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15 <forename>Kunthea</forename>
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20 <resp>intellectual authorship of edition</resp>
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· <forename>George</forename>
· <surname>Cœdès</surname>
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25 <persName ref="part:dogo">
· <forename>Dominic</forename>
· <surname>Goodall</surname>
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30 <forename>Kunthea</forename>
· <surname>Chhom</surname>
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· <p>This work is licenced under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported Licence. To view a copy of the licence, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.</p>
· <p>Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Kunthea Chhom.</p>
· </licence>
· </availability>
45 <date from="2019" to="2025">2019-2025</date>
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60 <p>The <foreign>akṣara</foreign>s have long ornamental descenders.
· </p>
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· <p>The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC)
75 under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant
· agreement no 809994).</p>
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· <change who="part:kuch" when="2023-03-24" status="draft">Slight modifications to edition</change>
· <change who="part:kuch" when="2023-03-08" status="draft">Modifications to edition</change>
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95 <change who="part:kuch" when="2020-07-16">Initial encoding of the file</change>
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105<l n="c"><lb n="2"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>śrīpi<supplied reason="lost">ṅgale</supplied>śas sa punātu lokaṁ</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>piṅga <seg met="-++"><gap reason="lost" quantity="3" unit="character"/></seg> pa <seg met="-+-+="><gap reason="lost" quantity="5" unit="character"/></seg></l>
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·<l n="a"><lb n="3"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>stā<choice><orig>n</orig><corr>ṇ</corr></choice>ur jjayat<supplied reason="lost">i</supplied> lokānā<milestone unit="column" n="b" break="no"/>n</l>
110<l n="b">duritāpaharaḫ patiḥ</l>
·<l n="c"><milestone unit="column" n="c"/>yasya liṅga-sahasrāṇāṁ</l>
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115<l n="a"><lb n="4"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>tad-aṅśenāvatīrṇṇena</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>jitaṁ śrījayavarmmaṇā</l>
·<l n="c" met="bha-vipulā" real="-++++--+"><milestone unit="column" n="c"/>vihart<choice><sic>ū</sic><corr>u</corr></choice>kāmena mahīṁ</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="d"/>lok<seg type="component" subtype="vowel"><gap reason="illegible" quantity="1" unit="component"/></seg> <seg met="==-+-="><gap reason="lost" quantity="6" unit="character"/></seg></l>
120<lg n="4" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="5"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>Adhārmmika-janadhvāntaṁ</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>navodita-vivasvatā</l>
·<l n="c" met="sa-vipulā" real="+++---+="><milestone unit="column" n="c"/>Ākāñcīpura-nr̥pā <seg met="="><gap reason="lost" quantity="1" unit="character"/></seg></l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="d"/>dūre <seg met="==-+-="><gap reason="lost" quantity="6" unit="character"/></seg></l>
·<lg n="5" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="6"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>Atrāsīd vrāhmaṇo vidvā<milestone unit="column" n="b" break="no"/>n</l>
·<l n="b">veda-vedā<supplied reason="lost">ṅga-</supplied>pāragaḥ</l>
·<l n="c"><milestone unit="column" n="c"/>dharmmasvāmīti v<supplied reason="lost">i</supplied>khyāta<milestone unit="column" n="d" break="no"/>s</l>
130<l n="d">s<supplied reason="lost">ā</supplied>kṣ<supplied reason="lost">ā</supplied>d dharmma <seg met="-+-="><gap reason="lost" quantity="4" unit="character"/></seg></l>
·<lg n="6" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="7"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>Agrāsan<choice><sic>o</sic><corr>e</corr></choice> narendrāṇāṁ</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>śrī yāpyā <seg met="="><gap reason="lost" quantity="1" unit="character"/></seg> ggato bahiḥ</l>
135<l n="c"><milestone unit="column" n="c"/>Antaḥkaraṇa-saudhe t<choice><sic>ū</sic><corr>u</corr></choice></l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="d"/>vinyastā yena bhāratī</l>
·<lg n="7" met="anuṣṭubh">
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140<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/><seg met="=="><gap reason="lost" quantity="2" unit="character"/></seg> nnānena cāsakr̥t·</l>
·<l n="c"><milestone unit="column" n="c"/>vratan na dāmbhikopetaṁ</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="d"/>yasmin kali <seg met="-"><gap reason="lost" quantity="1" unit="character"/></seg> <seg type="component" subtype="body"><gap reason="illegible" quantity="1" unit="component"/></seg>udyamaḥ</l>
·<lg n="8" met="anuṣṭubh">
145<l n="a"><lb n="9"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>śrīmad-āmrātakeśākhyo</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>vipraśālā sarasvatī</l>
·<l n="c"><milestone unit="column" n="c"/>Āsan dharmmapure yasya</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="d"/>satrakhātā jalāśayāḥ</l>
150<lg n="9" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="10"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>hautriyād avyavacchinnā</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>santatir yyasyya nānyataḥ</l>
·<l n="c" met="na-vipulā" real="++++---+"><milestone unit="column" n="c"/>yasyāñ jātās subahavaḥ</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="d"/>puruṣā rāja-satkr̥tāḥ</l>
·<lg n="10" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="11"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>Agni-<supplied reason="lost">sa</supplied>tkr̥tam ātmānaṁ</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>hlādinyāṁ yaś cakāra ha</l>
·<l n="c"><milestone unit="column" n="c"/>nirapekṣas svakāye 'pi</l>
160<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="d"/>y<supplied reason="lost">i</supplied>yāsur brahmaṇaḫ padaṁ</l>
·<lg n="11" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="12"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/><supplied reason="lost">dha</supplied>rmmasvāmi-suto jyeṣṭho</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>bhr̥tyaḥ kṣiti-bhujām abhūt·</l>
165<l n="c" met="sa-vipulā" real="++-+--++"><milestone unit="column" n="c"/>Āptas susanmataś <unclear>c</unclear>aiva</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="d"/>yo mahāśvapatiḥ kr̥taḥ</l>
·<lg n="12" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a" enjamb="yes"><lb n="13"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>bhūyaś śreṣṭhapura-svāmi</l>
170<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>-bhojakatve prakalpitaḥ</l>
·<l n="c" enjamb="yes"><milestone unit="column" n="c"/>sitātapanivārādi</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="d"/>-bhogair api ca satkr̥taḥ</l>
·<lg n="13" met="anuṣṭubh">
175<l n="a"><lb n="14"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>vidhinā sthāpitaṁ yena</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>liṅgaṁ śrī-naimiśeśvaram·</l>
·<l n="c"><milestone unit="column" n="c"/>naśyanti sarvvapāpāni</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="d"/>yasya nāmaśravād api</l>
180<lg n="14" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="15"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>punar dhruvapuraṁ prāpya</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>bhīśaṇāraṇya-saṅkaṭam·</l>
·<l n="c"><milestone unit="column" n="c"/>Uddr̥pta-puruṣāvāsaṁ</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="d"/>yaḫ pāti nirupadrava<supplied reason="lost">m·</supplied></l>
·<lg n="15" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="16"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>Īśvaro varajas tasya</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>narendra-paricarakaḥ</l>
·<l n="c"><milestone unit="column" n="c"/>bhūyaḫ pracaṇḍasiṁhākhyo</l>
190<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="d"/>mr̥du-satvo damānvitaḥ</l>
·<lg n="16" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a" enjamb="yes"><lb n="17"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/><seg met="="><gap reason="lost" quantity="1" unit="character"/></seg> nta <seg met="="><gap reason="lost" quantity="1" unit="character"/></seg> ma-śiras-trāṇa</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>-dhāriṇāṁ śastra-pāṇināṁ</l>
195<l n="c"><milestone unit="column" n="c"/>nr̥pānta-raṅga-yaudhānāṁ</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="d"/>pārigrāho 'tisanma<supplied reason="lost">taḥ</supplied></l>
·<lg n="17" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="18"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/><supplied reason="lost">ya</supplied>s samanta-sarālākhy<supplied reason="lost">ā</supplied><milestone unit="column" n="b" break="no"/>n</l>
200<l n="b">nā <seg met="="><gap reason="lost" quantity="1" unit="character"/></seg> dhatte punaḫ patiḥ</l>
·<l n="c" met="sa-vipulā" real="++-+--++"><milestone unit="column" n="c"/>sarvvopabhogaka-nr̥̄ṇāṁ</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="d"/>rājñaś śrījayavarmmaṇaḥ</l>
·<lg n="18" met="anuṣṭubh">
205<l n="a" enjamb="yes"><lb n="19"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/>punas samanta-nauvāha</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>-nāmadheyaṁ avāpya ca</l>
·<l n="c" enjamb="yes"><milestone unit="column" n="c"/>yas taritrabhr̥tāṁ paṅkti</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="d"/>-vibhāga-jñaḥ patiḥ kr̥taḥ</l>
210<lg n="19" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="20"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/><seg met="===="><gap reason="lost" quantity="4" unit="character"/></seg> yudhīyānāṁ</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>yo dhanvipura-vāsinām·</l>
·<l n="c" met="bha-vipulā" real="-+-++--+"><milestone unit="column" n="c"/>sahasra-varggādhipatiḥ</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="d"/>punar nr̥pati-śāsanāt·</l>
·<lg n="20" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a" met="ma-vipulā" real="===-++++"><lb n="21"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/><seg met="==="><gap reason="lost" quantity="3" unit="character"/></seg> tra dīpanmānai<milestone unit="column" n="b" break="no"/>r</l>
·<l n="b">asakr̥t tena satkr̥taḥ</l>
·<l n="c"><milestone unit="column" n="c"/>dadhāra yas svavaṅśasya</l>
220<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="d"/>dhuram anyais sadurddharām·</l>
·<lg n="21" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="22"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/><supplied reason="lost">śrīmad-</supplied>āmrātakeśasya</l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/>sthānaṁ nr̥pati-coditaḥ</l>
225<l n="c"><milestone unit="column" n="c"/>vibhūtibhir aṇekābhi<milestone unit="column" n="d" break="no"/>ḫ</l>
·<l n="d">prajvaladbhir ivādhikam·</l>
·<lg n="22" met="anuṣṭubh">
·<l n="a"><lb n="23"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/><seg met="===-++="><gap reason="lost" quantity="8" unit="character"/></seg></l>
230<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/><seg met="===-++="><gap reason="lost" quantity="8" unit="character"/></seg></l>
·<l n="c"><milestone unit="column" n="c"/>vara-strībhiś ca yaś cakre</l>
·<l n="d"><milestone unit="column" n="d"/>kuvera-bhavanopamam·</l>
·<lg n="23" met="anuṣṭubh">
235<l n="a"><lb n="24"/><milestone unit="column" n="a"/><seg met="====-++="><gap reason="lost" quantity="8" unit="character"/></seg></l>
·<l n="b"><milestone unit="column" n="b"/><seg met="====-++="><gap reason="lost" quantity="8" unit="character"/></seg></l>
·<l n="c"><milestone unit="column" n="c"/><seg met="====-"><gap reason="lost" quantity="5" unit="character"/></seg> <seg type="component" subtype="body"><gap reason="illegible" quantity="1" unit="component"/></seg><seg type="component" subtype="vowel"><gap reason="illegible" quantity="1" unit="component"/></seg>ṁ liṅ<supplied reason="lost">ga</supplied><milestone unit="column" n="d" break="no"/>n</l>
·<l n="d"><seg type="component" subtype="body"><gap reason="illegible" quantity="1" unit="component"/></seg>āt<supplied reason="lost">ma</supplied>śreyobhikāṁk<supplied reason="lost">ṣayā</supplied></l>
240 </div>
·<div type="apparatus">
· <listApp>
· <app loc="12">
245 <lem>Āptas susanmataś <unclear>c</unclear>aiva</lem>
· <rdg source="bib:Coedes1937-1966_01">prāptas susanmata-śaiva<supplied reason="lost">ṁ</supplied></rdg>
· </app>
· <app loc="15">
· <lem>nirupadrava<supplied reason="lost">m·</supplied></lem>
250 <rdg source="bib:Coedes1937-1966_01">nirupadrava<supplied reason="lost">ṁ</supplied></rdg>
· </app>
· <app loc="20">
· <lem><seg met="===="><gap reason="lost" quantity="4" unit="character"/></seg></lem>
· <rdg source="bib:Goodall2019_01"><seg met="==="><gap reason="lost" quantity="3" unit="character"/></seg><seg type="component" subtype="body"><gap reason="illegible" quantity="1" unit="component"/></seg>ā</rdg>
255 </app>
· </listApp>
· </div>
· <div type="translation" xml:lang="fra" source="bib:Coedes1937-1966_01">
· <p rend="stanza" n="1">.<gap reason="lost"/> que Śrī Piṅgaleśa purifie le monde <gap reason="lost"/></p>
260 <p rend="stanza" n="2">Victorieux est le maître immuable, qui détruit le mal dans le monde, et dont <gap reason="lost"/> mille <foreign>liṅga</foreign> <gap reason="lost"/></p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="3">La victoire est au <supplied reason="explanation">roi qui est une</supplied> portion incarnée de ce dieu, à Śrī Jayavarman, qui désirant parcourir la terre <gap reason="lost"/></p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="4">Par ce soleil nouvellement levé, l'obscurité des méchants <gap reason="lost"/> jusqu'aux rois de Kāñcīpura <gap reason="lost"/> au loin.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="5">Il y eut ici un savant brâhmane, qui avait étudié à fond les Veda et les Vedāṅga; nomme Dharmasvāmin, il était comme Dharma <gap reason="lost"/> devenu visible.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="6">Il a <supplied reason="explanation" cert="low">chassé</supplied>, hors de <gap reason="lost"/>, la Fortune des <supplied reason="explanation">autres</supplied> rois <supplied reason="explanation">placés</supplied> sur un trône éminent, mais il a installé l'Eloquence dans le palais de son cœur.</p>
265 <p rend="stanza" n="7">Douée de <gap reason="lost"/> Kr̥ta <gap reason="lost"/> souvent, la pratique religieuse n'était pas en lui le fait d'un hypocrite et l'effort <gap reason="lost"/> Kali.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="8">Il y avait dans sa <supplied reason="explanation">ville de</supplied> Dharmapura: <supplied reason="explanation">le dieu</supplied> nommé Śrīmad Āmrātakeśa, une śālā des brâhmanes, Sarasvatī, des hospices, des étangs et des lacs.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="9">Sa lignée, et non celle d'un autre, n'avait jamais cessé d'occuper les fonctions de hotar: en elle naquirent de nombreux hommes qui furent honores par les rois.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="10">Il procéda à sa propre crémation par la foudre; bien que, dans son propre corps il fût sans désir, il désirait ardemment aller au séjour du <foreign>brahman</foreign>.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="11">Le fils ainé de Dharmasvāmin fut serviteur des rois; obtenant une charge très enviée, il fut nommé grand écuyer.</p>
270 <p rend="stanza" n="12">Ensuite il fut chargé des fonctions de chef de Śreṣṭhapura, et reçut aussi des honneurs, tels que parasol blanc, etc.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="13">Il érigea suivant les rites le <foreign>liṅga</foreign> Śrī Naimiśeśvara: la seule audition du nom pe ce <supplied reason="explanation">dieu</supplied> détruit tous les péchés.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="14">Ayant reçu ensuite Dhruvapura, rempli d'horribles forêts, séjour d'hommmes sauvages, il gouverna ce territoire, en en écartant les dangers.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="15">San frère cadet <gap reason="lost"/>, suivant <supplied reason="explanation"><foreign>paricāraka</foreign></supplied> du roi, et nommé Pracaṇḍasiṁha, était d'un caractère doux et possédait la maîtrise de soi.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="16">Il remplit les fonctions extrêmement honorables de recruteur <supplied reason="explanation"><foreign>parigrāha</foreign></supplied> des soldats de la garde royale qui portent le casque <gap reason="lost"/>, et ont une arme à la main.</p>
275 <p rend="stanza" n="17">Nommé ensuite chef des serviteurs chargés de tous les insignes <supplied reason="explanation">royaux</supplied> du roi Śrī Jayavarman, il prit <gap reason="lost"/> le nom de Samantasarāla.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="18">Ayant reçu ensuite le tire de Samantanauvāha, il fut nommé chef des rameurs, lui qui connaissait la différence entre les groupes <supplied reason="explanation">de rameurs</supplied>.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="19">Ensuite <supplied reason="explanation">il fut nommé</supplied> par ordre du roi chef d'une troupe de mille habitants de Dhanvipura, allant en guerre <gap reason="lost"/></p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="20">Honoré souvent par lui avec des honneurs illustrant <gap reason="lost"/> il portait le fardeau de sa propre famille, difficile à porter pour les autres.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="21">A l'instigation du roi, <supplied reason="explanation">il rendit</supplied> le séjour du vénérable Āmrātakeśa remarquable par de multiples et brillantes richesses.</p>
280 <p rend="stanza" n="22"><gap reason="lost"/> par de nobles femmes, il le fit semblable au palais de Kubera.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="23"><gap reason="lost"/> un <foreign>liṅga</foreign>, par désir de son propre salut.</p>
· </div>
· <div type="translation" source="bib:Goodall2019_01">
· <p rend="stanza" n="11">The eldest son of Dharmasvāmin was the servant of kings; he was a person of authority <supplied reason="explanation"><foreign>āptaḥ</foreign></supplied> and highly respected <supplied reason="explanation"><foreign>susanmataḥ</foreign></supplied> who was made grand equerry.</p>
285 <p rend="stanza" n="12">He was further appointed as overlord and enjoyer of Śreṣṭhapura and honoured with such privileges as the white parasol.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="13">He installed, in accordance with the rules, the liṅga <supplied reason="subaudible">called</supplied> Śrī-Naimiśeśvara, at the mere hearing of whose name all evil deeds are destroyed.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="14">He then acquired Dhruvapura, crowded with fearsome forests, an abode of wild men, and governed it without misfortunes.</p>
· <p rend="stanza" n="19"><gap reason="lost"/> further, by the command of the king, he <supplied reason="subaudible">became</supplied> the chief of a division of 1000 of soldiers who were residents of Dhanvipura.</p>
· </div>
290 <div type="commentary">
· <p>According to George Cœdès (<bibl rend="omitname"><ptr target="bib:Coedes1937-1966_01"/><citedRange unit="volume">1</citedRange><citedRange unit="page">7</citedRange></bibl>), the begining and the end of the inscription are damaged. The middle portion <supplied reason="explanation">lines 10-12</supplied> is sawed and readable only on the estampage made in situ.</p>
· <p>The column a of the first stanza in <foreign>indravajrā</foreign> meter corresponds to the columns a and b of the stanzas II-XXIII in <foreign>anuṣṭubh</foreign>; the column b of the first stanza corresponds to the columns c and d of the stanzas II-XXIII.</p>
· <p n="5">The reading of the syllable <foreign>nr̥</foreign> in the word <foreign>ākāñcīpura-nr̥pā</foreign> is doubtful.</p>
· <p n="7">The reading of <foreign>śrī yāpyā <seg met="="><gap reason="lost" quantity="1" unit="character"/></seg> ggato</foreign> is doubtful. One may also read <foreign>śrīyāsy <seg met="="><gap reason="lost" quantity="1" unit="character"/></seg> āṅgato</foreign> or <foreign>śrīyāsy <seg met="="><gap reason="lost" quantity="1" unit="character"/></seg> ṅgino</foreign> </p>
295 <p n="16">The reading of the first syllable of <foreign>īśvaro</foreign> is doubtful; the second syllable appears to be <foreign>gva</foreign>.</p>
· <p n="18">The reading of <foreign>sarā</foreign> of the word <foreign>samanta-sarālākhy<supplied reason="lost">ā</supplied>n</foreign> is doubtful. One may read <foreign>vara</foreign> or <foreign>vira</foreign>.</p>
· </div>
· <div type="bibliography">
· <p>First edited by George Cœdès (<bibl rend="omitname"><ptr target="bib:Coedes1937-1966_01"/><citedRange unit="volume">1</citedRange><citedRange unit="page">8-12</citedRange></bibl>) with a French translation; re-edited partly by Dominic Goodall (<bibl rend="omitname"><ptr target="bib:Goodall2019_01"/><citedRange unit="page">56-57</citedRange></bibl>) with an English translation; re-edited here by Kunthea Chhom from estampage EFEO n. 921 and n. 938.</p>
300 <listBibl type="primary">
· <bibl n="GC">
· <ptr target="bib:Coedes1937-1966_01"/><citedRange unit="volume">1</citedRange><citedRange unit="page">8-12</citedRange>
· </bibl>
· <bibl n="DG">
305 <ptr target="bib:Goodall2019_01"/><citedRange unit="page">56-57</citedRange>
· </bibl>
· </listBibl>
· </div>
· </body>
310 </text>
According to George Cœdès (1937–1966, vol. 1, p. 7), the begining and the end of the inscription are damaged. The middle portion (lines 10-12) is sawed and readable only on the estampage made in situ.
The column a of the first stanza in indravajrā meter corresponds to the columns a and b of the stanzas II-XXIII in anuṣṭubh; the column b of the first stanza corresponds to the columns c and d of the stanzas II-XXIII.
(5) The reading of the syllable nr̥ in the word ākāñcīpura-nr̥pā is doubtful.
(7) The reading of śrī yāpyā [⏓] ggato is doubtful. One may also read śrīyāsy [⏓] āṅgato or śrīyāsy [⏓] ṅgino
(16) The reading of the first syllable of īśvaro is doubtful; the second syllable appears to be gva.
(18) The reading of sarā of the word samanta-sarālākhy[ā]n is doubtful. One may read vara or vira.