Inscription on a stone block from Phnom Bayang (K. 851), 6th century Śaka
Editors: Kunthea Chhom, Gerdi Gerschheimer.
Identifier: DHARMA_INSCIK00851.
Language: Sanskrit.
Repository: Khmer (tfc-khmer-epigraphy).
Version: (ad5ad7e), last modified (25c6f3e).
⟨2⟩ jaimīṇaye ⬦ jaiminaye GC.
Translation into French by Cœdès 1937–1966
(1–2) Sud-est. Oṁ. Que Jaimini soit béni.
Edited by George Cœdès (1937–1966, vol. 1, p. 255) with a French translation; re-edited here by Gerdi Gerschheimer.
[GC] Cœdès, George. 1937–1966. Inscriptions du Cambodge I-VIII. Collection de textes et documents sur l'Indochine 3. Hanoi; Paris: Imprimerie d'Extrême-Orient. Volume 1, page 255.
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<title>Inscription on a stone block from Phnom Bayang (K. 851), 6th century Śaka</title>
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<pubPlace>Siem Reap</pubPlace>
<idno type="filename">DHARMA_INSCIK00851</idno>
<licence target="">
<p>This work is licenced under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported Licence. To view a copy of the licence, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.</p>
<p>Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Kunthea Chhom.</p>
<date from="2019" to="2025">2019-2025</date>
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<!-- offers the possibility to give a summary of the inscription's content -->
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<p>The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC)
under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant
agreement no 809994).</p>
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<change who="part:axja" when="2020-11-03" status="draft">Updating toward the encoding template v03</change>
<change who="part:kuch" when="2020-06-22" status="draft">Modifications of edition, apparatus and bibliography</change>
<change who="part:axja" when="2020-04-08" status="draft">Update template 2</change>
<change who="part:axja" when="2020-01-09" status="draft">Update template</change>
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<lb n="1"/>Āgneya
<lb n="2"/>Oṁ jaimīṇaye svāhā
<div type="apparatus">
<app loc="2">
<rdg source="bib:Coedes1937-1966_01">jaiminaye</rdg>
<div type="translation" xml:lang="fra" source="bib:Coedes1937-1966_01">
<p n="1-2">Sud-est. Oṁ. Que Jaimini soit béni.</p>
<!-- <div type="commentary">
</div> -->
<div type="bibliography">
<p>Edited by George Cœdès (<bibl rend="omitname"><ptr target="bib:Coedes1937-1966_01"/><citedRange unit="volume">1</citedRange><citedRange unit="page">255</citedRange></bibl>) with a French translation; re-edited here by Gerdi Gerschheimer.</p>
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<ptr target="bib:Coedes1937-1966_01"/>
<citedRange unit="volume">1</citedRange>
<citedRange unit="page">255</citedRange>