacunaire, énumérant les gho, tai et leurs enfants. Des sous-totaux étaient donnés, comme en témoigne le mot psaṁ, lisible au début de la ligne 17. On peut seulement lire les derniers caractères des lignes 12, 13 et 14, respectivement : p·, n· ; ja.
(N1) Cette ligne a bien l’air d’être la première de l’inscription. L’absence de formule introductive peut laisser supposer qu’on a ici la suite d’une liste qui commençait peut-être dans la partie inférieure du piédroit Sud.
(N2) Curieusement, rien ne semble noté sur l’estampage avant snap·, en dehors, peut-être, d’un akṣara avant la cassure (Cra, 4?), mais sa présence est incertaine. On attend ici le poids du diadème.